HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 151 1929-07-05 - I I I '.' " ~ . . O~INANCE NO. /~ 7 AN OtillINAjjCF: 01<' 'f.tiE OITY OF SEAL B1<.AOH, CALIFQrlNIA, rlEGULATING T.tiE ErtEOTION, CON- STRUOTION, ENl..AliGE..:El'l'J', i..LTErlATION, REPAIR, I~OVING, ffIo::iIiOVAL, DEiiJOLITION, CONVI'RSION, OCCUPANOY, EQ.UIP~IENT, USE, rlEIG.tiT, AREA AND a.AINT'EN'\]\iCE OF ALL .I:lUILDINGS AND/OR STnUCTUHES IN 7.ti'E OITY OF SEAL .I:lEACH, CALIFOii.j,:IA; h10VIDDiG FOR 'r.tiE lB ~mANCE OF p;: RI1ITS AND COLLBOTION OF FEES TtiEffi:- FOR; prtOVImNG PE:~ALTIES FOR 'rnE VIOLATION T!fEREOF; DECLArtING Al'flJ E::lTABLISrtING FIRE :60NES; REPEALING OHDINAWCE NO. 90 and NO. 109 OF TtiE CITY OF SEAL BBACrl, CII.LIFORNIA, AND ALL OT.tiBR OliDINANCBS AiID PARTS OF Orlm :NANOES IN CONFLICT THERE':llT.ti. . The Oity Council of the City of Seal Beach, Califor'lia, do ordain as folloVls: SEOTION Oim: That a certain docump.nt, three l3) copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the Oity of Seal Heach, being morked and designated as "Uniform Building Code, 1927 Edition, published January, 1928, by pacific Cosst Building Offici'lls Conference", be and the same is hereby adopted as the building code of the City of Seal Beach, for the regulation of the erection, constrl1ction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, \lSe, height, area and main- tenance of all buildings and/or structures in the City of Seal .I:leach; providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor; providing penalties for the violation of such building code; declaring and establishing fire zones; and each and all of the re~llations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of such "Uniform Building COde, 1927 Edition, published January, 1928, by Pacific Coast Building Officials Oonference"", on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby referred to adopted, and made a part hereof as if fUlly spt out in this Ordinance. SECTION TnO: That Ordinance No. 90 of the City 1. . I I I '. Ordinance Number . . of Seal Beach entitled n A Building Ordinance Regulating the Erection and Construction of Buildings and Structures in said Oity" and Ordinance No. 10\:J entitled "An Ordinance of the Oity of Seal Beach to Establish Fire Districts in said Oity and Determine the Class of Buildings to be Erected in part,icular Districts", and all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION THREE: That the entire incorporated area of the Oity of Seal Beach, is hereby declared to be and is hereby established as a Fire District and said fire district shall be known and designated as Fire ~ones 1, 2, 3 and 4, and each such zone shall include such territory or portions of said city as illustrated, outlined and designated on a certain map on file in the office of the Oity Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, being marked and designated as "Fire Zoones of the City of Seal Beach", which is hereby adopt P.d as the fire zoning map of the Oity of Seal Beach for the application of the regulations included in the "Uniform Building Oode, 1927 Edition, published January, 1928, by Pacific Ooast Building Officials Oonferenc'9." ,:;"SCTION FOUR: The Oity Clerk shall certify to , the passage of this Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach, and cause the same to be published once in the d~~~~ , a newspaper of general circu- lation, printe~shed an~rculated in said City and to be posted in three public places in said City, to wit: the Oity Hall Building, the United States Post Office and the california State Bank, and thereupon it shall take effect. Approved this ~ day of '. , 1929 Attest: City ~.~t;*~l Californis tleach, 2. . I I I .. . Ordinance Number . " STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF SEAL BEACH, } l ss. } I, Ollie B. Padrick, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Oity Council of the City of Seal Beach is five; that the foregoing ordinance was passed by a vote of at least two-thi~ of all the members of said City Council at a regular meet~~ of said Oity Council duly held on the ~day of '" ,":, 1929, and that said adinance ....:'38 passed Ayes, by e fol~owing vote, to wit: b Councilmen: ~h.:;.dur.NtvJ.hJ, ~~).Jy~tf;.~ . . ( ." - r- .1~J- 11/ML) - Noes, Councilmen: Absent, counCilmen: ~)~,~ City C er 0 t; e ~y ~~ ea' J::leaCh, Ca lifornia. 3.