HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 359 1948-07-20 I I I LAW apPle... 0" -~ ~ . , , O:U( INAL OI=I=ICIAL ~O~Y NOT TO DE TM:SN F!,;O,A Tm; CITY CLEm~'':i OFFICE 2 ORDINANOE NO. 3.JQ I AN ORDINANOE RELATING TO DISASTERS 3 WHEREAS, experienoe durlng the war and peace has demonstrated 4 the need for adequate disaster plans and for mobll1zation of the 5 resources of the oommunity to cope with such disasters; and 6 WHEREAS, the State of Californla has oreated a State Dlsaster 7 Couno1l to prepare a state disaster plan and to reoommend mutual 8 ald reglons; and 9 WHEREAS, munlclpalltles have legal autborlt1 (Oonstltutlon, 10 Artlole XI, Seotlon 11, and Milltary and Veterans Oode Sectlon 11 1571, as amended b1 Statutes of 1945, Chapter 1024) to oreate 12 disaster oounol1s for the purpose of formulatlng looal disaster 13 plans, lnoluding mutual ald agreements; 14 NOW, THEREFORE, the 01t1 Counoil of the 01ty of Seal Beach 15 does ordain as follows: , 16 SECTION 1: DISASTER. As used 1n this ordinanoe, the term 17 ld1sasterl shall 1nclude, but is not l1m1ted to, an1 extraordinary 18 f1re, flood, r1ot, storm, ep1dem1o, or earthquake, or 8I17 enem1 19 attaok or sabotage, whioh oauses or threatens to oause loss of l1fe 20 or propert1 and 1n whioh ooourrences the reepons1b1l1 ty devolves 21 upon the regular const1tuted autbor~t1es for the maintenanoe of 22 pub110 peaoe and order and the preservat10n of l1fe and propert1. 23 It shall not 1nolude any oondi t10ns resul t1ng frcm a labor oontro- 24 vers1. 25 SECTION 2: DISASTER OOUNCIL. ImIBERSHIP. The Seal Beaoh 26 D1saster Oounoll 1s hereby oreated and shall oonsist of the fol- 27 low1ng: 28 29 a. The Ma7or, who shall be Cha1rman. b: The Commander, who shall be Vioe-Oha1rman. 30 o. The Vioe-oommander, appointed b1 the Mayor, w1 th the 31 adv10e and oonsent of the 01ty Oounoll, who, in the absenoe of, 32 or at the direotion of, the Commander, shall act on his behalf on matters w1thin the purview of this ordinanoe. ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLOG SANTA ANA, CALlI" 1. I I I . ~ Ordinance ~Ymb~r 1 2 d. The Chiets ot D1v1s10ns as here1nafter prov1ded. e. Such other representat1ves ot oiv1o, business, labor, 3 veterans, profess1onal or other organ1zat10ns as may be appointed 4 b7 the mayor w1 th the advloe and consent of the C1 t7 Oounoil. 5 SECTION 3: DISASTER COUNOIL. POWERS AND DtJ'l'IES. It shall 6 be the dut7 of the Seal Beach Disaster Counoll, and 1t is hereb7 7 empowered: 8 1. To develop a plan tor meeting any disaster. Such plan 9 shall prOlVlde tor the etfeotive mob1l1zat10n of all the resouroes 10 of the community, both pub110 and private; 11 2. To prepare and recommend tor cons1deration by the Cl t7 12 Oounol1 ordinanoes neoess&r1 to implement the disaster plan; 13 3. To cons1der and reoommend to the C1t7 Oouncll for approval 14 mutual aid plans and agreements. 15 The Dlsaster Oouncll shall meet upon Oall of the Chairman. 16 SECTION 4: COMMANDER. POWERS AND DUTIES. There 1s hereb7 17 created the otfloe of Oommander. Such oftioer shall be appolnted 18 b7 the mayor wl th the advlce and oonsent ot the 01 ty Oouno1l. 19 The Commander ls hereb7 empowered: 20 1. To proolaim the eXistenoe or threatened existence of a 21 disaster and the term1nat10n thereof; 22 2. To request the Governor to procium a state of extreme 23 emergeno7 ln the area ln and around the Clt7 of Seal Beach when, 24 ln the opln1on of the Commander, the resouroes of the commun1t7 are 25 1nadequate to cope with the disaster; 26 3. To govern and direot the effort of the Seal Beach Disaster 27 Oorps in the accompl1shment of the purposes of this ordinance; 28 29 4. To direct ooordinat10n and cooperatlon between the chiefs diVis10ns and resolve questlons of authority and responsibility 30 hat may ar1se between them; 5. To represent the Dlsaster Corps ln all deallngs with 31 32 ubl10 or pr1vate ageno1es pertain1ng to disaster preparedness. 2. LAW OFFICES 01" ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SpUllaEoN BLDG. SANTA ANA. CALlI". I I I . .. . Ordinance Number 1 It shall also be the duty of the Commander, and he is 2 hereby empowered, during a disaster or when a disaster is immi- 3 nent: 4 a. '1'0 make and issue rules and regulations on matters 5 reasonably related to the protection of life and property as at- 6 fected by such disaster; 7 b. '1'0 obtain vital supplies, equipment and such other prop- 8 erties found lacking and needed for the proteotion of the lite and 9 property of the people, and bind the oi ty for the fair value there- 10 of, and, if required immediatelY, to oommandeer the same for pub- 11 lio use. 12 o. '1'0 require emergenoy servioes of any oi ty officer or 13 employee; 14 d. '1'0 requisition neoessary personnel or material of any 15 ,city department or agenoy; 16 e. '1'0 execute all of his ordinary powers as tf-lge."~ 17 ~ ' all of the speoial powers conferred upon him by 18 thI ordinance, and all powers conferred upon him by any other law- .... 19 ful authority. 20 SECTION 5; EXECUTIVE OFFICER. There is hereby oreated the 21 position of Exeoutive Officer of the Disaster Corps. The Executive 22 Officer shall be appo1nted by the J4870r with the advioe and oon- 23 sent of the City Counoil. The Exeoutive Off10er shall be the exe- 24 outive secretary of the Disaster Council and shall be Chief of the 25 Division of Personnel and Reoruitment. 26 SECTION 6: DISASTER CORPS. GENERAL. Offioers and employ- 27 ees of the City of Seal Beach, together with those volunteer foroes 28 enrolled to aid them dur1ng a disaster, and all groups, organiza.- 29 tlons and persons who may by agreement or operation of law be 30 charged with duties inoident to the proteotion of l1fe and property 31 1n the City of Seal Beach during suoh disaster, shall oonstitute 32 the Seal Beaoh Disaster Oorps. 3. LA.W O....ICES 01" ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGEON BLDG SANTA. ANA. CALI" I I I . Ordinance N~mb~ . 1 SECTION '1: DIVISIONS OF DISASTER CORPS. The functions and 2 dutles of the Seal Beach Dlsaster Corps shall be d1strlbuted among 3 the toll oWing d1vlslons of such corps, each d1Vislon to be under 4 the d1rection of a Chief and, ln his absence, the flrst deputy 5 and second deputy chief, respectlvely, appolnted by the Chiet, and 6 said divlslon to consist of the toll oWing forces, organ1zatlons 7 and servlces, and such other forces, organizatlons or servlces 8 as may be lncluded pursuant to the provlsions ot this ordinance. 9 The chiets of d1vls1ons shall organlze and train volunteers as- 10 signed to such divlsion by the personnel and Reorultment D1Vislon 11 and shall tormulate the divlslon plan which,when approved by the 12 Dlsaster Councl1, shall beoome an annex to the d1saster plan. 13 The Chiets ot Dlvislons shall lnclude In the dlvislon plans 14 reoommended mutual aid agreement. The Chiefs of Dlvisions shall 15 be custod1ans of speclal equipment and other property which may be 16 obtained trom any source and assigned to such d1v1slon by the 17 Commander. 18 A. LAW AND ORDER DIVISION. This d1vlslon shall be under 19 and subJeot to the control of the chief ot pollee, who shall be 20 chlef ot the Law and Order D1Vislon. The d1Vision shal:J, oonslst 21 ot police personnel and auxlliary pOllee (volunteers). 22 B. FIRE DIVISION. This d1vls1on shall be under and subject 23 to the control of the chief of the tire department, who shall be , 24 Chief ot the Flre D1Vision. The d1vlslon shall consist ot flre 25 department personnel and aux1llary fire tlghters (volunteers). 26 C. MEDICAL DIVISION. This d1vlsion shall be under and 27 subject to the control of the city health officer, who shall be 28 Chief of the Medical Division. The d1vision shall consist of 29 health department personnel and med1cal service volunteers. 30 D. PUBLIC WOlUCS DIVISION. This diVision shall be under 31 and SUbJect to the control ot the director of publio works (city 32 engineer) who shall be Chief of the Publlc Works Div1sion. The 4. LAW O,....ICE. OF ROLAN D THOMPSON 208 SPUltOIEOH BLDG SANTA ANA. CALIF I I I Ordinance Number . ' 1 div1s1on shall oons1st of the department of pub110 works personnel 2 and aUZ1l1ary personnel (volunteers). 3 E. UTILITIES DIVISION. This d1v1s1on shall be under and 4 sUbJeot to the control of the ut1l1t1es department, end the head 5 of suoh department shall be Ch1ef of the div1s10n. The d1v1s1on 6 shall cons1st of ut1l1ties department personnel and auxi11ary 7 personnel (volunteers). 8 F. TRANSPORTATION DIVISION. The oh1ef of this d1v1don 9 shall be a c1t1zen, exper1enced end engaged 1n such industr7, ap- 10 po1nted by the Ma10r With the adv1ce and consent of the C1ty 11 Couno1l. The d1v1s1on shall cons1st of aUZ1l1ary personnel 12 (volunteers). 13 . G. COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION. The ch1ef of th1s divis10n 14 Shall be a o1t1zen, exper1enced and engaged 1n such 1ndustry, 15 appo1nted by the Ma10r with the adv1ce and consent of the C1ty 16 Counc1l. The d1v1sion shall oons1st of aUXi11ary personnel (vol- 17 unteers) and c1 ty personnel engaged 1n oommunications work. 18 H. PERSONNEL AND RECRUITMENT DIVISION. This divis10n shall 19 be under and subJeot to the oontrol of the Exeout1ve Officer. It 20 shall be the duty of th1s d1v1s1cn to reoruit all volunteer person- 21 nel, to enroll and reg1ster such personnel, to keep adequate records 22 thereof, and to ass1gn such personnel to other div1s1ons of the 23 D1saster Corps. The Execut1ve Off1cer may estab11sh and operate 24 a volunteer offioe. 25 I. .AMERIOAN gD CROSS. The .Amerioan Red Cross 1n the C1ty 26 of Seal Beach w1ll furn1sh food, cloth1ng, shelter, reg1stration and 27 informat1on service, supplementary med1cal serVioe when requested, 28 and rShab1l1 tat10n to 1nd1 v1duals and fam1l1es affected by a dis- 29 aster. The Amer1can Red Cross Will prov1de funds w1 th whioh to 30 f1nance all 1ts rel1ef operat1ons. The Ch1ef of th1s div1sion w1ll 31 be the chairman of the C1 ty of Seal Beach Chapter of the .Amer1oan 32 Red Cross, or a delegated representative thereof. 5. LAW OFFICE. OF ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGIEON BLDG SANTA ANA. CALlP'. I I I LAW OP'P'ICE8 OF Ordinance Number 1 SEOTION 8: VOLUNTEERS. All persons, other than offioers 2 and emplo)'ees of the Oity, volunteering servioes pursuant to the" 3 provisions of this ordinance, shall serve without compensation 4 from the 01ty, While engaged 1n such services, they shall have 5 the same 1mmun1ties &S otf1cers and emplo)'ees of the 01ty performi 6 s1milar dut1es. 7 SECTION 9. PUNISHMENT OF VIOLATIONS. It shall be a misde- 8 meanor, punishable b)' a fine of not to exoeed $300.00, or b)' im- 9 pr1sonment tor not to exceed three months, or both, for any per- 10 son dur1ng a disaster: 11 a. Wilfully to obstruct, hinder or delay any member ot the 12 D1saster Corps 1n the enforoement of an)' lawful rule or regulat10n 13 1ssued pursuant to this ordinance, or in the performance of any 14 duty 1mposed upon him b)' v1rtue of this ordinance. 15 b. To do any act forbidden by any lawful rule or regula- 16 t10n 1ssued pursuant to this ordinance, 1f suoh act 1s of such 17 a nature as to g1ve, or be 11kely to g1ve ass1stance to the ene." 18 or to 1mperil the l1ves or property of other 1nhab1tants of this 19 C1t)', or to prevent, hinder or delay the defense or protect1on 20 thereot. 21 c. To wear, carr)' or display, w1thout authorit)', an)' means 22 of 1dent1f1cat1on specif1ed b)' the D1saster Council. 23 SECTION 10. EFFEOTIVE DATE. This ordinance 1s hereb)' 24 declared to be an emergenc)' measure necessary for the 1mmed1ate pre 25 ervat10n of the public peace, health and safety, and shall take 26 effect 1mmediatel)'. The follow1ng 1s a statement of the facts 27 showing 1 ts urgeno)': 28 A oomplete and adequate disaster plan !DUst be formulated 29 at once by the D1saster Council. The plan 11'111 be based upon 30 plans formulated by the chiefs of div1sions and upon mutual aid 31 agreements. To protect the lives and property of the c1t1zens of 32 the C1ty of Seal Beach, respons1bi11ty for the formulation of such plans and agreements should be f1xed 1mmediatel)'. ROLAND THOMPSON 208 SPURGBON BLDO SANTA ANA. CALIF 6. ~ I I I Ordinance, N~mber ". 1 2 SEOTION U: The C1 ty Clerk shall oert1t:r to the separate vote on the urgency. of th1s Ordinance and 1 ts passage and adopt10n 3 b:r a vote ot four (~) members ot the~C1t:r Council ot the City of 4 Seal Beach, and 1ts approval b:r the IIqor of the C1t:r of Seal 5 Beach, and cause the same to be publ1shed once in SEAL BEACH 6 NEWS , a newspaper of general c1rculat10n pr1nted, 7 published and circulated 1n the C1ty of Seal Beach, and upon such 8 pub11cat10n this Ordinance shall become 1mmediately operative and 9 take full effect. 10 11 LAW OFFICES OF ROLAND THOMPSON 208 S..UROEON BLDG SANTA A.NA. CALIF 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 The above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular me~1ng of the C1ty Council of the C1t:r of Seal Beach held on the ~ day of ~ , 1948, and was finall:r passed " 7t:;/ ~ and adopted on the (-2~ I day of , 1948, by said C1t:r Council at a regular meet1ng t~eof, :r the follow1ng vote, to-w1t: ADS, COtJHCIIJIEN: J3/rOSTtftMf, .zEO/(/1/f../:J _7//I/FEI..T JP{!OP,SEA/'" NOES, COtJHOILMEN: NO JjI' E ABSENT, COUNOILIIEN: Bow Elf S ~e forego1ng Ordinanoe 1s s1gned and approved by me th1s 24 21'5 day of , 1948. ~~~ 23 25 26 -~~ 29 tl er . -/y 27 28 30 31 32 7.