HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 245 1940-09-19 I --1- I . t, . -,' \ ORDINAIfOll: If 0 . 241; AIl ORDIIfAIfOll: OF THE OITY OF SEAL suaa, OALIrORNIA OREATIIfG AND PROVIDIIfG FOR OrFIOlI:S AIfD POSITIOIfS Ii THE IlUlIlIOIPAL GOVERlOIEIf'l' or THE OITY or SEAL BlI:ACH, II THE OOUlTY or ORdGZ, STATZ OF OALIrOBNI~L FIX- IJlTG THE lULARIES OOKPEISATIOHS AWD BOlDS ADD DEFIIIlIG THE DUTD:B INOIDZlfT THERETO; PROnDIIG OOIVEYdOE AIfD EXPEISE roR OERTAII OFFIOIALS UD EJlPLOYDS Alm IlIPJW.IBG ALL ORDIlIANCES OR PARrs or ORDIIAiCJIS II OOlU'LIOT WI'l'H THIS ORDIIANOI. !be Oity Oounoil of the Oity of Seal Beach, Oalifornia, does orda1n as follows: Seotion 1. There are hereby oreated and provided for the folloWing oftloes and positions in the Munioipal Government of the OUy ot Seal Beaoh, in the Oounty of Orange, State of California, for which are provided the following salaries, 0011I- penBationB and bonds and the duties incldent thereto aDd more particularly herelnafter stated, together With oertaln oonveyanoe and ezpenBe for the certain offl01al's and employees therein de- signated as follows: 1. DlPARrllENr OF CITY ASSESBOR, TAX OOLLEOTOR, WATER & BUILDING SOPERIlfTDDENf, ..to. There is hereby oreated and provided for the office of Oity ABsessort Tax Colleotor, Water and BUilding Superinten4ent 'and affiliated offioes. The Oity Assessor and Tax Oolleotor shall also be Deputy 01ty alert, Oity Assessor, Deputy MarShall, and Ex-Offioio Tax Oolleotor of said Oity, and shall oolleot and pay all real and personal property taxes of said 01ty into the Otfioe of the Oi ty Treuurer monthly. The Building SUperlntendent shall oollect any and all oontractor's lioenses due said Oity and pay the Bame into the offioe of the 01ty Treasurer monthly, and In addl- tion to the above foregolng dutles the City Assessor and Tax Oolleotor shall perfo1'lll such other duties in respeot to suoh offioes as have been from till1e to time provided for by the Ordin- anoes of said Oity and which III&Y hereafter be provided for by Ordinance, Resolution or Orders of the Oity Oounoll of the said Oi ty of Seal Beach. " That the Water and Street SUperintendent In addition to the above foregoing duties, as Oity Assessor and Tax Oolleotor, shall oompute and ma1l out all monthly bUls to water oonsumers and 001- leot for the same as by ordinanoe provided in said Oity, paying the same into the offioe of the OUy Treasurer monthly. . '!'hat the oompensation of the 01 ty Assessor, '!'ax Oollec- tor, Water and Btreet SUperintendent, shall be the SUID of 'l'wo Hundred Dollars (1200) per month, payab1e monthly, together with the SUID of DOt to exoeed rifty Dollars (150) per meAth, pqable monthly, for olerical work in such tax, water and street depart- ments; that 1n addition to the above compensation, the 01ty'Oounoll may allow suoh Oity Assessor and Tax Oolleotor an addltional SUII or SUlDS for equipment and offio~ supplies. That In addition to olerlo81 work ~o1tied above, there may be employed in the offioes of the Oity alert, Oity Assessor, Tax OOlleotor, Water Superintendent and Purohasing Department, an assistant at a oompensation not to exoeed linety Dollars <1901 a month, payable monthly. I I ,. I '. . ,~ OrdJ.nance Numbeir' 2. BUILDIIG, 8I\'fi:R" ELEOTRIOAL AID PLtlIIBING IUSPEOTOR AHD PUROHASIHG AGDT. That there is hereby oreated and provided for ~e posi- tion of Building, sewer, Electrical and Plumbing Inspector, who shall also serve as Purohasing Agent for said Oi ty of seal Beach, aDd that the compensation for suoh positiqn or positions shall be the sum of One Hundred and rifty Dollars \$150) per month, payable monthly, together with :the BUIll of Twenty-five ($25) Dollars pay- able monthly, as an allowanoe for the use of an automobile and other equipment. That all inspection 'fees oolleoted by said in- , speotor or inspectors shall be paid into the office of the Oity Treasurer monthly, and such inspeotor shall perform such duties as from time to tlme have been provided for by the Ordinances, Resolutions and Orders of the City Oounoil of said Oity. '!'ha~ such Purchasing Agent shall make all purohases of supplies, mate;r- ials and equipment by or on,beh~f of said Oity of Seal Beach upon authorization of the Oity Oounoil, shall oheck aDd approve all de- mands for the p&flllSnt. of the same, and no purchfse shall be -.de in an amount in exoess of :rive Hundred Dollars ($500) without ad- vertising for bids as by law provided while for purohases for less than said amount, informal bids shall be reoeived whereever and whenever possible. The PurohasiDg Agent shall keep an accurate aocount of all supplies and materials on hand and reDder an annual report or inventory of the same at the close of each fisoal year. ,. '!'RUOK DRIVERS AID LABORERS. That the Water and Street SUperintendent is further authorized to employ truck drivers and necessary day laborers at Sixty-two and one-half oents ($0.625) per hour with respeot to such various Oity Departments heretofore referred to, only how- ever upon authority of the City Council first having been obtained. , ' . 4. OI1Y MlOHABIO. Tbat the Water and Btreet Superintendent is further authorized to employ a Oity Mechanic at the rate of Seventy-five c~nts (to.75) per hour whose duty it shall be to keep all meohanlzed equipment 01 said Oity in good order aDd repair. 5. IlAII'1'DAlOB: FORZILU - S'l'RDT, WATB:R AID SEWER DEPARTllENTS. '!'hat there 18 hereby oreated and provided for the posi- tion of U81ntenanoe Foreman who shall supervise all street aDd oonstruotion wort in and about said 01 ty of Seal Beach, the colleotion and disposal of all garbage and refuse, the operation of the water and sewer plants aDd systems, and direot, hire and disoharge all laborers engaged in oooupations in oormeotion there- With, reserving to the Oity Oounoil the right to designate the I1UIIIber of laborers to be employed, and who shall perform any and all other duties required by Ordinance, Resolution or Orders of the Oity Oouncil of said Oity. The oompensation of such Mainten- . anoe I'oreman shall be the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150) per month, payable monthly, aDd in addi~ion thereto he shall have a oar allowance of Fifteen Dollars (115) per month payable monthly. Provided further, however, that the OUy Oounoil may appoint a Oivil Engineer *ho may employ any neoessary assistants and said Oity OOUDOil may from time to time engage the servioes of a Oonsulting Engineer at suoh oompensation as the Oity Oounoil may determine. 2. :1" I I . ". Ordinance Number, ,. 6. POLIoE DEPARTMENT. The Department of Polioe of said Oity shall be UDder the direotion aDd oontrol of a Chief of Polioe who shall be ap- pointed by the Oity Counoil and hold suoh offioe at the pleasure of suoh Oo~oil. It shall be the duty of the Ohief of Polioe to proseoute before the Oity Oourt all breaohes or violations Ofl or the DOn-oomplianoe w1 th any ordinance of said Oi ty whioh shal oome to his knowledge. The Chief of Polioe , in addition to such duties, shall oolleot all oity lioenses excepting oontraotor's lioenses aDd shall deposit said amount, in the offioe of the Oity Treasurer monthly, and shall perform all duties rsquired by law and statutes of the State of Oalifornia. The Chief of Polioe shall reoei ve as compensation the sum of One HuDdred Seventy Dollars ('170) ~r month payable monthly, together wi th the sum of Thirty Dollars (.30) per month payable monthly aa an allowance for the use of an automobile and other equipment. The Chief of Polioe m&J appoint, subjeot to the approval and oonfirmation of the City oouncil, ODe or more Polioe Offioers, inoluding a woman polioe offioer, to be known as the Polioe Matron. The Ohief of Polioe may also, with OODOurreDOe of the Kayor when the same is deelUd Deoessary for the preservation of the putUo order, appoint additional polioe offioers and shall perform suoh other servioes as the General Laws of the State, Ordinances, Reso- lutions aDd IIotioDe of the Oi ty Oounoil may require. The compen- sation of Polioe Officers shall be One HUDdred Fifty-five Dollars (1155) eaoh per month, payable monthly and the oompeDsation of the Police llatron shall be Thirty Dollars ('30) per month, payable monthly. ' 7. CITY OOURT. The Oity Oourt shall have the sue jurisdiotion as a Justioe's Oourt of Olass B in all oivil and oriminal aotions arising wi thin the corporate 1111I1 ts of the Oi ty of Seal Beach and that might be tried in such Justioe's Oourt, aooording to the rules of praot1oe aDd prooedure set forth in the General Laws of the State of Oalifornia and Ordinanoes of said City. The Oi ty Judge shall be Judge of the Oi!1 Oourt and shall have the powers and perform the duties of a Magistrate' he shall re- oeive as oompensation the 8UIII of Eighty Dollars ('80) per IIIOnth, payable monthly. 8. OITY GJRDBER. The Oity Counoil may appoint a Oity Gardner who shall supervise and teDd to the landscaping, bsautifioation with grass shrubbery and flowers and the mainteDaDOe of the oity parks, oity grounds in oonneotion wi th publio buildings and lawn parkings along oity streets and suoh other servioes as may be required by ordinanoe, resolution and motion of the Oity Oouncil of said City. The oompensation for such Oi ty Gardner shallbe One BuDdred rifty Dollars (1150) per IIIODth, payable monthly. ~. The provisioDe of this OrdinaDOe shall be retroaotiv~eotive as of July It 1940, which is the begiD- ning of the current fisoal year of aaia Oity. Section"';. .&11 ordinances 01' parts of Ordinanoes in oonfliot wltb~is Ordinance are hereby repealed. ). I I I . ... I \' ordinance Numaer . , Beotlon 4. '!'he Oi ty Olel'k shall oause thle Ordlnance to be postel in thl'ee publlo places In sald 01ty of Seal Beaob, to-wit: The Oity Hall bulldlng, the U. S. Post Offloe1 aDd the Sol&1'lum, at the outel' eDd of the lluDiolpal p181', aDd t shall thereupon take effeot. Passed, Adopted aDd Approved thls 19th day of September, 1940. A'1''1'IS'l': Mayor ~~aoh, O&llfomla 4.