HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 217 1937-08-02 I 1- "...,1 -~ j '.JR.'" ,;<.., .~-,;f,..,_, . /:" t,. IF( .~oI " I '_ .- :.-.-,. .. j(l (CLq)./. ,.-(l/ ~ ORDINA:t<<lE NO.1l J 7 AN ORDINA-NcE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH. CALIFORNIA AMENDING. SliD.2 OF ORDINAlCE NO.2li. EllTITIiBD: liAlt../ ORDINAlI'JE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEA<m.OALIFO~a,RlmULAT- ING THE DmiIGN,. CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENAJI)E AND USE OF BILLBOARDS AHD SDILAl'l SIGN BOA.liM UPON PRIVATE PROPERY AND 01TER OR ALONG ~BLIC THOROUGHFARES WITHIN SAID CITY. FIXING PENALTIES FOR HE VIOLATION HEREOF AND ~EALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN OONFLICT HERE- .ITB~ . Tho city council of the City of Seal Beaoh, california. do ordain; 88 follows: Seotion 1: Tbat Section 2 ot.GBdinanoe Ne.2l5. adopted June l'/th. 19'37,and entitled aa above. be amended to read; 88 tol:lowa: Seot10n 2. It sball be unlawtal for any pe~son ~o erect,constrmot or mainta;l,n any b111110ard or s1milar, s1~ b!)ard in any ot tb~ hereinatter designated DISTRICTS w1th1n tbe Oit'1 ot~ul Be~oq.a Calitornia, aa de- tined by Ordinance No~199 ot aa~d Oity, entItled: .. or4111!ll1oe of the city ot Seal Beach. Calitornia, Regu:\.8tiug and ,L1m1ting tbe Height and Balk 0' Bl1lld:1ngs and Other Struotures hereafter Ereoted; Regulating andDterm11'1ing tbe Area of Yards, Ceurts and ,0t~l'r Open ,s,aoes;u1m1t- 1ng aDd Restr10t1ng ,the? Looat:Lon ot Res1deBl)1$s.,'~A,artm-ents,. Buslnesses. PQblio and Sem~P!1b1'1o Uses, TJ;ades and Indulltr18s" and. the Looa thn ot Bull41Dgs and ,G'ther Struotures 'Designed for aDJ ,SrecU~d 'Use; Eatablish- ing'\the Bcnm4e71'Eta ot .D.1str1cts tor .dd Purpesos ;eto'.;and wh1cb designat- ed .Mth1b1t1..V\ll DISTRIC..TS 88 clef1ned 1R sa~d Ord,iuneo No.~9 and, reterred to berein, aro, 88 f01lol1s:' ' ,a. S1~:Le-pa:m117 Residen~e District(CGlor Symbol-YeUowJ(ll..lJ; b. Apartment Distriet(Oolo.1' Sym~01-BrOWRHR-4Hand c. ~~~~o and Ssm1-publlc Use >>1s~riot~Cf)10r-SymbOl-Gr8onJ(pj;and, It shall be unlawtu.l for a.11l ,e1'son to e~eet, oonstruot or 11181n- tdn aDJ bill'Poard or, similar sign boa~ 1n t1a.e feUow1Jl,g hereinafter designated DI8TRIO,T wit1a.1n sdd 011i]' ef Seal B~aob,Cal1forn1a; tow1t: d. Basiness D1str1ot(Color ~~ol-Re~J(O-3); , as det1ned b1 sdd Ord1nanCe ~0.19.9. a~ove' entitled" w1l1ihout first hav- 1ng made an A,,1ioat10n to the ~1~' Comm1881on a~ tbe C1ty Council of said C1ty, ,as 1n SeoUons 15 and 1i of -sald Or41.no.e NO.199 Jlrov1d- 1ng for ADIO,Ddments. .n.lt-eraUoRs and ,~hanges '1B Us. -Distriots. anA Speoial Permits fer Non-Conforming Ueos, res"eotiv'.!Jl'1., a~d tbe secur1ng of a perm1t for the'ereotion ot sa1d blllboa~d'or sim1lar s1SD board 1n sald BuUness D1striot as motre'tally prev1ded tf;Jr'1n said Ordinanoe NO.2l5. Section 2: The Clt'1 Clerk shall oauss tb:1s _or41zfance, to be pub- l1ebed onoe 1n the seal ~eaQb Post and W:ave, a nows,aper 'J:r1-nted. pub- lisbed and generailiri c1roulated 1n said 01ty ot S.al Be~b, .nd it shall tbereupon --take effeot. ~ ~~ ~ Adopted, Signed and Approved tb,1s I'- ...." day of AUgust, 1937. Attest: ~ 148'1or Or the 0 ea eaoh.cailfern1A. (~) .to-