HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 229 1938-10-20 I I I .-. . ' . ORDINANCE NO.~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND PROVIDIln FOR AND GIVIln NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A Sl'1OOIAL MUNICIPAL ELllDTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ON THE 29TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1938, FOR SlJBMITTIlD TO THE QUALIFlim :sr.JinTORS OF SAID CITY CERTAIN PROPOSITIONS FOR THE ImURRIm OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION BY SAID C Ifi OF SEAL BEACH OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL DlPROVEMENTS, TO WIT: A BRI~B AND ALSO A PUBLIC PARK, OR PARK AREAS WITH PUBLIC REXlREATIONAL FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the City Council ot the City ot Seal Beach, Cali- tornia, at its regular meeting duly held on the 22nd day ot September, 1938, by a vote ot more than two-thirds ot all its members, duly passed and adopted a Resolution entlhtled: " A Resolution ot the City Council ot the City of Seal Beach, Calitcr nia, Declaring tha t the Publ1c Inter- est and Necessity Demand the AcqUisition snd Construction ot Certain Mnnioipal Improvements in said City, Stating the Cost thereot and Finding that such Cost is too Great to be paid out ot the ordinary Annual fhcome and Revenue ot said City"; and, which ssid certain munici/u,JJIIProvements were descrlhbed in said Resolution; 8S tollows; two wit: The acquisition, construction and completion ot a bridge, including ornamental lights, sidewalks, curb, pavement, pipes, con- duits, tunnels, the acquisition of land, reclamation of submerged la nds, right ot way, D1lI chinery, equ6pment, a P~" tus or other a ppur- tenances and other property necessary theretor; and also the acquisi- tion, construotion and completion ot a public park or park areas, in- cluding ornamental lights, sidewalks, curb, pavement, landscaping, grading, ornamentation, public recreational tacilities, pipes, ccn- duits, tunnels, the acquisition ot land, reclaD1lltion ot submerged landa, right ot way, D1lIchinery, equipment, apparatus or other appur- tenances and property necessary theretor; and which Resolution was numbered 376, and said Resolution was thereupon duly signed and ap- proved by the Mayor ot said City, and was duly attested and certitied by the City Clerk ot said City; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council ot the City of Seal Besch, do ords in as tollows: section 1: That a Special Municipal Election be held and the same is hereby called and ordered to be held in the City ot Seal Besch on the 2~th day of November, 1938, tor the purpose ot submitting -1- IJ . Ordinance Number .. .... ,. 1'. to the qualitJed vcters of said City the propositions ot inourring indebtedness and issuing bmnds of said City thereto l' in the amounts hereinatter stated and tor the objeots and 'purposes set torth in the aforesaid Resolution and hereinstter stated. I I Section 2: That the objects and purposes for which said indebt- edness is proposed to be inourred and bonda issued theretor are as tollows; to wit: proposition No.1. The acquisition, construotion and oompletion of a bridge, including ornamental lights, sidewalks, curb, pavement, pipes, conduits, tunnels, the acquisition of land, reclamation ot sub- merged landa, right ot way, machinery, equ"Lpment, apparatus or othe~ appurtenances and other property necessary theretor. Proposition No.2. The acq~1aition, construction and completion of II public park or park areas, including ornamental lights, sidewalks, curb, pavement, laniscllping, grading, ornamentation, public recreational taci1ities, pipes, conduits, tunnels, the acquisition ot land, reclama- tion ot submerged lands, right ot way, machinery, equipment, apparatus and other appur~enances and property neoessary theretor. Section 3: That the estimated oost ot said proposed munioipal improvement as stated in PropOSition No.1 ot Section 2 hereot, is the sum of seventy-tive Thousand Dollars($75,000.00); that the amount ot the principal ot the indebtedness to be incurred tor said improvement is the sum ot Seventy-five Thousand Dollars($75,OOO.00); and that the maximum rate ot interest to be paid on said indebtedness shall not exoeed six percentum per annum, payable semi-annually. ~hat if the proposition for the incurring of said indebtedness for said purpose so submitted receives two-thirds of the votes ot the qualitied voters voting on such proposition at said election, bonds ot said City not exceeding the sum ot Seventy-tive Thousand Dollars($75,000.00) shell be issued and sold tor the objects and purposes set forth in said ~roposition No.1 ot Seotion 2 hereof. Section 4: That the estimated cost of said proposed municipal I improvement as stated in proposition No.2 ot Section sum of E1~ty Th~usand Dollars($80,OOO.OO); that the 2 hereot, ia the the amount ot/prinoi- pal ot the indebtedness to be incurred tor said improvement is the sum ot Eighty Thousand Dollars(t80,OOO.00); and that the maximum rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness shall not exceed five percentum per annum, payable sem~-annually. That it the propOSition tor the incurring of ssid indebtedness for said purpose so submitted receives two-thirds ot the votes of the qualitied voters voting on,/~ -2- Ordinance Number .. ~ -" ,- I such proposition at saide1eotion, bonds ot said City not exoeeding the sum ot Eighty Thousand Dol1ars($80,000.OO) shall be issued and sold for the objects and purposes set forth in said proposition No. 2 ot Section 2 hereot. Seotion 5: That the polls tor said election shall be opened at six o'olock A.M.. of the day of said election and shall be kept open until seven o'olook P.M.,of the same day. when the polls shall . be closed; provided, however. that it at the hour of olosing there are any voters in any polling place. or in line at the door thereot, who are qualitied to vote and have not been able to do so since appearing, the polls thereat shall be kept open a sufficient time to enable them to vote. but no one who shall arrive at any polling place atter seven o'clock P.Il.,of said day shall be entitled to vote, although the polls may be open when he arrives. That on the ballots to be used at said special munie1pal election in addition to the other metters required by law, there shall be printed substantially the tollowlng: "Mark a oross(X) on ballot ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; never with pen or penoil. --- ---- INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote on any quest10n or propos1tion,stamp a cross(X) in the voting aquare atter the word "Yes I' or after the word "lfo". All marks except the cross(X) are torbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are for~idden and make the ballot void. It you wrongly stamp. tear or detace this ballot. return it to the inspector ot election and obtain another. FROFOSITION NO.1. Shall the C1ty of Seal Beach: incur a bonded indebtedness 'fi t~e.p~1~b~pil~ : amount of $75,000.00 tor the acquisition, con-: YES struction and completion by said City ot Seal : Beach of s certain munic~al improvement;to wit: The acquisition, construotion and completion o~ a bridge, including ornamental lights,sidewalk~ curb, pavement. pipes, conduits, tunnels. the ac. quisition ot land. reolamation of submerged : NO lauds, right ot way, machinery, equipment,appar. atus or other appurtenances and other property neceBSar~ theretol"? PROFOSIT ON NO.~. Shall the C1ty or Seal Beaoh inour a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount ot $80,000.00 for the acquisition. con- YES struction and completion by said Oity ot Seal Beach ot a certain municipal improVllment;to wit The acquisition, constr~ction and completion ot. a public park, or park arees,including ornamen-: tal lights, sidewalks, curb, pevement.landscsp-: ing. grading, ornamentation, public recreation-: al tacilities, pipes, conduits, tunnels. the ec. NO quis1tion ot land, reolamation ot submerged : landa. right ot way,machine1'l.l' equipment.appara-: tus or other appurtenances aId property neces- : sery theretor? : :1-3- I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . '~ I I I .,1 I.. Ordinance Number . . .. . ,"I .' . Section 6: That for the purpose ot holding said election the entire city ot Seal Beach is hereby designated, tixed and established as one mun1c~pil.IIJDldbllbn precinct, consisting ot Precincts One and Two in said Oity bow established tor the holding ot State and County Blect- ions therein, and the boundaries ot said precinct shall be the present boundaries and territorial limits ot said City; that the polling place tor said election shall be the City Hall Building in said City ot Seal Beach and that the persons hereinafter named, being competent and quali- , tied electors and residents ot said City and ot such election precinct, are hereby appointed otticers ot election tor such election precinot and they shall hold said election and make return thereof in the manner provided by law, respectively: Inspeotor: MarY TaYlor Judges: On1da H. F1_k ClerJD: S01'ln'nnia. E. stann And !neE Hardesty Section 7: That in all particulars not recited in this Ordinance, said election shall be held and oonducted as provided by law tor hold- ing muniBipal elections in said City. Section 8: That the City Council ot said City shall meet at their usual place of_meeting 1n the City Hall Building on VQD.liI.a~y, the .5'th, day ot ~~, 1938, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.,ot said day and prooeed to 'canvass the election returns and declAre the results of said election. section 9. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption ot this Ordinsnae by a vote of more than two-thirda ot the members ot the City Council of said City at a regular meeting thereot and its approval by the Mayor of said City and shall cause this Ordi- nance to be publiahed once a week tor two succeeding weeks in the Seal Beaoh Post & Wave, a newspaper ot general circulation, printed and publi~hed in said City, less tban six days a week, and no other notice of said election need be given. Section 10: This ordinance shall take etfect upon its passage. Signed and approved this 2.l1>th day ot october, 1938. ~~LL Mayor Attest: ot the C1ty ~~;aOh;Call:rorn1a. (SEAL) -4- '~ '. . , Ordinance Number " '.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County ot Orange ) City of Seal Beach ) I, Ollie B. Pa~ick, City Clerk ot ~e City ot Seal Beach, in the C01Ulty of Orange~ State ot Calitornia, do hereby certify that the whole nwuber ot members ot the City Council ot the City of Seal ss. Beach is five; that the fpregoing and attached ordinance was passed by a vote of at least two-thirds ot all the members ot said City Council at a Special Meeting t~~~eot du17 and regularly called and -, held on the 20th day ot Dcteb'8r-i, 1938, and that said ordinance was adopted and passed by the tollo~ vote; ~o wit: Ayes; Counc'1lmen: Green, Waidler, Kupferle, Hughes NODS; C01Ulcilmen: None Absent; C01Ulcilman: Miller ( SEA L ) Ot City Clerk a ifornia. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County ot Orange ) SSe City ot,Seal Beach) I, Ollie B. Padrick, City Clerk of the City ot Seal Beach, Cal1tornia, do hereby certify that the toregoing and attached is a full, true and correct copy of the'or1ginal Ordinance No.229 now on t11e and of record in J113' office, with which original I have carefully compared the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and atf'ixed the Otficial Seal ot the City ot Seal BeaCh, this 20th day ot October~ 1938. (SEAL) ~ City Clerk Of e '1 0 ea eac, Ca~:Lfornia.