HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 149 1929-01-03 ... .~, , . .... '. . ty'~'!'''' "",.)ro _ ~ _ (t' ~. .r ~ ltf:J);' ( <>' QRDINANCE NO. ~. I .AN QRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SUI. BACH, CALIFOllNIA., C.ALLING .AND PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING Oll' A SPECIAL ELECTION TO :BE HELD IN THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ON' ~AY , THE 28th DAY OF .JANUARY . 2.2t. AND SUBMITTING TO THE QJJALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY THE IROPOSITION' OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE ~ISITION', CON- STRUCTION AND COMPLEmON BY SAID CITY OF SEAL BEACH OJ' A CER!1'AIN MUNICIPAL IMPEOVEUBNT, TO-WIT: THE ACQJJISITION', CONSTRUCTION' .AND COMPLETION OJ' A CITY BALL BJILDIlIIG, INCLUDING THE SITE THEREFOR FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROUSING THE VARIOUS CITY OFFICES, INCLUDING A PLACE FOR POLICE !IEAD- Q.tI'ARTERS, A CITY JAIL, AND A PLACE l!'OIl HOUSIllG IlACHIN'ERY, EQ.tI'IPMENT, TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OF THE STBEET DEPARTIAEN'l; ALSO FOR THE PllRPOSE OF stmmTTING TO THE Q.tI'ALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY THE PROPOSITION' OF INCUllRING A BONDED INDEBTED- NESS FOR THE ACQ,UISITION' BY mE SAID CITY OF SEAL BEACH OF A CERTADT MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMEll'T, TO-WIT: THE ACQ.UISITION OJ' CERTADT ADDITIONAL FIRE APP.ARA!rUS AND EQJJIPMElI'T. * . * * * . * * * . * WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Seal Beach, California, I did at a re~lar meeting thereof held on the 6th day of December 1928, by a vote of more than two-thirds of all its members, duly pus and adopt a resolution entitled uA Resolution of the City Council of the City of Seal Beach, Determin1Dg and Declaring that the public Interest and Necessity Demand the Acquisition, Construction and Qoapletion of Certain Manicipal Improvements in said City, the Cost of which is too Great to be Paid Ou.t of the Ordinary Annual Income end Revenue of Said Cityn, which resolution was numbersd Rssolution No. 159 . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City ot Seal Beach do ordain as tollows: Section 1; That a special election be held and the s8llle is hereby called to be held in the Ci ty of Seal Beach on Monday , I the 28th da,y of January , 192~, for the P\lxpose of submitting to the qualified voters ot said City the propositions of incurring indebtedness and issu1Dg bonds of said City therefor in the amount and for ths objscts and purposes hereinafter stated. -1- r Ordinance Number . . . Section 2: That the objects and pUIposes for which said I indebtednesses are proposed to be incurred and bonds issued there- for are as follows: PRO.I?OSITION I: The acquisition, construction and comple- tion by said City of Seal Beach of a certain municipal improve- ment, to-Wit: ~ne acquisition, construction and completion of a Ci ty Hall :Building, including the site therefor, for the :purpose of housing the various city offices, including a place. for pol1C1lheadquarters, a city jail, and a place for housing machinery, equipment, tools and supplies' of the street depart- ment. PRoPOSITION II: The acquisition of certain additional fire apparatus and equipment. Section 3: That the estimated cost of the proposed municipal improvement described in PropOSition I of Section 2 hereof is Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00); that the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor is the sum of Fifty Thousand I Dolllars ($50,000.00); and that the rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness shall be five' and one-half per cent. (5-1/2%) per annu.m, payable semi-annually; that if t..1),e proposi tion for the incurr- ing of said indebtedness for said purpose so subllli tted receives the requisite nu.mber of votes, to-ll'1 t: two-thirds of t..'le votes of the qualified voters voting at said special election, bonds of said City in the amount of Fifty ~nousand Dollare ($50,000.00) shall be issued and sold for the object and purpose set forth in said Proposition I of Section 2 hersof. That the estimated cost of the proposed Municipal improve- ment described in Proposition II of Section 2 hereof is Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00); that the amount of tile principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor is the sum of Seven Thousand I Five Hundred Dollars ($7,000.00); and that the rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness shall be five and one-half per cent. (5-1/2::;') per annum, payable semi-annually; that if the proposition for the incurring of said indebtedness for eaid purpose so subllli tted receives -2- Ordinance Number . . . the requisite nuuiber of votes, to-wit: trro-thirds of the votes of I the qualified voters voting at said special election, bonds of said Ci ty in the amount of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) shall be iSsued and sold for the object and purpose set forth in said Proposi tion II of Section 2 hereof. That in lieu. of issuing separate issues of bonds for each purpose above stated, the City Council may, in its discretion, issue one single issu.e of lIlWlicipal improvement bonds for the aggregate amount of all propositions above stated, Which shall receive the requisite approval of the voters at said election. Section 4: That the polls for said election shall be open at six o'clock A.M. of t.'I1e da.v of said election and must be and re:nain open continuously from said time until seven o'clock P.M. I of the same da.v when the polls shall be closed, except and provided however, that if at the said hour of closing there are any voters in the polling placi!S or in line at the entr~cethereof who are qualified to vote and who have not been able to do so since appearing, the polls shall be kept open a sufficient length of time to enable them to vote, but no one who shall arrive at the polling places after seven olclock p.M. of said day shall be entitled to vote, although the polls may be open when such person shall arrive. The ballots to be ueed at said election shall, in addition to any other matters required by law, contain substantially the following: lIl:ark a crOBB (X) on ballot CltI"'LY lilT!:! RUB:BER STA!.P: never With pen or pencil. I UISTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote on any question or proposition, stamp 3 cross (X) in the voting square after the word 'Yesl or after the word INo'. All marks except the cross (X) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. -3- Ordinance Number . . . If you wrongly stlWp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. I PRoPOSITION I: Shall the City of Seal :Beach inc:u.r a : bonded indebtedness of $50,000 for the acquisition, con- :struction and completion by the City of Seal lleach of a : certain municipal imorovement, to-wit: The acquisition, : constro.ction and coniPletion of a City Hall :Building, in- ,: eluding the site therefor, for the pUlllose of housing the :various ci~ offices, including a place for police head- : quarters. a city jail, a.Ild a place for housing machinery, : equipment, tools a.Ild supplies of the street departmen1;l YES: : NO i '. . .: PROPOSITION II: Shall the Oity of Seal lleach incur a :bonded indebtedness of $7,500.00 for the acquisition by the : City of Seal Beach of a certain municipal improvel!ent. to-wit: : The acquisition of certain additional fire apparatus and : equipment? I Section 5: That for the purpose of holding and conducting said special election in said City of Seal lleacn there is hereDy created and established one voting precinct which shall consiet of all the territory within the City of Seal :Beach; and that the following named election officers are hereby apPOinted to serve at said election, to-wi t: polling Place: City Hall Building,Seal Beach, CRlifornia. Clerks: te e t~~'t- Jtlll"~ .;(6-+~ - , ~u~LL -~..B.:~<f4~'~ Y' Inspector: Judge: Section 6: That in all partic:u.lars not reci ted in this I ordinance said spacial bond election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for the holding of municipal eleQtions in said City of Seal :Beach. -4- . I r It'' I I Ordiance Number . . Section 7: That the Ci ty Council of said City shall meet and canvSBS the returns of sait election at the regular meeting place of said City Council to be held in the Council Chemher of the City Hall of said City, located at No.222 Main street , Seal Beach, ~~a, at P.M. on the _ ~ of o I clock the hour of 7 : 30 ~~ 4.~.1. , J....uSll\ _1 "" , 192jL.: - Section 8: That the City Clerlt shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance by a vote of at least two- thirds of all ths members of the City Council of the City of Seal Beach and to its approval by the Mayor of said City, and shall cause this ordinance to be published once a week for two succeeding weeks in the "Seal Beach Journal" and the "Seal Beech Post and Wave", newspapers of general circulation, printed, pu.blished and cirau.lated less than six days a week in said City, which newspapers are hereby designated for that purpose, and to bs :posted for two succeeding weeks before the date of said election 'in the folloWing three pu.blic places in said City, to-wit: the City Hall Building, the United States Post Office and the California State Bank. Such publication of this ordi- nance shall constitute notice of said election. Adopted and appr'O"ved this 0~ ~ of .J3l<UPry, 192.9. ~~dlJ~ MlliVor of the City of s"a~ach, California. ~TE5T: J' ~ 1 ., (()" '. ,/,' / ' ".f: C j ;,,),+ I. 'F;"". ..v.':A.:/( Ci ty ClSrk. -5- Ordinance Number . . . . I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF <JB.ANGE, ) ss.: CI TY OF SEAL BEACH, ) I, Ollie B. l'adrick , City Cl erk of the Ci ty of Seal Beach. do hereby certify that the whole nUlliber of members of the City Council of the City of Seal Beach is five; that the foregoing ordinance was passed by a vote of at leaa:t two-thirds of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting of said City Council duly held on the 31'd day of January, 1929, and that said ordinance was passed by the following vote, to-wit: I qes: t ~ /. Councilmen: c',~>;: A.J'f. .<( " /i~"./', ;: . (/ ' . , . ~. I; 1.~ \ It;, "'iI _,., - '" '. I , . '. - Noes: Councilmen: A/I',' ... Absent: Councilmen: . Y/ . I _ , /' of 1.;/ . . "f / ~ " ,/./' f. J t:~ .1:. ' t' A/'. . /,. , City Clerk of the City of Se<<L Beach, California. I -6-