HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 984 1958-03-04 :~ ..r...: "'=-:":""~ I, 1 .. , " '.. I . ... ' .' , ' ~ .. p ,., ,~;'l:::IN L"OFFIG:IAL COPY t .. I' T m;, TAKEN 1=',0/1>\ .. ,- ., Y CLERK'S O'=',:IC': J..--:''::' ""-' l" t:l .. RESOLUTION NO. M 2 3 WHEREAS, there are growing upon the streets 6r sidewalks or ~pon 4 private property witb.in the City of Seal Beach, weeds which bear se~ds of a 5 wingy or downy nature, or attain such Large growth as tD become a fire 1'Ilenace 6 when dry or which are otherwise noxious or dangerous 'upon the streets or 7 sidewalks in front of, or upon the property hereinafter described, which the '8 City Council of the CUy of SeaL Beach do hereby declare to be a pubLic.. uisancEl. 9 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council ~f the City of SlIaL Beach does, 10 resolve as follows: 11 SECTION 1: That the City Council of said City does hereby declare 12 aLL weeds growing upon the streets or sidewalks in front of, or upon, the 13 .JrLvate property on the foLl.owing streets within said City of SeaL Beach to be a 14 public nuisance; that the streets within said City and tile lot and block numbers J.5 of the property on or in front of which such nuisance exists, .are as foLLows: 16 MAIN STREET: Block 8, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 incLusive; Block 9, Lot 1 and III to 411 tnCLUsive; Block 108, Lots 1 to 35 incLusive} BLock 109, 17 Lots 2 to 32 incLusive; BLock 208, Lots 1 to 43 inclusive; BLock 209, Lots 1 s:nd 18 to 52 incLusive; 18 , EIGHTH STREET: Block 8, Lots 1 and 12 to 48 incLusive} Block 7, 19 LDts lU and. 11 to 4'llnclusive; BLock 108, Lots 2 to 40 inclusive; BLock 107, Lots 1 to 43 incLusive, BLock 208, Lots 6 to 44 inclusive; Block 207, Lots 1 20 to 35 incLusive: ' 21 SEVENTH STREET: BLock 7, Lots 1 and 12 to 48 inclusive; BLock 6, Lots 10 and 11 to 4'( tnCLusive} Block 106, Lots 1 to 49 inclusive; BLock 107, 22 Lots 2 to 48 inclusive; Block 206, Lots 1 to 15 incLusive; Block 207, Lots 6 to 32 inclusive; 23 SIXTH STREET: Block 5, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 inclusive; BLock 6, 24 Lots 1 and ll! to !lIS tncLusivel BLock 105, Lt>ts 1 to 57 inclusive; Block 106, Lots 2 to 54 inclusive; 25 26 27 28 29 FIFTH STREET: BLock 4, Lots 10 and 11 to 33 incLusive; Block 5, Lots land III to 411 lnclusive; BLock 104, Lots 1 to 9 and 15 to 65 inclusive; Block 105, Lots 2 to 58 incLusive; FOURTH STREET: Block 3, Lots IJ and 11 to 25 inclusive; BLock 4, Lots 1 and III to 34 1.nCLusive; Block 103, Lots 21 and 1 to 9 incLusive; BLock 203, Lots 19 e,nd 1 to 9 illclu,1h'e; BLock 104, Lots 1 to 4 and 5 tb 21 incLusi~e; 30 THIRD STREE'n BLock 3, Lots 1 and 1:6 ~o 26 inclusive; BLock 2, Lots 10 and 11 to 25 tnclusive; BLock 102, Lots 25 and 1 to 13 incLu.sive; 31 BLock 10:3, Lots 2,4,6,8,10,11,12; 32 SECOND STREET: Block 1, Lots 10 and 11 to 33 inclusive; Block 2, , 1. . . I I 1 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23, 24 25 26 27 28 29 .30 31 32 ; .. Q ResolutIon Nnmber .. . ~ " .' Lots 1 and 12 to 26 incLuB'lve; BLock 101, Lots 13 a,1!ld 1 to 9 incLusive; B~ock 1 2 Lots 15, 16 and 2 to 14 inclusive; FIRST STREET: Block 1, Lots 1 and 12 to 34 inclusive; Block 10~, Lots c=rand 2 to 11 and 12 in"lusive; TENTH STREET: Block 9, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 inclusive; BLock 10, Lots 1 and 12 to 411 tncLusive; Block 109, Lots 1 to 27 inclusive; Block ,110, Lots 2 to 24 inclusive; BLock 209, Lots 10 and 13 to 51 incLusive; Block 210, Lots 1 and 16 to 35 inclusive; , ELEVENTH STREET: BLock 10, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 incLusive: Block 11, Lots 1 andlll to 48 incLusive: Block 110, Lots 1 to 21 incLusive; ;Block 111, Lots 2 to 18 inclusive; BLock 210, Lots 10 and 11 to 57 inclusive; Block 211, Lots 1 and 16 to 66 incLusive; TWELFTH STREET: BLock 11, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 inclusive; Block 1:1, Lots 1 and 1:1 to 62 incls.d.ve; Block 11, Lots 1 to 13 incLusive: BLock 211, Lots 10 and 11 to 65 inclusive; BLock 21,2~ Lots 1 and 18 to 74 inclusivel THIRTEENTH STREET:' Block 12, Lots, 10 and 11 to 59 inclusive; , Block 13, Lots 1 and III to bll tnclusive; ~ock 212, Lots 8 and 9 to 69 incLusiv BLock 213, Lots 2 to 36 inclusive; BLock 222, Lots 1 and 12'to 36 inclusive: I FOURTEENTH STREET: BLock 13, Lots 10 and 11 to 51 inclusive; , Block 14, Lots 1 and III to 411 tnclusivel BLock 222, Lots 8 and 9 to 31 incLusiv~; Block 221, Lots 1 and 12 tp 42 incLusive; Block 213, Lots 1 and 35 incLusive; BLock 214, Lots 2 to 36 incLtBlve; OCEAN AVENUE: J:Hock 1,2., 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Lots J. to lU mcLustve in each Block; Block 14, Lots 1 to 5 inclusive; Block "A", Lots 18, 19, 20 and 21; Block "C", Block nB", BLocks 02 03, 04, 05, 06, and 07, Lots 1 to 10 inclusive in each BLock, Blocks ".A" and tiC", Blocks "D"; liE", "F" and "an, Lots 1 to 9 inclusive in eacb. Block; BLock "H" Lots 1 to 4 incLusive; SEAL WAY: Block "F", Lots 18 to 38 incLusive; Block "E", Lots 13 to 28 tncLustvel BLock "D", Lots 5 to 8 inclusive; DOLPHIN A VENUE: Block "A", Lots 1 to 18 inclusive; Block '''B'', Lots 1 to II tncLustve, BLock "C',', Lots 1 anq 39; , MARINE'AVJl:NUE: Block liB", Lote 9, 10, 11 and 12; BLock "C", Lots 1 to 1,11 mcrustve; ELECTRIC AVENUE: Block 206, Lots 1 and 2; Block 297, Lots 1 and 6; BLock :lUll, Lots 1 andli, BLocks 2-9, 210, and 211, Lots 1 to 10 inclusive in 'Bach Block; BLock 212, 222, 220, 219, 218, Lots 1 to 8 incLusive I in each Block; BLock 105, Lots 57 an1 58; BLock 106, Lots 49 and 541 BLock 107, Lots 43 and 48: BLock 1011, Lots 35 and 40; Block 109, Lots 27 I and 32; Block 110, :Lots 21 and 241 BLock 11, Lots 13 and 18; Block 12, Lots 59 and 62; BLock 13,' Lots 51 and 66; BLock 14, Lot 48; ,Block "A" I Lot I: BLock "B",' Lots 1a dn 10; Block "C", Lots 16 and 17; BLock "F,I, I, Lots 17 and 18; and, aLso, incLuding the entire right-of-way of the Pacific " Electric Ral.lway.'Company, from its intersection with1he California State Highway (East SecOnd Street frllm Long Bee,ch) on the West at or near Fifth Street in Seal ;Beach, extending Southeasterly 100 feet in width to the bridge over Anaheim Llinding Bay inlet;, ' FIFTEENTH STREET: Block 221, Lots 8 and 9 to 43 incLusive; BLock 2llU, Lots 1 and U to 48 inclusive: BLock 214, Lots'1 to 85 incLusive; Block 215, Lots 2 to 36 incLusivel " 2. '^ I ,I' I, " ':). .. ~ ~ ResolutioffNUmDer ~ " '" " .. 1 SIXTHEENTH STREET: BLock 220, Lots 8 and 9 to 49 inclusive:, 'BLock ~ll1, Lots 1 'lnd12, 1:10 '1.nd 54 inqlusive; BLock 215, Lots 1 t'o ~5 incLust e; 2 B.tock 216, Lots 2 to 36 incLui.live; 3 BAY BOULEVARD: Block 218, Lots 8 and 9 to 61 inclusive; Block 217, Lots 1 to ijU, lnC!Lusive; 4 CENTRAL WAY: BLock 1, Lots 33 and 34; BLock 101. Lots 1 and 2. 5 Block ~, Lots ~I:I and ;till BLock 102, Lots 1 and 2; Block 3, Lots 25 and 26; BLock 103, Lots 1 and 2; Block 4, Lots 33 and 34: BLock 104" Lots 1 and 21 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CENTRAL AVENUE: BLock 101, Lots C-l and 131 Block 1Q2, Lots 16 to 25 tncLus1Ve; BLock 103, Lots 12 to 21 inclusive; BLock 203, Lots 1 to 19 incLusivt:; Block 104, Lots 4, 5, 9 and 15; Block 5, Lots 47 and 48; Block 7, Lots 47 and 48; Block 107, Lots 1 and 2; BLock 8, Lots 47 and 481 Block 108, Lots 1 and 2; BLock 9, Lots 47 and 48; BLock 109, Lots 1 and 2: Block 10; Lots 47 and 48; Block 110, Lots 1 and 2; Block 11, Lots 47 and 48; BLock 111, Lots 1 and 2; LANDING AVENUE: BLock 212, Lots 40 and 35; 34 and 291 Block 213, Lots 1 and :il; BLOC~ Zl4, Lots 1 and 2; Block 215, Lots 1 aud 2: BLock 216. Lots 1 and 2; BLock 217, Lots 1 and 2; BLock 218, Lots 60 and 61; BLock 219, Lots 54 and 55; BLock 220, Lots 48 and 49; BLock 221, Lots 42 and 43, Block 222, Lots 36 and 37; . , SEVENTEENTH STREET: Block 219, Lots 8 and 9 to 55 incLusive; BLock lUll, Lots 1 and 1~ to 110 1nclusiv~; BLock 216, Lots 1 35 inclusivel Block 217, Lots 2 to 36 inclusive; BOLSA AVENUE: BLock 203, Lots 10 to 17 inclusive; Lot C-1: 16 " TRACT 1817: Coastline Drive, Lots 1 to 24 incLusive, Carmel Avenue, I 17 Lots lll:l to 30 tncLusive; Surf Place, Lots 31 to 43 inclusive; CataUna Avenue, Lots 44 to 56 inclusive) AvaLon Drive, Lots 57 and 60 inclusive; Cretview I 18 Avenue, Lots 61 to 86 incLusive; Catalina Avenue, Lots 87 to 105 inclusive; t Balboa Drive, Lots 106 to 123 inclusive; Coastline Drive, Lots 124 to 156 I 19 incluslve, CarmeL Avenue, Lots 159 to 164 incLusive; Surf PLace, Lots 165 and 166; CataLina Avenue, Lots 167 to 204 i~clus'lve) Marvista Avenue, Lote 205 to' 20 261 incLusive) CataUna Avenue, Lots 262 to 264 inclusive; Balboa Drive, Lots 265 to 268 incLusive; DriftwDod Avenue, Lots 269 to '324 incll,lsive: 21 Fathom Avenue, Lots 325 to 340 inclusive; Silver ShoaLs Avenue, Lots 341 to t 343 incLusivel Ebb Tide PLace, Lots 344 to 347 inclusi'Ve1 Coastline Drive, 22 Lots 348 to 354 inclusive; , Silv;er,Shoals Avenue, Lots 355 to 357 incLusivel Fathom Avenue, Lots 358 to 370 incLusive; Coastlilne Drive, Lots 371 to 383 23 inclusive; BoLsa Avenue, Lots 384; 24 25 26 27 28 29 TRACT 2590: Catali'ne .!venue, Lot 1: South Shore Drive, Lots 2 to 37 incluslVel Taper Drive, Lots 38 to 69 inclusive; Sand Piper Drive, Lots 70 to 107 inclusivel Catalina Avenue, Lots 108 to 118 incLusive: Beach Comber Drive, Lots U9 to 156 inclusive; Sea, Breeze Drive, Lots 157 to 188 inclusive; Island View Drive, Lots 189 to 226 incLusive; CataLtna Avenlle, Lots 227 to 233 inclusive; Bay Side Drive, Lots 234 to 255 incLusive; Coral Place, Lots I 256 tD 264; Bayou Way, Lots 265 to 270 incLusive; Harbor Way, Lots 231 to ~ 282 incLusive; Bays ide Drive, Lot 283; BoLsa Avenue, Lots 284 and 285; Harbor Way, Lots 286 to 299; incLusive; lfarbor Way, Lots 300 to 309 inclusiv ; Catalina Avenue, Lots 310 to 354 inclusWe; Crestview Avenue, Lots 355 to 429 inclusive; . 30 TRACT 2591: MarLin Avenue, Lots 1 to 5 inclusive; Jade Co.ve Way; Lots Il to li:l tncLustve; Emerald Place, Lots 14 to 23 inclusive; BeryL Cove 31 Way, Lots 24 to 40 inclusive; Elm~r!lld Cove Way, Lots 41 to 52 incLusive; , Jade Cove Way, 'Lots 53 to 61 incLusive; OpaL Cl;\Ve Way, Lots 62 to 70 inclusiV ; 32 ,Qrystal Cove Way, Lots 71 to 81 incLusive; MarbLe Oove Way, Lots 83 to 90 , incLuSive; Marlin Avenl1e, Lots 91 to 98 inclusive; Agua Place, Lots 99 to 106 " 3. 0' ... ; 'I, 1 2 3 4 5 '6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,13 " 14 i ~= 15 Z~ H o e in 16 ~~ H ~~' .z 17 ~~Ii= -< !!1 18 III iI 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PAI3E &. to-=' ResolutIon Number ;;:t CIo t'.. oj> c' inclusi.ve; Laguna Place, Lots 107 to 120 incLusive; Riviera Drive, Lots 121' to 129 incLusive, Opal Cove Way, Lots 130 to 137 inclusive; Cqrstal Place, Lots 138 to 147 incLusive; MarbLe Cove Way, Lots, 148 to 155 inclusive; Marli.n Avenue, Lots 156 to 160 inclusive; BoLsa Avenue, Lot 161. , SECTION 2: That the Street Department of the City, of SeaL Beach sh aLL cause tt: be conspici.ously posted on or in front of the prpperty on which or in front of which such nuisance exists, one notice to each parceL 'oJ: property in separate ownership of not over 50 foot frontage, or not more than two notices to any piece l;lr parceL of property in separate ownership with a fronta e of 100 feet or Less. If the frontage or any piece or parcel of property in sepatate ownership is greater than 100 feet, notices shall be posted ~t not more than 100 feet apart, Such notice shall be headed' "Notice to Delltroy , a Weeds", such !leading to be ~n words not less than one inch in height and, . , substantially in th.e following form: . "~OTICE TO DESTROY,WEEDS" Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of February, 1957 the City Council of the City of SeaL Beach. pl\ssed ' a resolution declaring that noxious or danget'ous weeds were growing upon or in front of the property on,this street, and more particularly dSilCribed in said resolution, and ttlat the same con,stttutes a public n\lisanee whioh must be abated by the removaL of s~1.d noxious or dangerous weeds, otherwise they will be removed and the nuisance wiLl. be abated by the municipaL authorities, in which case the cost of such removal shall be assessed upon the lots and lands from which or in front of which such weeds are removed, and such costs will constitute a Lien upon such Lots or lands until paid. Reference is hereby mMe to said resoLution f9r further particuLars. ALL property owners having any objections to the proposed removal of such weeds are hereby notified to attend a meeting of the City 'Council of the City of SeaL Beach to be held on the 15th day f)f April, 1958, at the hour of 7:30 P,M. o'cLock, when their objections wilL be heard and given consideration. DATED this 4th day of March, 1958 , , , :street Department of tile Ctty ot , SeaL Beach Said notices shall be posted at Least five days prior to the timefor hearing of objections by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach. SECTION 3: That the propeedings herein provided for shaLL be had and t~ken under 'and in accordance with an Act of the L~gislature of the State of California, enti.tLed~' "Act 5197, ~eering's GeneraL Laws, Statutes 1915", 4. .f; ~ ~ .j "'I' 13 'II! ~: ~ h:f q 16 ~ ~ e,! i ' III~!.! 17 ~~DI ~ ~!1 18 III ii' I PAgE ..... 1 C ... Resoiution~Number " ~ '" ~~ .... . 1 2 Page 814, by Statutes 1947, Chapter 341, amended by'Articles 1; 2, and 3 of Chapter 13, Gove-rnment Code', and as otherwille amended. ,'V 3 SECTION 4: , That after final action hafil been taken by: the City Council 4 on tile disposition of any protests,or objectionst, ,or in cue no protests or 5 objections have been received, the City CQuncil of the City of SeaL Beach" 6 by motion or r'esolutiQn, shaLL order the Street Superintendent, or such ot~er 7 public officljr as the City Council shaLL designate, to abate said nuisance by , , 8 having the weeds referred to removed, and he or his assistants or deputies 9 are hereby exprellsly authorized to enter upon private property for that pur- 10 pose.' Any property owner shall have the right to h~ve any such weeds r~move 11 at his own expense providing the same is done prior to the arrival of the 12 Street Supllrintendent or such other public officer so designated or his representatives to do the same. , , , , SECTION 5: That the Street Superintendent or such other pubLic Qfficer so designated shall keep an aocount of the cost of abating such nuisance in front of or on each separate lot or parcel of land where the work is done by him oJ:' his deputies, 'and shall render an itemized report in writing tD tb,e City Council of the City of SeaL Beach showing the cost of removing such weede 19 on e'ach separate lot, or in front thereof, Dr both.; provided, that before 20 such report is submitted to said City, Council, a cOP1 of the s~me shaLL be 21 ,posted for at least three days pri.or thereto on or near the bulleitin board 22 located on the first flotlr of th.e City Hall, togethe~ with a notice of the time 23 when said re.l?ort shaLL be submitted to said City Council for confirmat~on. 24 PASSED. APPROVED Al'fD ADOPTED at a regalaJ:' meeting of the 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . , 25 City Council of the City of Seat Beach on the 40th day of March, ~958, by the foLLowing votes: AYES: NOES: ABSEN'l': ~tP::in~ ~~~i. ~&~1: ,,\. .."ocf");I'P' ._~. '\:l, A ~EST: ~~~; ~Z~'}~.'~~{~ ~...::::_>'f'_ '~4' ...'t ~ K obf'...... <a.,p ~~ ~ "11(;::".... . :1:.' ".> Councilmenf'4.vAC'A1..p",~sl".4"'.M:.""~ ~ .5 (!AJ, _ Councilmen ,# IJ ,,4I1ii' uI) #,b- Councilmen "'" , 5. <€I 0:0.,.:. I:,' 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ,. . z, '~~ ;1.4 si . ~~:: 15 '~~ il~' II: '.: 16 zza -B~ ~~~:; 17 riz ~!1 18 III iI 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 26 27 , . 28 29 30 31 32 PAGE ;..., .' Resolu~i~n Number ~ G'. ;; ~ .,. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) ~ F. W. HICKMAN, City Clerk, and ex-officio clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ResbLution was " , regularLy passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of March, 1958, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen!".L<IN'A'4~ ..p"S5.sI,;'>"~"".lj ~ : 4.A/,V, Councilmen A/p,/lJ;" " " Councilmen , ' . " " 6.