HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 01 1915-11-04
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O::E! lLti:CE NO. 1.
An Ozdinance Ftxing t~le Time end Pl.lee of Meetine
of t~e D~ar of 2rnstees of ~~e vity oI'Seal Beach. .
Tile B erd of l'rt~stees of tile U i ty of ~eal Beach do ordein
as follows:
Section 1. Taut the r~om or Dlli1ding lUl')(I. b~T .~'te :Sor.r~. ')f. .
:' Trllstees of the City of ~oal Beach for itf' mee~ings snall 'be~ ';ttI~
the "City Hall."
&ection 2. 'That cer~ain room in the S~~l ~aac~ Inn l:':~Q~~~-
located on Main street, .in tl;.e City of "'00.1 'neach, ;::::...tloJ.e 10 om
on t11e 8'round floor designated a~ the middle room of sail', buiJC ing
~n l!:Iain ::!treet, in the City of 5')a1 'loach, sheLl rJa t:;,e "City Hol1"
~f the City of Seal Beach.
Section 3. The re8'ular meetings of the Bo~rd 0f ~rus~ecE
of thE! City of :;eu1 Beach shall b':l held e:t the "Cit y Hull" on tile
first aui[ third Thursil/;\ys of each month, excopt \"l).en such Tllllrsl'.ey
shall be a legal ~oliaay, i!l ''''li.oh caUl the S'1t,1 Brel'd shall meet
on the fjrrt cla;r t:hereafter 1':hich is not a holiday. All mee'.; ings
held in :the .months of Oatober, November, Dece.::iber, JI.'fl l~al'Y, !"e,b.cl'wry,
6:;10. March shall be callad to ori!.er at 7:30 P. M., or as soon there-
after af: a quorum can be aesembled, and !'l J." meetings held in the
months of April,May,' June, Ju1;y', August ani!. September. shall be called
to order at 8: 00 P. I:l., or as soen thereafter as e quorum om be
as:>enbled. Whenever any regular meeting shaLl bn ailjC1J.rn'ed too.
day and hour oertain, such ~dj~urnnd meeting shall also be n re-
gular z:eeting.
Seo"ion"4.~" Spechll meetifir"c-:'!Iil~ ~:;e-c,'tu]e 'i' b;T.t.'l-te PrE.::: idiln1;
of the Boa rn ')f Trltstees, or 'by three trtls.tees. !'!peoia1 '!!lee!; ings
si";all be ca11ec;. by \"'ri";ten no'~joes signed by the presic;.ent of '~'he
Beard, or signed by ~~re3 members o~ the E0ard, sr.d a c~~y m' suoh
notice deli. v3red to eacl-: r.lember at le at t t',ree h'illrS pri or to said
fee t i.,n 5. ~his' OrdiiJaaoe is necessary ::or t :16 im'~ed:i.ate
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, .
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preservation of the,~ub1ic peace, health or saiety, ,and the fact3
constituting its:, llrgency are flE' follows: That t':e dity of Feal ,
Beach VIBS incorporeted on, the 27th' nay' of October, 19l5, ond that
it is necem:ary that a place of meeting be astabl iehed and tJi.!:!':t the
.' .
time of meeting be e.s.tablished, Bn~ !'rom .the fo;regoing' rea':'QJ s
it is necessary that this Ordinance be adopted ana twre ef~eot
. ,
.~~ .
Seotion 6. Tne Cit~f ~he uity of Seal Beach shall
certify to the passage of this Ordinance, e,nd. 8h::>11 print 8l?
, '
it, in at least tn.riee public places in the City of Seal Beaoh,. and
. .
be in full fcrce.
Ie' ~~ T:mstee8
of Seal Beech.
th~reupon this Ordinanoe shrll. 1 take effect and
. \
County 0 f 'orange,
State of California,
City of Seal Beaoh.
I, Arthur L. Havens, City Cle rk and 'Ex-Offioi.e Clerk
of tre Board of Truf:tees of the City of Seal Beaoh, Oalifornia,
-~- -
do ,he.reby C?ertify that .the foregoing Ordinanoe '7as, IT eGented
ant: read at, a regu1al' meeting of the Boo rd of 'i'rustees of soi 0.
City of ~eal Beaoh on t~e 28th day of Ootober, 1915, , and that
said Ordinanoe \7&S reed lIni\. adopoed at a regular meeting of
: ,..""'.J ,... .; ~ .
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",\ .--"" -,.... Noes
" .....,':.i".. f".i.ll'o....',-,. ....
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.. .~ Absent
sa id Board. of Trustees on the '4th day of ~lovember, 1915p by t-he "
following stated vote: ,IJ" cfJ!.1i-'!fI1- i'--~~
Ayes Truetoes: "~tLW-- ~ @v-d..,
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Cle z'l!:. au Ex-oTficio Clerk of
the Boord. of TrL'.stees or tte Uity of
Seal Beach, Califcr nia,
n .
\" I,'
,: Ii .",
Ordinance Numb'e"{
state of California,
CQlmt~~ of Oransa,
City of Rea_ Beach.
Arthur L.. Havens, 1 oin[;' firE't u"l:r S\70rn, on octh (Ierc~')f.!
ilnd. eays: rila of; he is i;h'3 d.uly elocted, qllUlifin, tr r' nc~i'1 B
Ci ty Clerx of the lJity of Peul Beach, and ~;ll.!t by c1 ir ection of.
'"'Ie Hoarel of rrustees pf the City of cea1 BeaQh, Oranfe Cw.n',;;?"
Calj.fornin,.. that he it ill, on H'OY€l:ll 'bel' 4th; 1915, pos'; 01'0. iDOl Cle.
1To. 1, "An Ordinance fixing the tine anrl p;tace or meetiner. of
the Board of ~rllstees of the City of Seal Beach," in three O':fthe
most publici places in the City of Seal .!:leach, to -i7it: One a t the
drug 'store operated by Mr.Clarence Little; one at the entmnce
of tu,:!, midl!le room of the f:esl Beach Inn on i'ilJi' n S'treet hi t 'he
, ,
~..~ .
CiI;;r of :::e~l 3eacn; :'l'l1n one
Soa1 Beach.
in t'tJ.e 'Post O.~i'ice of ~'1e City of
City Clerk.
Subs'!riilsd .'lnll e\'1orn to ;'efore m9
thi A 4th day of
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