HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 07 1916-05-25
om:I:;.~:.~iC~ 1:0. ,1'
lin O:rCl inc!tl:?tI to :roviiio for tho Lioonoing,
for ~be 'Purpooe of lleVOnllE'l DoR R!)81l1n ti 00 of
the 7't1rndts, 'rp.d.es, Oocupnt-;nna, Avocations,
:':nploY11onl: f\ fl'1i1 Dno ir:ecs onr::1ca 011 :tn t~lO c:: t;r
"f f.eaJ. Donah, nor Fixing tho Ratoc therefor,
aD.l !'onul tios 7"r t'lO Violnti on tho~Gl)f.
T'lO B"uru :;>~ '.:'rt'st<30S of t-l0 Oity oi' ::',on1 :3Gac~ ~o orr.a:in fir- fol) "~E':
~c.}c~ion 1.
It ~hall bo llnla~ful ~or on;r parr-on or re~~ons, r~ather
as principal or r-ri;Jo:lp=!).f-, t,~'Ol:t cr /1 ~ontc, olor~ or olorks, Eml'lo;;.:Je or
employooD. oith~r ~or thomeolvoB or for any ~thor . orson nr; Jrr-0na ~r bo~ies
corp:). ~I'~O, or ot~el"71.no, nr f.lr' I):r:ficer~ of oo:rporatio:::e, to oarry on any
trauu, on Ding , profflr-01.on, or ocouP!Jt:! cn in this Ordilwnoo r-!lO0 i:''i o~, \":it>'lut
first havine' procured fl licence froo f n;.d C::.ti of Zoul Bauoh eo ~o c'o, UIlO
eaoh ani! ovary do;.- or frnotionlll ,'urt of u aoy thot sni':: t2'c,\C.'J, C~,lli::C;,
profcr.lJion, or OCGl1,:potion in "'.;hi'- Or(~innnoo speoifiocl in cor:d:'o';od or curried
on \"ith"[lt ""oh 1 :l13onF.o, shall oonstituto a V~01flt10n of -:",ir 0r!\'i":!1'1CO, 'l!1d
such pcrf'''D o-r 1"Or!10nR, n~e":t nr Hror"tt:1, olerk or olor~~c. anI Ie:,"'.)=] t1r er::~ lo.:.r~T
\":ho shall for tl\O!1Uel','ol', or lor any oth.:r l'arr:'lll or pJrt')/j!l, or lxlC'y
'Corporato or 0';110 1 "'1:':"io/) , oomlllo':; or'Garry on IlllY 13uch tl"n~'1, calli,<1r" rrl)-
1'o::'cj~n 'lr /)3ot1"[lstion .ofc'I'or. H!, \"'ithont f~rt.'t hr,viur: lJrccc:~'ld !.! 'ii"O:-EO,
f.!hlll1 for :;.,~o'h violation of this nrr~i!.anClO l,d OG61'lElO Built;?' of ~ r.rlE'c.enaD!1er,
/ltlll U' "!l cor.ViO'!;joll by any o"vrt h:winc juriec".iot1,1ll thOl" :of, oh011 bo fir>ed
t11orefor in :1 ('!um ~."'l"'" , ()~,.. ~gD +-QIJ t"Jllare a....l(~ ot exco,;.:t:1nf 0"']0 "r:nl~r;'\d
(l:ollors, O!" hI) :Impricnno" for II torn no"!; ox\}usding fl:::""J ':nyo, or ['haJl
ouf">::r bo~~\ ::'uo~ fir.G un \ inpriaoIlJ:',otlt in t1l-:l dif'cc.>tion o~. ~ht) COl'rt, nnd
tho u'i)f'Jt'n~ .,~ ~rlO'" liaanoa shall bo deol!l'Jtl (.1 dobt to ~ho ;:ttid Oi t'~:. at Leal
r'onch, :1:1/" pU!1:t pornoll, Qffa:.1t~. cler':r-, e~r,l~;,-()of't flTI1 'hoil;':lf'j OI)'~'l""-:l7"nta,
or oi~hor 0i' ther.!, flh::tl1 b'l 1:10:'10 to an ..otion i" thA n~l!I& of "';110 Cit;'T of
~:oo1 ~o!loh, in Il"!.Y aOlJ.ri; of aOOpGtcllt JILricdiatio::l, for the uOotmt of t~le
licOlll'e of CI!lch tr die, c a11:1.1\I), J rof'em::ion or OCOllput:i.oll, :,f ho Gha.Ll or
thO~T ooy 1lC anencoi' :In ,..ith aorta 0." suit.
Section 2. It shall b,:! tlt.o <'nt;. 0:: tho City Clerk tn jE'fTO n 1'!co"se
unilor thie Ordinunco to o"ch rOI'Gon liable to pay u liconco hereunder, dIlly
f'igne0 by hin, ant" to fix and stn~:ojOt~le 'amollIlt of 1 icenoe t1loreon, and de-
livor Dl.;,oh UB: lice11lJe to the Cit" .';u,::Elhall :or oQ11oation, to?:i:::!; his
Ordinance Number
reoeipt, :for the amount thornof, una the C~t;; Clark, in f1xini- the rate
of lioense, shall grade tho c~mQ uooordins to hie best ini"ormotlon ODl
kno,:,ledge, anCl, for 1:hat purpo('o may oonfer t'ith per~onB in into,'or-t, and may
roquire any paroon to file hie ~r hor af~idavit a~ to wh~oh olnos ho or phe
r~lly bOlong; "provided. thvt in no cace Ilhall any mietalra by the Clork in
fixing tho l1:n:)llnt oi' Sf:. td lioetlf'o, :prevent tho collect i on of \'7htlt ~hall be
Ilotlloll;; ;luo, 'l"'i~ll all o~cts, Ill;ail1et Llny one onl"l"yinB on raid trnr1e, oaJline;;
profor-eion or oool'pation '-'i'!;"or; 0 licel"~c, "J" ':'oi'!"['i:1j; to pay !'luch rnto so
fixed by the Cjty Clerk.
It aha11 bo t~le fUi:-::her duty of' the City Clerk, ir:i111odinto";i 8,'tar the
delinquont liot h::.El 'lIeco dol::' 'le:rod -:; ') hi:'"'" to r:1l1.e un entry Of ',;1'0 delinqnent
l::i:B:k licenDes rmd the amount tl1orJof, ana to (l,Cl11''31- thr, "1'\7':<:> 'hank ~o tho City
I4arGhllll, ""lOCr) an~i" it shall bE; to a~ once rrcceetl, t.-, oollect tho (1,"me in hie
disoretion, by ~~i~ cr O~hP'l~;ico.
lIothinG heroiu. h,,.'...'v(.'z.. omll pre7Jot a crimin~,l rrol;couti~m Ilf' provided
in l:ootioll 1, for any violation of t 110 provie; 00~1 of thil' OrB1nJl1l0o.
Seotioll 3. All Itce.:lr~s llhull bo '[:laid ill u~~vur.;oo i:) 111:~'ful mone:: of i;'ns
Unit f. ,t(\tes to tho Ci~;;r ~I'!'::~all. a!ul ~ ~Or.U1'U'!;O licunce mll:::~ be obtaiuod
for o:.ch b.'dnoh, ootnblinhr.x>n; ,:)l:' ;JO'):Al'IL-:e ];ll;:;oo J! bt:Gi110 ~, ,,' i:!h 1ioeof'o
Quthori\:os tho i)nr':;;; ob"Cui::\ir.g it JO co"cry Oll, j?::lrouo or (J')J:lCluot only that
tl'ndo, cnlli:::lg, pro:focsio:l or o'3cl'pati~n i'J::ori'l:od i.:l ouoh lioenne, llnd only
at ':;ho 1oc..tioI1 ':>1' plaoo of busine::~ ,'1:'10':1 :is inilicn'uoi' t::oroby.
T~e nonthly licanso1n this Ordi~anl)e TToviaod ~hall bo due an~ payable
to the Oit;: 01' ;001 l'er,ch ou ,he :.;:rrt 0; ot'oh me-nth, in uilvanoe, for all
l'orC~nG, :l.f::n:lts', firm:: ell' cOI'T'cra::ionc rho huve fer the rr~violl(, month boen
lioeusod to uurt'y on any Dlloh t:::ndc, Ofllllnc, rro:tosc:ion or oocur-oS tion, :,nd
for all rorr-OIIS, ugcntG, firr.lB or corj.-orutiom::, '-':...,) l".u.e rot 'teen licer,ced
for the ;,Jro,viollS Doa.th tOl" t.he o:,mo ~;Tl:!ilo, onllillf:, }.ro:r;:r-sion or Ooou.potion,
tho 1: OOUSt) ohall bo due nnt )lu;,mblo uue' Muot bo Pl'oeu:rnt'l ny "\loh neTE'en
hoforo oarrying on ouoh tr1de, calline, profaCoc1on or oc~uFa~ion.
The licenseD pU3ablo quurtorly. or for thJ poriar ~f throo oonths
in thin Ordinance ?rovidod chall be anEl onf payable t~ the City on tho
i'ir:-t days of January, April, Jl~ly ane OClto1.JC1r, ant: clmtix all ouch lioenees
for thrco months ohell ond t'ith the lur-t days of Uurch, Juno, fep-:;onh~r
and Deoember of euch yoar.
\'!hen the lioenflo he:"'in proviile,i is re:r 1'1eek, tho some shull 1'0 d1"9 and
Ordinance Number
payable oaoh week in advanoe.
\'1'100 the lioence hor'in provided 10 per day, tho oame sholl bo due and
payablo eaoh day in advanoe, nnd ,hero ouoh l1con~(l 1r: par yoar, the l"ame
shall be duo ani! payable to the Cjty at 1;ho t1mc Elpooified in the Orn1nanoe
provi ding th~ emoo, oml when not so s)lec1fiecJ, on the firct day of Deoembor
of eaoh ;reor.
no groator or 10SR amolmtr of man'JY 011011 be churgod or roceivo\l for
lioonl"O !:'a i!JOl1!ld t~an i~ rrovil1arl ill tl1if: !lrdi.mlnae, ar.; :10 lioanBe sholl
bo sold or iesueil for nny l'loriod of t iDO other than ic provided in this
All lioenRoB iar.uod under tho provic'ons of thin Or;1nnnce
shrill bo ;(liB panted iIl tho plllee of buc inOE':? of th'3 11oon6'"'0 DaID9d in
s~oh lioense, and tho cnid lioence $hllll be produood by tho lioen~'Je
nhonevor th~ ~amo oha11 PO rl)1uire~ by the City Lmrshal or any o~fioor
of the Ci ey.
It is }lIJroby made t116 duty of tho City ~.t.1rElhlll to on.i:orco ull tile
prov';:"ions of ;;hifl Ordi!wnoe.
110 pt).c~;()nal dor,lUn" or Dotio" bj tho
Mnrofll11 to E1uoh p'3rnons owing fJuch lioeuoc tax oholl bo neoom::l.Iry to incur
the ponaltioc of tnio Ordinunoe.
Seot ion 4. All 1100UI'16o iSf'UCd. uueer one. by v.lrtue of th1 s Qrc' 1 r.onoe
choU b 0 'rin'!;od in blank fom cif.'noiJ. by tile l'l'osideIlt 0::" the Boa rc' of
TruoteoG aud oountercigooil llY tho \}it:T Clark, \"'110 ohall [lot forth ';110 name
of the l1Urty to whoCl tho 110un()El ic iOI'i1.cU, tho niltU".'e 0:" the trado or
bllo1neDEI ho, ehe, tr..cy or it llrc licencod. to l)i;i~'GG.o, tho ti:ne fl)~ \'idoh tl1.e
came 10 f'rm:::tod, '!;he date thernof, and ~11a amonnt paii' ~hElrElf"',r.
'rl1o Ci ty Clor:;; shall oanso to 1;,) }:rin~od ::i Duffi u; cut lllmber of Fl1'3h
lioenE'en ae may bo roquired 1'01' one yoor, in book :~or!i1 r.i'~h blunl~ atub to
enoh; nIl{~ shall deliver tho samo to the City ~rt'lhal from ti'':O to time se
may ho reqniroil =~n" oharge tl10 :!nrl'hal '.;herowi loll \7ho f..hall u)111l ar a".; the
offioo of tho City Cler~ on the Fir~t ~onday in each month Iln~ l'1ettlo 'br the
lioenf'oc sold. 1'l'oviaed, hO'i'ever, that 'all lioences no\"' issuod a]](l' 1 be
good for the timo for \711ioh cuoh licol100D '.Iara issuod.
Tho City Clerk Dhall, on np;:lioation of the Marohul, iOBUO to him l'uoh
blank lioenoeD ao m07 bo rcquiro~, rooeiving at the timo of icsu1ns tho
same, from tho Uarshal, n otatomcIIt of tho person to ~hom iSBuod a~n the
time of cOl"Ullenoemont and eAJ:lira'!;1on of raid 1ioente, 1~hich Gtatel~Gnt must
be inscrted by tho Oity C1er'c on tho stnb of sain 110enna so 1Bal~ad and
Ordinance Number
r.h1oh otub mUf"t be '<ept in tho of:'ioe of t he City, Clork.
800t1on 6. Eaoh 11oonoo grantod or iool101: under any othe proviE:ion
of. this Ordinanoe ohall nu~horize the licensee to trannact or corry on the
busineoG or oallinB therein nUDeo at the FIGoe therein designated a~d no
othor,and tho r.Ai~ li~onso sholl not be or-signable n~r transforable.
r.eo~10n G. The oonviotbn or rnniFhnont of any Fu~Don for trnnsnc~ing
or enB'og1ng in nny tl"ude, culling, :rrofoE'r'~n or oooupatbn 't7:;~;hnnt 0 lioo"lE'e,
('holl not El:'Olll' 0 or oy.ernpt IJt~ch T'01:"rlOn :"'rOI!! tho pa~"!'Ient 01' !lny lic:'l;"J('o r~ue
or unpnid ut ~he '.;:IIne of 1i'1lCh cO!'1viotion.
SOCtiOIl 7. :rho Oity i~l of fJllj d City shnl.l on or boforo the first
!4on~ny in ouo11 month, deliver to tilo City CIeJ;"k the delinqren'; l1('t of
lioem:et' unoolleoted by him for "'.;he previ Ol~n ~t~, !1M oleo c. l:\('t of all
pornons thot hn-"e oomo to hiFl kno':11eClge, or r.ho ho 1101iovos not 11}10n the
lioosno liGt, oharged ,11th tho pOJr.1p.nt of lioonoo, c.nil rhnll pay ovtlr to
the Ci ty ~roocllrer ull ) 10011000 oollootod by him in OEl~.d !.1onth, unl' :c-erort
the omonIlt tho)'oof to tho DoorCl o~ :'r1:ste:>l3,toEother with ~ho ODolmt
! dOlinquont, at the f11'ot ooet:;'n(' of Emil': ::laOI'd in ouch month.
I rlootiC'n 8. :rho rat.. of liocilsa for tho tradoll, oollinr'fl, J1r~:'"o"l1'ions
and occnpations hor1inoftar na~ed ~holl co, un' tLJ rGOO is her9ny, ortobl-
ishod for aM '" it.h1o 'tho Cit;; of ;~e:)l TIeuch, :J.:::d 'j;r.o ;~at1e r.hlll1l: 6 rata by
all por:::ons GDl!'llgir.g iu cl10h trndoe,onllin[;s, prOfOE:6icr:r.; ,))" OCOUpC.tiODIl,
For ev,]ry auotiouuer, eu;::clf.:;ed. i::l ralli!!!:, f.oo1r', ,"/:;rtIC or l'Ierl'1] <:nr I E'e
,~ithin ~;h'l caid City at pllhl'lo auction, '::1'5.00, por Llollth, or \)r.fiO, po:!'"
dny, if lico,l,;O it' ::rocl~rc,l for Ilny ~urioC ~cr" ",:;hnr. ~rJ{" -:-,o..th.
Soction !).
For every a:.:trologer, soor, .fort uno tr:llllr, olairvo;;ont,
I1pir.lt Dedicm,l' \".'ho r]cDr.n(r or reooiver: u foc for !lis, OT.
spiritualist or
hor snrvicoll, or rivcl: an exhibition at any pl:':le "h":!'"':: un r.rmjrsi on is
oharged, C
, por month, or ~ ~.v~
, por dny, ~hen Ijccn~e
in iBl'uoil for any porion lof'1" thnn one month.
Scot ion 10. rOl' overy poddler. or hn"'l~el', ~5.00, par month, provic:'led
that p~~r.ono selling,or offoring ~or f'cle, vegetablcE, faro or gnr~en
prod pots, raiood ~r proi!l:ood by tl10rnsel vas. shall ba exo!'n!'t' froD tho
provir,ionS o~ this Ordinonca.
footfoll 11. For every pornon, 1'i .om or corporation enGaged in the
bUl:linosr. of bill posting, e50.00, pel a nr. um, payablo qnorterly in tl,'VIlI',Ce,
Ordinance Number
provided that tho provir-ior:o of this :::eotion ['hall not Of;'lY,to any perron,
firm or oo:t'p!)ratioD regularly liol)nseo to transl:ot 'oaaineolJ \'7ithin the
City of eoal Beach, who shall use bill ~or.SXB%X boardc or pootors in
advcrtiaing his, or their, O? itr. bueinonn, occupation or on~lillg.
For overy butcher shOT- or Gtnll, $3.00, per quartor, for
ever-of butchor ....c.con ooliolting orders in tho City of io;,l Boach, ::10'; '"lot
hnving a "ixad plnce of ~usine~r- 5n ~nj~ ~ity.$24.00, ~cr annum, ~nJnble
in advanoe.
~ection 13. :Tor ovr:r'J paroon, ~i III O't" oOl!loration onf-aged in the
bueinero of oonducting a bo~ling Or ~in filley, $6.00, yOX' annum, fo~ each
r.ootion 14. For every p~rr.on conf.~cting n billinrd, bngatello,or
pool ta1:ile, B:Ace,ting only "l1oh I)n UTe ueed ill privI'te hCl<GOE, for!' ach
toblo; ~.50, ~er month.
Scot ion 15. For ev;o,ry hotel, :;;:25.00, po~ snnttm, payable <;.r..~rterly.
For eV'Jry booriling aut: loog1l:!tS h~uoe, ~~1.25, pot" month, rroviClot' thot
b~urfj~5 houco, ar 2onti~f h~nr3 ]ico~rc,
tho rate hor~in Tlrocoribed for u hotul lico;:wc/obal::' not inalllde the
privilcg'o o~' FOlling, v:1naing, ~"rvin', or fiv1n~ o""J nn~i l!1:l1t, v'lr,ouc,
sp1ritllou!', t:Iixod, or other :1l1tfJ::ioutiL':- liquorr, bpt :'11("1 !:"')ll::'n~:, vandinE,
sorving, or giving &-oy of ~ny nuoh ~tquorB l'~al~ b~ zo~~rho~ by the
provisions of Ordin:l:'loe ria.. 5 of '!;he City o~ ElJol Benoh, ollt.itle:l: "
n ~ CR~.. ~ tL ~a-t. r cluU'r ~ ~ Lt:
@i4 1 ~ flu..d. ,hn-~ /W. At:.. ~~~ 1/ z:~ ~
y ~~ ~ ~JL;j F At. t1r1A-{~ 1 ""/ (IL ~
provided thot tho f'ord ~hotel" , !1r- uf~oci n thil:l Ol'd:!.r;unoc, chall bo eon-
etl'uod to neon a jlUblio inn contoin:llg no'.; :toe!:" than ton rooeo for the Ilee
ant'! acoo:1t:lo"ation o'!' ratronc or ('UOEtS, am1 'h('l'vinS ill t'.ll) ',,'MA bldJ.r'inr, or
in u building oonneoted thcro~lith ll. oininc rOOI:!, or roo~ in \'..Mch 1"\0010 liTe
regularly :'erved 1;0 the publ1o.
'he I"ords "boarding hout"on and "T,Dae-ine
house", U~ the ~ar.D are uDad in th:1c Ordinance, shull be oon~truo~ ~j ~an
LI hOltSEI r-hare tho purl1oso of ],oep1ng bo"rilorc gonorally 16 otlrr1cd on, ond
shall be !1 llUilding oontaining not 10m;: than five, nor noro tlmn tAn rooms
for tho uso of patrone or guoctB for hiro, providod that any perRon rentine
not to e~o&ed five rooms to patrons or guo~t9 Rhall be e~E1npt fro~ the
rrovirions of ~his taotion.
Ordinance Number
Seotion 16. For Ov~r.1 rope or ~'iz~ dancer, DOgio or theatrioal
entortainrnent or conoort, other than 0 ~ovin~ pioture shan, menagerie m'
oirous, or D1doshon oOnductoD in oonjunoti~n thore~ith, or nndor the'ooMe
wDn3gomont, $3.00, ~sr day; provido~ tlmt if the onmo is Givon by or under
the direotion of loonl mnnlllJA1"lOnt, the rnte ()i' lioonoo &holl be ~ :L,a;!. ,
pOl' day; provide", fnrther tlult if tho saco is given oxolUE.:ivoly by ond
under tho diroot10n of looal tnlont, for the ~onefit or aavantoGo o~ any
organization, eocicty, ohurch or loe~o ~ithin the Cit7 o~ ~en' ~cAch; no
oharge for 1ioo:11"0 ~'he:ll 1: e condo.
Scotion 17. For ovo~J novi~ picturo exhibition, ~ha~o the ~rice of
udciesicl1 doosllot e7.Qood twenty aont::; $2.00, por l:!olr:'h; T"hore th!l rrice
of adr.l1so1.:>n ~ exceeds 't"Oll~y OO;lt~l. t,'3 rato ~:f lico!1flo RhlIll he the
13!1"Je ns provic'le5 in f:oo";ion 1.6 of,,:;l1~r Ord-:.r.lmoe; 'P'!'r:'vi.d!.'d, hl),,;,'ovo:r, that
if any 10wd, obsoonlJ or ila'P1'O)lor .ili:l~or(; ::-'1011 bo showT.l 0:,- exhibited in un;v-
suoh oxhibition, 'the r~ur:lhal <Jf r',;iil City u:mll ~roct:lpt~r:11y 'l"OVOkB the
l1c:>enAEl for '1'u"h ozh:l oitioIl, a}j.~ the r.:ntloy t11o'-'':1to:::o c pili,,! 'for fmid
lioe~to Oh311 be forfoite~ to said C~ty,
Seotion 1(), For eV(1r~ streot o::hibHor, for NlY OT to !)ttrul'lt
oustomero, ent for overy vonilor 0" "h!"OEl t<r.il l:;crclofmdiflo, T:ilo:r .Jhnl1 sell
.01' offor .'Ot" f'ulFl suoh Tmror. OJ:' Clcro'hanili["o b;v- 'Pl"blic outcry 0:.1 nny nubIio
street in Mid O:lty, exoept fie rrovidod in ~1actiol1 It __of th:ia Ol"cinnnoe,
$10.00, per day.
For ovary voraOo ~ho conduots doll raoke, chooting
gnIlories, ring boards or o'!;hor {1'.lvicec for cortcl?ts of 81>111, 01" for the
3.()_O ~
to~~inl! of chol1cet', ~ . }lor e-ay, fot' oVAr~ l:'llch ,1011 rllcJ:,Ghoot:lnB'
guller;;, 1'-1;18 bonrd or other dovioe.
:::,ec~:lon 19. For evory opon air cntor1;ain1:lon~, ~lr thore oonducted in
tonta, ElirdoTdOs or trm:1flient o:lolol.lnrea, 0:1::::0]1":: us ot~I(lX'l7i('\c T,,"cviiled in
eeotion "
o _, und (9""
, of this Ordiuunoa, TIher. the objeot
is auvert~r"oI:l~:lt ('It" aninC,.,het,ler th::l r.ain i~ 'lori.'lo': thJ.'"Oll[;h :.t!,l'rif's~on foos,
oOlloc-:';ionr:, oontribu~1onD, for"';unc tolling, 'lr any other moons,) having
-II , fJ
a scatin!" oopeoitj of"~ more t~1!ln ono thouc:one.,e flu -~ ,per day; and
'" ".-:uu
having n s~Dting oapaoity of leu~ t~n one thou~and, w ~~ . rer day.
r:eotior. 20.' For ovory :i:a: trnvol:lnt or traneiont physioian or 1,onon
~ho o~varti~eG or 1 vends r.ledicine cn tho c:troeto, ,r on open lotr, or in
tonts 0:::'-
$ jb!JQ
transient onclOStlrec, or from plntforr.1O or .....agone, "IT in hollo,
, par day.
Ordinance Number
Seotion 21. For overy oirouD or
- ob
not loos than one thousand. $ .tj. -
oapacity of 3:'et!s ~han one thou:-and, ~
menagorie having a oeatinG capacity of
, per day; and hDving II fleating
'" ,11,_"
'JV- ,per day.
For every
siClo-show conc1'lctod in 00:'1,1nnotil)n 1,'''it'h a circmc or menaGerio, or under
the Dome m!ll:!.!1,:\,emeut,@ v-=- ,y.or d::lY.
Seo';ion rr.. For ov~r~r orcrr:n .ffrini!c:' ..ith 01:" "i~J,O'l+' anir.lal exhibits;
for ov~ry travclinF or transiont ~urio1an, acrobat or entertainer, exhibjting
upon the publio streets of ('aill. City, ot'hot" thnn
I' ,I) '" I,o.!,
.. _snd_...i..l-_ ~r ':;'h:!(" Or~inn~lce, Ii
0" :proviI!.B'l.. ill f' _1ctions
, l,e c..a:/.
eeotio~ ~3. 2vcry person, I)n~r-any, ~irn or eorrCTution felli~~ or
offering for cnl~, trnQ~ or exc~nn~c nny ~~rn~, ~cod~ or merohD.ndi~n,
advertiser] 01' do::>i{;:lated :.IC clnori':'f'f3, nCl1i[)uoo'r" or(,<'it(.':;:'6, conoi{,'nco's,
bankrupt' c, trul,tu& 'Il, re.)o~ v;::r' n (I:;:" ("peoial calor. or l:l:'~oahl l'crgain E tiles
otookf; of
of ,1amagec1/b'oo(lc, 'b.Y :&:,j1'0, '-n-:or 07." o"t"f'1\"': ce, rho.~ 1 r)~.Y n :!.ico:1GEl tax
thor-:lfor in t]~e sum cf ~ 6-0,!!
, ]:01' qt:.nrtEll', l,rovice" -;"c.t t'l";a
seotiou chnll apply 1;0 HJ 1 :-to(l];:P 0-:' ~ ,:)')IlEt, .:urar: U 1!<'I rlO1"ChE:JJe.ifle in the
01" f:O(\1. BOlich thut
IIr!' !\ot r,rl'"e~f cd 01' .f,;ll;-O(! : n fw:in City; prov~ded,
that this ~ect iOIl 5hall not FT-r1y ";1) reodf', "'arOll 0:- nt:lj:cr.r.n( ~ I:'e JCi:tx iV~~ioh
are nctuBlly cne: ill ,crood faiJ.;h un"!'):r '.1'0 COnl;l'ol 0:1' the :'llcr:i:.~f or any
oEsignee, -::rul?tee 'in bllu:crt1ptoy, or rocp.::'v'Jr
~~c~t of ~~e Vr.~'s~
Gtatos, or Oral1go County, or nuy oth~r CO{'l,:Jtr OJ~ :1111 H'orniu; or '!;o /?,oods,
Vlllr"'!c, or MorchanG.ise \"lhioh hr.':,c 'be~ltl 'lu"'J~r;od '1""; '.1':in 'l;l1e Ci'~y of ~5a" !\o!loh
ClUG 11h10h aro bOlD;: dicpor:eil oJ' i'1. ro~d f.ait!':, t,) C10f'') ol;,t '.;ho ::-a~e.
f.ootiou 24. Por every tempQrllry ico CTon~ oounter 01" otand, every
tor.tporllry lunoh oounter or ..toni!, or tCnJ'':lrnr;r
. iii. Ut.fM. ... ~ ,.."t>-'P'"
tomporary bllzar',~ $ ~-..II}!. , :.cc:" any, or 0 IO.!.-!:
1\ J-:! .!:.-
For every tecporary fruit stan~, ~
noc1a ccuntor stond :md every
, I_Oi. \:001'::.
i!t -0 u
day, OJ:' ''J loS-
. pnr
psr month; 1'01" every :pr:rnon entn~ed i::J, th~ l:uoino:':; of <Jell ~ ng tomaloE:,
lunoneo or saDd~iohoG, ioe c~oo~ nr
fublic streets in cnid City, $ j,-
O'l!111;,; ~t"')m t',uGon 01' Innd otlrts upon "~e
o{~ '
, -tier !., ~h, ::'ot" OV01:y ,lIlcn '-uc;on
or cart.
Provide~, hO;:'')7or, t:lat thE) 10 out:! Oil on the !Jllhl ic f" rcatr. of
the ooid rtond, oount.:;r, bazar, "1l8or~ '.,T hcmCl-oart :n thin oOl)tion rc::'e:'rod
to shall be under the oontrol of tho SuporiutcnGont of stroots, en~~et
forth in the lioeuse.
Scott"X1 25.
Fer ovory photograph gallery or studio estabiished
\'i',;hin tho City of eeol Beaoh, $3.00, per r:uorter; for every traveling or
Ordinance Number
transiont pho~ogrQphOr, not having nn oatablishod pluce of bUDinoD~ uithin
eo~d oity, $2.60, pOl' day.
Sootion 26. For every artist, aront or canvassor solioiting painting,
retouching, o:::ll::rgil1g, or l'urnir.hiUI; viotures or portraits of <loy
doserip-tion, ~5.00, por dr,y.
f:.ect:lon 27. For OV01-:T roztntlro11t, otho1; ti~ao 0 tam,torary ~uuch counter,
stand Or onrt or n8gon, hUVJ.Dg a s~uu:lng uUJJuu.i.~eY uZ 1i,.Gu:"df-:rlVO j1(lti~ULt~
or 199B. ~:.C:. ;5:: ,!uurter; l;:;vl..l.)' .L.,;...~UU~tI;l'" nUVl.l1E U BOU"iUt:" UU'j1I'O]1iY r:r"om
tn'eBty .P:iVA tn -f'1 ~':Y. .,,. .4}v, }'Jor qUit.r~u.L, ", er:t :::e'taa.:rent :"lQV':~g n aeatinB'
)'1,(/O)L ~,
Qf':,.,~-:t;; e~ ~#;.6E f1:r'J .!.J~L.vuB. ~fd6.eG, ; U,I. (!uurtor. I( ,
Soo~ion 20. For ollar:,- 5';:rflol' colici tine; for bU:l:l;JOr.ll honsOf~, reJ"f'ons,
firmD or corporations, hnving 110 :pIneo 0::.' bu&i:ICH::.:' r"i:;,:.n soi'~ City UpOD
uhich a Jioen:Jo ~::lO bo;);; '\1Ui,l., Elr. l:t'ovi'l.jj, b;r thic Ordinallce, ~lO.OO,
por r.lonthi provicl,'jd t:1i::: t::Jot"j,on <'1:n',1 1I.)~ apf1;r ii~ por~:lllf: t'o11citine from
9l'tnblisllOO bl1ninol'D hOnGOD nit",ill :-a i.l City.
SOotiOD 29. ror overy :;>o:'"::-o'~, '?irm, ('I:::' corj.lIJra';:l?l1, mllune;iI!j:: or con-
dlloting a t't;0]"JhO!:'E13 OJ" 71f.l:"ah:ll:' " for gr01.11 or :lc..'ohu!ldi!lo, for hiro,
01.25, por r.lo~th.
3oc"~ioIl 30. For av:r:7 bn"~er~' tl~: ;a"llic;lOcl Qn~ ,:lO:ltIW';Od. in :J'.lii City,
$1.00, l"lcr con'~h; for c,,;-cry ,flrct)n, .ftrm c-: O:'lrl\Ol'n~:;'on co.llil~t7 "~lr3Et or
nw'l C: ty,
orclerl'1 for any llol:or I]:" l:u'-ery
$24.00, per Ilnnum, O:-:::'lJpt 10:;'11:'.
not oDtablished or located
~ine bwe~o~s, c~rr7inB ~nQ
V'" thin
products of any cuc~ b!llr.el'y. 0::- a j:l:!r"; nf' thoh" E,;;ooJk 0:1' r..orc,nr,di.se.
neoti::m 31.
For oV~r;r pr.rf.Oll, fir.n or 'lorj.o:'o.t:::Ll Oll&!lgod 1.n ~:le
businerltl 0::.' !lI';1nu:rootll:"i71g /]:'.." ~I?ll.i:::: CI),l.l.'oc'.;icDflry, ioo c.'oam, ices /]r l:'hor-
bots \".'1 :;',io f")in ait;;, ~l.CO, !lor T'Ior.th; fm.l ro" O"'I":Y j;o::::-on, ":'i::i or
corl1orotion, f'ol:iuff'l70:':OO, or I'loliciting ordors for any cC';.j'I1..'ll'.;ion
OlJgoC,'d in (::].oh llt'~i:'\o<":' ::ot es:tablir:hod or lo.cuto.l ,",it~'il: eni,l o~ty,
~24.00, 1'01' annum.
Soot ion 32. For ovary llorrcn, fir!!! o~. ~or;ornt ion, ('Inr~r.;::ci" j n the
'bUCh103B ,," ilintrib::t1ng a::;:cnlnrc Or l:'acrples, navor'~i:::inf, OT rr:lr.Ioti!le'
goodll, '\".nres or oorohandino or at'IOI cO!:',r.1oditioll 0'" '1rt:lclao of COTJ"ercial
vnJ.t'e for or CD behalf of n~. percol}, firm or oorr;orntion, not coni'l1.otine,
a regularly er.tobliDhod place
fr-~a.4 ~ ~
of busiuea!" uithin :-aia City,$50.00,:r:er an,!um.
:l.. ,~IJ ~ ol..v..-
Soot ion 3.3.
For every porson, firm or norporQt~on enragod in the bucinea~
Ordinance Number
of Qlaaninrr, dyeing or ronovatinIT Qrtiola~ o~ ~ersonQl apparel and huving
o llormanontlY Elotob1ioheCl. plMe r)'f bUll mee:' '1"'1 thin naid City, $1.00, pe~'
month; and fOr every pors~n, fire or oorporat10n oOlici1oine or taking Ornara
for oleoninf',', i.'tyein1:; or renovnting euoh artinlos of par3C':l:l1 apparel, and
a pomanently eGtabJ.1r~,ed :pIneo ')f bua:i!lcsn r'itJ1in !"a id City,
, per mcn-th. ~
For ovOry laundry e:i.tuntod l1;,th:in rl1id City, $1.00, ror nonth; and for
avery/firn, or OO~')'lorv.t~on oOlic:!t;inr, Imr' d31ivcring fo:..' any laul1~,::;r
13i tU::l'~ed olttsi.:'!o of' E'nid City. $ J!!-u ,per r:lonth; and for ov'ry 't':l:>l)O!.l,
uutonlobilc 0:' o~her oonvc;;nnoo unoi'. ill ~(lk1I10 !!t1ch do1ivl'lrios; fOr evel"y
stand or aconc;? '?or a!::;r leunilr7 lcc:.;telt ol,tntae of the Cjt;! of' :::eol Bonch,
$2.00. per month, ff}" r:v"ry euch st::ln" or (l[;ermy.
~oction 54. ]':n" El":'T~' ~~:rro n. firm (IT co:-p"ration ~n.snged iu tho
brlainess 0-::' ,;elling ::il'O-T'orko, i'lol;t1. banr.aro. ~01"!lS nne' novp.ltioo /;fut'.
having (I T\JgD::'urly !)stob'ichoil plnoo '! f buoinoC'D '-;1 thin 61li(l, Oi ty, ~l.OO.
per month; !lod for O....Oi';;.' :i).:lrson., :"i :t'r. ')r cor!'orlltOl1.. u<)t l}t\vir.g or "Ia1n-
taiuil1g a !'ogulnrly e:::'~!J'hlic'ho\1 )'If.lof' T)~ bill:' i.;lec::; ....j101:in sniCl O:ity, or
l>1hO sholl be E'luQ'ugei'. in colline or vendiTli: any ol'ch fh'EltTo~"ka, 'flq;'f", 11orna,
banners or 110vultieo upon tho !Ju"..:lio ~treote of' soB C::. ty, or iror! any
2I~' S:':!!-
oart. Btand~, or temporary ntruo~ore, ~lG.OU, per Month, or oa.&o, ~er aay.
Cect ion 35. roI' ovni'Y 1'ol-oon, :'"irrn or oorporation engaged i:1 the
businOflS of l:elling K!dI:im,1Il! Oll,tomobiles or other notor vtlhiolofJ 0]'
uooeef'or1es thoreto, anCl :~or oVT'!ry E;fiTo.r,e, ~~l.OC, :per r.:Ollt11.
l:.oo-:; ion 3&. 1'0::' ovo"!:"J r~~'r.on, fi1.'I:l or oOl'j'loroton enragod in the
bllllinol':El of colline llU;r or grain, .Ice, l'Tooi!, 000.1 or :lther :fuol nr either
or any 0:1' t11,1m nnll !1mr:ing and rnaintr.i.u'111(i' Ii r~r:'n:~u1'1;, Of\tnl(I,if;h(~ll ,.),:oe
of bUBinoer: r'ithin f.'{I:id City,f.'ll.OO, pOl" I:lonth.
Coc-:;j')!1 37. For every ~il"t~ It'~7-'ot, :)~. --[Sto'D.. ~l.OO, "00:-"- n:Q~t'h.
IbuSiness of
per month.
38. For every percon, :!:'i~;'/l or co;:"p::ration er.['f.l."'ed in tho
selling oil or gasoline or eithor,mb:1Joth o:!' taom , $1.00,
Gec'~io~l Z9. For I)V01.Y pl\ll!l11or having n rClGult:rly ef"';;tlh1 ~flhea. pl[lce
of business within saia City, 01.00,
1)Or T.1onth; for evoj'y plnmDor 110t
- ~.Ac8
of buaine13B, $~.uO, per month.
hoving a regularly established plaoe
Soot ion 40. For ovory bona fido cecond hand store having a rocrular1y
es~1ioheCl pl:lce of bUllinOfJB within raid City, 81.00, par month.
Saotion 41.
For evory nndertaker, embalmer, :11'
Ordinance Number
funoral r1roctor, $1.00,
per mO'ith.
:;OO~iOD 42. Par o.;Jry vonding ranohino, i)l.OO, por I'lleubh. ~
Section 43. For O~~l~ pereon, firm or oorporation on@agod in the
bueiness of nelling or BEta instulling Gloatric&l ~irine, appliances
or (1)1'arotu8 nnd 'hnvine; a regularly ostnblisiled place of b!:rina~r. vT1thin
':lGid City, ~~l.OO, J~er month; ana for av!)~'y :'01'1:>011, firm Or corporution so
engsced, 'iOt11!!Vi:lg !l rognlorly ontabl:ishoe1 :pl(1 ce 01' l:ms inaC's ,.jt.hin pl:l:!d
City, ~O par ~outh.
~ootiOIl 44. Fo,' O'V(')l"y pe" sOl:!' firm or OOl"1'OJ ntion aD: n[:e(1, in the
bueino!lr: of ceIling lumber ,p.Mln~ oement, n'lrl bnildin,'"1J P.lllterials,
und huvir..g u J'p.&,ulurly 0:'"'::0';)1 h"L.l(~ !')10(\:1 ')-!" hluliness '\'T~thdn !'l; ir' C~ty,
$1.00, per Llonthi [\1)(' :'."o:r <J,"ry '!"Ol'C:'l!I, f:! r'r.J 07" corporation 30 E'Ilf-'Ill)'3d,
not ,I~o.lic.r; n !'cp;l:lp:,,':;y ')0.,:'1,} if'1"1il. 111:>'00 :If buoiuoso ~ithin ~'flia City,
$se'.UtJ, :'or a:u.4~~' ~
SCc;jCln 45. ~;:01' o'..~ry :."'ly1Xte--'lo:;.'re, or <'0 o::lllcd merry-eo-round,
<:'5 00 r o.....h :r l\", "0 ., ':r Any
't(. . 'i\G m ';'CJ. f n 'r.,.t.:;.c.), J)v lq..,.
r:'!Cn ~ha liceLcc shnll bC' iReuod
:fOr any :poriod I,HE' t:I':In nllO !'lont'!.
Saotion 46. Fnr overy ckatin~ rin~,0 J_
" 1101' month,
.~ ~ J'!.-
or 'r~ '" ,
per day, \"hSD tho 1 ~Cl)lJI!:O shnll po iSl'Ined fo:.: any period Ieee tlL':'11 OLe
Ceo:j ion 47.
;,'tI)r ()vD'!.'Y ilruB etol'o lOl}a'.;ail. in ::aid City.Ol.OO 'PElI'
~eotion 48. For e..1'.1.'Y por:':ln, .firm 0;- corporation eugogoCl i:: the
buoiuees oi' fHJ11iIig g1.'ooo1.'ioI'J 121lc1 hovi:J[,' a reeu10rly el:l~llbJ.i(:].:o~ l,lnoo
of bUllin9f1C within soia City, 01.00, roI' nonthi ond for av'ry "OIron,
:firm Or ..,orporati on co on~'Rgod, :let h(lv"lrJf': u regll} !irly ectal)m:ishei:l
plaoe o~ bllSinef:s in satd City, $36.00, 1,Ell' 1111:"ULl.
GeGtion 49. roI' every T'cl'p:Jr, fi: r" 01' "'Ol'l;(::t!.\tiOll ('!).1=l!lG"ll ~r. t;10
bur.:i llOE~ of ee:,ling dry goot1c: 01:'6. hllv:i!lg' II l'08'lt1c:rl;r established pIp-ce
of bUl'ino:=.::s T1j thin Sl.~ 11 City, 01.00, ;lor mOl:th; an" -:"01' ovory :JGrsor.,
fLm or ;lol'l"oration :30 oncagod, not hllving a J'ogllla::'ly actnb~_in"hoa "flaM
of bUf>illGSE in said Ci ty, ~36.00, :par a-aUUlJl.
h,. ~ i ,A.....djfb: :dDxII.:nx~:kimm~:p=a:UD
r,ootion 60.
For every perr 0:1, fiJ-m or ,orpornt i on ongllgo(l in tl1e
1.:usinooe of oe11ini' otationery, antl havine; u rogu.lnrly oGtablj shod pl~lce
0:1 bUrliness ~ithiu ouie1 City, ~n.oo, per r.lOnth; and :for ovary rarson,
Ordinance Number
firm Or oorporation DO engaged, not having a regularly ~stablished rlace
of bulliness u1thin rJaid oity, 036.00, }lor annum.
51. For overy percon, firm or oorporaton condnoting, ourr~ing
:lutombbilos fo::' hire for the oar::iat::o of 'N1BsongerF., or any
.. ~"!:. - J..-~
l:lne '!;o, frO!!! or t1'"ro"~h :'lIiil City, 0':' .CO, pOl' seat, per
~or ~ire the ~oQting oapacity of s~ d oar to be
detormineil by tho Ci ;'Jr llarahali provideil, ho'~ever, that tho c~ty iIarshal
befo;:e isoui113 E!ftiCl lioence ohnll d')f'!1::nlite the routo to be tr!).vr;;tl"sed by
Goid traDRj,:ortH'u:i"Il lino, ~m(, [lJr,oj ';0 d~Bif"lllit.e t.ho te~'::IinuQ anc'
stopping privilef;OEt of oaie. uutot.loil::.le for hii'et coru.
- -....
Soo"!;i on 52.' !Jar eVOT;r 1 <VtJry or rone'! stabl!), ::11' hor;Jo I1llrkot
conduoted "'ithin CHid Oity, iXfix ,;;11.00, 1101' month.
SOClt:lon 53. All liol):lsOS r,ranto,1 nnclo.: '.;hi3 Or:!iuu::IoG or av cootion
thoroof, n1'(I gruo';eil <1.:1d (looo1'tol1 iJ:r /Ill no.r.tivs raooiviDG liC':l~H"el3 ,"ith
the oxprosu und 1ro-:;andill/; that the BOlu:(1 0::'- r't"lI::t.)OS r.:9~T rDvo~:o tl"o (' nmo
at (!II;)' timG if :lotisfied that IIny 01:' Jim ooudit:,J1J1l of tho l:1,oam;o or terYns
of '~'li2 ardino!:co hove been viola;od, or t~1::l~ t':1E1 lioem:1.I \"'1\(, obtnir.ed
by frauoulen'~ !"er'I'''!:~c~,.f;~jtinr<E, 1)1' t:;nt t'l1,> ':,)11'11.11' of l:i~ur.cl) :1f.' Q::l unfit
poreon ~t) 1)'3 truttf;c(. T"'i L}l th'3 .:.r~viJo.:--c~ ~rn~.toc' "'.J,l c.,)j.' lica=.:.."c; :r')v~dod,
ho\":ever, '.;h.>1'f; r10 l.icel'1sC' ::-"111111 be rovo",{etl ....i :;h"l'lt ,.:1"l'i:1B tlH 'holder thereof
au oppor'.iunit;: to opj;'aer before t;lEl D:>3ra of Trustees on hi;- cun behalf.
On tlte rev"p.[lt:i,on of th.:> lio(mr.e, uo ]Jort 01" tho rnOl~ay in the hands
of the C.t:r Treasuror shall be l'0"'.;llr:1od, bllt E:uoh lioonso fee r:1:011 be
iorfeitnd to t~o City of ~onl Bnaoh.
floct:ion 54. ':7ho::oevor the \"ord "T-oroon" in r.scd ~D tt.:io OrC:inunoe,
roferrilJ!~ to t;l"!."O liable t.0 -:-.f1ii li(llHlee teA:, tho f,t.!.,o ~o intended and
h .0 ' ~ t
s all be oonet::"l<crli'5U ..,~ Decn anf i:r,o~t:Co a :..irm, "'lucc'in :iOll '.!:: '.o:;:y.oration
oarry'jnf.' on thE> 'hnri!'eeo -f"or \"'hi ch lioEl.1PE1 muot fi.r("t 1;& r,..'oo"ron, '1nd
'Phen ';;ha terr.;,e 111'01'1 in ';;1\:1(" 01'(: l1:rl:cc f' ,~f' '1 Cru",Fld tho 'l,rinoij;lal, tho flflme
shall be oODotruod '';0 monn the olorl:I1, ,G{!ents, Elorvlll'-:;O, rOj;::-el;9,.:;r,t:ivos
a~d emplo;:oeo of ~:;<}h j~l'int):ip!llr..
It lJcing the ilr",1n'~5 on n.orop.y to
liconse tho "ouainee:;s" and no'.; 8')l,[ernte 01' :Jnr''iv:i<luul fl<3;;S.
Scotian 55. If aDj" ~~otion, ~uccoction, aeutenoe, olanna or rhrore
of thir Or~i~Qnoe ie, fo~ any reo~on, 'half t, be nnoonotitu~ionol, ~uoh
i1oo:lsion ~hnl1 not effeot the validit;; of tho ramaininr. portions of this
The Bourd of Trusteeo of tho City o~ Senl Dellch horeby doclareD that it
would hovo paosed thia Ordinance
UIl~, cuoh
Ordinance Number '
sootion, subseotion. sentenoe,
clauoe or phrase ther,,01'i h'rEollpective of tho fllot that llny one o~ more
other ",eotione, subooctious, rentc:J.coE, Olallf'OO or I-hra! OD bo doolared
Seotion 56. Thill OrdinaIICo is urgently l'oquirod tor tho irl!10eliute
presarvntion of tho pu~lio ponce, health ani Eof~ty, tha neoolls1ty for
soiel urgenoy peinB (\1:' follo'\7s: This Ordin'lDOC T
for pOlioe rermlnt10n
. I
and rov0311ue, nnll. it i13 nOOep':lBry that '~hOS9 pl::oen of bueine::t'! :In'''o II
1ioeilf;O U'3i'oro ';~lOY u::m (!"l::.:'llUt '1::l'rine!'l::' in the c~tJ of :-:o:.tl r,o;,oil.
eootion 57. The Oity Clerk o~ thu City of rool TloQoh :-:~.&1l cau:'),
tilis Or('inCUClG ,to 00 pri'1~(JI1, ann printeC 00):'100 ti1OI'not to liE) ,'oal;e'a-------.....
in three of i;"~o m":s"~ j It'hl~o :..lq."':l?Ir; i"",l ~!l~) City of ~~(l~ :!1~.'1cb., lln1
after tho ."osting of ~r.jd Or~li'l1a~.(le, ";":1 ll&l:ie Sll..11 t".ll~G AffO-:Jt oTld be
'il: f\111 :o!'ce.
~he forogOi:l€; O:rdir.an()d i!'l r'lC" ')~, Lprrc. 'cd. u::;('. ottr:lJt~il r.~. :::to this
~) Oay of Uay, l~le.
I'l"\) '1 ic. ':!1'~ 0 r '.;he :D'HlZ'" 0:: ~l':le t:lflS
0-:0 't;11'J Cit:." .,~ ~11~1 TIor.:oh.
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State of C&lifornia,
Couut;)" of. Or..:;.J,3c.
OJ t;l 0 -; f" enl :!leach.
I, C.4.Little, City Clerl~ of tile C1t~T o:!! f"enl Boech, do her'Joy oortifY
that tho fOJ'oe;oing Ordinanoe '"'DC" :'n'.;ro(1l1oad ut t o9ct::nr cf' tlla D:JcrCl 0 f
Truotoec of tho Cit~. o~ Coal TIct:oh en tl e ](,t~l Q.&y c":: Docc..;1Jer,191l5, and ~
that -:;1'>9 o:mo mu.l pOI'fi1oCl Rnc' [lCloI,te(l at n ro[;'ulc.r Y:loc't1nE' of r.u1(; 1?"a 1'(1 t)f
TrusteoQ ilOld OIl tho 25th tluy ot ::oy, 1!l16, b;r '.;ho follol"ir.,- :::~'G'';oe. 'lote:
p..',r'n ~lrt([1tC.3C':~~~ "ht.a.~ ?~
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the Oi t~ 01 };eul ilelioh.