HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1978-07-19 . e ... - ~ 't f \ MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 19 1978 THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH MET IN REGULAR SESSION ON WEDNESDAY JULY 19 1978 AT 7 30 P M IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY CHAIRMAN KNAPP AT 7 30 AND THE PLEDGE TO THE FLAG WAS LED BY VICE CHAIRMAN COOK PRESENT ABSENT Knapp R1pperdan Lann1ng Cov1ngton Cook None The m1nutes of the July 5th meet1ng were approved as corrected Select10n of Cha1rman and V1ce Char1man for 1978-79 Mrs Lann1ng moved to elect Mr R1pperdan as Cha1rman and Mr Cov1ngton as V1ce Cha1rman Mr Cov1ngton Moved to elect Mr Cook as Cha1rman and Mr R1pperdan as V1ce-Cha1rman Mr Cov1ngton w1thdrew h1s mot10n after a br1ef d1scuss10n Mrs Lann1ng restated her mot10n to app01nt Mr R1pperdan as Cha1rman and Mr Cov1ngton as V1ce Cha1rman Mot10n passed by the follow1ng vote for Cha1rman ~ Ayes Knapp Cook Cov1ngton Lann1ng Noes None Absta1n R1pperdan t .... , V1ce-Cha1rman mot10n passed by the follow1ng vote Ayes R1pperdan Knapp Lann1ng Cook Noes None Absta1n Cov1ngton ~ "I 'I Mr R1pperdan took seat as Cha1rman and meet1ng was called to order PUBLIC HEARINGS A S1gnal Realty, V-I0-78 Appl~B;nt 1S ~equest1ng a Var1an,ce €l~ss tha; the reqtl1red !oad1ng' --;-ne 1Il..~ ~JUnct10n w1th a W1nchell~d 7-11 Store at 1200 Pac1!!c Coast H1ghw~y~~~ !!!atter~~E-B-!ll1ed from July ~~ due to the absence of the appl1cant Publ1c Hear1ng Opened LeRoY-Sanders Signal Realty Co descr1bed the project and sa1d he would answer quest10ns Mrs Lann1ng asked about the 1tems to be sold at the Store Mr Sanders sa1d 1t was a conven1ence market wh1ch would sell some grocer1es and conven~ence goods Cook asked about the number of park1ng "" spaces and noted that adequate park1ng probably was not prov1ded as requ1red by Code Cov1ngton asked about del1ver1es to the two stores Mr Sanders sa1d that he was 1nformed that deliver1es were by small trucks D1scuss10n followed on the proposed sale of beer and W1ne at the 7-11 store Knapp expressed concern about the type of tenants and the1r pol1c1ng of the prem1ses Cov1ngton suggested that th1s appl1cat10n be cont1nued to the1next meet1ng so as to g(t add1t10nal 1nformat10n on type of del1very veh1cles other 1tems to be cons1dered would be park1ng exter10r l1ght1ng and more reV1ew of the locat10n 1n relat10nsh1p to the school y ,. ... ... ;f ...... e e "" e 4 I Joe 0 Ne11 1330 Crystal Cove opposed the concept of a 24 hour market at th1s locat10n He noted Ehat school ch1ldren from the h111 cross th1s street and he 1S concerned about park1ng and cr1me Al1ce Kubern1ck 164 12th Street was opposed to the development based on cr1me and the number of 11quor stores 1n the area Ray Stout 154 12th Street quest10ned the locat10n of the ABC Publ1c Not1ce s1gn h1dden 1n the planter Publ1c Hear1ng Closed Cov1ngton moved to cont1nue the matter until August 2 1978 so that add1t10nal 1nformat10n can be presented about park1ng del1ver1es exter10r 11ght1ng and requested the poss1b111ty of hav1ng a representat1ve from 7-11 and W1nchell s present to answer quest10ns on the number of employees and type of del1very trucks Seconded by Mrs L ann 1ng and unan1mously approved ~ MINUTE ORDER B John Artukov1ch V-l1-78 (cont1nued) Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Var1ance from the Home Occupat10n prov1s10ns of the Zon1ng Ord1nance to perm1t 11m1ted off1ce use 1n a bU1ld1ng at C-17 Surfs1de Secretary gave a br1ef report on the h1story of the eX1st1ng bU1ld1ng and 1tS previous uses Publ1c Hear1ng Opened John Artukov1ch A-II Surfs1de spoke br1efly on the subJect and stated reason for off1ce at C-17 Surfs1de was less travel t1me and a conven1ence for h1m due to h1s age Mr Cov1ngton asked of the bus1ness was be1ng conducted from h1s home at th1s t1me Mr Artukov1ch answered no Mr Cook was of the op1n10n that the Var1ance should have been a Cond1t10nal Use Perm1t and mot10ned to readvert1ze the appl1cat10n as such Seconded by Mr Cov1ngton and unan1mously approved by members present t Mr MINUTE ORDER Cov1ngton noted that the appl1cant need not be present at the next meet1ng C ROBERT VOGLER V-12-78 " Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Var1ance to permit mod1f1cat10n to an eX1st1ng free stand1ng s1gn wh1ch exceeds the maX1mum perm1tted he1ght at 1780 Pac1f1c Coast I H1ghway Publ1c Hear1ng Opened Mr Huff Sant1ago S1gn Co gave a br1ef h1story on the eX1st1ng s1gn and asked the comm1SS10n 1f there were quest10ns Mr Knapp asked why the s1gn could not be lowered to 15 as opposed to the proposed 40 s1gn Mr Huff stated that 1f lowered the s1gn could not be seen by cars travel1ng south on Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway due to the Rum Runners Restaurant s1gn He also stated that 1f lowered the s1gn would be w1th1n danger 11m1ts of the h1gh voltage W1res 6 to 8 feet from the s1gn Mr Cov1ngton oj quest10ned the fact or the voltage W1res and asked 1f the s1gn were to fall that 1f would 1nfact h1t the power 11nes Mr Huff stated yes Mr George Cast of Hanshaw L1quor Stores stated that the proposed 40 s1gn would be ma1ntenance free and that the s1gn would be more attract1ve to the area He stated that the s1gn could be ref aced rather than be replaced but that add1t10na1 damage could occur 1f another storm were to h1t the area Mr Knapp stated that he would not 11ke to mod1fy the C1ty S1gn Ord1nance Standards and asked Dr Vogler to comply w1th the Request Dr Vogler stated he was unw1111ng to lower the s1gn S1nce the orig1nal s1gn now stand1ng had been prev10us1y approved when 1n1t1a1ly 1nsta11ed Joe 0 Ne11 1330 Crystal Cove was opposed to the 40 s1gn Chr1st1ne Agar Seal Beach Tra11er Park was opposed to the s1gn stat1ng that 1t could be seen at the Park and that Seal Beach was not an advert1zement for L1quor Stores only Nancy Krede11 1615 Seal Way was opposed to the s1gn and noted the weeds and debr1s surround1ng the L1quor Store Randall Kl1nt 215 17th Street was opposed to the s1gn be1ng 40 feet 1n he1ght Pub11c Hear1ng Closed Mr Cook moved to deny the app11cat10n seconded by Mr R1pperdan and unan1mous1y passed by members present RESOLUTION 1149 A 10 m1nute recess was called at 10 20 P M Meet1ng called to order at 10 30 P M f e , ( Publ1c Hear1ngs Cont1Jued ) ~ Tr~ple R Propert~es V-12-78 Applicant ~s request~Jg a Var~ance to perm~t tandem park~ng and less thdn requ~red I load~ng zone ~n conJunct~on w~th construct~on of a commerc~al bu~ld~ng at 323 Ma~n Publ~c Hear~ng Openedl Mr Charles Logeman Tr~ple R Propert~es stated that the Bu~ld~ng would be1used for three (3) un~ts on the lower level and one off~ce on the upper level w~th the lower un~ts be~ng 500 sq ft each Mr Knapp asked ~f the bu~ld~nglwould be used for off~ce space only Mr Logeman repl~ed to the quest~on stat~ng there may be a small bout~que of some type ~n one lower un~t Mr Cook quest~oned the adequacy of park~ng Secretary noted one (1) I space was prov~ded for each 300 sq ft Mr Cov~ngton asked ~f restr~ct~ve measures such as off~be use only be requested Ray Stout 154 12th Street asked ~f there was a guarantee that no l~quor store be opened w~th~n the bu~ld~ng Mr Logeman stated that ~t was not the ~ntent of the owners to have I anyth~ng but off~ce space and a small bout~que ~n the bu~ld~ng There ~s no intention of a l~quor store or any type of fast-food to be opened Mr Cook quest~oned the park~ng requ~rements of the C~ty Secretary stated requ~rements were met w~th f~ve (5) tandem spaces and f~ve (5) covered spaces Publ~c Hear~ng Closed Mr Knapp mot~oned to approve V-12-78 seconded by Mrs Lann~ng and unanimously approved by members present I I It was suggested thatf~tem #8 of the Agenda Unf~n~shed Bus~ness be taken out of context respect~vely , Unf~n~shed Bus~n~ss f Res~dent~al Construct~on ~n the Coastal D~str~ct ~n Excess of 20 Dwell~ng Un~ts Per Acre I On July 5 1978 the Plann~ng Comm~ss~on held a Publ~c Hear~ng to rece~ve test~mony on the subJect of dens~t~es ~n the Coastal D~str~ct The purpose of th~s meet~ng ~s to obta~n add~t~onal comments from the Publ~c on the subJect I A Staff Report was presented wh~ch ~ncorporated prev~ous staff subm~ss~ons on th~s subJect and fori th~s meet~ng a l~st of probable consequences of e~ghter course act~on was subm~tted Cook stated that he had surveyed the area of 25 x 117/ lots and found approx~mately 164 ex~st~ng s~ngle fam~ly res~dences and a few vacant lotslwh~ch ~nd~cates that the probable effects of allow~ng 30 dwell~ng un~ts per,8cre developments would be some what less than ~nd~cated ~n the Staff Report j I The Comm~ss~on d~scusred the var~ous assumpt~ons used ~n the Staff Report There was general concurrence among the Comm~ss~on that any analys~s ought to address the max~mum worst cas~ and cons~der the max~mum effects on both the short term and long term I ~ , Cha~rman R~pperdan ~nr~ted publ~c comments and/or quest~ons related to dens~t~es Ken Hendorf 3rd Street was opposed to duplexes and stated way of l~fe ~n Old Town should rema~n aSI such James G~lkerson 101~Electr~c was opposed to duplexes and read a letter to the Comm~ss~on stat~ng h~s reasons why Letter was subm~tted to the Record~ng Secretary 1 I Georg~anna Brown 214 14th Street was opposed to duplexes Kent Sm~th 141 Dolph~n was opposed to duplexes stat~ng trans~ents brought the I cr~me rate to the c~ty at a h~gher proport~on l 1 D RESOLUTION 1150 f/8 e A e Mrs Leonard Fl1nt Jr was opposed to duplexes e Al1ce Kubern1ck 164 12th Street was opposed to duplexes and wants C1ty to rema1n 11m1ted to res1dent1al dens1t1es John Sykora 225 8th Street Frank Hers1nger 16th Street was opposed to duplexes was opposed to duplexes Ray Guys 138 6th Street was opposed to duplexes Joe 0 Ne11 1330 Crystal Cove was opposed to duplexes and expressed concern about cr1me and overcrowd1ng as well as park1ng Ron Bennett 120 5th Street was opposed to duplexes and expressed concern about park1ng Mr Cook noted that park1ng 1S 1ncluded 1n the study and should be cons1dered by the publ1c as well Mr Kent Sm1th responded to Mr Cook s statement by p01nt1ng out that park1ng was not spec1f1ed on the Agenda Mr Cook repl1ed to Mr Sm1th s statement that when addit10nal un1ts whether s1ngle fam1ly or mult1ple fam1ly are constructed that park1ng prOV1S1ons automat1cally become a problem as well and should also be stud1ed Pub11c Hear1ng Closed Th1S 1tem w111 be cont1nued on the August 2 Agenda to rece1ve any add1t1onal test1mony before recommend1ng act10n to the C1ty Counc11 6 Oral Commun1cat1ons There were no oral commun1cat1ons e 7 Wr1tten Commun1cat1ons A Letter from the C1ty Manager The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on rev1ewed a letter from the C1ty Manager regard1ng poss1ble 1ndef1nately postponing the f1111ng of the pos1t1on of Plann1ng D1rector as suggested by C1ty Counc11 on July 10 1978 The Comm1ss1on also rev1ewed a 11st of maJor proJects that are upcom1ng th1s year and a general descr1pt1on of normal Plann1ng Department funct10ns Lengthy d1scuss1on followed on var10US opt1ons that the C1ty could excerC1se to Staff the Department 1nclud1ng consultants var10US part-t1me employees CETA personnel etc It was the op1n1on of the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on that many maJor dec1s1ons are before the C1ty that requ1re the serV1ce of Profess1onal Staff Among these 1tems are the Hellman property land study Local Coastal Program H C D A Block Grant Funds and the Hous1ng Element Because of these maJor dec1s1ons the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on 1S of the op1n1on and recommends to C1ty Counc11 that the pos1t1on of Plann1ng D1rector be filled Knapp moved to recommend to C1ty Counc11 that the pos1t1on of Plann1ng D1rector be f11led seconded by Mrs Lann1ng and unan1mously approved RESOLUTION 1151 . 9 New Bus1ness Mr Cook suggested hold1ng the new bus1ness agenda unt11 the next meet1ng due to the late hour Members present concurred e e . ~ 10 ~ Secretary Report Secretary stated the the Subd~v~s~on Amendment had been forwarded to C~ty Counc~l wh~ch w~ll be cons~dered on the~r August 7th Agenda Meet~ng adJourned at 12 02 P M