HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 135 1927-03-17 T I I I - . 1" .. ORDn~MICE 1:0. 135 AU ORDD':Al':CE OF THE CITY OF SEAl. BEACH, PRO- VIDING FOR 'tHE LICID'Sn!G FOR TrlE PURPOSE OF REVENUE AhD REGUL.'\.TIOl: OF THE ERECTIOl, Al!D OPERllTIOl OF iU OIL OR GAS '.JELL OR DF.H~UCK II; SAID CITY PrlOVIDI!.G FOrl THE ISSUAliCE OF pgRMITS FOR SUCH OPERtlTIOI:S 1'J D CAi'CELI,ATlm: OF SUCH P"lRI; TS FO.{ VIOLllTIOl, OF 'l'HE TErll S THE-:-~OF Jl.r,D r'IXIi~G THE RATES ThEREFOR I.i D PEL'l.L'l'IES FOH 'tt!E VIOL"TIOl; TrlEREOF; RE- PEALnlG ORDJl!lIl'CE JliO. 88, Al~D ALL ORDIl-'Ar CES il}:D PanTS OF ORDUAr:CES n' COi.'FLICT '.1I'i"rl THIS ('RDILkl CEo . The Board of ~rustees of the City or Seal Beach do ordain as rolloV1S: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unla~ful for any person, firm or corporation, association, trust or syrdicate, whether as princi,al, agent, servant, employee or otherwise, to erect or operate or cause to be erected or opera- ted an oil or gas ~ell or derrick ~ithin the City of Seal Heach, California, without first making an application to the Building Superintendent of said City ror a permit therefor and ~hich application shall set forth the legal descri'ltion of the pro- posed location of said derrick and the Illcterial of, and manner in which it is to be corlstructed, and such ap:"licntion shall be accompanied by a sotisractory certiried check paycble to the order of the City Clerk of said City in the sum or ~100. 00 the amount of the f~e ror a permit to erect and corstruct such derrick in said City, and such permit shall further be subject to revocation and cancellation on order of the Board of Trus- tees for failure to comply with the terms and conditions there- of and such permits shall be !p'anted only under the following terms and conditions: That such an oil or gas well or derrick shall be erected, constructed and/or maintainer only in conform- ity ',lith any ordinance nO':1 in effect or \"lhich may hereafter be adopted by said Cit~ pertaining to and regulating the material 1. I I I . Ordinance Number . of and ma~ner in rrhich said oil or gas ~ell or derrick shall be erected, constructed, equipped, operated and maintained in said City. That said permittee shall rerr.ove all oil drillir..e;, pumping and operc.ting equipI!l':nt from the premises for ~hich a permit has bean issued uithin sixty days after cessation or oil operation; and for the purposes of sr.id percit, the following shall be decmed to be c~ssation of oil operation, to wit: (a) Failure to complete an oil ~ell derrick on said premises ~ithin ninety days arter the da~e of the issuance of said permit. (b) The railure to co~ence actual drilling operations on said ~remises within ninety days after the date of the issuance of such permit to be obtain~d from the Ci;\;y of Seal Beach ror the erection of the oil or aas "~fell derrick. (c) The railure to ~rosecute diligently the ac~ual drilling or an 'Oil or gas ',rell on said premises after commen- cing actual drilling oper3tions. Diligent prosecution shall mean the carryi~g on of cctunl drilling operations continuous- ly and in good faith, with a cre~ of c.t least five men except in case of meChanical difficulty which effectually prevellt further drilling cld except during a poriod of not over fif- teen deys during "hich the casing ie being set; Provided, hOI7- ever, that neither mechanical dirficulties nor the setting or casing shall relieve said permittee from the diligent prosecu- tion ~ith a crew of at least five men, unless written notice be filed within five days uith the City Clerk after drilling operations have been stopped by mechaniccl difficulties or arter \ the setting of the cr..siJ'lg. (d) The failure to produce for sixty consecutive days an av~rae;e of at least forty barrels of oil per day, or an average of at least, 10,000 cubic feet of gas per day. 2. I I I . Ordinance Number The City of Seal Beach reserves the right to extend the time herein mentioned or decrease the amount of. production upon the ~ritten application of said petmittee to the Board of TMlstees of said City (e) A prin;ed copy of said permit to be furnished by said City, shall be kept continuously posted on said premises. Sec. 2. That upon payment of the required fee for a ...t, permit to erect an oil or gas WellA?erriCk and as a condition precedent to the granting of such permit the applicant shall deliver to the City of Seal Beach an indemnity bond in the principal sum of Five Thousmd Dollars ($5,000.00), executed by a reliable surety company, authorized to transact such business in the State of California,. for the purpose of in- demnifying the city of ~eal Beach against any and all damage, loss or injury to any public property occassioned by the drilling, repairing, deepening, operating or maintaining of the well for which such derrick is erected, and the storage, transportation or handllI,g of materials, liquids or substances produced thererrom, aside rrom ordinary wear and teal' of the public streets and highways; and the condition of such bond shall be stated in substantially the following form: "If said , the above bounden principal, shall \7ell and truly indenmify save and keep hammless the city of Seal Beach, a muricipal corporation, from and a~ainst any loss, damage or liability by reason of damage, loss or injury to any public pro~erty occasioned in any way, either directly or indirectly, by the drilling, repairing, deepen1r'g, operating or maintaining of the well for ~hich such derrick is erected, and the storage, transportation or handling of materials, liquids or substances produced therefrom, aside from ordinary wear and tear of the public streets and highways, then this obligation shall be void; , otherwhe it shall remain in full force and erfect." Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 88, adopted by the Oity of Seal 1:1.. 1&- day of ~ ,19ll. and all Beach on the Ordinances or ports or Urdimmces in conrlict with this Or- 3. I I I Ordinance Number . dinance are herp-by repealed. Sec. 4. That in addition to the revocation for the violation or the terms of any permit issued, any person, firm, corporation, association, trust or syndicate, whether as principal,' aeent, servant, employee, or other- wise, violating any of the terms of such permit or any or the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction ther~of shall be punished by a rine of not more than ~300.00 or imprisonment in the County Jail for a period ~f not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every such person, firm or cor- poration, association, trust or syndicate, ~hether as principal, agent, servant, employee,or otherwise, shall be guilty or a separate ofrcnse for each and every day during any portion of ~hich any violation of any of the provisions of such permit or any of the provisions of this Ordinance is committee, continued or permitted, and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this Ordinance. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published once in the dA.- ~ /:f.--;~. '" <. . . V~cf If.",~ , a neV/spaper printed and published and generally circulated in the City or Seal Beach, California, and cause this Opdimnce to be posted in at least three pub- lic places in the City of Seal Beach" and it shall take effect thirty days after its final passage. , The above Ordinance passed, adopted and approved this 17'?:t day of 11t~ , 1927, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes, Trustees: W~~ J;A-"'A-IJ,~fU/tJ~'~~ 1fAUJ /1Al1J.J Noes, Trustees: Absent, Trustees: " Attest: ~,(;~ C~ Y ClerIt: b( ~~~. President of the Board Trustees or the City of Seal Beach, California. 4. I I I . Ordinance Number Approved this d /7-- . day of 1~ . 1927 preSi~ ~ ~<r;(!!(I;;; 'frustees of t'he Cfty of Seal !:leach, Cslifornia .. I hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance Mo. 135, of the City of Seal Beach, Calirornia, as the SAme is on rile in my office. {}LLIJ.~~ City Cterk. 5.