HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 270 1942-11-05 I '1 "I . --,. ._001' "'!' ORDINANC;;; NO. ~70. 1 2 3 4 5 ~ The City Council of the City of Seal Beach, AN ORDINAl'!CE OF THE CI TY OF S;SAL BEACH CALIFORNIA, RELATI~G TO RESTRICTED ' LIGHTING. 7 California, does ordain as follows: 8 Section 1: J. L. DeITitt, Lieutenant General, 9 U. s. Army, Commanding '.lestern Defense Command and 10 Fourth Army, by virtue of the authority vested in 11 him by the President of tt.e United States and Execu- 12 tive Order No. 9066, dated February 19, 1942, and 13 pursuant to pUblic Law 503-77th Congress. approved 14 March 21. 1942, and by virtue'of his powers and pre- 15 rogc.tives as Cor.unanding Generc.l of the '.;est:;rn De- 16 fense Com:nand. has issued Publi c Proclamation No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 10, dated ~ugust 5, 1942, and effective August 20. 1942, ~hich as amended by PUblic Proclamation No. 12, dated October 10. 1942, and issued by virtue of the s~r.Je authority, reads as folIous: HEAD QUART;.i; RS 1JEST::;R~ DEF;:;I~SE CO:.J\~AED .AI':D FCURTH ARMY Presidio of San Francisco, California. PUmJC f.ROCL;.;:.U~TION NQ..., 10 august 5. 1942 TO: The people \"!ithin the States of ',:ashing- ton! Oregon and California, and to the Pub ic Generally: ~m~R~AS, by Public Proclamation No.1, dated ~6rch 2. 1942. this Headquarters, th&re were designc. ted &nd established Mili tary Areas Nos. 1 c.nd 2; and ~~E~EAS the armed forces of the enemy have made attc.cks upon vessels of the United States traveling along the Pacific Coast&l -1- "I I I Ordinance Number 1 2 3 4 5 :e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1e 17 18 19 20 21 waters and upon land installations vathin said I,IilitE..ry A.reas, t".nd it is expected that such attacks ':ill continue; and ~h~REAS, it is necessary to ~rovide rr.aximum protection for war utilitIes war mat e r-i al S E..nd ,,!ar p l"emi ses Iocr:. ted vIi th in the States of Uashington, Oregon and Cali- fornia against enemy attac~s by soa and by ai r; 22 23 NO'.!, TH:::; R::: FORE ). I, J. L. DeTIi t t, Li eu- tenant General, U. ::i. .c.roy. by virtue of the authority vested in my by the President of the United States end by the Secretary of ~ar and my po'"ers and pr.erogatives as COI:llllanding General of the ',{estern Defense Command. do hereby dech.l'e that: l. The present situation requ~res as a matter of military necessity that a zone of Re stricted Lighting be established va thin- Military Areas Nos. 1 and 2, and that illumin- ation TIithin said Zone of Restricted Lighting be extinguished or controlled in such manner and to such extent as may be nece~sary to pre- vent such illumin~tion from aiding the opera- tions of the enemy. 2. Pursuant to the determination and statement of militE..ry necessity in Paragraph 1 hereof, a Zone of Restricted Lighting, as particularly described in Exhibit A hereof, and as generally shown on the map made a part hereof and marked Exhibit B, is hereby desig- nated and established. Illumination vIithin the entire area Of said Zone of Restricted Lighting shall be extinguished or controlled at all times at nigtt from sunset to sunrise. as follows: (a) SIGNS, FLOODLIGHTING DISPLAY AND INTERIOR LtGn~ING. Illuminated signs and or- namental lighting of every description TIhich are located out-of-doors, and floodlighting which illumin~tes buildinJS or signs tinclu- ding but not limited to all exterior advertis- ing signs, billboards, display lighting, theatre marquee signs, illumih~ted po~ter panels, and building outline lighting), and al interior lie~t sources (as hereihafter defined which emi t direct rays above the horizontal out-of-doors shall be extinguished. The words, "light sources," as used herein are intended and shall be construed to mean and include any light genereting elements and the bright portion of any reflector, lens, lumin- aire, transpai-ency, or other equipment associ- a ted hereui th for the cont rol or diffusion of light. This Section 2(a) shall not ap~ly to illumination for industrIal or protective pur- poses except to tte extent provided for in Section 2(b) hereof. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -2- I I I Ordinance Number 1 2 3 4 5 :6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (b) ILLULIINATION OF OUTDOOR AREAS. STR:':ET .nND HIGH.:.hY LIGHTS. Illuoim.tion of outdoor al'eas and indu.s trial and protective illumin~tion, shall be controlled as follous: (l) Except as provided in Section 2(b) (2) hSi."'eOf, illumin:.t1on on all outdoor areas (Including but not limited to autoQobil service station yards, outdoor parking areas, recre&tion ar~as ~nd outdoor structures and roofs) shell not exceed one foot c~ndle ~t an point w~en m~asured on a ~orizontal plane at any level of such outdoor areas, and all out- door ligl~t sources shall be shielded so that no Girect rays from the li[~t source are emit- ted above the horizontal. ~ll interior li~ht- i;.g of ev~ry descri~tion sh~ll be reduced or controlled so th~t it does not contribute more t~an one foot c&ndle of illuminction upon any outdoor area. All stree t c.nd l:igh\":ay lights shall also ~e shielded so that each light source emits no more than ten per cent of its total lao.p I umens at angles abOve. the horizon- t~l. Provided the foreboing reQuirements are met, any f~rthsr reduction or extinguishment of street or hi;;h'ilay illumination v:l.ich \'Tould unnecessarily aggravate traffic hazards is not reQuired. (2) Variations from the forogoing requirements shall be permitted in the case of illumim:.tion for industz.ial ~nd ~rotective purposJs, and froo inQustrial processes, wheth r interior or ext3rior, but not including street or hi[huay lights, only \'Then and to the extent that is necess~ry to vc.ry from such require- ments in order to achieve and maintain maxLmum efficiencYi but only \'lith the ~ritten approval of the Nin~h Regional CiVilian Defense Board. obtained in advance. (c) TRfiFFIC SIGNS ~~~ SIili~ALS. IlIum inated signs and signals vihich are authorized or maintained ;:,y governoe:ltc.l authori ty for the ~urpose of controlling or directing street or hlghl.'.'LY traffic shall be shielded so thc.t no direct rays from ~he light source ~re eoit- ted above tl:.e horizon tal in rs spect to lights mounted ten feet or reore above the ground, or above an an91e of more than six degrees above the horizont&l in respect to lights ~ounted less than ten but mOl~e than t11ree feet ::..bove the ground, or above un angle of lilore than t\'lelva degre s ubove the horizontal in respect to lights nounted less tLan three feet above t~e bround. ael~tive v~ri&tions in the up\'lard limi t of liSht &y'e peroisslble to coo.pensL.te for grades. (d) :';.tiVIG~':'ICI~ .A1:D h.o.ILRO....D LIG~~TS. ....uthorized li[llts necessc..ry to facili t,:::::e air or '.:ater" l1C.vi~:.:.tion, authorized ruili'oad sibna liGhts, ~id ~8adligfits of r&ilroad loconotives \'lhen in motion, are hsrJby excepted from all the provisions of this Frocla~ation. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -3- I I I Ordinance Number 1 2 3 4 5 :6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3. In &ddition to the restrictions hereinbefore imposed, illumination IIi thin that pE..rt of tl:e Zone of ::-"estricted LightLlg rmich is visible froD tne sea] as hereincfter defined, shall be furtt~r dimInished or ob- scured ~t all ti41es ~t night from sunset to sunrise, as follous: ( t cTR-."'T T.~I G"- . . Y ""'D ""'-':, ""'FI C a t.J .:J~,.:oJ. r... .,b. .l'U\ 1.n.n."Lt LIGHTS. S rset and 11ighu~y l1g1'lts, LnG illum- im:.ted signs (but not siGnals) \thich are au- thorized or Llaintained by governLle!l~al au thor- i ty for tt.e pur pose of controlli!1g or direct- ing stre et or high"day traff i c and. ,"!h icl1 are visible fro~ the seE.., sh&ll be so shielded that they are not visible from the sea at night and so th~t no direct rays from the liGht source ~i:e emitted (:(oove the horizontal. (b) RESID::;:~:TI.tI.Ll CQi.L;.;2;RCI";'L .A.i:D IKDi.JST~.IJl.L :n::;JO':iS. 1':0 it;htinG shall be per- mitted behind uindous or glazed doors visible from the sea unless they are covered by drapes or shades. (c) STR;;;~T rtI,D EIGI:;".l.A.Y TR.fl.Fr.'IC. ','lith in areas vlsiQle from the sea, but sUbject to the exceytions h~reinaft3r stcted, vehicles shall op3rate &t night ~ith no ~ore than two lighted driviTI[ l~mps, regardless of the direc tion of travel, anG each such lanQ shell pro- vide a maximULl of not more than 250 beam cE..ndlepo~er. KorLlal reE..l li~hts, license plate l1gt.ts lild Cles.i~(:(nce 1Ig:.tS (r;l:are re- quired by law are pei:ffiitted. Vehicles ~hich are class:fie as aut~orized emergency vehicle under the applic&ble Federal, State or local law, ~hen op~rE..ted by &uthorized personnel~ ~nd ~hen displaying an illuminatea red spo~- light, cnd '."[lien res'l)onGing to a fire alE..rm, or r:hen in the im~eaif..te lJursui t of an actual or suspected violator of the law, or vIDen goin to or transporting a person who IS in aoparent need of immediate c~9rgency medical or surgica cara, or when responding to SODe other emer- gency involving the protection of life or pro- pert~, shall be excepted from the foregoing provIsion. Cd) INDUS~RInL ~ND ?ROT~CTIV~ ILLilldIN .';'TI01\. Light sources for industrial ')ur:\?oses and light from industrial processes withIn areas Visible frOLl the sea, s~all comply \"lith the requireffients of Section 2(b) hereof, and shall also be shielded so that they are not vi si bIe frOLl the s A::. at night; provided~ tllE. t variations from these reQul~ements ~ay De permitted in the case of illuminktion for industrial and nrotective ryurposes, and from industricl ~rocesses, whether i~tGrior or ex- terior 'but no t incl ud.ing stree t or highHay lights), only \"lhen ~nd to the extent that it is necesscry to v[ry from such r~~uirements 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -4- 'I I I Ordinance Number . 1 2 3 4 5 :6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 in order to ~chieve and maintain maximum efficiencyi' but only TIith the wri~ten approval of the Nin h Regional Civilian Defense Board, obtained in adv~nce. (e) OTH:::R ILLUI.IINi.Tlm:. Except as hsreinabove provided in this Section 3, all other lights visible from the sea are prohib- ited at nieht, includin€ but not limited to li[ht from fires, bonfires, parked cars, flash ligl-;.ts &nd Ian terns. (f) DJ:FINITION OF "VISI3L::i: FROI.I TEE 5TI:A." Tne phrase "visible from the sea,n as used herein, is intended &nd shall be construe to mean and include the following: Visible at any time from the Haters of the Pacific Ocean, or from the waters of th Straits of Juan de Fuca lying south of a line extending due east from the most southerlr point of Vancouver Isl:.nd E.nd \7est of a 1 ne running due north and south through the east- ernmost point of the easterly bound&ry line of the City of Port To\msend, ~ashington, or visible from any of those bodies of \~ter loca ted on the shoreline of t.l1e State of Californi generally known and described as follows: Santa Monica Bay; Santa Barbara Channel; San LUis Obispo Bay; Estero Bay; D.nd lI~onterey Bey; Provided, however, thct the waters of San Francisco Bay lying easterly of a line extending from PoInt Bonita through Mile Rock, is not intended and shall not be construed to be a part of the sea' ar.d solely for the pur- poses of Section 3(c~ hereof, concerning stree and high';;ay traffic, the phrase "areas vi sible from the sea," is al so in tended and shall be construed to mean and include that portion of streets or hiGhways which may not In fact be visible from the sea but which is within areas generally visible from the seE.. 4. Any uerson violating any of the pro- visions of this Procl&mation, or orders issued pursuant thereto, is subject to immedi~te ex- clusion from the t6rritory of the Jestern De- fense Command, ~nd to the criminal penalties provided in Public Law No. 503i 77th Congress, approved I.;arch 21. 1942, enti t ed "An Act to provide a ?enalty for the violation of restric tions or orders ~ith respect to Jersons enter- ing, remaining in, leaving, or committing &ny act in military areas or zones." 5. The Nint.11 Regional Civilisn Defense Board is hereby desi3nated as the primLry &cency to ~id in the enforceoent of the fore- going provisions. It is requested that the civil la\'T enforcenent &gencies ...nd State and 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -5- I I I . . Ordinance Number 1 2 3 4 6 :e 7 8 9 local govern~ental bodies ~ithin the areas affected by this Procl~mation assist the Ninth Regional CiviliEn Defense Board in the enforcement hereof. 6. This Proclamation shall become effec- tive August 20. 1942. J. L. De'.7ITT Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Commanding Section 2: Said pUblic Proclamation No. 12, 10 in addition to amendinG PUblic Procla~ation No. 10 11 as hereinabove set forth, contains the following 12 paragraph s : 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 "B. This proclam~tion shall beco~e effec tive October 25t 1942{ excent those provisions of Subsection 2 b) (lJ h3reof, concerning street Lnd hi~~\~y lights! nhlch shall become effective Noveober 12, 19~2. "c. The recitals set forth in the first three Daragr~phs of s~id Public Proclaoation No. 10' are hereby reaffir:.ied. Except ~s here- inbefore expl-essl y LI:lel-;.ded, all the provisi ons and det~rTIinations expressed in said pUblic Proclama ti on No. 10 shall r8main in full fovce and effect.if Section 3: The City of Seel Beach hereby 21 recognizes the civil cnd milltery necessity for the 22 concurrent enforcement of t:.e provisions of pUblic 23 Proclamation No. 10, as amended as aforesaid, by tIle 24 City of Seal Beach, Callforni~, and the federal gover - 25 ment. 26 Section 4: The City of Seal Beach is ~ithin the Zone of Restricted Lighting, designlted and esta- blished by Section 2 of said PUblic Proclama~ion No. 10 as a~ended as aforesaid. 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 5: -,"ihoever on or" 'fter October 25.. 1942, shall comrait LnY ~ct in the City of Seul ~each contr~ry to the provisions of Sections 2 or 3 of -6- I I I . . Ordinance Number . 1 public Proclamation No. lO as @mended as aforesaid. which amended proclamation is h~rein&bove set forth in full, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance which viol:. tion stull consti tute a mis- demeanor and upon convicti on th ereo f shall be punish- abl e by a fine of not to exceed 0300.00 or by impri- sOnr:J.ent for not to exceed three months, or b~r both such fine and imprlsonnent. Section 6: This ordinance is required for the immedi~te preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and Ehall take effect immedl.tely. The following is the statement of facts constituting such urgency: The United States is at war and this city by the provisions of PUblic Proclamation No. 10 as amended by PUblic Proclamation No, 12 is located in a mili~ary zone of restricted lighting established as a matter of military necessity in order to minimize the danger of enemy attack f....d to provide maximum protection for \7ar utilities, Vlar r.laterials and war premises. By reason of the i:~edi~te threat of enemy attack compliance ~ith the provisions of PUblic Pro- clam~tion No. 10 as ~ended oy Public Proclamation No. l2 is essential for the protection of the lives and propsrty Of the people of the City of Seal Beach, Cal if ornia. Section 7: The City Clerk stall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published once in tIle Seal Be ach Post &. ","lave, a ne\"ls- paper of gene:-al circul::.tion printed z.nd published l.n this ci ty. P ASSs:n, ~1.DOP7ED .,l':D APPEOV:J.:D th i s Sd. day 0 f 2 3 4 5 :6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -7- I I I 2 3 4 5 :6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . . Ordinance Number . . . . N .11 .. ~ ),a<< 1 G-ete1h,.:.', lS42. l~~h;Jcil~:~, Seal B~ch. Califomia :.ttest: t//~J~ CITY C .;",? I he reby c3rtify tl1~ t the forego ing Ordinance ~as adopted by the City Council of the City of Sval Beach at a regul~r neetinG of the Council held the _\~t!:: dES of ~(3Di'c\,::,.~:WI'1942. &n( tl1~t the saIi~e Y.'as ::_dopted by the follo'.:ing vote. to IIi t: AY3S: Councilmen 21 NOES: Councilmen If..".. II) 22 iU3S:::~T: Councllnen ~(J) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -8-