HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 377 1949-05-16 I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW OI"f'ICIE8 OF ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. BANTA ANA. CALlI" ....,. " " . , ' ORDINAHCE NO.~ AN ORDIN~~CE OF THE CITY OF'srEAL BEACH REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS Aim REPEALnTG ORDINAl\CE NO. {f~ A1~D ALL OTh"ER CRDIN.A}~CES AND PARTS OF ORDI A! S IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. The City Council of the City of Seal Beach does ordain as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIOHS Sec. 1. Definitions of Words and Phrases. (a) The follow- ing words and phrases when used in this ordinanoe shall for the purpose of this ordinance have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this article. (b) ITheneEer any TIords or phrases used in this ordinanoe are not define~ herein, but ere no~ defined in the vehicle code of this state, such definitions exe incorporated herein and shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases use~ herein as though set forth herein in fUll. Sec. 2. Alley. Any unnamed street less than 25 feet in width between property lines. Sec. 3. Central Traffic Distriot. All streets and portions of streets within the area described as follows: All that area bounded by Ocean Avenue and Electric Avenue on Main Street. Sec. 4. Loadinf Zone. The space adjacent to a curb re- served for the exclus ve use of vehicles dUl'ing the loadin~ or unloading of passengers or materie~s. Sec. 5. Official Time Standard. \1.henever certain hours are named herein, they shell mean standerd time or dayliGht saving time as may be in current use in this City. Sec. 6. Official Traffic Control Devices. All signs, signals, markings and devices not inconsistent with this ordinance placed or erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction for the purpose of regulatinb' warnincr or guiding traffic. Sec. 7. Official Traffic Si:!alS. Any device, whether m/nually, electrically or mechanic ly operated, by which traffic is cl ternately directed to stop and proceed and. \/hich is erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction. Sec. 8. Park. To stand or leave standing any vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually enGaged in loading or unloading of passengers or materials. Sec. 9. parkw~. That portion of a street other than a road\1ay or a sidewal . Sec. 10. Passenger Loading Zone. curb reserved for the exclusive use of ing or unloading of passengers. The space adjacent to a vehicles during the load- 1. I I ~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW O"P'ICII8 0.. ROLAND THOMPSON 201!11 spu..aEON BLDO SANTA ANA, CALIF ; Ordinance Nqffiber 1 Sec. 11. Pedestrian. Any person afoot. 2 Sec. 12. Person. Every natural person, firm, copartner- ship, association or corpor~tion. 3 Sec. 13. Police Officer. Every officer of the police 4 department of this city. 5 Sec. 14. (a). stop. When required means complete cessation of I:lovement. (b) stop or Stand. When prohibited means any stopping or standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with 2, I I I 10 , Ordinanpe Number " . 1 other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sec. 15. Street Car. A car other than a railroad train for transporting persons or property and operated upon rails principally within a municipality. Sec. 16. Traffic. Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, street cars and other conveyances either singly or together while using any street for purposes of travel. ARTICLE II TRAFFIC ADMINISTRATION Sec. 17. Police Administration. There is hereby estab1ishe 9 in the police department of this city a traffic division to be under the control of the chief of police. Sec. la. Duty of Traffic Division. It shall be the duty of 11 the traffic division with such aid as may be rendered by other members of the pOlice department to enforce the street traffic 12 regulations of this city and all of the state vehicle laws applicable to street traffic in this city, to make arrests for 13 traffic violations. to investigate traffic accidents and to cooperate with the city traffic en~ineer and other officers of 14 the city in the administration of the traffic laws and in develop- ing ways and means to improve traffic conditions, and to carry out 15 those duties specially imposed upon said division by this ordinanc and,the traffic ordinances of this city. 16 Sec. 19. Traffic Accident Studies. Whenever the accidents 17 at any particular location become numerous, the traffic division shall cooperate with the city traffic en~ineer in conducting 18 studies of such accidents and determining remedial measures. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 '31 32 LAW O....ICES 01" ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALIP. Sec. 20. Traffic Accident Reports. The traffic division shall maintain a suitable system of filing traffic accident re- ports. Accident reports or cards referring to them shall be filed alphabetically by location. Such reports shall be avai1able for the use and information of the city traffic en~ineer. Sec. 21. City Traffic En~ineer. The office of city traffic erudneer is re reby established. The city traffic engineer shal1 be appointed by the city council and he shall exercise the powers and duties as provided in this ordinance. Sec. 22. Duties of City Traffic E~ineer. It shall be the general duty of the city traffic en~ineer to determine the install tion and proper timing and maintenance of traffic control devices and signals, to conduct engineering analyses of traffic accidents and to devise remedial measures, to conduct engineering investiga- tion of traffic conditions and to cooperate with other city offi- cials in the development of ways and means to improve traffic conditions, and to carry out the additional powers and duties imposed by ordinances of 'this city. Sec. 23. Traffic Commission. There is hereby established a traffic commission to serve without compensation, consisting of the city traffic e~ineer, the chief of police, and a member of the city council. 3. I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Ie 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW O....IClES Of' ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA., C...IoIF '. " Ordinance N~er Sec. 2~. Duties of Traffic Commission. It Shall be the duty of the traffic coMmIssion to suggest the most ~acticable means for coordinating the activities of all officers and agencies of this city having authority with respect to the administration or enforcement of traffic regulations; to' stimulate and assist in the preparation and publication of traffic reports; to receive complaints having to do with traffic matters; and to recommend to the legislative body of this city and to the city traffic en~ineer the chief of the traffic division and other city officials ways and means for improving traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations. ARTICLE III ENFORCEMENT AND OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Sec. 25. Authority 2! Riice ~ Fire Department Officials. (a) It shall be the duty of the officers of the police department or such officers as are assigned by the chief of police to enforce all street traffic laws of this city and all of the state vehicle laws applicable to street traffic in this city. (b) Officers of the police department or suCh officers as are assigned by the chief of police are hereby authorized to direct all traffic by voice, hand or signal in conformance with traffic laws, provided that in the event of a fire or othl r emer- gency or to expedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, officers of the police department may direct traffic as conditions may require, notwithstanding the provisions of the traffic laws. (c) Officers of the fire department, when at the scene of a fire, may direct or assist the police in directing traffic thereat or in the immediate vicinity. Sec. 26. misdemeanor for perform any act Reauired Obedience ~ Traffic Ordinance. It is a any person to do any act forbidden or fail to required in this ordinance. Sec. 27. Obedience ~ Police !BS Fire Department Officials. No person shall wilful1y fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order of a police officer or fire department official when direct- ing traffic. Sec. 28. Persons Other than Officials Shall B2i Direct Traffic. No person other than-an-officer of the police department or a person deputized by the chief of police or person authorized by law shall direct or attempt to direct traffic by voice, hand or other signal (except that persons may operate when and as herein provided any mechanical pushbutton signal erected by order of the city traffic engineer). Sec. 29. Public Employees ~ Obey Traffic Re~ulations. The provisi"Ons of this ordinance shall apply to the driver of any vehicle owned by or used in the service of the United States Government, this state, any county or city and it shal1 be unlawful for any said driver to violate any of the provisions of this ordi- nance except as otherwise permitted in this ordinance or by state statute. Sec. 30. Exemptions ~ Certain Vehicles. (a) The provision of this ordinance regulating the operation, uarking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of the police or fire department, any public ambulance or any pUblic utility vehicle or any private ambulance, which public utility vehicle or private 4. I. -I I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW OFP'ICI:. 0" ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALIF. .... Ordinance NWtiber , " . 1 ambulance has qualified as an'authorized emergency vehicle, when any vehicle mentioned in this section is operated in the manner 2 specified in the vehicle code in response to an emergency call. (b) The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of his willfU disregard of the safety of others. (c) The provisions of this ordinance regulating the parking or standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of a city department or pUblic utility while necessarlly in use for construc tion or repair work or any vehicle owned by 5. I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 :50 31 :52 LAW O....'C.. OF ROLA.ND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALIF. Ordinance.Numge~ the United states while in use for the collection, transportation or delivery of United States mail. Sec. 31. Report of Damage to Certain Property. (a) The driver of a vehicle or the person in c~arge of any animal involved in any accident resultinc in dama8e to any property publicly ouned or owned by a public utility, including but not limited to any fire hydrant, ornamental lighting post, telephone pole, elec- tric liGht or power pole, or resul"ing in damage to any ornament- al shade tree, traffic control device or other property of a like nature located in or along any street, shall within twenty-four (24) hours after such accident me~e a written report of such accident to the police department of thts city. (b) Every such report shall state the time when and the place where the accident took place, the name and address of the person owning and of the person drivinti or in charge of such vehicle or animal, the license number of every such vehicle, and shall briefly describe the property damaged in such accident. (c) A driver involved in an accident shall not be subject to the requirements or penalties of this section if and during the time such driver is physically incapable of makinG a report, but in such event said driver shall make a report as required in subdivision (a) within 24 hours after regaining ability to make such report. ARTICLE IV TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES gec. 32. Authority to Install Traffic Control Devices. (a) The city traffic engineer shall have the exclusive power and duty to place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained offi- cial traffic control devices when and as required under the traffic ordinances of this city to meke effective the provisions of said ordinances. (b) Uhenever the vehicle code of this state requires for the effectiveness of 80y provision thereof that traffic control devices be installed to give notice to the public of the cpplica- tion of such law the city traffic engineer is hereby authorized to install the necessary devices subject to any limitations or restrictions set forth in the law applicable thereto. (c) The city traffic engineer may also place and maintain such additional traffic oontrol devices as he may deem necessary to regulate traffic or to guide or warn treffic, but he shell D~te such determination only upon the basis of traffic engineer- ing principles and traffic investi8ations End in accordance wit~ such standards, limitations and rules as may be set forth in the traffic ordinances of this city or as may be determined by ordinance o~ resolution of the le8islative body of this city. Sec. 33. Uhen Traffic Control Devices Required for En- forcement Purposes. No provision of the vehicle code or of this ordinance for I1hich siG:.::; are required shell be enforced against an alleged violator unless appropriate signs are in place and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person, giving notice of such provisions of the traffic laws. 6. I I I LAW O"P'IC.. 01" ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALI.. Ordinance, Num~.e.r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a 29 30 31 32 Sec. 34. Obedience to Traffic Control Devices. The driver of any vehicle end the motorman of eny street car shell obey the instructions of any officie! traffic control device applicable thereto placed in accordance with the traffic ordinances of this city unless otherwise directed by a police officer subject to the exceptions cranted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle when respondinG to emergency calls. Sec. 35. Installation of Traffic Signals. (a) The city traffic engineer is hereby dtrected to install and maintain official traffic signals at t. ose intersections and other plaoes where traffic onditions are such as to require that the flow of traffic be alternately interrupted and reI eased in order to prevent or relieve traffic conGestion or to protect life or property from exceptional hazard. (b) The city traffic e~ineer shall ascertain and determine the locations where such si5n s are required by resort to field observation, traffic counts and other traffic info~ation as may be pertinent and his determinations therefrom shall 7. I I I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 :50 :51 32 LAW OI"I"IC.. 0.. ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. BANTA ANA, CALIP'. Ordinanc~ Number 1 be made in accordance with those traffic engineering and safety standards and instructions set forth in the California Maintenance 2 Manual issued by the Division 01' Highways 01' the State Department of Public Works. Sec. 66. Lane Markinp:s. The city trafric enp:ineer is hereby authorized to mark center lines and lane lines upon the sUl'face 01' the roadway to indicate the course to be traveled by vahicles and may place signs, temporarily designating lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction, regardless of the center line of the highway. When authorized signs have been placed designating off-center traffic lanes, no person' shall dis- obey the instructions given by such signs. Sec. 37-. AuthoritY]2 Remove, Relocate ~ Discontinue Traffic Control Devices. The city traffic enRineer is hereby authorized to remove, relocate or discontinue the operation 01' any traffic control device not specifically required by state law or this ordinance whenever he shall determine in any particular case that the conditions which warranted or required the installation no longer exist or obtain. Sec. 6S. Traffic Control Devices--Hours 01' Ooeration. The city traffic enp:ineer shall determine the hours-and days during which any traffic control device shall be in operation or be in effect, except in those cases where such hours or days are spec- ified in this ordinance. ARTICLE V TURNING MOVEMENTS Sec. ~9. Authority to Place and Obedience to Turninp: Marker . (a) The city traffic enp:ineer is authorized to place markers, buttons, or signs within or adjacent to intersections indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such intersection , and such course to be traveled as so indicated may conform to or be other than as prescribed by law or ordinance. (b) When authorized markers, buttons, or other indications are placed within an intersection indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning thereat, no driver 01' a vehicle shall disobey the directions 01' such indications. Sec. 40. Authority to Place Restricted Turn Sip:ns. The cit~ traffic enll:ineer is hereby authorized to determine those intersec- tions at which drivers 01' v~hicles shall not make a right, left, or U turn, and shall place proper signs at such intersections. Th making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of an day and permitted at other hours, in which event the same shall be plainly indicated on the signs or they may be removed when such turns are permitted. . Sec. 41. Obedience]2 no-turn sip:ns. Vlhenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no right or left or U turn is permitted, no dirver 01' a vehicle shall disobey the directions of any such sign. Sec. 42. Sip:nal Controlled Intersections--Riaht Turns. (a) No driver 01' a vehicle shall make a right turn against a red or stop signal at any 01' the following places: 1. At any intersection within the central traffic district; 2. At any intersection outside of the central traffic 8. I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW OFfl"Cl;e 01' ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SP'URGII:ON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALIF. '. " OrdinanGe Number .' . district which is signposted giving notice of EI1ch restriction as hereinafter provided in this section. (b) The city traffic en~ineer shall post appropriate signs giving effect to this section at any intersection outside of the central traffic district where he determines that the making of right turns against a traffic signal "stop" indication would seriously interfere with the safe and orderly flow of traffic. 9. I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW O....ICIE. OF ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA, CALlI" .", , Ordinanc~ N~~er '. ARTICLE VI ONE-WAY STREETS AND ALLEYS Sec. 43. The City Traffic Engineer to Sign One-~ay Streets and Alleys. ~enever any ordinance or resolution of this city desi~nates any one-~ay street or ~lley, the city traffic engineer sr~~11 place ~n~ mcintain siGns giving notice thereof, and no such reGulations shall be effective unless such signs are in place. SiGns indicatinc the direction of lawful traffic movement shell oe placed at every intersection ~here moveme~t of trrffic in the oppo~ite ~:irection iz ?rohibited. Sec. 44. Obedience to One-Uay Sir,ns. ~7hen signs are erected on any one-~ay street or rl1ey ~ivinr. notice thereof, no person shall drive any vehicle in a direction contrary thereto. ARTICLE VII SPECIAL STOPS REQUIRED Sec. 45. The City Traffic EnGineer to Erect Ston Signs. ~~enever any ordinance or resolution of tr~s city desiGnates and describes any street or portion thereof as a tr~ouGh street, or any intersection at "hich vehicles are required to stop at one or more entrances thereto, or any railroad ~rade crossinG at I.hich vehicles are re~uired to stop, the city traffic encineer ahrl1 ereot any maintain stop siGns as folIous: A stop siGn shell be erected on each end every street in- 16 tersectin~ such through street or portion thereof so designated ~~d at those entrances of other intersections where a stop is 17 required and at any railroaa grade crossing eo design~ted. Every , such sign ehall conforljl illth and shall be p1aoed as provided in 18 Section 471 of the vehicle code. Sec. 46. Sto at Throu streets and parts of s ree s hereby declared to be tr~ough seotion. (b) The provisions of this section or more e~trances to the interseotions as tersections are describeJ in Section 89 shall also npply at one such entranoes and in- hereof. (c) The provisions of this section shell npply to t~ose hibllWay rai1~ay grade crossings as ueecribed in Section 193. (d) '7hen stop signs are erectea as herein provided at the entrance to any intersectio~ or at any raill.ay grade crossing, every driver of a vehicle and every wotorman of a street car shall stop as required by the vehicle code. Sec. &.'Z. Emergin,; from Alley or Pl'ivate Dl'lvewo.y. The driver of a vehicle emer~inG from an elley, drive~cy or building, shall stop suoh vehicle imoediate1y prior to driving onto a side- walk or into thc sidewalk area extending across any alley way. 10. I I , LAW o"Ple.. OP ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SpURa'lON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALlP'. Ordinance,NU~~! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ARTICLE VIII ~I SCELLANEOUS DRIVIHG RULES Seo. 4:8.; Crossing Fire Hose. No street oar or vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of a fire department when laid down on any street, private cu'iveway, or street oar traok, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the oonsent of the fire department offioial in command. Seo. 49.. Drivin Thro h Fun'eral Processions. No driver of ~ vehiole or mo orman 01 a s ree car saIl ve between vehicles oomprisin~ a funeral prooession uhile they are in motion and when the vehioles in suoh processions are conspiouously so designated. Sec. 50+. Clinging to MOVin~ Vehicles. Any person riding upon any bioycle, motorcycle, coas er, roller skates or any toy vehicle shall not attach the s~e or himself to any street car or moving vehicle upon any roadway. Seo. 51.. Vehioles Shall Not be Driven on the Sidewalk. 12 The driver of Q vehicle shall not drive within any sidewalk area or any parkway except at a permanent or temporary driveway. 13 Seo. 52.. New Pavement. No person shall ride or drive any 14 animal or any vehiole over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted marking in any street when a barrier or sign is in 15 place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or marking, or when a sign is in place stating that the street or 16 any portion thereof is closed. 17 Seo. 53.. Restricted Access. No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access roadway except at such Ie entranoes and exits as are established by public authority. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 :50 31 32 ARTICLE ,IX PEDESTRIANS 8eo. 54.. The City Traffio Engineer to Establish Crosswalks. (a) The City trarfio engineer shall establish, designate and maintain orosswalks at intersections and other plaoes by appropri- ate devices, marks or lines upon the surfaoe of the roadway as follows: Crosswalks shall be established and maintained at all intersections within the onetral traffic district and at such intersections outside suoh ~istriot, and at other plaoes within or outside said district where the city traffic engineer determines that there is particular hazard to pedestrians crossing the roadway subject to the limitation containe1 in (b) of this section. (b) Other than crosswalks at intersections no crosswalk shall be established in any block which is less than four hundred (400)feet in length. Elsewhere not more than one additional crosswalk shall be established in anyone block andsuoh orosswalk shall be located as nearly as practicable at mid-block. 10. (a) I I I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 :51 32 LAW O....ICIE. 0.. ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA, CALI" ., , Ordinaqce Nqrnber '. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sec. 55. rrhen Pedestrian Must Use Cross~alks. No pedestrian shall cross a roadWay other than by a crosswalk in the central traffic district or in any business district. Sec. 56. Crossing at Rifht An~les. No pedestrian shall cross a roadway at any plaoe 0 her t an by a route at right angles to the ourb or by the shortest route to the opposite ourb except in a marked orosswalk. Seo. 57. standinf in Roadways. No person shall stand in any roadway other than n a safety zone or in a crosswalk if suoh action interferes with the lawful movement of traffio. This pro- vision shall not apply to any public offioer or employee, or em- ployee of a publio utility when neoessarily upon a street in line of duty. ARTICLE X STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING Sec. 58. Application of Regulations. (a) The provisions of this ordinanoe prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of a vehiole shall apply at all times or at those times herein speoi- fied, except when it is necessary to stop a vehiole to avoid oon- flict with other traffic or in oomplianoe with the direotions of a police offioer of official traffio oontrol device. (b) The provisions of this ordinanoe imposing a time limit on standing or parking shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions of the state vehiole oode o~ the ordinanoes of this city, prohibiting or limit- ing the standing or parking of vehioles in specified places or at speoified times. 18 Seo. 59. Standing in Park~ays Prohibited. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle wi thin any parkway. Sec. 60. Use of Streets for Stor e of Vehio1es Prohibited. (a) No person U 0 owns or as possess on, cus 0 or con"rol 0 any vehicle shall park such vehiole upon any street or alley for more than a conseoutive period of 120 hours. (b) In the event a vehiole is parked or left standing upon a street in excess of a oonseoutive period of 120 hours, any member of the polioe department authorized by the ohief of pOlice may remove said vehiole from the street in the manner and subjeot to the requirements of Sections 585 and 585.1 of the velucle oode. Seo. 61. parkin, for Certain p~oses Prohibited. No per- son shall park a vehio e upon any roa way for the prinoipal purpose of: 1. Displaying such vehiole for sale. 2. Washing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated by an emergency. Seo. 62. Par~ing Parallel with Curb. (a) Subjeot to other and more restrictive limitations, a vehiole may be stopped or parked within 18 inohes of the left-hand curb facing in the direc- tion of traffio movement upon anyone-way street unless signs are in place prohibiting suoh stopping or standing. 11. I. I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW o""le.. 01" ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALI" .", .j Orqinanc~ Number , . (b) In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park e. vehi cle upon the left-han side of such one-way roadway unless signs are in place permitting such standinb or parking. (c) The city traffic engineer is authorized to deter~ine rrhe standinG or parking shall be prohibited upon the left-hand side of anyone-way street or uhen stanain: or parking may be permitted upon the left-hand side of any one-uay road\7ay of a hiL;'h'\','ay having two or more separate roadrreys and shr~l erect signs biving notice thereof. Sec. 63. Par~in . (a) ':1henever any ordine.nce 0 . is ci y esigna es a!l~ escr es any street or portion thereof upon which anGle parking shall be per- mitted, the city traffic enGineer shell ~er~t or sign such street indicating the angle at uhich vehicles shall be parked. (b) ~en signs or cerkin~s ere in place indicating anJle parkinG as herein provided, no per~on shall perk or stand a vehicle other than at the an~le to the curb or edge of the road'lay i~di- cated by sueh si~ns or markings. (c) Angle parkinb shall be ,ermitted upon those streets an~ parts of streets ~escribed in Section 90 hereof. Sec. 64. Per:;Jit for Loadil1;'" or Unloadino' at an An "e to the Curb. The CitZ rc ~ic en3 neer s au orize 0 iSBue speci permits tc per~it the backinG of c vehicle to the curb for the purpose of 10adin~ or unloadinG merchandise or materials subject to the terms ar.d conditions of such permit. Such perDits may be issued either to the owner or lessee of real property or to the o~ner of the vehicle and shall gr~lt to such person the privilege as therein stated end authorized herein, and it shell be unlawful fOl' t,ny permittee or other person to violate any of the s:l)ecial ter~s or conditions of ~~y ~uch permit. Sec. 65. Par~in- Adj~ccnt to Schools. (a) ~he cit en~ineer is hereby ~ut~orized to erect si~ns i~dice.tinb no ~ar~ nb upon that side of any street adjacent to any school property ~hen such pc.rltint; ,':o'.tld, in his opinion, interfere ui th tre.f'fic or creute e hazr~dous situation. (b) \then orficie! sibns e~e erected indicating no pr~king ~pon that side of a street ~d~acent to any school property, no percon shall per:'" r vehil.le ::"n :lilY such desibllateJ. place. Sec. 66. Parxin~ Pro~~bited on Marroro Str~ats. (a) Tho city trF.ific engineer is hereby uuthorizeL to plece &iGnB or ~ar~- iLgS indicating tiO p~~1n~ upon any street when the width of the roed\'ray does not exceec.. 20 feet, or u~)on one side of a street as i'ldicated by such signs or ::e.rltinbs \...l~en the \,idth of t.1.e road- roay does not exceed 30 feet. (0) ~~en officit~ 6i~ns or ~c.r~inb prohibiting parkinG ere erected upon n~rrou streets as authorized herein, no person shall parx a vehicle upon any sueh street in violatio~ of any sueh sibn or Dar~~inb' Sec. 87. StOppill~ or par:tin::; Prohi bHed-- Si::;ns Reguil'Cd. Tr.e city traf1ie en~ineer shell ap~roprintely si~n o~ ~cr~ t~e 1'0110.,:1:1:; pleees ~nc. \7:-:en 00 ::ir;ned or racr~~ed no perBon shell stop, stand or pll!'lt a vehicle ill !.n~' or sdli. places: 12. I. I I LAW O.....IC.. 01" ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGION BLDG. BANTA ANA. CALlI". ", .'. I, Ordin~nce '~umber .' ," 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. At any place ui~hin twenty (20) feet of a point on the curb im~ediately opposite tr-e ~ic-Qlock enu ot a safety zone. 2. At any place ~ithin t~eaty-five (25) feet of an inter- section in the centrel traffic district or in cny buoiness district exce,t that a bus may ato, at a uesign~ted bus stop. 3. ~itrin twenty-five (25) feet of the ~,proach to any traffic signal, boulevard sto~ sign, or official electric flashing device. 4. At any place ~here the city traffic en~neer uetermines that it is necess&ry in or~er to eliminate unusu trafflc hazard. Sec. 68. Unlauful Parking--PeiClers, Vendors. (a) Except as otr-eruise provided in this section, no ,erson shall stand or perle any vehicle, \lagon or push-cart frot: \7hich Goods, \'lares, cerchnniise, fruits, vegetables or foo~ stuffs ere sold, displayeu, solicited or offered for sale or bartere~ or exchanGed, or ~ny lu.~ch r:D.t.;on or eating car or vehicle, en any portion of any street within this city, exce,t that such vehicles, ~a.gons or ~USh-ClU.ts may stand or ~&rk only at the re(uest of a bona fide purchE.ser for E. period of time not to exceed ten (10) ~inutes at anyone place. The ~rovieions of this subsection sheIl not apply to per- sons deliverin~ such articles upon order of, or by agreement with n customer from a. store or other fixed ~lnce of business or distri- bution. 15 (0) ~o person shall park or stand on any street, ~~y lunch uagon, eetin6 cart or vehicle, or push-cart from which taoales, 16 peanuts, popcorn, can~- or other articles of food are sold or offered for sale without first obt~ining a \1ritten percit to do so 17 from the le~iE'lative body \:hic:b she.ll uesignate the specific loca- tion in uhich such cert shall stand. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a 29 30 31 32 (c) No person shell pnr~ or stand any vehicle, or wagon used or intended to be usel in the transportation of property for hire on any street while awaiting patronage for such vehicle or uagon without first obtaininG a uritten permit to do so from the legisla- tive body uhich sh~ll desi~ncte the specific location where such vehicle may stand. (d) rr.henever ~~y per~it is Granted under the provisions of this section and a particular location to park or stand is specifie therein, no person shall par~ or str~d any vehicle, wagon, or push- cSl't on any 10cation other then as deAi:nated in such percit. In the event th~t the holder of ~~y sueh permit is convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction for violatinG any of the provisions of this section, such ~ermit shrll be forthwith revokeu by the legislative body upon the filinG of the record of such conviction ~ith the legislative body, end no permit shell thereafter be issued to such person until six (6) months have elapsed trom the date of such revocation. Sec. 69. E~e~enCy Par~ing Si~ns. (a) IThenever the city traffic en~ineer sh~ 1 determine tha an emergency traffic conGes- tion is li .ely to result from the hOluinG of public or private assemblages, gatherinGS or functions, or for other reasons, the ~ity tretfic enbineer sc~ll hnve pouer and authority to order temporary signs to be erected or posted indicatinG that the opera- tions, parking or standing of vehicles is prohibiteu on such streets and alleys as the city traffic engineer shall uirect durins the time such temporary siGne are in place. Such signs shall remain in 13. I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW OPPlels 0" ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALlI". ~". .. Ordina~e ~u~ber '. place only during the existence of such emereency and the C~~y traffic engineer shall cause such signs to be removed promp y thereafter. (b) Uhen signs authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of such signs. Sec. 70. DiStlay of WarninG Devices \7hen Commercial Vehicle Disabled. Every mo or truck having an unladen weight of 4,000 pounds or more, and every truck tractor irrespective of uei~ht when operated upon any street or highway during the time specified in Section 618 of the vehicle code shall be equipped with and carry at lecst two flares or two red lanterns, or two wal'ning liGhts or reflectors, which reflectors shall be o! a type approved by t~e Department of California Highway Patrol. When any vehicle above mentioned or any trailer or semi-trailer is uisabled upon streets or highways outside of any business or residence district within th~s city and upon which street or highuay there is insuffi cient street liGhtin3 to reveal a vehicle at a distance of 200 feet during any time mentioned in Section 618 of the vehicle code, a warning signal of the c~aracter indicated above shell be imme- diately placed at a distance of approximately 100 feet in advance of, and 100 feet to the rear of such disableQ vehicle, by the driver thereof. T~e ~arning siennls herein mentioned shall be displayed continuously durinG the times mentioned in section 618 while such vehicle remains disabled upon such street or highway. ARTICLE XI STOPPIl!G FOR LOADING OR m!LOADING ONLY city mark Sec. 71. Authority to Establish LoadinG Zones. (a) The traffic engineer is hereby authorized to determine and to loadinG zones and passenger loading zones as follous: 1. At any place in the c~etral traffic district or any business district. 2. Elseuhere in front of the entrance to any plece of business or in front of any hall or place use~ for the purpose of public assembly. (b) In no event sh~ll more thEn one-holf of the total curb length in any block be reserved for loading zone purposes. (c) Loading zones shcll be indicated by a yellow paint line stenciled v!i th bl11Ck lettere, "LOADING ONLY", upon the top of all curbs within such zones. (d) Passenger loadinG zones shell be indicated by a white line stenciled uith black letters, "PASSENGER LOADING ONLY", upon the top of all curbs in said zones. Sec. 72. Curb :":arkin s to Indicate :10 ~u1ations. (a The ci y r ic ena neer SUbject to the provisions ena li~itations of place, and uhen require~ herein shall plece, the fol1ouing curb mo.r~tings to indicate pe.rkint; or standinG reGulations, and said curb markings shell r~ve thp meaninGS a~ herein set forth: 14. I I I . , . Ordinanc~ N~er '. 1 1. Red shall mean no stoppin~, standing or parking at any ti~e except as permitted by the vehicle code, and exoept that a 2 bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed as a bus zone. 3 2. Yello~ shell mean no stopping, standing or parkinG at any time between 7:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. of any day except 4 Sunday(s and hOlidays) for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials, provided that the loading 5 or unloading of passengers shall not consune more than three (3) minutes nor the loadinG or unloadins of meterials core than twenty 6 (20) minutes. . . 7 3. ffuite shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloading of passengers which 8 shall not exceed three (3) minutes and such restrictions shall apply between 7:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. of any day except Sunday(s 9 and holidays) and except as follows: 10 ~en such zone is in front of a hotel the restrictions shall apply at all times; 11 IThen such zone is in front of e theater the restrictions 12 shall apply at all times except uhen such theater is closed. 13 4. Green shall mean no standing or parking for longer than t~enty (20) minutes at any time between 7:00 a. m. and 6:00.p.. m. 14 of any day except Sunday(s and hOlidays). 15 (b) When the city traffic engineer as authorized under this ordinance has caused curb markings to be placed, no person shall 16 stop, stand or park a vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking in violation of any of the provisions of this section. 17 Sec. 73. Effect of Permission to Load or Unload. (a) 18 Permission herein g~anted to stop or stand a vehicle for purposes of loadin~ or unloadin~ of materials shall apply only to commer- 19 cial vehicles and shall not exten~ beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than tuenty (20) minutes. 20 (b) The loading or unloading of materials shall apply only 21 to commercial deliveries, also the delivery or piokup of express and parcel post packages and United Stetes mail. 22 (c) Permission herein sranted to stop or par~ for purposes 23 of loadin~ or unloadinG passenGers shell include the 10ading or unloadinG of personel bagGage Jut shall not extcnd beyond the time 24 necessary therefor end in no event for more thnn tr~ce (3) minutes. 25 (d) Within the totel time limits above specifie~ the pro- visions of this section shall be enforced so as to accommodate 26 necessary and reasonable 10edin~ or unloeding but without permit tin abuse of the privileGes hereby Granted. 27 Sec. 74. Standin' for Londin'" or L'nloc.din~ Onl. No :person 28 shal1 stop, sta~ or pcrr a ve cle in any yellow 0 ine zone for any purpose other than 10ndinG or unloading yassengers or 29 material lor such ti!:le E.f: if' permitted in Section 91 30 Sec. 75. Standing in PassenGer Loading Zone. ~o person shell stop, stand or park a vehicle in rny ~nssenGer loadinG zone for eny :purpose other than the loacin~ or unloa~inG of passengers for such time as is specified in Section 73 31 32 15. LAW OPl"lClEl!I 0.. ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDO. SANTA ANA. CALIF. I .1 ~" 22 I 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 29 30 31 32 LAW OP'P'IClES OF ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA.. CALIF ,ill. '. Ordinapce ~~mber . . 1 5ec.76. Standins in Any Alley. stand or perk a vehicle for any pur~ose or unloadinG of persons or ~nterials in No person shall stop, other than the loading any e.lley. 2 3 4 5 Sec.77. Bus Zones to be Established. (a) The city traffic en~ineer is hereby cuthorize~ to establish bus zones op- posite cur space for the loadin~ and unloadinJ of buses of comeon carriers of passe~3ers and to ~etermine the location thereof subject to the directives an~ limitations set forth herein. (b) The Vlord IIbusll as used in this section shE.ll lJean any motor bus, motor coach, trackless trolley coach, or passenger stage used as a common carrier of passengers. (c) No bus zone sh~ll exceed 80 feet in lenGth, except that when satisfactory evidence has been presented to the city traffic engineer sho~inb the necessity therefor, t~e city traffic engineer may exteni bus zones not to exceed a~al length of 125 feet. (d) Bus zones sh~11 normally be established on the far side of an intersection. (e) No bus zone she~l be established op,osite and to the riGht of a safety zone. (f) The city trnffic engineer s~nll paint a red line stencil \"lith \':hi te letters u:m STANDINGII, together \lith the \7ords IIBUS ZONEII upon the top or side of all curbs and places specified as a bus zone. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (g) No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle except a bus in a bus zone. 18 19 ARTICLE XII STOPPING, STAr,DIlIG OR PARKING RES'i'RICTED OR PROHIBITED ml CERTAI:'! STREETS 20 Sec. 78. Parking Time Limited on Centain Enumerated.Streets. When authorized signs are in place biving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stanQ or ,ark any vehicle on any of the streets enuuerated in Section 91 hereof for a perioa of time longer than one (1) hour at any time between the hours of 7:00 a. IJ. and 6:00 p. m. of any day except Sunday(s and holidays). Sec. 79. Advertising Vehicles. No person shall operate or drive any vehicle used for advertising pur,oses or any advertising vehicle equipped with a sound-amplifying or loud-speakinG device upon any street or alley at any time r.ithin the central traffic district. Sec. 80. Horse-Drai1Il Vehicles. No person shall drive any animal-dra"ffi vehicle into or \":i thin the central traffic district bet\"leen the hours of 4:30 p. m. and 6:00 p. m. of any day. ARTICLE XIII TRAINS Arm STREE'i' CARS Sec. 81. Safett Zones--EstablishIJent. The city traffic engineer is hereby aU horized to establish safety zones of such kind and character consistent ~ith the vehicle code as he may deem advisable or necessary for the protection of pedestrians at places where street cars stop, proviL:.eil the space between the safety zone ~,~ the clwb is \"Tide enough to 81lo\"l the clear passage of one line of traffic. 16. 1 Sec. 82. Driving vehicle proceeding upon 2 car upon a street shall soon as praotical after 3 car unless prevented by . signal. 4 Sec. 83. 5 No person shall such street car 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ,I 16 17 -+-- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 : 27 I 28 -- '-...; .- 29 30 31 32 LAW OPFICES OF ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALIP . . . ordina~e,Nll}1!ber . . " on Street Car Tracks. The driver of any any street car track in front of a street remove such vehicle from the track as si~nal from the operator of said street other vehicles or ~hile awaitinG a traffic Street Car or Vehicle. ree car or Ve Sec. 84. Unlawful Riding. No person shall ride on any street car upon an~ portion thereof not desicnea or intended for the use of passengers. This prOVision shall not apply to an employee engaGed in the necessary dischprbe of a duty, Sec. 85. RailW~ Gates. No person shall drive any vehicle through, around, or un er any crossing gate or barrier at a rail- road grade crossinG while such gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed. Sec. 86. Trains Not to Block Streets. No person shall operate any train or train of cars, or permit the same to recain standing, so as to block the movement of traffic upon any street for a period of time longer than five (5) minutes. ARTICLE XIV SCHEDULES OF DESIGNATED STREETS REFERRED TO IN ORDINANCE Sec. 87. Through Streets. In accordance with the provisions of Section 46 ( a) and when' signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at the entrance or en- trances to those intersections described as follows: Main Street with Highway 101; Highway,lOl with Main Street: Uain Street with Ocean Avenue; Ocean Avenue with ~ain Street; Main street with Electric Avenue; and Elec~ric Avenue with Main Street; and such other intersections as the City Council may by resolution designate from time to time. Sec. a8. stop Intersections. In accordance with the pro- visions of Section 46 (b), and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at the entrance or entrances to those intersections described as follows: Such intersections as the City Council may from time to time designate by resolution. Sec. 89. Railroad stohs. In accordance with the provisions of Section 46 (c), end u en signs are erec~ed giving notice thereof. drivers of vehicles shall stop before crossinG the rail- road tr.acks at those highway railway grade crossings described as follows: All crossings of railroad tracks within the corporate limits. Sec. 90. Angle Parking on Certain Streets. In accordance r,ith Section 63 and when sibns or mar~ings are in place giving notice thereo~ivers of vehicles may stand or park a vehicle only as indicated by such marks or signs on the following streets or portions thereof: Main Street. 17. 'I I I .1 LAW OPP'ICIlIi OF ROLAND THOMPSON 2011 SPURGEON BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALII'. . , .- 'o. .. . . Ordinance .NumbeJ;"' 1 Sec. 91. parkinf Time Limited on Certain Enumerated Streets. In accordance with Sec ion 78 , parking is 1imi ted to one (1) hour bet~een the hours of 7:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. of any day except Sunday(s and holidays) upon any of the following enumerated streets: from 8th Street to loth Street on Ocean. Avenue; on Main Street between Ocean Avenue and Electric Avenue. 2 3 4 5 ARTICLE XV PENALTIES AND EFFECT OF ORDINA.~CE 6 7 Sec. 92. Penalties. Any person violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be &~ilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the city jailor in the county jail for not exceedin~ three months, or by a fine of not to exceed three hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 93. Effect of Ordinance. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainin{; portions of this ordinance. The legisla- tive body hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, suosections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. Sec. 94. Repeal. Ordinance NO.,?~~ of this city is hereby repealed, and all ordinances or par s of ordinances in con- flict with or inconsistent uith the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, except that this repeal shall not affect or ,revent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of ~~y ordin~~ce hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this ordinance. Sec. 95. Publication of Ordinance. The city clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be printed and published once in the SEAL 3EACH NEWS a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Beal Beach, and shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its final adoption by the City Council. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The above and foreGoing Ordinance was introduced at a re1;Ular meetin.c oJ the City Council of the Oi ty of Seal Beach held. on the /"6 - day of .H R Y , 1949, and \7as finally passed and adopted on the /~ liay of ,rvt.. ~ ' 1949, by said City Council at a regular mee nG thereof, by/ he follovring vote, to-wi t: 26 AYES, COUNCILMEN: /3(} WeIrS BIi'OSTfi'o.llj. -J-1fC DB SF/l/.t-..EO/V'IJRD. S/furEL r ./ " ~!OES, COUNCIUlEN: No Nt-=- ABSEi~T, COUNCIu:EN: N (J IV' F_ 27 28 29 30 31 The foregoing Ordin~~ce is signed and approved by me this /fl7/. day of ::JUl.. Y / , 1949. 32 ~-"-.f ;;fr- 'r --.......,.. 18.