HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 05 1915-11-26
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Ordinance Ho. 5.
.~n Ordin::mce ~0:'1l1eting tho 51.10 0: .:aco::olic ..:.
Lie,uors in the 01t~T of' 501:'1 leech, '1rovic1inf for tho
Isouence of Licensos therefor, I:'nu ~rovidin~ n nenrlty
for the Violation of any of the Yrovi~ions hereof.
Thc non~d of T1'~Btoos o~ the Cit~ r-f Zo~l ~oach eo or'!.in
as folIous:
Seotion 1. It 'shr.ll '00 unl['::,~1l1 fOl' r.~- ')Ol'BOn, co.. '0:' -::io:1,
r,artnershi:',), or fim, to noll, sorvc or tr~:o Qj,'i'.e-:o :'01', 0:' o'j"c:!"-
i"/ise dispense or diE[ oe:o of, or to carryon the lmsineo:: 0:.' sollir.r:,
serving or taKing or::ers for, qr othcruise di::rponsing or lIie:-'ooine.-
of, any elcoholic liquoror, directly 0:' indirectly, \lithin tho cric"
City of Sonl Bonch, County of On,n[;Cl, Stc:":o of' O.:.:.iforTlia, ',i.t"ont
first havinr ~1rocure(1 a license thorefor, 0.0 nrovidcd -J~r t"is
Crdinance, e~::cept ao hOj'oin expressly proviCLoe'.
Section 2. Tho torn "alcoholic lic~uors," Ill.) ue:c:~ in t,'iEl
CrllinlJ'1C:o, shrll ~nclnc',e 0:1iri1;ono, vinov.B. ':r i1nlt li(~no '0, n:(',
c,rry ot1101' li(~no):s or mi:::turo of lie~"ors,\7i1ich cont::ir: on
'or oe"t,
by volume, or more, of c.lcor.ol, ~nd ','hich ~s not ED "1i:'<::" ' itl1
other drugs as 1;0 ~!I'eVen1; i1;O use 85 a bfevorL"{o.
The term "lic;.llor estr.bl~shmen1;, ,I CoB HElen ~n thi:: C'rC1..irrr.ce
is nefined exclusively to be an~r hotel, b0i1rr1inf.' house, or j'Clst?11.-:-r'!;
in tho said City of Son' Beach uhere alcoholic li~lorL r~e snJr,
served, or otherTIise dis,ensed or dis~oscd of.
Tho terms hotel, boc.rq.ing housc en" res1;euren1;, ::::: " S t ~n
th~S urdinance, prr horeby dofine~ oc folLo~s: A "~otcl" io '~fir.cd
as p ],ublic nonce furnishing trl'nsiont 'Toste: ....1.th lod i'1[" rn" fooC.,
a!1e' rc.ving Eo di nine: rOOJ1l oe."i:1!led an' fU:'hished ::or '.;]'e SCT':ic: t'm'
accommo~ction of nt lC~Gt thirty [llccto pt one tiJ1lc.
,l. "bo::rding houso" is lIe-finoe'. p,r; 1 house ':7he::-e tcblc "'0= ,,(t
is furn~sne~ by exprcsf.: contrect ',:ith o~,cn f','uc::.t, for f'. ~i~:,c"
:,crio" of not less tr.r..n onr: 17eek, rn" hpvinf.' <. eininf" :'0";'1 o,_"i "of
cnG. f'11rnished for the ccr","ico encl. r'.ocor:."io,",-r..tio 1 0-: C't ler ot tl~i:;..t~T
~'o~tc rt one time.
Ordinance Number
.I.l. "restauj.'l1nt" is ,....efined as Eo imulio ec.tint, 21ace ht..ving
dining rooms et;:.ui:;;l:X: d cue. furnished for -:;he service uno CCOOlDIDodo.-
tion of E.t lea=t thirty guests at one ti~e.
Section 3. no :;:Jert of t;~is Ordinc.noe she.ll a_"llly to a
~hysician, surgeon, apothecary, o~ cremi~t ~hile usi~g eny alcoholio
~ li~uors in the )repE.ratiJn of medioine, nor to 0. re~~l~~ly lico~oec
druosist Dollin/! eny or such ~~inCi.s or li~uors, \7110 ["t ::,e ti;le
of such sele shell be ~ct1U',-"ly ensc.[jed in ';;11e oei:.iei:u.:.l C.l'\.:C; "JU~-
incss in~aiCi. City, for me~1cinal ~ur20ses uDon a )rescri~tion
therefor of a ~hysician Elntitle~ to practice medicino un~er the
laus of the 3tete of California; but such druggist sr~ll ~ottle
such li~uor and lebel scid bottle \nth the make of the li~uor,
the dete of the ~roscri:.>tion therefor, and tho name of tl10 :Jhyeicis.n
prescribing the same, and Shall entor in c. book kept
:('01" .I.;iJ.et
)ur~)ose a rocord of all such s::.les, cho\7ing the nerle
0:: oi:;re 1il'-
. .
sician l~inB the prescri~tion, the dc.t: of the pre~cri:tion, the
c;.uo.nti ty f:lold, ~he d::>:~o of tho sc.1e, !'.n[l to '\7];00 !Xl Id, .;.;:: Shell
dis~ense such li~uor o~ each ~~escription not nore t~::.n onco,
an.c \1ithin forty-eight (48) hours of the C:r.to of such In"e&cri.r'tj,on,
a.nd shall not oJ..10u the Er.i: li~uor to be drunk on his ::renisos;
provided, ho\/ever, t11l1t such druggist may sell pure clcohol only
for soientific or mechenicel purposes. For each sr.id sale, or
furnishing, an entry shell DC mr.dc ~n a book kellt e::clusive1y ::'01'
'~hat l1ur::?ose, stating the d~te of s:..le or furni:--llin:;,. tho nr..:c ::.n:l
aCl.dresc of the recipient, the ~uc.nti ty of alcohol 1301.:. or ":'!:,rnished,
the pur:;;loses for ,(''lich it is stated b,: the recipient -':: 0 bo re-
r.!.uired. Tho reaiIJient &~:c.l1 eicrn r.ic ne..'Ile to Luch entry. ':;.2iCl.
book shall be kC:;;lt at such druB otoro, o}?en to ins~lcction '0;[ the
PresiCl.ent of the Board of ~ructceD of the Cit~. of Se:;.l :3each, or
the ~rsha1 thereof, or by any joroon uho m::.y be dosio~cted ~y
them, or either of them or D~ the 30erd of ~rustees.
Section 4. .uo :;;lc:'t of this Ordinf:ollOe mall 2.:,))ly JuO tL: 1:se
of alcoholic li~uors ::.t e~cramentel ~~rviccs of relicious ~o~ice,
Ordinance Number
or in one I s 0= home as en ..::.ct O:L :10 S:9i tali ty.
Section 5. Liccn&os for the s~le v~ clcoholic li~uors
shall be granted b:- t:1e :3o..rt'. of TrustoLs of til:o S13,it', Cit~r of
Seal :3each only to li ~uo:' ct.. te.~)lishnen'.;r. C:Ul)lyi!l,3' thoro:Lor, in
Eccorde.nce \Ii th tho con~ i ~ionc e.n[ rest1'i c'~ions ho1'.:in ~'ro.-ia.E:('..
Sect;ion 6. It shall cc. unl.:-:..rul ::0:' any _10l"r,on 0::' :: er::.o.as
to sell, servo, or other\1i se dis}ence or dispoE.e of, G.IlJ' alcoholic
li~uors in the City of Seal Beach, Oount~ of Orcnge, ~t~to of
alcoholic licuo~s
California, other than/to be drunk in the dining rooms at such
li~uor establishment, end then only in the dining rooms to ~e1'sons
seated at tables therein.
No bar sr~ll be maintained therein, exce~tinc only Ecrvice
bars at uhich no li~uors ehall be drunk, 2n~ Euch cervice bel'S
not beinG within siGht of the patrons of saio liquor establishment.
Se3tion 7. It shell bo unla~ful for any person or persons
to sell, serve, or otherwise dispense or dis110se of, f:.ITJ alcoholic
li~uors in the City of ocel ~each, County of O1'~nge,~tcte of
California, to any perEon or ~ersDns betueen the hours of 12:~0
A, M. and 6:30 A. li. of the same dare
Section B. The tax ~or such liquor liconse, under t~e pro-
vicions of this Ordinance, shall be Nine Hundred Dolle.rs,,~900.00).
:per annum, payable in :our (4) equal installments Ciu:'1'terly in
aLvanoe, in lawful money of the United states,said lioense sr~ll
bo paid to the City Uurchal of the suiv City of Seal Jecch.
Soction 9. The number of lice~ces to be ~~~nted for li~~or
establishments, under t~o :Jrovisions of this Ol'dintLnce, chall'
not e~ceed three (3) at anyone time.
seotion 10. llvery 9or~n, partnership, firm, or cor;or:tion,
receiving a licence, under the ~rovisions of t:is Ordinaace, s~~ll
:;lost the se.me in c cons)icious place in sCoid, lif,j,uor ef.r~e,b1islb.ment,
easy to read, at all times, and no license shall ~ermit G~lcs o~
alcoholic liquors by eny 2erson, ~mrtnership, fire, or oorpor~tion,
", uho she.ll neglect tr.is rllc:.uircr!lent.
Ordinance Number
Seotion 11.
No one licenee grantee under t~e terms of t~ia
Ordinanoe shall entitle~ tn~ owner cnL hol~er theroof to carryon
the business therein specifiod ct more then one ~lcce.
Section 12. lIo a.:>.:licant s1:mll :ulve issued. to hil:l e license
und.er this Ordinanoe, unlecs suoh allIllicent 'Jc of L'ood c'.C:i.'D.ctcr,
& citizen of the UniteQ ~tctee en~ s~ll ~~rGt m~~e c~~lioction
to the said 30ard of,Truotecs for ~ermis~ion to ootain c license,
as herein roquired, 'Jefore such licenso shell be granted. Suoh
a1111lication shall be in \lritinJ and :fi led with the City Clerk
of seid City of Seal Beach, and must set forth:
First. The name ~nd residence of the e~~licant, or e~~lio-
ants, how lon; he, or they, have there resided; and ~r a co~~'or~tion,
the names anf residences of all the officers of the corporetion.
Seoond. The !lcrticulcr 111~cc for \.~ioh the lioense is
Third. The n&fie of the ovmer of the ,rcmises.
Fourth. The ep',,~licsnt, or a,~'licants, is, or ~,re, .~}:o r,;le
owner, or ownors, of tho business 9roposed to ~c ccrriod on.
Fifth. Uhether or not the applio!.".nt, or o.:p"licants, hee, or
have, ever been ongaged in the seme kin~ of business beforo, cne
if so, ,":hen, rihere, ana. ho':: long.
Sixth. That the al1j11icIJ.nt, or ap:>licants, \;ill con~uct the
se.it!. ::>lDoe of business in !:"ccord.::mce \Ii th ell the cor.r',i.~icns,
restrictions end provicions of this Oruinrnoe, or of a~T :ther
OrdinC'.nco rele.ting to t.,c li~uor trcffic the.t =y ',)0 2,fo::-tccl
herecftcr "Jy the Bo,;,rd of Tru:tcr.s e1 the said Ci t;r of ....e~,l ::le..ell,
or by tho rogistcrcd ~ualifioa el~otors o~ the arid City of ....c~l
:ao~ch. and rJill c.ccept such license u~~on the o:::)rcer.: con~.i:tion
tn/:'t c violation of ;;!.~- su~h conditions, 1'1: stl'ictio.,;; Ol' 1l~'cvilJions
1'elotinB to the li~;:l:'or trefi"ic shall be c. (1'000. reCED n fo? rcvcc~tion
of s'!:.ch lioense.
Seid !l.!l~1.icetion o'~cll be siGne~ by C:.Cll
every e 1'l11icc.nt; cncl if .~ho !l.:1~11iccllt be e cOl"_:oro.tlon, -1'J i.~s
-- ~~~~ .
:'1'ooitlcnt unit Socrctcry ~:i til t'; e c o:'po:., eto occl 0':: s: iL' cO~'_' o. :.. ~J.: :
~ '
::l.ffi:;c' '.;hcl'eto, Eon:! .~s-:; I;C vc~ified. 1l;; t'lC r.:::i'idavit e:: '';..0
Redinance Number
3.'l,'1~cc.nt, or .:~::plic_'nts, i.I.J 0 ",,;ci'o1'o co:o ':,,_'cen C.:,l" -1i:::i:l'. to
tclninister o~.'.;::c.
Be.it'. f',~: 'liCl~tion cll::11 ~)C c,oco ;~~c.nioi!. j~' :: ....'ittcn
rocom:nondetion sct-'il';,: i'ol'th t: ct t::e : ,lJ 1i C::-'1t. 01' :;.)plic::,:tc,
is, (ll.' c.re, of .;ooc. ci.1E',r: c-:;:r c:,'-. cor,tJ:'tent -::0 conC:.~ ct L:' cll c.
:)lLoOO, ~.~hich r oco;-r"cj1::c:t1ons nu::t JE. .~ir'~o." l,y r:.ot lCDfI -:~.~'n
i'our (4) ,ertoDS.
..r ~: c.
:::ilin~ 0: L- rr
t,."....c:: ..~._. lie.. :-io~ "."':.. j.' (~C. _ c.';.1.-
dation, :?nc. by the bont!. hc:;:,oin:.ftcr in t1:i 0 Ol'C'.il'LTICC rc ..1',1;' cc. ::'01'
t:1e crentin: 0::' E, lil,.t'!.o:' licenco, it :::~lr,ll be clecne' t'-.-t ";"C CO:1-
tents of such c:~. 11Ct:'.:;101'' C:'C t:;..ue, ~'l'l" it E~~~~.ll 'be t~:.c ~.L:ty
of t11(' s.- i~~ J,o~.::'d cr" T:......:'..:~c:CBt t:~cn no'~icc to t:.O: i ~). ~- c C:' t...-
Clerk, D.::: hcr:..in.:::::',;c:' ,ro'!. icled, to or: or r, lioo%:50 '~o '.Jo i ct:ec.
to thc e.~l_'li CCl,t, :::l't'!.'.J~ oot enl~r to '~;:c l'rstr:;.c-::'ionc :"c:'ein .:1, c::;[.
Ul10n -::'110 Dll."!iher of lice ,COS J,;l.Dt !:ley 'or: iSC1'.CC, hCl",l,nC:or, :-,o{. '~o
".;11.0 hC.:-l.in
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Lcc1iion IS. :. ~n --"~lC fi11n.::; 0:" ~::_Gb .... lie. ,,~.cu, : co: :.~-~-
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Ordinance Number
fJoction 14. "':"11 :;_~ ~icLntc ~o:.. lif...t!.o~" 11ccr~:~, l_nl~: J C
.:; .:rMC 0::' tis Cl":li:-:...:...1cC t t... ~.ll t.:..'~ .~: (,.. :::...~.-; c:': :: :..;'~ :::.... c~: :::
etion :co:.~ ol~ch lioence :::110 :.i'~h ".:;1:0 r}i'~" :Jlcrk J.;'~C ll~nd,
1--r"~ "'c "y:,;,c 01 t~~ oi' :3c;:.::!. :.c.~c~:., CO\l.~t.... '. C:L,.... il....O, J-:;~tc of
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Co.lifo :i,....:.1ie, 0 vor ['.nr. ::,*)ove
~ _.o,&..c=....cy C1'~'lL ~~f. in '~:.:c 1oJ-:;......:;... of
.~::c o"uc;.,tutOl"~ o:;:o:-:_\.ti...nB.
~.;-.:::: ~onC:s
chell ')C conC!.i tionc:::' -;;:.c,-;; '~':c ~'~"inci~K..l '~:l.::.~.~ii1 n::;ncc. il:'\ile
cc.rr~inG on the [j~ li\..~' o~' c~tc.l)liohl1e:lt at -;;:~:J )1. ce :lc~'i:io::Jc..
in ":ia e.):',lioc.tion. \:ill oomply i:it:c. c.ll of '';;:;'0 :....:...."i:.:c.~c.:~c ~c...::o:..,
c,::d ;;,ill not )cl-n1t or cor.I1it =:ny violc.'~ions or ~:.c ~cl'J:1e 0::: '~::1c
Cj,"~in~nce .
Soc'~ion 16.
:'o~.of ~~~:~cti~~
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..'}:11c2.~iont, l"OCO:nt:1crlc'i...:.-::io:c.s c.:ll~ ".Jo~':.c. c.:'_lly "uo -:;:.c f"i:.'"::/.:... ':::.c~ ~io~
or LIt. L... Ii c.r.nt, ~o cech ......~~)lict':'u1on ;C~: ;. "';j,":ncf::a. 0:':' lie:.. 1:.:"C
~ncl ~o o~ ch SU"!J DC '.;.1 Cllt e.::;~)lict~tiot1 fOl" r lioense Jcl:c::.:c:.::~c'l"
by o.n~T etlch ~-licant.
Section 16. 1:0 :!.icEJncEl iostlcll uni:.cr t..is O:"".i::e:r:;oo c1::::.11
'be l: ssigI1E'.ble or transi'orlJ:iJle \7i thout tl:o consei1'~ of 'Gno
30c.ru of rructecs, Conu ",;it;l such co1:l~c.:;.'~ onl~' to Co ,on:;, Zii:'c
...,uro~U;"Dor of t1.o ~r~~.cincss ~o ~:;, icil it l"~l~'~cs, 0::''' ::n CO..1~oc..jic.u.
..i.~:l ..:-ich it ".1:".C G'l'"(l.,:tCl~ OJ,~ :'C61t:.I..
Soc'~ion 17. '.["C::1 u~.Otl cU;::-ioicl:i.t ct.....s(, J~:...:.:, :";,o",,n, 0:,:
.:.::.vof f1...~"llisha::' to ~~:.c t.tt.i:". Jc~ ::ii. ci' ~j,'":"&;.. ".CCE, u...')on Llo-:;ico
'ceJ.'n.' f.,J."von to "'u'.'.e C"" cn "~,.c,,, '.,., '"i'~ C" CO" ".. ,,'O~
,;.... . .L!oJ t...... "'- _ _. ......... .l. _.l..o.I. ... "'A I.J.I. ~ .:.:... ......
DO liconcc~", c.nc1 u:.. :&:l t ~c::j:'i:l:; :..-:.:~ ~~:i~ 1 .,)e1o:....c, ~~c SL:.iti. ~O~ ::c.
0".., l10"'oes ~~( "'u'(, J~..__a....". ..J.... ':'J."l...:~ecD 'Jc:.n"" cO~'I'ti~ccf. .~~.:.~ :.~.
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or cor o~~~ion, holCin: ~ licc~&o
unclo:..' '~iJis Cruinc.llco ic l:::c;ing c ::'i::.orllc::-ly 0::' :if.l'C)li.~",Jle
lit,:,uor oc~,:,bl1shl!1cnt, or :-~); vi ol!: 'GOI' !l.n;: of ~l.c _'rovi.:.icnc :>i'
Ordinance Number
this Ordi~nce, or t~o ~rovioions of ~~r O~~in_nco ~o~oincrtor
enacted by tl'e :30 <'i'(1. of ~:,. otoco 0:':: t:'o (;i'j~' or ..,0:.:.1 ::c;;.ch
relt".ting to 'ci:c o~:lc of :ic...U.Ol.S. t~lC s....ie. ~Jo~rc:. of ~:..t....e"tecs
T:1e,~T i"cvoko end cenccl"K such liconse .'nt". 11001':::;"0 rOi':'::ci tcl'. tilC
".Jond civcn oy '~;1t: ~'.' liC:'.1t, C' ;. l::.ccn'uo, '~,:e~'o:'::or.
5oc'iiicn 18. "::"C ~,'i:- J:""li... Jl~r:C ..::.~
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:,?rinted [;l'it:l.~Jlo :..o~"r:c '::0:;: '~',(. licom:cL. hCl'oin ~,l:u: o:;.'il.of .
\l:tioh t.ht:.ll \";hcn icsucC. .Joc..r "UJ'c nC.::...J.Q Ol" nUJoo S 0:: ti..c lic.c::J.L.:.......
or licensooc, t..n:l chd 1 llC ci :once. "oJ! t:le Oi t;- Clcr::: 0:':: t~le
City of 000.1 Boach ~nl' counter siGnod by t:e nPrcsidcnt of
the .3oo.rd of Tructeeo of tile Oit~, o:.? Sev.l .3e;;.ch.
Secti n 19. :..ny :JOrEO n viol::'~inc E'l1~T or tl'c ~ ro',i::.ione
of this Ordin~1ce w'ull bc dee~d guilty or e uiEdcmo:::nor end
upon c?nviction ther~o:':: si1&ll ".Je -unishcole by ~ f::.~c wot
e=coeding Thre~ Hun~rc~ ~011cr6 (~~OO.OO), or ".Jy im:1rison-::nt
:.?or c ]crio:l no'~ o~:ccedinL tic:.:ee (3) Tlonthc, or 'J~' iJot'h :"reh
fino :'n~ im.,;,,1riton.'l"Jcnt; end ~n cc......::..c "u::c i:ol':.cr C-,,' "'ol'lor:.. c~
arry liconso Granted under tl:c terms of 'ulci:: Or:.L".r:-.ce c',c.ll
be cOLvicted or e violation tp~reof, 6~ch licens. sPell be
revolted by tho Be.ill Boc.rd of Trl.stoos of the City of :see.l
Sccti~n 20. Tk.::l" n.,..:I';'R.~:age 8:-.....1: f=.<:.k1: ",,,,-r,..,..+ ~...~~~~ ';n
...t,~:fo"''''' +.M 'M:y-L3~-~Ir",,;I!lI;e.p~,e{s,ytioo.
. " '
\ ,
Resolution Number " .
Soc7.~<::n 20.
T::o :Ji ';:- Clork shell ~10C't "t,h~:::: u:'f,:;.nancc
ir. ct lecct "tj"rcc .~1:'..')l~c 1cO""6 itJ'J.n "L!iC Oi~~ of ~cr.l _1C~ cl~t
Coun't.' of' U"PDf'f". St~;l1i(, :":L :J~ l-:i'or!lic, It...r -:i"C"semo eh.:ll t:-l:c
o:::roct (',l1" shell n 0 ~n fnll :-orce t;~irty (0.10) c";,e~ra !'ft:-:- ~ 1;(:
'cCc "'.;ion.
~'UO ~v.L'uuv..l..JJ.(j C_' :..~... c......"...u. \.0,
';).. t1'c -rollo\~':i:1S voteD, ~~o-..:~.~: ~
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G1~:: Clark.
I, Jlr.~i.!ur L. 1Ia.'.~ns, Oi~;~ Clerk, i:c:' 'J~ c~_.., ::." .. '" .
fo:'q;O:'I.1B Orf..i;lc.i1OElrl is tlllUc :..ni:. co:;.':'oo:' CO}Y or O:......i;:)._.:c". ~-o.
5, "An OrllL:a;1co rOQ'-lc.ti;:S tee salo of e.lcor..olic li<,,',:m:;.'c in -:;: 0
Cit~T of' Scel Jcach, provic..i:l:: {"OI' ~1'C is:::,uancc 1'0:;" licc....::..c~ "; :.::;.;ci.'or,
en.:!. :?:;,'ovitl.L:;.g c. :Jl:ll1alty for tr.o voln'-icn c::: an;:' c:Z '~: c :.:,:"oYi;,.::c_ r..
hC~"t:o:r, "L:.ncl \i(,~S j?r~"scd. .:'.or..: .:..clo~~tcd 'b~" ~:J.c ""3~",",:"e .0 ~;."'~ Lt.:;C~
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