HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 152 1929-06-07 fry I ~ II II II. II " , H :1 : I -.-. \' '..', l ;:-,':.--- ~~' ,M"'" IF' , h' *. ,/ , :1----:. . , u ': .!..~':., , ~~ '7: lP.,~. ," :'i,.'.\'. \,": -:' ' ,~~':.. '~ .4?t~' .". \" ::\ 'II ',',..- . , ' ' ~" ',' " . t~ ..' ~ / ~ ... I ,\ ~ , '"'",- , ,,\i' . ~ ':. ". ,',' ..:+", ~'~ J ;'.. ,-' ORDF~NCE NO . 152 AN ORDINANCE 010' THE CITY OF' SEAL BEAOH, OALIFORNIA, PHOVIDING FOIl. LIOEj'iSING AND rl.EGULATING CERTA1N BU::lINESSES AND PURSUITS CAnHIEJ) 0.l'J ..ITrlIN SAID CIrY, rlEPgALING OnDiNANCES NO~. 7, 52, 55, 91, 94 and ALT. OTHER ORDINAliOES IN CONFLICT '.iI Tli THIS OrtDINANCE AND nXING PEHALTIE::l FOI{ THE VIOLATION HEHEOF. The City Council of the City of Seal Beach, California, do ordain as follows: '- <, SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. The following words and phrases in this o~dinance shall have the signification attached to them in this section, unless otherwise clearly apparent from the context, . . ANl~~L LICENSE TAX. The phrase '"annual license tax" shall mean and include the tax for a license which shall expire with the first day of July next following its issuance; and the person or individual applying for such license shall pay , therefor one-fourth Ii} of the amount thereof for the then current ... - quarter of the calendar year and one-fourth (i) thp.reof for each following quarter, except as ~therviise provided in this ordina~e, All other licenses shall expire with the last day of the period for which the tax is paid as h~reinafter provided. B. AUTO FOR HIJ{E. The phrasenaut'o for hire': shall m~an and include the leasing, renting or hiring by the day, hour, trip or otherwise, whether with or without driver, of any automcbile, sightseeing car, omnibus or atage; or the using or maintaining of any automobile for any sight-seeing trip, excursion or outing, or showing points of intp.rest or conveying persons to points within or without the city to show or exhibit lands of houses, or both, for the purpose of effecting a sale of any such lands or houses, or to sbow or exhibit oil prospects, land or wells for the purpose of securing investments in any enterprise for the production of or drilling for oil, whether or not a fare or re- 1. ,- ( . - or ma inta ining charged, col~ted or accepted, or the using of any autom~~le, omnibus or stage for carrying ~ 1--, ) IlU1neration is passengers for hirp over a route, one terminus of waich is inside the Oity of Seal Beach. O. BOAT FOR HIRE. 'llhe phrase "boat for hire" shall mean and include any boat propelle~ by machinery and used or maintained for lease, rent or hire by the hour, day trip or otherwise, whether with or without an operator, for carrying or transporting anw passenger or passengers from any pier, wharf or landing, place in the Oity of Seal Beach. D. CIRCUS. The word "Oircus" shall mean and ! include any tent or canvas enclosure wherein are exhibired any feats of horsemanship, trained animals, clowns, acrobatic or trapeze performances and such other forms of skill or amusement as qre commonly given tn rings and combinations of entertainment. r:""" E. INDIVIDUAL. The word "Individual'; shall mean ! and include a person or individual, exclusive of any firm, corpora- tlon, co-partnership, association, club, society or other organi- zation, engaged in any of the businesses specified in the sec~ons of this ordinance wherein the word "Individual"is used and wherever a firm, corporation, co-partnership, association, club, society or other organization is engaged or seeks to enga~ in a business , l~ ~ or pursuit "Iherein it is herein provided that the license therefor shall be i~sued to an individual, the president, secretary, manager, partner, employee or other individuals, and each of them actually carrying on the business or engaged in the pursuit for and on behalf of such flrm, corporation, co-partnership, " tI association, association, club, society or othar organization, shall secure such license. I: F. r,;EDICINB SHOW. The ph-~ase ";,ledicine show" shall " mean and include the useing of any music, lecture, entertainment, operation, or other like scheme or plan to attact an audience or crowd ani the selling or giving to any person in such audience &~ :'.l or crowd, or arrafiging for the sale at a future time, of any drug 2. I ! or medicine, or any surgi~ or medical appliance, instrument or " treatment. G. PEDDLING. The word "peddling" shall mean and include traveling or going from place to place or from house to house and peddling, hawking, vending or selling any goods, wares or marchal. dise carripd, or caused to be carried or conveyed by or with the person peddling, hawking, vending or selling the same, where de- livery is made at the time of or within twenty-four (24) hours subsequent to sale. H. PERSON . The word "Person" shall mean a nd include both the singular and plural and shall also mean and include person, in- dividual, firm, corporation, copartnership, association, club, society or any other organization. I. SELLING. The word "selling" sha 11 mean s nd include selling, offering for sale, or contracting to sell any goods, 'I wares or merchandise. .J. SOLICITING. The 10 rd "Soliciting" shall mean and include traveling or going from place to place, or from house to house and soliciting or taking orders for any goods, wares or merchandise for delivery at a time in the future not less tl'B n twenty-four (24) hours subsequent to the time of mliciting or taking such order. - . ~ Sec. 2. ADVERTISING- GENERAL. Every person carrying ~~~ on the bU~iness of advertising, except as herein otherwise provided, u\) \~"\\ shall ray a license ta'% of Fifty d> llars ($50.00) per year. ~ 1'(' ~..I' For the purpose of this section "Advertising" shall include ~~ advertising agencies or the posting, sticking, affixing, tacking ~ ::v:::::::: ::':;:.:::~m::i::':'::~: ::O:~::':O:::'::::.~u::~:::.rd. or other structure of any character whatsoever; or operating or maintaining any billboard, signboard or window display; or distributing any posters, dodgers, circulars, brochures, or other printed advertisements of any kind; or distributing any samples of any goods, wares or merch~ndise, except drugs or medicine, or 3. < I I I Ordinance Number . advertising by means ci: any vehicle or stereopticon, biograph moving picture machine or other mechanical or electrical device or contrivance; ~ handing out printed matter of any kind to the public in the Oity of Seal Beach; provided, that bothing in this section, shall be construed to effect or apply to any person, firm or corpora~ion delivering handbills or posting, sticking, tacking, affixing, painting or erecting any business signs on the premises or buildings occupied and used in the business of such person, firm, or corporation, within the City of Seal ~ea(\~1. aoo which handbills or signs advertise only the goods, wares, ~erchandise or business of such p~rson, firm or corporation. This section shell not apply to merchants h8ll ing a fixed place of business in the City of Seal BeDch, di~tributing bills and/or posters or samples, advertising their own business Sec. :S. Advertising BY inEANS OF ELEX:TRIC SIGNS Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of advertising by means of any electric sign, shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars l,')50.00) per year; provided, howevp.r, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any p~rson firm or corporation from advertising only the goods, wares, merchandise or business of such person, firm or corporation by means of any electric sign 91aced or maintained on the premises or bulldings occupied and used for the business so advertised by such person, firm or corporation, within the Ci~ of Seal Beach. Sec. 4. AIRCRAFT FOR HIRE. Every person conducting, c -,,j-- h~" managing or carrying on the busi'1ess of maintaining any air- craft for hire or carrying ~ ssengers or freight, for hire, in any aircraft, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars l$25.00} per year. It shall be unlawful to carry on the buslness or 4. '" I I I . Ordinance Number businesses specified in this section without first procuring a permit from the Chief of Police of the City of Se~l Beach, so to do. Sec. 5. All.U::;E'..E. T D1J:VICE OR EXHIBITION. F.very person conducting, managing or carrying on the bUSnes~ of maintain- ing any game, exhibition, amuse~ent or recreational device, or any kind of amusement or entertainment not otherwise provided for in this orcl:l.nance, and cnar~ing or collecting any adm:is sion fee or accepting any free':'ill offering therefor, shall pay a license of twenty-five dollars \~25.rOj per year or two dollars and fifty cents \~2.50j per day foreach game, exhibition, amusement or reaeationsl device, and for each such amusement or entertainment. Sec. 6. M.1JS'El.1ErrT PARK. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on an amusement park within any enclosure where an admission fee is charged, shall pay a license tax of Twenty-five dollars l/25.00} per year, or five dollars \~5.00} pGr d1lY. Sec. 7. APPl,ICATION FOR LICB:NS~. Every person liable to pay any license tax uncer this ordinance shall m~ke application to the Oity Clerk for a license, stating the busIness or pursuit desired to be carried on; and it shall be the duty of the City Clark, upon investigation a 'd confirmation or the state- ment of said applicant that he has co~plied ~i~h all the provisions of the city laws, including this ordInance, required for the secl1ring of snid license, shall prepare and issue the same to ev~ry person making SJ. ch aplllication for said license and tendering the fees thereunder; said license shall be duly signed by th;~ said City Clerk and attested by the city seal Ind shall state thereon the smount of license tax, the period of time covered thereby, the name of the person to whom issued, the business of the person licensed, the location \There such business or pursuit is i,O be carried on; and s'lid City Clerk shall t~1erF.UpOn deliver such license to the Chief of Police. Sec. 8. AUC~lON hOUSE., Eve~! person conducting, 5. '" I I I . . Ordinance Number managing or carrying on the busi~ess of an ~uction house, or maintaIning or co~ducting a~y pl~ce \lhcre the business of seJling goads, wares or merc andise at public Auction is carripd on, or nny place where the goods, wgres, or merchandise of more than one person is being sold At anyone time by publicauction s~all pay a license tax of three hundred dollars (~3UC.00) per year; said lice~sc ~hall entitle the holder thereof to cry sales anywhere ~ithin tt.c City of Seal Seach, and also the right to main+.ain one helper in s~id auction house. Any mercha nt ';1.it hin the City of Seal Beach ~1ho dflsires to dispose of his entire stoc. of goods at public auction may do so without securing thp. license provided for herein, provided sAid merchrnt has ~en continuously engaGed in buslness in the Oity of Sea,l oeach for a period of one year next precFding the date of the opening of such s~le, and provIded furth~r, that such suction does not co~tlnue for s longer period than thirty I~U} days fro~ d~te of such opening. This section shall not be construed to apply to any public officer sellinG ani goods, wares or Merchandise under order of any court, com~ission or other legal authority. Sec. 9 . AUCTIO~mER. Every person conducting, monaging or carrying on the business of an auctioneer shall P"Y a license tax of one hundred and fifty dollars I ';150.00) per year. Sec. 10. AUTO FOrl HI HE. Every person conducting, ma ,qging or carrying on the busineso of an auto fer hire shall pay an annual license tax as follows: A. For each auto for hire capable of seating more than fifteen (15) p~rsons, fifty dollars l$50.00}. B. For each puto for hire c~pable of seating more than seven (7) and less than sixtcen lId} perso~s, forty dollars 1/)40."0). O. For eoch auto for hire capable of seating seven \7, or less, IY.'rsons, thirty doll'TS 1,";30.00}. D. Ambula~ces, fifte3n dollars l~l5.001. 6. . I I I ~~~ ~Y' '\~' ,I \ 1)0 ,~',J . b. \~. ;F <\\ \\ Ordinance Number Sec. 11. AUTO~OBILE P~RKlNG SPACE. Every person conducting managing or carrying on the buslness of maintaining an automobile parking space shall pay a license tax of fiftecn dollars \~15.00} per year. Sec. 12. AUTO R3PAIR SHOP. Every p9 rson conducting managing or cnrrying on the business of an auto repair shop shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars l~18.00) ~er year, provided, however, that such business shall not be subject to thelicense tax provided for herein if conducted in conncction with a public garage ,Ihen such nuto rep~ir shop is owned and controll~d by the owner of ssid pubJic garage. For the purpose of this section the term "Auto repar uhop" is defined as any shop, building, room, place, pl6ce or space where any automobile, or a~ p9rts thereof, are repaired, remodeled, overhauled or painted, and a cOillpensation charged for the same. Sec. l3. AU'EO ~iREC",ING SHOP. Every person, conducting, mana- gins or c~rr, ing on the business of an auto ~reaking shOp shall first seC'lre a permit from the City Oounc.l.l so to do, and in addition thereto shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars \$50.00) pc-r year. For the purpose of this section the term "auto wreckin~ shop" is hereby defined as the maintena'1ce of a place, building, or lot vhere secondhand automobiles, trucks, or any parts thereof, are traded for or bought for the purpose of dismantling, wrecking or otherwise tearing down the some; and the parts or accessories from such automobiles or trucks are offered for sole or exchange as usable; and the storage of such metals and irons as may accumulate only from such automobiles or trucks. Sec. 14. BATHHOUSE - PUBLlO. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a public bathhouse or maintaining any public bathr00m or public dresning room for hire, shall pay a license tax o~ fifty dollars ($50.0Q) per year~ and if said public b~thhouse h~s in excess of one hundred rooms, 7. I I I Ordinance Number . including both dressing rooms, bath rooms and/or 19ckers, then such license tax shall be at the rate of ten cents (10~) for each dressing room, bath room and/or locker in excess of one hundred (100) of all of such rooms; and, provided further, in event that said public bath house has thirty-five or more dressing rooms andfUrnis~ accomodatiDns for such number of bathers, the operator thereof shall maintain a life guard at his own expense upon the beach ad- jacent to such bath house at all times during which bathers are using the ~ccomodations of such bath house and beach. Sec. 15. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of s barber shop or beauty parlor, shall pay a license tax of one dollar per year ($1.00) for a one chair Shop and fifty cents ~50<t) per year for each addit ional chair. Sec. 16. ;' BEACH tn4BRELLAS. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the busi ness of maintaining a beach umbrella stand for the purpose of renting, leasing or selling beach umbrellas to the public shall pay a license tax of twenty five dollars ($25.00)' per year for the first stand, and in addition thereto shall pay a license tax of five dollars ($5.00) IE r day for each branch stand that sy.ch person may maintain in connection with the mai n stand, provided, however, that such business shall not be subject to the license tax provided herein for the renting, leasing or selling of such beach umbrellas if conducted from a regularly established place of business in said Oity of Seal Beach, which is subject to and pays a general merchandise lieense tax, provided for in this ordinance, other than a branch stand, which shall be subject to the license tax herein provided for. Sec. 17. BOAT FOR HIRE. Every person conducting, managing, or carrying on the business of a boat for hire, or maintaining any boat for hire shall pay a license tax of fifty ~ents (50~) per year for each boat not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in length and fifty cents (50~) per foot in addition thereto for each boat exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in length. sec. lB. BILLIARD AND POOL ROOMS. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a public pool hall, bil- liard hall or bowling ~ley, or maintaining any pool table, 8. . I I ~' ~\~, N\~~O v \\1" .,;.' t I Ordinance Number billiard table or bowling ~lley for public use, snaIl first secure a permit from the Chief of Police so to do; a nd in addition thereto shall pay a license tax of six dollars l~6.00J per year for each such table or bowling alley whether the same is in use or not. Sec. 19. BRAiIDrl OR SEPARATE OFFICE. A sep~rate license shall be maintained for each branch established or separate office or place for carrying on any business or pursuit specified in this ord~nance and the amount thereof, unless otherwise specified, shall be equal to the amount specified for carrying on the origina~ business or pursuit. oec. 20. CHANGE OF LOCATION. Bvery person having a license to carry on any Business or pursuit at a fixed place of business who changes bhe location of such place of business or pursuit shall, prior to carrying on such business or pur- suit at the new location, have the City Cl~rk endorse such new location upon the license therefor. sec. ~l. CArlO TABLES. Every person engaged in, managing or carrying on the business of maintaining a place where tables are used by the public for playing cards, and for the use of which a fee or compensation is chareed the players, Shall first secure a permi.t from the Ohief of police, and in addition thereto s~all pP-y to the City of Seal Beach, a tax of twelve dollars l012.00) per year for each such table, whether or not the same is in actual use. Sec. 22. OIl1::US. Every person conducting, managing '.. or carrying on a circus shall pay a license tax of one hundred and fifty dollars \$150.00) for the first day and fifty dollars \$50.00) for each additional day thereafter. Sec. 23. CIVIl SHT. The amount of any licens" tax provided hp.rein shall be dp.emed a debt due to the City of Seal Beach, anG evp.ry person shall be liable in an action in the name of the City of Seal Beach in any court of competent juridiction for all cr any portion of the amount of any license 9. . I '), \ \1/ /').-- I I ord'inance Number tax provided for Garrying on any business or pursuit specified herein, together with costs of suit. Sec. ,24. CLEANltfG, PRESSING On DYEING CLOTHES. EV9ry person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of cleaning, pressing or dyeing clothes shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars \018.00) per year. Sec. 25. OOLLECTION AGENCIES. Every person engaged in, conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a collection agency shall pay a license tax of ten dollars \$10.00} per year. Sec. ~6. COLD STORAGE PLANT. Every person con- ducting, managing or carrying on a cold storage or refrigerating plant for the purpose of storing fruits, vegetables, fish, meats, eggs or dairy products shall pay a license tax of etghteen dollars \$l8.00} per year. ::;ec. 2'1. COLLEOTION OF TAX NOT BARRED BY CONVIOTION. The conviction and punishment of any person for transacting any business or pursuit without a license shall not excuse such person from the payment of any license tax due or unpaid at the time of such conviction; and nothing contained herein shall prevent a criminal prosecution for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 28. C01,u:,IIS3ION L1EROl1Al-iTS OR BROKERS. Every person who engages in, conducts, manages or carries on the business of a cOll1lllission merchant or broker, within the City of Seal Beach shall pay an annual license tax of fifty dollars \:')50.uO} For the purpose of this secbion the term "Com!nission mercbant" or"broker" is defined to be one who engages in, carries on or conducts the business of buying and/or selling produce, foodstuffs or any food product, co~~Qdities or merchandise, as a broker or agent for the owner or assignee thereof, for a fee or com ission, whether or not the operation of such business customarily includes the actual possession, custody or control of such foodstuffs, goods, wares or mer- 10. Ordinance Number , . chandise. I sec. 29. DANCING AOAD~Y. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a dancing academy shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year; provided, however, that no license shall be required of any suCh person conducting, managing or carrying on the busi ness of such dancing academy when the same is maintained or carried on in conjunction with a public dance hall for which such person is paying a license tax, as provided for in Section 30 of this ordinEnce. . , The term "dancing academy as used herein is defined as a pIece where dancing lessons are given for W1ich a charge is made. J'~. ~~~.. I )~/ 60 ~O'..r" police ~~f'c{ olice sec. 30. DANOE HALL. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a public dance hall, shall first secure s permit from the chief of police to conduct or carry on such bus iness, and in addition thereto shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year, and shall maintain a officer at such dance hall, appointed by the Chief of and under his jurisdiction. The term "public dance hall" as used herein is defined to be any place where public dances are regulArly carried on for either a fixed charge cr a charge for each da~ce. Sec. 31. DRUG STORE. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a drug store, shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars ($18,00) per year, which license tax I ~ shall include the right to sell cigars, tobacco, soft drinks and other goods of a general merchandise nature if owned, managed and controlled by the licensee conducting said drug store, but such license hereunder shall not in any event include the right to ~ I sell or serve sandwiches, lunches or meals. Sec. 32. DUTIES OF CHIEF OF POLICE. The Ohief of Police shall counters ign all licenses, a nd, upon payment of the amount of the license tax and penalties, if any, shall deliver the license to the person to whom issued; and shall pay over to 11. I I I t Ordinance Number city Treasurer all such license taxes and pen".lties collected, at least once in each c9~endar month, taking th~ receipt of the City Treasurer therefor, in duplicate, a nd shall file one copy of said receipt with the City Clerk and retain one copy therrof; shall deliver to the City crlArk on or before the first Monday of each calendar.month, a statement of all license taxes and penalties collected during the preceding month; may make arrests for a~y violation of this ordinance; and shall have and exercjs e the power and right to enter, free of charge, any place of business or pursuit for the purpose of inspecting any city license and to demand from any person the exhibition ~f any city license forthe purpose of inspecting or checking the same. Sec. 33. DUTY OF POJ"ICE OFFICERl:l. All police officers are hereby appointed inspectors of licenses, and, in addition to their several duties as police officers, are hereby required to examine all places of business and persons in their respective beats liable to pay license, and to see that such licenses are taken out,and shall have snd exercise the power: 1. !Ilo make arrest s for the viola tion of a ny of the provisions of this ordinance; and, 2. To enter, free of charge, at any time, any place of business for which a license in required by thia or- dinance and to demand the exhibition of such licenses for the current term by any IB rson engaged or employed in the transaction of such business and if such person shall then and there fail to exhibit such license, such person shall be liable to the penalty provided for in violation of this ordinance. It is hereby made the duty of the police officers to cau~e complaints to be filed against all p,rsons violating any of the provisions of t~is ordinance. The Ohief of Police is hereby directed to carry into effect the provisions of this section. 12. /" t 00 rl' Ordinance Number Sec. 34. EATING PLACE. Every person concucting, 12.- managing or carrying on the business of aD eating place, stand or other place where any meals, lunches o~ sandwiches, cigars or candy are served or sold to the public, shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars l$l8.00, per year.' or twenty dollars per year ($20.00) in event tables are used in connection therewith. . ~ec. 35. ELEOTRIO BUSlNE~S. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of electric wiring or doing any work for which an electric permit is required, shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars \$l8.uO, per year. This license shall include the right to sell electric fixtures. 11- - '! I,.I~ ~ 'J." , ~ec. 36. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Every pArson engaged in or carrying on the business of an employment bureau shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dolla~s l$25.00, pe~ year. ... I For the purpose of this ordinance, the term "Employment bureau" is defined as the business of securing employment for any person or persons f.or a'fee or compensation of any kind, or furnishing information regarding situations or employment for a fee or comp~nsation. l;iec. 37. EXHIBITING OF LIO~N~E. Every person having a license under this ordinance and carrying on a business or pursuit at a fixed place of business shall keep such license pes ted in a conspi'cuous place in such place of business so as to be easily seen; and every person having a license but not I carrying on a business or pursuit at a fixed place of buainess shall exhibit such license whenever requested so to do by the Chief of.Police or any police officer. ~ec. 38. FIRE SALES. Every person condmting, managing or carrying on a sale within the City of Seal Beach of goods, wares or merchandise which is being or has been acwertised as a fire saJe, shall pay a license tax of two hundred and fifty doll~rs 1~25U.00J per year; provided, however, that no person shall be required to pay said tax for t he advertising or for such sale of goods, wares or merchandise where such 13. Ordinance Number . person was the legal owner of such goods, wares or merchandise at the time the same were salvaged. Sec. 39. FlREWORK~ Every person conducting, managing or carrying ~n ~he business of maintaining a stand or place ~ r the sale of fire /crackers, fire works, flags, banners, horns and novelties, shall pay \ a a license tax of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day for the first N- ~ stand, and in additl. on thereto shall pay a license tax of ten dollars t ~ ~ ($IO.OO) per day for each branch stand, provided, however, that the <l l~. license tax required to be paid herein shall not apply to a regularly ~ ~ " ~ established business or person engaged in selling or vending such de- ~ ~ ~ signated articles from a regularly established business, unless, however, ~ an additional stand is operated in conjunction with such place of business, in which event such merchant shall pay a license tax of five dollars ($5.00) per day for each such additional stand, and provided fir ther that no person shall maintain or conduct a stand or place for the sale of such articles within ssid Oity without first securing a permit from the Chief of police so to do, which ssid permit shall specify the location or said stand or stands and permit the operation thereof for not exceeding ne week prior to-and three days after the 4th day of July of any year. Sec. 40. FORTU~~ TELL~NG. Every person advertising by sign, circular, handbill, newspaper, periodical, magazine or other publication, or by any other means whatsoever, the telling of fortunes or furnishing any information not otherwise obtainable by the ordinary processes of knowledge, for or without p~y, by means or occult or psychic power, faculty or force, clairvoyance, clairaudience, oartomancy, psychology, psychometry, phrenology, spirits, mediumship, seership, prophecy, augury, astrology, palmistry, necromancy, mind reading, telepathy, or other crafty I art, science, cabds, talisman, charm, potion, megnetism, magnetized article or substance, hypay cunning or foresight, crystal gazing, oriental mysteries or magic of ~y kind or nnture, or engaging in practicing or carryingkon any art, profession or buainess, the advertisement of Which is regula ted by this ordina nce, within the city of Sea 1 Beach, shall pay an annual license tax of five dollars per day or fifty dollsrs ($50.00) per ~" and prior to the issuance of filch l1c"nse shall secure a permit from the Ohief of Police 4w ~ i tfdtll'-/,.:z? 14. \v I v;~ I I Ordinance Number . of said city in order to carry on such business therein. i:lec. 41. GAHAGE - PUBLIC. Every person conducting managing or carrying on a public garage shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars (~8.00J per year. ::sec. 42. GENEHAL jjiERCHANDISE. Every person conducting managing or carrying on the business of selling at retail any goods, wares or merchandise not otherwise specified in this or- dinance, at a fixed place of business in the City of Seal Beach shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars ($18.00J payable yearly in advance. Sec. 43. GHOOERY BUSSES. Every person,managing engaged in, conducting or carrying on the business of a grocery bus, within the City of ::seal Beach, shall pay a license tax of Two hundred and fifty d:lllars 1$250.001 per year. SAid license required by this section shall entitle the licensee to the use of one vehicle to be used as a grocery bus. i:lecl 44. HERB DOOTOR. Every person concucting, managing or carrying on the business of an herb doctor, or selling or disposing of medicinal herbs, or employing heres in the treat- ment of human beings for sickness or disease, or having a fixed place of business in the City of Seal Beach, sh&l pay a license tax of one hundred dollars 1~100.00) per year. Sec. 45. HOTEL, LODGING HOU::sE. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on a hotel and/or lodging house shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year, and every person eng~ged in the business of renting rooms, cottages or tents sha 11 pay an annual license tax of one dolls r ($1.0011 or any portion thereof, per year, for each such room, . cottage or tent. Sec. 46. HOUSE MOVING. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of house moving or raising, or moving buildings, or other structures, shall pay a license tax of one hundred and fifty dollars lG150.001 per year, and/or ten dollars ($10.00) p~r d~y. ::sec. 47. ICE. Every person conducting, managing 15. JL I I I Ordinance Number t or carrying on the business of selling, or delivering ice at wholesale or retail, shall pay am annual license tax of eighteen dollars ($18.00,. sec. 48. ITlNERA'l'E PHOTOGHAPHEfui. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of making photographs, tintypes, postcard photographs, or other views or pictures made by any photographic process, for a compensation or who ~licits therefor, or offers for sale, or sells, coupons redeemable in photographic work, and who does not maintain a regularly established photographic studio within the City of ~eal Beach, or who is not an agent or employee of such person so maintaining such regularly established place of business, shall pay a license tax of fifty dQnars l$50.00, per year. said license herein provided for is nontransferable. Sec. 49. ITlNERAWT VENDORS. Every person managing, engaged in, condicting or carrying on the business or occupation of itinerant vendor, dhall pay a license tax of ten dollars \$lO.UO) perday. For the purpose of this section the words "itinerant vendor" are hereby defined to mean and include all pp.rsons or in- dividuals, both principals and agents, who engage in a temporar,w or transcient business in the City of Seal Beach, selling goods, wares or merd1andise, with the intention of conducting said business in said city for a period of not more than ninety (9U, days, and who, for the purpose of carrying on such business, hires, leases or occupies any room, doorway, vacant lot, building or structure, for the exhibition or sale of goods, wares or merchandise, and ~he person so engaged shall not be relieved from the requirements of this section by reason of associating temporar- ily with any local dealer, trader, merchant or auctioneer, or by conducting such temporary or transcient business in connection with or as a part of or in the name of any local dealer, trader, merchant or auctioneer. A license issued under this section shall be nontrans- ferable. 16. I I I t l/ Ordinance Number The provision of this section shall not apply to salesmen known as commercisl travelers, nor to selling sgents selling their goods to dealers, whether for present or future deliveries, by samples or otherwisa, nor to hawkers on the streets within said City, nor peddlers from vehicles, nor to persons selling fruit, vegetables, butter, eggs, or other farm or ranch products. Sec. 50. JUNK COI,LEOTOH. Every person collecting junk shall pay an annual license tax of ~wen~y~~ive dollars (ljji25.00, for each vehicle or boat used in collecting such junk. or two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per day. Junk collector as used herein defined to be. a person carrying on, managing, or conducting the busi ness of going from house to house, or from place to place, gathering, collecting, buying, selling or otherwise dealing in old rage, sacks, bottles, paper, or other articlee commonly known as junk. ~aid license herein provided for is nontransferable. Sec. 51. JUNK DEALER. Every person conducting, ma~aging or carrying on the business of a junk dealer shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars \~~5.uOJ per year; this license shall not include the right to collect junk with a vehicle or boat. Said license herein provided for is nontrans- ferable. ::sec. 52. LAUNDHIES. Every person conductipg, jpanag- V - ~...,...,c.:.; r-~ ing or carrying on the business of a laundr~ shall ~ay a lice~se tax of eight~e~ dollars l$lS.OO) per year, and, in addition thereto, shall pay a license tax of five dollars l$5.UO} per year for each office, agency, place or vehicle maintained ~ used in connection with such business. Sec. 53. LlluITATION OF TlloiE Aim AJ..OUNT. No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or received for any licens. than is provided herein; and no license shall be sold or issued for any period of time than set forth herein as a basis for the license tax rate. ::sec. 54. LIVERY STABLE OH RIDING ACADEriIY. Every person 17. I I I Ordinance Number . conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a livery or sales stable or riding academy ahall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars ($18.00J per yea~. Sec. 55. LOAN OOMPANIES. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of loaning money, either for himself or for any other person, upon personal security, evidence of debt, assignments of salary, salary warrant, salary demands, automobiles, or any persenal property, or pur- chasing for himself, or for ~ny other perwon, automobile con- tracts, commercial paper, evidence of debt, salary demands, time checks, or other evidences of salary due or to become due or auto~obile paper, shall pay a license of fifty dollars l$5u.UOJ per year. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed or construed to apply to the holder of a bond broker's license, or to any person condUcting a banking business under the laws of the state of Cali1brnia, or a pawnbroker's business. ~ec. 56. ~~IClNE SHOW, Every person conducting, managing or carrying on a medicine show shall pay'a license tax of one 'hundred and fifty dollars l~l80.uO) per year. A license issued under this section Ehall be non- transferable. Sec. 57. roILITArtY EXEMPTION. Every honorably discharged soldier, sailor or marine of the United states or the Oonfederate states, who served in the Civil War, any Indian war, the ~panish- American, the Philippine Insurrection, the Chinese Relief Expedition, or with the American Expeditionary Forces in the war against Germany, who is physically unable to obtain a livelihood by manual labor, shall be allowed to carry on any business or pursuit specif~d in this ordinance without payment of the license tax or fee required therefor; provided, however, that said license tax or fee, as fixed by this ordinance, does not exceed the sum of thirty-six dollars ($36.00) per year; and, provided, further, that no more than one such license shall be issued to an~ such disabled soldier, 18. I' I I Ordinance Number I sailor or marine during any one year. Each such soldier, sailor or marine, bef<r e carrying on any such business or other pursuit, s~all first procure from the City Olprk a license so to do, and shall be subject to all the provisions of this ordmnsnce or any or- dinance amendatory thereto. Each such soldier, sailor or marine claiming exemption under the provisions of this section shall exhibit to the City Clerk his honorable discharge together witha letter from the ~ecretary of the American Legion Post. A license issued under this section shall be non-trans- fera ble. ~ec. 58. fuINIATUKE TRAIN~. Every person conducting managing or carrying on the business of maintai~ing or operating a miniature gasoline,electric or steam train for hire shall pay a license tax of twenty-five do]ars (~25.00) per year for each such train. It shall be unlawful to carry on the business specified in this sect~on without first procuring a permit so to do from the Chief of Police of the City of ~eDl Beach. ~ec. 5~. ~ISTAKE IN ~nOUI~. In no case shall any mistake in the amount collected for any license tax or any penalty prevent the collection of the amount actually due for such license. Sec. 6U. MOVING PIC'ruRE :ShO:i. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of tak~~F-foduci~one or .<~ more mov';Jt,o~ ~ot1on pl.ture., .h.ll p" . 11..n..I... o~~-;'. ''l dollars~ 5U.UO} per year. Sec. 61. liiOTION PICTUttE ~fiO,,;) AND THEATKE~: Every person conducting, managing or carrying on a theatre, containing a permanent stage upon which movable scenery and theatrical appli- ances are used, where regular theatrical or vaudeville performances are given and for the privilege of viewing which a fee is charged, collected or received, or conducting, managing or carrying on a lYe I I I Ordinance Number . moving picture theater where moving or motion pictures are exhibited and a fee is charged, collected or received, shall pay a license tax of twenty-four dollars 1,24.00} p~r year. ~ec. 6~. OIL BU~INESS. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of drilling, producing, manufacturing refining oil or the by-products thereof, including the di~illation, marketing, saling and delivering of oil and its by-products shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars 1@50.00} per year. The provisions of this section shall also include wholesale distributors of petroleum or the products thereof, maintaining tankage or warehouse storage plants in the Oity of Seal Beach. That nothing in this section contained shall be deemed or construed as applying to automobile filling stations . ~ec. 63. OTHER Ar4U~E...ENT::;. Every person conducting, managing, engaging in or carrying on the business of exhibition shows or amusements of any character whatsoever, not otherwise provided for in this ordinance where performances are given and for the privilege of viewing which a fee is charged, collected or received, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars 1$25.00} per year. sec. 64. OHGANI~ATION~ ~IPTED. Religious, charitable educational and fraternal organizations operated not for profit shall be exempted from paying any license tax provided in this ordinance.Any such organizations operating for profit shall pay a license tax of ten dollars 1,10.00} per year. It shall be unlawful for any person as principal, agent or employee of any such organization to carry on any business or pursuit specified in this ordinance without first procuring a pe rmit from the Chi~r of Police of said city so to do, and the Ch~f of Police may issue a permit on every application therefor When the business or pursuit shall not be inimical to the best interests of the city of Seal Beach, or the inhabitants thereof. Sec. 65. PA~INBROKER. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a pawnbroker ahall first file an applica- tion with, and secure a permit from the Chief of Police of the Ci~ 20. Ordinance Number . of Seal Beach, and in addition thereto shall pay a license tax of one hundred dollars l~lOO.OOJ per year. Said license herein provided for is nontransferable. I Sec. 66. PEDDLING AND .:>OLICITING - GENERaL. Every person I peddling, soliciting, canvassing or taking orders for any goods, wares or merchandise, or advertising, not otherwise s12 cified in this ordinance, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars \$25.00} per month, or one hundred dollars l$lOO.OO} per year, which shall include the use of one vehicle or boat, and in addition thereto, the sum of twenty-five dollars l$25.00} per month, or one hundred dollars l$lOO.OO} per year for each sdditional vehicle or boat used in such peddling; provided, howev6r, that this section shall not apply to any 12 rson p3 ddling soliciting, canvassing or tsking orders for any goods, wares or merchandise, or advertising, who has or represents a regularly established place of business in the city of .:>eal Beach, duly licensed hereunder. I ~ec. 67. PEDDLING MEDICINE. Every persoo peddling any drugs or medicine or going from place to place or from house to house in the City of ~eal Beach distributing, selling or giving away any drug or medicine or any sample or samples of aoy drug or medicine, shall pay a license tax of one hundred and fi~ty dollars l$150.00} per year. It shall be unlawful to peddle any drug or medicine or to go from place to place or from house to house in the Oity of Seal Beach distributing, selling or giving away any drugmor medicine or any sample or samples of any drug or medicine without first procuring a permit from the Chief of Police so to do; provided however that the City Health Officer may issue such permit if, upon examination, he shall determine that such drug or medicine is non-poisonous, harmless, and not dangerous to life or health, and such permit shall be filed with the Oity Oler!!: p:' ior to is suing a license hereunder. ~. ALU 00 ("- ,I)' , 11~'" .:>ec. 68. PEDDLING mILK. . Every para> n peddling milk shall 21. . I Ordinance Number d,opa r's pay an annual license tax of thirty-six /(~36.00, which shall entitle such person to the use of one vehicle in the conduct of such business, a nd in addition thereto, an annual license tax of five dollars l$5.00) for each additional vehicle used in such peddling. Sec. 6~. PEDDLING NOVELTIE~. Every person condUcting, managing or carrying on the business of a peddler of flags, banners, toy balloons, canes, horns, trumpets, musical or noise making instruments of any kind, toys, badg~s, buttons, shoestrings, hairpins, lead pencils, combs or other souvenirs or novelties of any kind, shall psy a license tax of fi~ dollars l$5.00) per day or fifty dollars l~50.00J per year. Sec. 70. PEDDLING PRuDUOE. Every person peddling ~ither on foot or by vehicle, or by bo~t, any fruit, flowers, ~ '~ nursery stock, vegetables, pickled goods, gum, nuts, ice creBq lilo 10" tamales, box lunches, potato chips, poultry, eggs, dairy " ~l> products lexcept milk),meats, sea products, shall pay- an annual . license tax of thirty-six dollars l~36.00J which license tax shall include the US? of one vehicle or boat, and in addition thereto, an annual license tax of thirty-six dollars l$36.00, for each additional vehicle or boat used in such peddling. If a license ~s issued after July 1st of any year then * license tax of eighteen dollars l~~8.uO) shall/be charged for the balance of the year or any part thereof. Sec. 71. P~NAL CLAUSE. It shall be unlawful for any whether as principal, agent, clerk, employee or otherwise, for himself, or for any other person, or for any body or as an office of any corporation, or otherwise to commence or carry en any trade, calling, prodession or occupation in this ordinance specified in the City of ~eal Beach, without f~t having procured a license from said city so to do, or without complying with any and all regulations of such trade, calling, profession or occupation contained in this ordinance; and the carrying on of any trade, calling, profession or occupation mentioned i <::2. I / I I Ordinance Number . in this ordinanoe without first having procured a license from ssid city so to do, or without co~plying with any or all regulations of such trade, calling, profession of occupation contained in this ordinance, shall constitute a separate violation ~ this ordinance for each and every day that such trade, calling, profession or occuption is so carried on, and in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of note more than three hundred dollars l~3vO.UOI or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ~ec. 7~. PENALTIE~. All license taxes specified in this ordinance shall be due and psyable in advance; and every person or individual who shall carry on,for ten days or less, ~y business or pursuit, for which a, license is required, whether having previously had a license therefor or not, without having first procured a li- cense therefor, shall be re~ired to pay the regular license tax her~in provided for such business or pursuit and an additional ten per centum thereof for such licehse; and every person or individual who shall carry on, for more than ten llO} days, any buainess or pursuit, for which a license is requ~ed, whether having previously had a license ther~r or not, WLthout first having procured a license therefor, shall be required to pay the regular license tax herein provided for such business or pursuit and an additional twenty per centum thereof for such license. ~ec. 73. PENNY AHCADE. Every person, conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a penny arcade, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars l~25.UO} per year. For the purpose or this section an arcade is defined to be one general enclosure in which is conducted the business of operating or exhibiting any phonograph, graphophone, talking machine, kineto- scope, biograph, projectoscope, or a~ o~er instrument or machine of like character, for the use of which a compensation fee is charged, and exhibiting, showing or letting the use of any micro- 2~. Ordinance Number . I scope, lung tester, muscle tester, galvanic battery, weighing machine or machine or like character, for a money consideration. Sec. '7.4. PffOTOGrlAPtl.s - GENERAL. Every person, (I) nducting, managing or carrying on the business of making photographs, tintypes, postcard photographs, or other views or pictures made by any photographic process for a compensation, and who maintains a regularly established photographic studio within the City of ~eal Beach, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars l$lO.OO} per year. IDhis section sha~~ include the right to solicit orders for tintypes, postcards, photographs or other views or pictures made by any photographic process. sec. 75. PLU1IIBING BUI::iHlE;,;,. Every peran conducting, l~ managing or carrying on the business of plumbing, or doing any work for which a plumbing permit is required shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars 1$18.UO) per year. This license shall include the right to sell plumbing or I sewer ficturee. tj - ..,.:.... '< I , " ~ec. 76. PUBLICATION OF D[REOToaIE~. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of comp[ing and publishing city, business or classified directories, shall pay a licensp. tax of f~y dollars li50.UOJ per year. Sec. 77. REAL ESTATE. Ev?ry person who shall, as broker, solicit others to rent, buy, sell or exchange real estate, or any interest therein, or who shall, in such capacity loan money onnsuch real property, or who shall advertise or otherwise give notice that he will, as such broker, buy, sell rent or exchange, such real estate or loan money on real estate, or who shall ask, demand or receive any commission or other remuneration, or make any , chagre on real estate transactions, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars l~lO.OOJ per year. Sec. 78. ~FUN.D~. No refund shall be made on any license issued in accordance with this ordinance unles,s the conducting, managing or carrying on of such bu&ness as provided in such license, shall become unlawful by act of the Oity Council of the City of I I::ieal Beach. 24. Ordinance Number . I Sec. 79. HEPEAL~. Ordinances Nos. 7, 52, 55, 91, and 94, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance ar' hereby repealed. ~ec. 80. SALE OF SEOURITIE~. Every person who shall sell or offer to sell any securities of any corporation, trust, partnership or other association, except such securities as may be the property of the perso n so selling or offering to s ell the same, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars lSlO.OO} per year. :sec. 81. SANDWICH VENDING L',ACHlNE~. Every person engaged in or carrying on the business of selling sandwiches, pies, caije or other foodstuffs, by means of vending machines, not otherwise provided for in this ordinance, shall pay a license tax of twenty- five dollars l@~5.UO} per year for each machine so mai."ltained. :Sec. 8~. SELLING CLUB PLAN. Every person selling or offering for sale memberships in any club or co-operative association I whereby the purchaser of such membership is to be allowed a disCD unt upon goods, wares, or merchandise purchased by such member, and I any person offering aoods, wa>>es or merchandise at a discount, or free, or partially free, as an inducement or reward for the purchase of such club membership, shall pay theref~ a license tax of two hundred sollars l~aoO.OOI per year. Such license sqall include the right to engage salesmen in the conduct of said business without additional license. Sec. 83. SELLING TERRITORIAL rlIGtiT:s. Every person engaged in the business or occupation of selling, or soliciting, or canvassing for the sale of territorial rights or privileges, exclusibe or othervlise, to dispose of or sell any goods, wares, or merchandise within the City of seal Beach, shall pay a license tax of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year. Sec. 84. SHOOTING &ALLERIES. Every person conducting, manag- ing or carrying on the business of a shooting gallery shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars l~~5.UO} per year. It shall be unlawful t'o carry on the business specified in this section without first procuring a pr'nnit from the Onif.f of Police do to do. ~ ~5. I I I Ordinance Number . Sec. 85. SHO,iS - DOG, OAT, STOCK AND POULTl:tY. A. Every lB rson conducting, managing or carrying on a stock show or exhibition of live animals, paultry and/or birds where an admission and/or entry fee is charged, shall pay s license tax of five dollars 1$5.001 per day or one hundred mllarsl$lOO.OOI per year. B. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on a show or exhibition where stuffed animals and/or birds or those other than live animals are exhibited, where. an admission or entry fee is charged, shall pay a license tax of five dollars 1$5.00) per day, or one hundred dollars l$lUO.UO) per year. Nothing in this section shall be deemed or construed to authorize the holder of any license provided for in this section to conduct, maintain, ~ carry on any other business in connection with such exhibition or show without first obtaining a license so to do as in this ordinance provided. In addition thereto a permit to conduct such show or shows shall first be obtained from the Chief of Police. Se c. 86. SHO\'iS- TRAlNE"!:> ANIMALS AND viILD WEST. Eve ry person conducting, managing or carrying on the busi ness of a trained animal show and/or a wild west show shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars 1$5U.UO) for the first day and twenty-five dollars 1$~5.00) for each day thereafter. In addition thereto a lBrmit to conduct such show or shows shall be obtained from the Chief of Police. Sec. 87. TOwEL SUPPLY. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a towel, apron or toilet supply, filter or water supply, shall pay a license tax of ten dolJars JIL:4" pe~. ; Sec. 88. TRAN~FEH OF LICEN~ES. Licenses may be transferred, during the life thereof, in case of sale of property covered thereby, or water {$lu.UOI unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, provided, that an endorse- ment is made ~ the original licensee on the back thereof, giving the name of the party to whom such transfer i8 made, date and signature 26. r .1 I 1 ~ Ordinance Number '. of party transferring same. Said license must then be presented to the City Clprk and a duplicate license issued to the holder thereof in lieu of the old license without charge therefor. ~ec. 89. UNDErlT~ERS. Every person conducting, mansging or carrying on the business of an undertaker, embalmer or funersl director, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars \~25.00) per year. Sec. 9U. VENJ.I NG h'lJ!.CHI~S. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on thebusiness of selling goods, wares or merchandi~ I by means of vending maChi~~ a license tax of two cb llar s l' ~~.~O.!l.fZ:<<;e::-f~ ~~j::C~!# ;t;. r -~. ~~a_ .~ Sec. gJ.. v.6tWLE -PLATES. Every person op~~ maintai ning or running any vehicle or boat requiring an annual license shall procure from the City Clerk, two metal plates for each such vehicle for the current year, and securely attach one on each side of such vehicle in a conspicuous place so as to be easily seen whether such vehicle or boat shall be in motion or standing} and such plates shall bear a number for the current year and shall be of such style, size and design as the Oity Clerk of soid City may direct. Sec. 92. WAnEHOUtiES. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a warehouse, or maintaining a place for the purpose of keeping or storing goods, wares or merchandise for hire, shall pay a license ta~ of twenty- five dollars \$25.00J per year. Sec. 93. WEIJtiING ~ACrllNES. Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of renting, leasing or maintaining any weighing machine wherein a sum is charged by means of awin slot or otherwise, shall, pay a license tax of four dollars 1$4.00) per year for each such machine; provided, however, that no such license shall be issued for said renting, leasing or maintenance of ftny such weighing machine upon any street, alley, way or court, or upon any public property, witqJn ~he cn,~ tie c. 94. \YHOLEtiALE "BUSINESS. w~ or carrying on a wholesalefbusiness Oity of tieAl oeach. Every person conducting, managing of any character, within the ~ ld7. I ~ . , Ordinance Number City of Seal Beach, not otherwise specifically.provided for in this ordinance, shall pay a license tax of eighteen dollars ($18.00) per year, and in add~tion thereto shall pay a license tax of ,r eighteen dollars ~~OO) per year fer each additional branch of t"'II ' such wholesale.business carried on within the City of Seal Beach. Sec. 95. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutio7 L, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remainin portions of the ordinance. The City Council of the City of Sea~ Beach hereby declares that it would have passed this I ordinance, and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or mone other sections, . sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared to be in- v.lid or unconstitutional. Sec. 96. This ordinance is deemed an emergency ordinance and necessary for the immediate preservation of the health, morals and safety of the inhabitants of the City of Seal Beach, and the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Or- dinance by at least four-fifth (4/5ths) of the members of the Trustees and City Oouncil of the City of Seal Beach, a nd shall cause the same to be posted in three public places, to wit: the City Hall Building, the United States Post Office, and the California State Bank:, in said City of Seal Beach, and it shall thereupon take effect. . Attest: Approved this j1~ day of June, 1929. r1P ~,:Z)~- Mayor oythe city 0 S Beach, Oalifornia. ~~~j~iJseal Beach, Ca l1fornia. I, OLLIE B. PADRIOK, City Clerk of the Oity of Seal Beach and ex-officio Clerk of the Truatees and Oity Council of , said Oity, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Trustees and City Council of the City of Seal Beach, is five; 28. , - .' .J / ,-/'- / / -// / "..' '. , ("'..... , ~- I t T, , . I , "- ' ~- ( ~ , ). , r , , r Ordinance Number / '-:'.~ " - ----.,. ,..---. I ,.". / that the foregoing ordinance was duly declared an emergency ordinance by a vote of at least four-fifths of of sai d 'l.'rustees a74_,youncil at a regula1jm ,ing thereof duly held on the day ~ June, 1929, and thatsaid or- dinance was duly passed by t he following vote, to wit: Ayes, Councilmen: Noes, Councilmen: ~ ~fkt IJ ) , Absent, Oouncilmen: 1/ . City ~.~l ;~ OJ 1".1. .' . r.. ~ 7 c~t~t~~~a~l, : C~,lii'ornia . , ] '.'. .- . '"i I ~ '.., ". -, ') .. " , . .. , - , . ,.... J.