HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 147 1928-08-23 r · I" -I I , :., ~ ' O.:\DEJt.lCE NO. /~7 Ail ORDI1lil.HC~ OF T:iE CITY OF SE.\I, BEACH, C:"LlFORllIA, FIXING THE RJ..TE OF TAXES liE- CESSARY AS A tEVENUE TO OAR."IT ON THE Vi..RlOUS DEPART!iiEHTS OF "'!iE CITY OF SEhL BEACH, AIiD TO PAY THE BOr'DT D Ij..DE'3Trnrr,)8 F...LLING DUE FOR TIlE CT' .iUiEi'!T Y....u.R' 19213-SI);' ':"1.: F':rxnlG THE R.:.TE OF TiJhTIOI, FOR '1'!;E CU~'ffil."T Y.'En.R 19~B-29; DES1Gl::.'t'IF'l TEE ;.rm'R'E::l OF O~ TS on EI.crl OllE HUj'DrlED nOLlv'.RS OF l'~OPER~'Y v,:,wa.- TrO}! FO a ','HE V....RIOUS FOI1DS OF o':ll...ID OITY UPOI\ THE './HOJ..E OF T'iE TP.xABI,'R P~OP "::lTY OF .,~ID CITY AS J..SSESS1D BY T'lE com,TY ASSESSOR. OF THE ComITY OE OAANGE, ST;'TE OF CJ..LIFORPliI. , AI;n EQUkLIZED BY T~ BO...RD OF SUPERVISORS OF S.~ID Com,TY AIm HERi!:BY LEVIED ON THE ~mOLE OF SUOH T.'lXliliLE P!tOP.I!;RTY OF S80ID OITY OF SEj"L BEA.c:r. The Board of Trustees, and City Oouncil of the Oity of ~eal Beach, do ordain, r.s follows: That :~ereas, the City 0 r Seal Beach, Oalifornia, did, on the 13th day of January, 1916, by Ordinance duly adopted, elect and d~termine to avail itself of the provi3ions of tre Act of the 2'7th ca",i of carch, 1895, snC: suose~uent amenc.ments thereto relative to the assess~cnt anG collection of taxes for t~e Ir.tmicipal. coriJoration of the Oity of Seal Be&ch. California, and did, in accordance thersuit,h, on or about said date, file tlith ..the ;"uc1.itor of Ora I'l~e Oounty, Oal ifor;1ia, B certi ried co~y of such Ordinance pe~talnine thereto, as provided by ln~; ~ and, ~"1hereas, the County Auditol' of the Cour.ty of Orc.ilc;e, State of Oalifornia, on the 3rd day of August, 19?A, filed his statement in \/riting \lith the Board of Tl"Uatees chd Oity Council of the Oity of Seal Beach, Ocllfornia, sho,'ing the total value of all property ''1ithin the Oity of Seal Boech for the corporate yec.r 1928-29 as equalizoC. s:d colle.c":ed, and fixed the SUIll, as sJo:o'.'in by the assesSMe~t rolls :o~ sqid yec.r, at 02,191,310.00, exclusive of operative property;" and, H l'~reas, the amount of ~.lOlley ascertained and neces.lar~T ".,'to be r;,ised by taxation upon the taxable lJropprty ,1ithin the 1. ~ I I I . . Ordinance Number ., Oit y of Seal Heach, as a revenue to carry i;',o various denart- ments of such City of Se~l Be~ch qnd ;0 pay the bonded indebt- edness fallin1 ~ue for the current ~ear 1928-29, is fixed at the sum of ::'j 32,869.55 '--- ; 3nd, tlhereas, said sur.; is to be apnO'l:'tioned f:r-OP['; the various departments of the said Oity of Sral Bench, C81ifo~ia, \ and placed ill t~9 general load special fu'.,ds to pay Ct1!' '€'!1t, ~~icipal expe~s~s or. t~e assessed va~1e of all the rpal ~nd p~r- sonal property Vlithin such 11l!:nici~:;.lity over and a1Jo,,::: the sever- al sums to be raiseJ, as provided by la~. SECTIor 1. That the total valuation of the taxable property of i;he Oity of Seul Beach of ~2,191,310.00, srall be useu as e oasis for the levy of the taxes for the City of Sesl Beech, Cal1forr:ia, end t"e County of Orane;e, Oalifornia, shall make tte same at the ssme time and in 'the sa~e manner ~~ county le.,ies are :node llnd collected, as by Ie", provided. SECTION 2. That the rote of texes for municipal purposes and to P~l ~he bonded indebtedness and iut~r~at of the City of Seal Beac~l, Oal1f'oI'nia, fo:!' the cU'.'rent ye!lr 1928-29 is hereby fix~ at 0 32,e69.~?___ on the taxable property of said City, aue: that said amount of 'i 32,869.65 is the a 3gregate ahd rate SUll! of t> 1.50 on each One Hundred Dollars of the taxable ,~opP.!'ty of said City, sr:d the same is hereby levied upon all the taxable property of said City, as oscertai"e d and assessed b',?' the 001'.nty Assessor and equalized by the Board of Supervisors of orange County, California, as afo!'esaid, and which said rate 90 fixed shall be apportioned amonI'; the special funds to pa'T the current exp~nses, bonded in- debtedness and interest and other illdebtee:ness of suid Oity . fallinr. duo for the fi3Clll year' 1928-29 and other several S1)ms to be raiaed as fixed elId !lrovideCl by la\7, os follows, to wit: For the general fund ': _9~70 cents on each One HUndred Dollars of the taxable rropert',?' of said Oity, 2. . y I -I I . Ordinance Number ., F01' the s,:breot fund r; 0.08 cents on eacn One HUnd!'ed Dollars of the taxable p;'operty of said Oity. For light fund ::; 0.20 cents on each One Hundred Dollars of the taxabJe ~roperty of said City. For the music and nromotioa tund ~ 0.02 cents on each One HUndred Dollars of the taxable pro~erty of said Oity. For the se'.7or bond indebtedr.ess fl1nc'i.,; 0.10 cents on each One H\tnd~ed Dol)~rs of ~he t07.able p~operty of said Oity. For tho \"later works bonded indebtedness fund ;,~ 0.15 cents on each One HUndred Dollars of the taxable property of saie: City. For the Deuer extension - 1928 - bonded indebtodaess fund ~ 0.25 centson each One EUndred Dollars of tha taxsble property of said Oity. SEOTIOll 3. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to submit a certified copy of this Ordino~ce to the Oounty Auditor of Oranee Oounty, Califo'nia, on or before tre last Tuesday in AUhUst. 1928. SEOTIOH 4. The Oity Clrrk sholl cause this Ordinance to be published once in each, tr.~ "Seal BeAch Post and '.'lave" and 1/ in the "seal Beach Jot~rnal, ne\ISpapers printed and published .... and generally circulated in tae City of Seal Beach, CRlifo~nia, snd cause this Ordina~ce to be posted in at least t~ree public placos in said Ci~y of Seal Beach, Gnd it shall thereupon take e~"'ect. . The above Ordinance passed, adopted and approved this ..!!lMdRY of AU@lst, Ayes, Oouncilmen: Noes, Councilmen: ~ Oounci1:!:en: I4ta.-~ IJ/~€) ;:J~:~ J C ty er ~ Absent, Attest: I.:a;rOJ:' o~~~ach. California. '" v. J l'- Ordinance Number . ~ - Approved this ?5.r1d., of ~r.r . 192. Mayor o~~~~ach, Oalifornia. I -- - I' hereby certify that the above i::; a full - )'17 true and correct copy of Ordinance No. of the City , of Seal -';leach, california, as the same is on fi~e in my office. . - -" -'-/ ()/-t;J//)~~ y er. r I -- ,. J. '1/, ,~ I I 4.