HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 221 1938-04-07
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The City Council of the City of Ssa1 Beach, California, do ordain;
as follows:
Section 1: That "SECTION THREE" of Ordinance No.151, entitled as
above which reads; as follows:
~SEXlTION THREE: That the entire inoorporated are. of the City of
of seal Beach, is hereby de.llu.d to be and is hereby established
as a Fire D1striot sand said Fire District shall be known and
designated as Fire Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, and eaCh,suoh Zone shall
inolude such territory or,portions of said City as illustrated,
outlined and designated on a certain map on filII in the Office
of the City Clerk of 'the City of Seal Beaoh"being marked and
designated as "Fire Zones of the City of Seal Beach", which is
hereby adopted as the fire zoning map of the City of Seal Beach
for the ap~ldcation of the regulations inoluded in the "Uniform
Building Code, 1927 Edition, published January, 1928, by Pacific
Coast Building Officials Conferenoe;"
shall be, and the same is hereby amended, to read as follows:
SEDTION THREE: That the entire incorporated area of the City of
Seal Beaoh, Califo~nia, is hereby deolared to be and is hereby establish.
ed as a Fire District'and that ,said Fire District shall be divided into
Fire Zon.a, known and designated as Fire ZonasJl,2,3 and 4, and each of
such Zones shall inelude 8ueh territory of portions of said O,ity of
Seal Beach as tl1ustrated, out1ine4 and delineated unpon that certain
map on file in the Office C1Jf the City Clerk of sdd Oi ty, being m9rked
and des;L'gnated as "outline Map Showing Fire zones, Established by Ordi-
nance No.151, Date July 5, 192911, as amended by Ordinance No.22ih, adoptel
April '7th, 1938, which is hereby adopted as the Fire Zona Map of the
city of 8eal Beach for the application of the regulations included in
the "p'niform Building Code, 1927 Sdit1on, snd as I1mended liInd supplemento,
and duly adopted by said CitY'; and
T~t for the purposes of th6s ordinance, said respective Fire Zones
are more parti~ularly described and adopted; as follows:
, FIRE ZONE NO.1: All t~t portion of the City of Seal Beach, Oali-
fornia, the boundery lines of which are desoribed; as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the Southerly boundary line of the
city of Seal Beach:,with the center line of Sixth Street prolonged South-
erly, thence Northerly along said prolongation and the eenter line of
Sixth Street prolonged Northerly to the center line of Ocean Avenue, 80
feet wide, thence Easterly along said center line of Ocean Avenue to its
interwection with the center,line of Eighth Street prolonged Southerly,
thence Northerly along said prolongation and the center line of Eighth
street to its intersection with the Westerly prolo~tion of the center
line of tbat certain A11ey-15 feet wide and 110 feet from and parallel
with the Northerly line of said Ooean Avenue, thence Easterly along saic
center line of said Alley and its prolongation to its intersection with
the center line of that certain Al1ey-15 feet wide-which is l17~ feet
BQsterly of and parallel with the Esaterly line of Eighth Street, thenol
Northerly along the center line of said last mentioned Alley and its
prolongation acros~ streets, Alleys and Rights-of-ways to a point which
is 100 feet southerly measured at right angles from the southerly line
of the California State Highway, thenoe in a Westerly direction along a
Ordinance Number
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line which is 100 feet Southerly measured ab right angles and parallel
with the Southerly line of said California State Highway to its inter-
secjion with a line which is 100 feet Southerly,measUDed at right angles,
and parallel .with the Southerly line of the boulevard known as the
Coast Highway, thence along said last mentioned line in a Westerly direct-
ion to the Westerly boun~ry line of the City of Seal Beach, thence j~rth-
easterly along said boundBry line to a point which is 150 feot, measurcd
at right angles, from the Northerly line of said Coast Highway, thence in
an Easterly direction 150 feet from, measured at right angles, and paral-
lel with the Northerly line of the aforesaid Coast Highway and continuing
-150 feet from and parallel with the California State Highway to the
Easterly boundPry line of the City of Seal Beach, thence South along said
Easterly boundary line to its interesection with the Southeasterly pro-
longation of the Southerly line of the aforesaid California State High-
way, thence in a Southeasterly direction alone the Southerly line of the
california State Highway and its prolong*tion,which is also the boundary
line of the City of Seal Beach, to its intersection with the Southerly
line of Ele~tric Lane, thence in a Northwesterly direction along the
Soubherly line 0 f Electric Lane,ymich is also the boundary line of the
City of Seal Beach, to a point which is distant, measured along a line
which is radial to the Southwesterly line of said California State High-
way 150 feet, thence in a Northerly and Westerly direction parallel with
and lOOfeet measured at right angles from the Southerly line of said
California State Highway to its intersection with the center line of that
certain A1ley-15 feet wide-the Easterly line of which is 1l7i feet from
the Westerly line of Tenth Street, thence Southerly along said center
line to its intersection with the center line of that certain Alley-1S
feet wide-which is 110 feet, measu..4 along the Street lines, from the
Northerly line of Zlectric Avenue, thence Southeasterly along the last
mentioned center line to its intersection with the center line of Tenth
Street, thence Southerly along the center line of Tenth Street and its
prolongation Southerly to the center line of the Right-Of-Way of the
Pacific Electric ~ilway Company, thence Northwesterly along said last
mentioned center line to its intersection with the center line prolonged
Northerly of that certain A11ey~15 feet wide-the Easterly line of which
is 117-t feet 'ilesterly and parallel with the ~lesterly line of l.'enth
Street, thence Southerly along said prolongation and the center line of
said Alley to its intersection with the center line of that certain
Alley-15 feet wide- which is 110 feet from and parallel with the Norther-
ly line of Ocean Avenue, thence Easterly along said center line to its
intersection with the center line of Tenth Street, thence Southerly along
said center line and its prolongation to the center line of Ocean Avenue,
thence Easterly along said center line of Ocean Avenue to its intersect-
ion with the center line of Twelfth Street prolonged Northerly, thence
Southerly along the center line of Twelfth Street and its prolongation
to the southerly boundary line of th~ City of Seal Beach,(thence in a
~lesterly direction along said Southerly boundarj:, 'line to the point of
FIRE ZONE NO.2: All that portion of the City of Seal BeaCh, Cali-
fornia, the boundary linoe of which are d~scr1bed, as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the Southerly boundary line of the
City of Seal Beach with the center line of Sixth Streot prolonged
southerly, thence Northerly along eaid prolongation and the center line
of Sixth Street prolonged Northerly to the center line of Ooean Avenue-
60 feet wide-thence Easterly along the center line of Ocean Avenue to
its intersection with the center line of Eighth Street prolonged South-
erly, thence Northerly along said prolongation and the center line of
3ighth Street to its interuction with the \/uterly prolongation of the
center line of that certain Al1ey-15 feet wide and 110 feet from and
parallel with the North line of said Ocean Avenue, thence Easterly along
said center line of said Alley and its prolongation to its intersection
with the center line of that certain Al1ey-15 feet wide-which is l17i
feet Easterly of and parallel with the Iaster1y line of Eighth Street,
,thence Northerly along the center line of said last mentioned Alley and
its prolongation across Streets, Alleys and Rights of Way to the center
line of the Right-Of-Way of the Pacific .&lectric Railway Company, thence
in a Northwesterly direction along the last mentioned center line to a
point which is 100 feet southerly, measu.ed at right angles from the
southerly line of the Boulevard known as the Caost Highway-SO feet wide-
Ordinance NUmber
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thence in a Uesterly direction along a line whioh 111 100 feet Southerly
measured at right angles and parallel witb, said Southerly line ~~ said
Coast Highway, to the Westerly boundary line of the City of Sea1}6each,
thence is a Southerly direction along said Westerly boun~ry line to
the Southerly boun~ry line of the City of Seal Beaoh, thenoe in an
Easterly direction along said Southerly boundarr.( line to the point of
Also further beginning at the intersection of the Soutberly bouh~ry
line of the City of Seal Beach with the prolongation Southerly 'of the
center line ofETwelftb Street thence Northerly along said prolongation
and the center line of Twelfth Street to the center line of Ocean Avenue
to its intersection with the prolongation Souther~y of the oenter line
of Tenth street, thenoe Northerly along the said center line of Tenth
Street to its intersection with the prolongation Easterly of the center
line of that certain A11ey-15 feet wide-the Southerly line of which is
parallel with and 110 feet from the Northerly line of Ocean Avenue,thence
Westerly along said prolongation..of:-the center line ot said Alley and
along the center line of said Alley to its intersection with the center
line of that oertain Al1ey-15 feet wide- the Easterly line of whioh is
117i teet from and parwl1el with the Westerly line of Tenth Street-50
feet wide-thence .ortherly along said last mentioned center line an! its
prolongation to the cent.r line of the Pacific Eleotric Railway Com-
pany's Right-ot-way, then~e in a Southeasterly 4ireotion along said cen-
ter line to a point on the Railway Bridge orossing the Inlet to Anaheim
Landing Bay-distant 200 feet from the Westerly end of Slid Bridge-thence
due SOUUf1'l:lto the Southerly boundary line of the City of Seal Beach,
thence in I Westerly direction along the Southerly boun~ry line of said
City to the point of beginning.
FIRE ZONE 10.3: All that portion of the City of Seal Beach, Cali-
fornia, the boundary lines of which are described, as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the Right-Of-Way
of the Pacific Electric Railway Company with the center line of thet
certain Alley-l5 feet wide-the Easterly line of which, is plrallel to and
117i feet Westerly of the Westerly line of Main Street, prolonged South-
erly, thence trom said point of intersection Northwesterly along the
center line of the Pacific Electric Railway Company's Right-Of-Way to
its ~ntersection with a line which is 100 feet Southerly, measured at
right angles and parallel with the Boulevard known as Coast Highway,
thence in an Eaaterly direotion following said last mentioned Ifne,100
feet from and plrallel with the Southerly line of said Coast Highway to
its intersection with a line which is 100 feet from Ind parallel with
the Southerly line of the California state Highway, thence along said
line in a Southeasterly direction to its intersection with the center
line of that certain Al1ey-15 feet wide-the Easterly line of which is
117i feet from and plral1el with the Westerly line of Main Street, thenoe
in a Southerly direction ~long said center line and its production
Southerly to the point ot"beginning.
Also beginning It the intersection of the center line of Bay Boulevard
with the center line of the Pacitic Electric Railway Company's Right-Of
way, thence Northeasterly along the center line Of said Right-Of-Way to
its intersection with the center line of Tenth Street prolonged Sputher1y,
thence Northerly along the Souuher1y prolongation of the center line of
Tenth street and the center line 0 f Tenth Street to its intersection
with the prolongation Easterly of the center line of that certain 15 foot
Alley which is 110 feet, measured along Street lines from and parallel
with the Northerly line of Zlectrio Avenue, thence Westerly 110ng said
prolongation and the center line of said Alley to its intersection with
the center line of that certain Al1ey-15 feet wide-the Easterly line of
which is 117* feet Westerly of and parallel with the Westerly line of
Tenth Street, thence Northerly along the last mentioned center line of
said Alley to its interseotion with a line which is 100 feet Southerly
and parallel with the Sputherly line of California State Highway, thence
Easterly along said line to its intersection with the center line of Bay
Boulevard, thence Southerly along the center line of said Boulevard~nd
its prolongation to the point of beginning.
Also beginning at a point 'n the center line of the Pa4itic ~.ctric
Railway dm the Bridge across the Inlet to Anaheim Landing Bay, said
point baing located 200 feet Southeasterly from the \[ester1y end of said
Bridge, thsnce due South to the Southerly boundary line of the City of
Ordinance Number
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S~a1 Beach, thencs Easterly to the Southeasterly corner of said City
of Seal Beach boundary line, themce Northerly along the boundllry l1l;l.O
of said city to the southerly line of Ele~tric Lane, thence Easterly
along the southerly I1no of said Electric Lone to a point which is
distant 100 feet measured on a radial line from the Southwesterly line
of the California State Highway, thence in a Northwesterly direction
100 feet from and parallel with the said Southwesterly line of Cali-
fornia State Highway and its prolongation to the center line of Anlheim
Landing Bay, thence in a Westerly direction following said center line
to the point of beginning.
FIRE ZONE NO.4: All that portion of the City of' Seal Beach, Cali-
fornia, situate, lying and being within the exterior city limit bound-
ary lines of said City, which has, not hereinabove been described and
included within said FIRE ZONES NOS. 1~ 2 and 3, respectively.
Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 3: The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be
published once in the Seal Beach Post & Wave, a newspaper printed,
published and generally circulated in said City of Seal Beach~ and
it shall thereupon take effect.
Adopted, Signed and Approved this 7th day of April, 1938.
.t~ Mayo:!:'.
~ Of thi"lrrtj:%r' ~ea ~ea Ch, Call1'ornia.
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