HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 182 1933-09-21 " . ORDIH..u,C:;'; IrO.1S2 I Aif ORDmAi-j()E OF T~jl CI~'Y OF S-AL T3 -i:ACli,CALIFORllIA,PROVIDING FOR LICENSING AND R:.;GTJLATIHG OF RESTAURAN'rS OR CAFES,UITH AiID ',II::ITOUT DAi,CIiIG .i.iiD ,;']IT.&RTAIilJ.;..SJ.fT,CARnIED ON ',lI~:a:Ii: SAID CITY, A;,;:~l:IDIirG ORDHIAifC.3 no .152, BY l~DDING A ifbl'f SEx:: TION NO. 79a THER~O, FJXIHG P EilALTI6S FOR TH:3 VIO- LATIOl:! HZR.i:OF AH:D R:.i:P.3ALIl\G ALL ORDH1ArICES OR PARTS OF ORDIHANCES Ii! COI!FLICT iI~b.1ITH. , , , ~~e City 60uncil of the City ot Seal Beach, Calltornia, do ordaln; as tollo\7s: ' I Section 1.Restaurants or Cafes with ~ntertalnment. ~'hat Ordlnance No.152, an Ordlnance licenslng and regulatlng certain businesses and pursuits carried on \lithin said city of Seal Beach,be amended by adding thereto a section to read; as follows: Sec.79a. A license tax shall be pald by every restaurant and/or cafe. wlth or without entertalnment or dancing, ot Eighteen Dollars (~18.00),per annuli. payable In advance, or Tlventy Dollars(\~20.00) per year ln event tables ore used in connection therewlth; and, provided further that every such restaurant or cate shall be well llGhted uithin and shall be equlpped with outside windows ~lth an unobstructed view from without;and, provided further that the City ot Seal Beach may malntain and keep at such restaurant or cate a police officer at any and all times for malntaining order thereln, the compensat10n ot such oftlcer to be pald by the licensee as a part of the llcense tax herein regu&red and in addition thereto. Sec.2. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether os prlncipal, sgent, clerk, employee or otherv/1se, elther for'hlmselt,or for any other person. or for any body corporate.or otherwise. to commence or carry on such 0 restaurant or cafe ln said city, without first having procured a license from said city so to do. or ulthout comply&ng uith any and all regulations contained herein, and a failure to do so.shall constitute a separate violatlon of this ordinance for each and every day that such buslness shall be carried on, and any such person so violatlng any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and u~on conviction thereot, shall be punlsh- ed by a tine ot not more than ~ree Hundred Dollars(f300.00),or by Imprisonment tor a term of not exceeding three(3)months.or by both such fine ~nd imprisonment. Sec.3. All ordlnances or parts of ordinances In contllct here- Vlith are hereby repealed. Sec.4. The City Clerk shall certlfy to the passage of this ordlnance by the Clty Council at the city of Seol Beach, and cause the some to be pu~lished once in the Seal Beach Post & Wave,a newa- paper ot general clrculation. printed, published and clrculated in said city, and to be posted in three public places in said city;towit: the Clty rloll BUilding, the United States Post Oftice and the Calltor- nia State Bank. and thereupon lt shall take eftect. Attest: Approved th 2~st day of sePtem~ber, 1933. C 0 s y. ...ayo~ 01 e y ea~~each,Uallf. I,Ollle B.Padick,Clty Clerk of the City ot 801 Beach,and Ex- Offlcle Clerk of the City Council of said Clty,do hereby certlty that the toregoing ordinance vas duly adopted by the City Council of said City at a reeular meetlng thereot held September 2lst,1933,by the following votes;touit: Ayes:Councilmen: Steen,.~ssey,~alker.HUghes. :loes :Councilmen: Ilone j\bsent Councilmen: ,laidler. I 1.