HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 07 1916-05-25 .\ 1 I I I _,J '. :--' om:I:;.~:.~iC~ 1:0. ,1' I .1- I lin O:rCl inc!tl:?tI to :roviiio for tho Lioonoing, for ~be 'Purpooe of lleVOnllE'l DoR R!)81l1n ti 00 of the 7't1rndts, 'rp.d.es, Oocupnt-;nna, Avocations, :':nploY11onl: f\ fl'1i1 Dno ir:ecs onr::1ca 011 :tn t~lO c:: t;r "f f.eaJ. Donah, nor Fixing tho Ratoc therefor, aD.l !'onul tios 7"r t'lO Violnti on tho~Gl)f. T'lO B"uru :;>~ '.:'rt'st<30S of t-l0 Oity oi' ::',on1 :3Gac~ ~o orr.a:in fir- fol) "~E': ~c.}c~ion 1. It ~hall bo llnla~ful ~or on;r parr-on or re~~ons, r~ather as principal or r-ri;Jo:lp=!).f-, t,~'Ol:t cr /1 ~ontc, olor~ or olorks, Eml'lo;;.:Je or employooD. oith~r ~or thomeolvoB or for any ~thor . orson nr; Jrr-0na ~r bo~ies corp:). ~I'~O, or ot~el"71.no, nr f.lr' I):r:ficer~ of oo:rporatio:::e, to oarry on any trauu, on Ding , profflr-01.on, or ocouP!Jt:! cn in this Ordilwnoo r-!lO0 i:''i o~, \":it>'lut first havine' procured fl licence froo f n;.d C::.ti of Zoul Bauoh eo ~o c'o, UIlO eaoh ani! ovary do;.- or frnotionlll ,'urt of u aoy thot sni':: t2'c,\C.'J, C~,lli::C;, profcr.lJion, or OCGl1,:potion in "'.;hi'- Or(~innnoo speoifiocl in cor:d:'o';od or curried on \"ith"[lt ""oh 1 :l13onF.o, shall oonstituto a V~01flt10n of -:",ir 0r!\'i":!1'1CO, 'l!1d I such pcrf'''D o-r 1"Or!10nR, n~e":t nr Hror"tt:1, olerk or olor~~c. anI Ie:,"'.)=] t1r er::~ lo.:.r~T \":ho shall for tl\O!1Uel','ol', or lor any oth.:r l'arr:'lll or pJrt')/j!l, or lxlC'y 'Corporato or 0';110 1 "'1:':"io/) , oomlllo':; or'Garry on IlllY 13uch tl"n~'1, calli,<1r" rrl)- 1'o::'cj~n 'lr /)3ot1"[lstion .ofc'I'or. H!, \"'ithont f~rt.'t hr,viur: lJrccc:~'ld !.! 'ii"O:-EO, f.!hlll1 for :;.,~o'h violation of this nrr~i!.anClO l,d OG61'lElO Built;?' of ~ r.rlE'c.enaD!1er, /ltlll U' "!l cor.ViO'!;joll by any o"vrt h:winc juriec".iot1,1ll thOl" :of, oh011 bo fir>ed t11orefor in :1 ('!um ~."'l"'" , ()~,.. ~gD +-QIJ t"Jllare a....l(~ ot exco,;.:t:1nf 0"']0 "r:nl~r;'\d (l:ollors, O!" hI) :Impricnno" for II torn no"!; ox\}usding fl:::""J ':nyo, or ['haJl ouf">::r bo~~\ ::'uo~ fir.G un \ inpriaoIlJ:',otlt in t1l-:l dif'cc.>tion o~. ~ht) COl'rt, nnd tho u'i)f'Jt'n~ .,~ ~rlO'" liaanoa shall bo deol!l'Jtl (.1 dobt to ~ho ;:ttid Oi t'~:. at Leal r'onch, :1:1/" pU!1:t pornoll, Qffa:.1t~. cler':r-, e~r,l~;,-()of't flTI1 'hoil;':lf'j OI)'~'l""-:l7"nta, or oi~hor 0i' ther.!, flh::tl1 b'l 1:10:'10 to an ..otion i" thA n~l!I& of "';110 Cit;'T of 1 ~:oo1 ~o!loh, in Il"!.Y aOlJ.ri; of aOOpGtcllt JILricdiatio::l, for the uOotmt of t~le licOlll'e of CI!lch tr die, c a11:1.1\I), J rof'em::ion or OCOllput:i.oll, :,f ho Gha.Ll or thO~T ooy 1lC anencoi' :In ,..ith aorta 0." suit. Section 2. It shall b,:! tlt.o <'nt;. 0:: tho City Clerk tn jE'fTO n 1'!co"se unilor thie Ordinunco to o"ch rOI'Gon liable to pay u liconco hereunder, dIlly f'igne0 by hin, ant" to fix and stn~:ojOt~le 'amollIlt of 1 icenoe t1loreon, and de- r livor Dl.;,oh UB: lice11lJe to the Cit" .';u,::Elhall :or oQ11oation, to?:i:::!; his -1- I I 1 .' Ordinance Number reoeipt, :for the amount thornof, una the C~t;; Clark, in f1xini- the rate of lioense, shall grade tho c~mQ uooordins to hie best ini"ormotlon ODl kno,:,ledge, anCl, for 1:hat purpo('o may oonfer t'ith per~onB in into,'or-t, and may roquire any paroon to file hie ~r hor af~idavit a~ to wh~oh olnos ho or phe r~lly bOlong; "provided. thvt in no cace Ilhall any mietalra by the Clork in fixing tho l1:n:)llnt oi' Sf:. td lioetlf'o, :prevent tho collect i on of \'7htlt ~hall be Ilotlloll;; ;luo, 'l"'i~ll all o~cts, Ill;ail1et Llny one onl"l"yinB on raid trnr1e, oaJline;; profor-eion or oool'pation '-'i'!;"or; 0 licel"~c, "J" ':'oi'!"['i:1j; to pay !'luch rnto so fixed by the Cjty Clerk. It aha11 bo t~le fUi:-::her duty of' the City Clerk, ir:i111odinto";i 8,'tar the delinquont liot h::.El 'lIeco dol::' 'le:rod -:; ') hi:'"'" to r:1l1.e un entry Of ',;1'0 delinqnent l::i:B:k licenDes rmd the amount tl1orJof, ana to (l,Cl11''31- thr, "1'\7':<:> 'hank ~o tho City I4arGhllll, ""lOCr) an~i" it shall bE; to a~ once rrcceetl, t.-, oollect tho (1,"me in hie disoretion, by ~~i~ cr O~hP'l~;ico. lIothinG heroiu. h,,.'...'v(.'z.. omll pre7Jot a crimin~,l rrol;couti~m Ilf' provided in l:ootioll 1, for any violation of t 110 provie; 00~1 of thil' OrB1nJl1l0o. Seotioll 3. All Itce.:lr~s llhull bo '[:laid ill u~~vur.;oo i:) 111:~'ful mone:: of i;'ns Unit f. ,t(\tes to tho Ci~;;r ~I'!'::~all. a!ul ~ ~Or.U1'U'!;O licunce mll:::~ be obtaiuod for o:.ch b.'dnoh, ootnblinhr.x>n; ,:)l:' ;JO'):Al'IL-:e ];ll;:;oo J! bt:Gi110 ~, ,,' i:!h 1ioeof'o Quthori\:os tho i)nr':;;; ob"Cui::\ir.g it JO co"cry Oll, j?::lrouo or (J')J:lCluot only that tl'ndo, cnlli:::lg, pro:focsio:l or o'3cl'pati~n i'J::ori'l:od i.:l ouoh lioenne, llnd only at ':;ho 1oc..tioI1 ':>1' plaoo of busine::~ ,'1:'10':1 :is inilicn'uoi' t::oroby. T~e nonthly licanso1n this Ordi~anl)e TToviaod ~hall bo due an~ payable to the Oit;: 01' ;001 l'er,ch ou ,he :.;:rrt 0; ot'oh me-nth, in uilvanoe, for all l'orC~nG, :l.f::n:lts', firm:: ell' cOI'T'cra::ionc rho huve fer the rr~violl(, month boen lioeusod to uurt'y on any Dlloh t:::ndc, Ofllllnc, rro:tosc:ion or oocur-oS tion, :,nd for all rorr-OIIS, ugcntG, firr.lB or corj.-orutiom::, '-':...,) l".u.e rot 'teen licer,ced for the ;,Jro,viollS Doa.th tOl" t.he o:,mo ~;Tl:!ilo, onllillf:, }.ro:r;:r-sion or Ooou.potion, tho 1: OOUSt) ohall bo due nnt )lu;,mblo uue' Muot bo Pl'oeu:rnt'l ny "\loh neTE'en hoforo oarrying on ouoh tr1de, calline, profaCoc1on or oc~uFa~ion. The licenseD pU3ablo quurtorly. or for thJ poriar ~f throo oonths in thin Ordinance ?rovidod chall be anEl onf payable t~ the City on tho i'ir:-t days of January, April, Jl~ly ane OClto1.JC1r, ant: clmtix all ouch lioenees for thrco months ohell ond t'ith the lur-t days of Uurch, Juno, fep-:;onh~r and Deoember of euch yoar. \'!hen the lioenflo he:"'in proviile,i is re:r 1'1eek, tho some shull 1'0 d1"9 and -2_ . Ordinance Number payable oaoh week in advanoe. \'1'100 the lioence hor'in provided 10 per day, tho oame sholl bo due and I , payablo eaoh day in advanoe, nnd ,hero ouoh l1con~(l 1r: par yoar, the l"ame shall be duo ani! payable to the Cjty at 1;ho t1mc Elpooified in the Orn1nanoe provi ding th~ emoo, oml when not so s)lec1fiecJ, on the firct day of Deoembor of eaoh ;reor. no groator or 10SR amolmtr of man'JY 011011 be churgod or roceivo\l for lioonl"O !:'a i!JOl1!ld t~an i~ rrovil1arl ill tl1if: !lrdi.mlnae, ar.; :10 lioanBe sholl bo sold or iesueil for nny l'loriod of t iDO other than ic provided in this Ordinance. All lioenRoB iar.uod under tho provic'ons of thin Or;1nnnce shrill bo ;(liB panted iIl tho plllee of buc inOE':? of th'3 11oon6'"'0 DaID9d in s~oh lioense, and tho cnid lioence $hllll be produood by tho lioen~'Je nhonevor th~ ~amo oha11 PO rl)1uire~ by the City Lmrshal or any o~fioor of the Ci ey. It is }lIJroby made t116 duty of tho City ~.t.1rElhlll to on.i:orco ull tile prov';:"ions of ;;hifl Ordi!wnoe. 110 pt).c~;()nal dor,lUn" or Dotio" bj tho I Mnrofll11 to E1uoh p'3rnons owing fJuch lioeuoc tax oholl bo neoom::l.Iry to incur the ponaltioc of tnio Ordinunoe. Seot ion 4. All 1100UI'16o iSf'UCd. uueer one. by v.lrtue of th1 s Qrc' 1 r.onoe choU b 0 'rin'!;od in blank fom cif.'noiJ. by tile l'l'osideIlt 0::" the Boa rc' of TruoteoG aud oountercigooil llY tho \}it:T Clark, \"'110 ohall [lot forth ';110 name of the l1Urty to whoCl tho 110un()El ic iOI'i1.cU, tho niltU".'e 0:" the trado or bllo1neDEI ho, ehe, tr..cy or it llrc licencod. to l)i;i~'GG.o, tho ti:ne fl)~ \'idoh tl1.e came 10 f'rm:::tod, '!;he date thernof, and ~11a amonnt paii' ~hElrElf"',r. 'rl1o Ci ty Clor:;; shall oanso to 1;,) }:rin~od ::i Duffi u; cut lllmber of Fl1'3h lioenE'en ae may bo roquired 1'01' one yoor, in book :~or!i1 r.i'~h blunl~ atub to enoh; nIl{~ shall deliver tho samo to the City ~rt'lhal from ti'':O to time se 1 may ho reqniroil =~n" oharge tl10 :!nrl'hal '.;herowi loll \7ho f..hall u)111l ar a".; the offioo of tho City Cler~ on the Fir~t ~onday in each month Iln~ l'1ettlo 'br the lioenf'oc sold. 1'l'oviaed, hO'i'ever, that 'all lioences no\"' issuod a]](l' 1 be good for the timo for \711ioh cuoh licol100D '.Iara issuod. Tho City Clerk Dhall, on np;:lioation of the Marohul, iOBUO to him l'uoh blank lioenoeD ao m07 bo rcquiro~, rooeiving at the timo of icsu1ns tho same, from tho Uarshal, n otatomcIIt of tho person to ~hom iSBuod a~n the time of cOl"Ullenoemont and eAJ:lira'!;1on of raid 1ioente, 1~hich Gtatel~Gnt must be inscrted by tho Oity C1er'c on tho stnb of sain 110enna so 1Bal~ad and -3- . Ordinance Number r.h1oh otub mUf"t be '<ept in tho of:'ioe of t he City, Clork. 800t1on 6. Eaoh 11oonoo grantod or iool101: under any othe proviE:ion of. this Ordinanoe ohall nu~horize the licensee to trannact or corry on the busineoG or oallinB therein nUDeo at the FIGoe therein designated a~d no othor,and tho r.Ai~ li~onso sholl not be or-signable n~r transforable. I r.eo~10n G. The oonviotbn or rnniFhnont of any Fu~Don for trnnsnc~ing or enB'og1ng in nny tl"ude, culling, :rrofoE'r'~n or oooupatbn 't7:;~;hnnt 0 lioo"lE'e, ('holl not El:'Olll' 0 or oy.ernpt IJt~ch T'01:"rlOn :"'rOI!! tho pa~"!'Ient 01' !lny lic:'l;"J('o r~ue or unpnid ut ~he '.;:IIne of 1i'1lCh cO!'1viotion. SOCtiOIl 7. :rho Oity i~l of fJllj d City shnl.l on or boforo the first !4on~ny in ouo11 month, deliver to tilo City CIeJ;"k the delinqren'; l1('t of lioem:et' unoolleoted by him for "'.;he previ Ol~n ~t~, !1M oleo c. l:\('t of all pornons thot hn-"e oomo to hiFl kno':11eClge, or r.ho ho 1101iovos not 11}10n the lioosno liGt, oharged ,11th tho pOJr.1p.nt of lioonoo, c.nil rhnll pay ovtlr to the Ci ty ~roocllrer ull ) 10011000 oollootod by him in OEl~.d !.1onth, unl' :c-erort the omonIlt tho)'oof to tho DoorCl o~ :'r1:ste:>l3,toEother with ~ho ODolmt ! dOlinquont, at the f11'ot ooet:;'n(' of Emil': ::laOI'd in ouch month. I rlootiC'n 8. :rho rat.. of liocilsa for tho tradoll, oollinr'fl, J1r~:'"o"l1'ions and occnpations hor1inoftar na~ed ~holl co, un' tLJ rGOO is her9ny, ortobl- ishod for aM '" it.h1o 'tho Cit;; of ;~e:)l TIeuch, :J.:::d 'j;r.o ;~at1e r.hlll1l: 6 rata by all por:::ons GDl!'llgir.g iu cl10h trndoe,onllin[;s, prOfOE:6icr:r.; ,))" OCOUpC.tiODIl, to-\"1it: For ev,]ry auotiouuer, eu;::clf.:;ed. i::l ralli!!!:, f.oo1r', ,"/:;rtIC or l'Ierl'1] <:nr I E'e ,~ithin ~;h'l caid City at pllhl'lo auction, '::1'5.00, por Llollth, or \)r.fiO, po:!'" dny, if lico,l,;O it' ::rocl~rc,l for Ilny ~urioC ~cr" ",:;hnr. ~rJ{" -:-,o..th. Soction !). For every a:.:trologer, soor, .fort uno tr:llllr, olairvo;;ont, &t.f.~ I1pir.lt Dedicm,l' \".'ho r]cDr.n(r or reooiver: u foc for !lis, OT. spiritualist or hor snrvicoll, or rivcl: an exhibition at any pl:':le "h":!'"':: un r.rmjrsi on is .1.11_0 oharged, C , por month, or ~ ~.v~ , por dny, ~hen Ijccn~e I in iBl'uoil for any porion lof'1" thnn one month. Scot ion 10. rOl' overy poddler. or hn"'l~el', ~5.00, par month, provic:'led that p~~r.ono selling,or offoring ~or f'cle, vegetablcE, faro or gnr~en prod pots, raiood ~r proi!l:ood by tl10rnsel vas. shall ba exo!'n!'t' froD tho provir,ionS o~ this Ordinonca. footfoll 11. For every pornon, 1'i .om or corporation enGaged in the bUl:linosr. of bill posting, e50.00, pel a nr. um, payablo qnorterly in tl,'VIlI',Ce, -4- . Ordinance Number provided that tho provir-ior:o of this :::eotion ['hall not Of;'lY,to any perron, firm or oo:t'p!)ratioD regularly liol)nseo to transl:ot 'oaaineolJ \'7ithin the City of eoal Beach, who shall use bill ~or.SXB%X boardc or pootors in advcrtiaing his, or their, O? itr. bueinonn, occupation or on~lillg. I Sootlo:J. l~. .... For overy butcher shOT- or Gtnll, $3.00, per quartor, for ever-of butchor ....c.con ooliolting orders in tho City of io;,l Boach, ::10'; '"lot hnving a "ixad plnce of ~usine~r- 5n ~nj~ ~ity.$24.00, ~cr annum, ~nJnble in advanoe. ~ection 13. :Tor ovr:r'J paroon, ~i III O't" oOl!loration onf-aged in the bueinero of oonducting a bo~ling Or ~in filley, $6.00, yOX' annum, fo~ each olley. r.ootion 14. For every p~rr.on conf.~cting n billinrd, bngatello,or pool ta1:ile, B:Ace,ting only "l1oh I)n UTe ueed ill privI'te hCl<GOE, for!' ach toblo; ~.50, ~er month. Scot ion 15. For ev;o,ry hotel, :;;:25.00, po~ snnttm, payable <;.r..~rterly. For eV'Jry booriling aut: loog1l:!tS h~uoe, ~~1.25, pot" month, rroviClot' thot b~urfj~5 houco, ar 2onti~f h~nr3 ]ico~rc, tho rate hor~in Tlrocoribed for u hotul lico;:wc/obal::' not inalllde the I privilcg'o o~' FOlling, v:1naing, ~"rvin', or fiv1n~ o""J nn~i l!1:l1t, v'lr,ouc, sp1ritllou!', t:Iixod, or other :1l1tfJ::ioutiL':- liquorr, bpt :'11("1 !:"')ll::'n~:, vandinE, sorving, or giving &-oy of ~ny nuoh ~tquorB l'~al~ b~ zo~~rho~ by the provisions of Ordin:l:'loe ria.. 5 of '!;he City o~ ElJol Benoh, ollt.itle:l: " n ~ CR~.. ~ tL ~a-t. r cluU'r ~ ~ Lt: @i4 1 ~ flu..d. ,hn-~ /W. At:.. ~~~ 1/ z:~ ~ y ~~ ~ ~JL;j F At. t1r1A-{~ 1 ""/ (IL ~ ~" provided thot tho f'ord ~hotel" , !1r- uf~oci n thil:l Ol'd:!.r;unoc, chall bo eon- etl'uod to neon a jlUblio inn contoin:llg no'.; :toe!:" than ton rooeo for the Ilee ant'! acoo:1t:lo"ation o'!' ratronc or ('UOEtS, am1 'h('l'vinS ill t'.ll) ',,'MA bldJ.r'inr, or in u building oonneoted thcro~lith ll. oininc rOOI:!, or roo~ in \'..Mch 1"\0010 liTe 1 regularly :'erved 1;0 the publ1o. 'he I"ords "boarding hout"on and "T,Dae-ine house", U~ the ~ar.D are uDad in th:1c Ordinance, shull be oon~truo~ ~j ~an LI hOltSEI r-hare tho purl1oso of ],oep1ng bo"rilorc gonorally 16 otlrr1cd on, ond shall be !1 llUilding oontaining not 10m;: than five, nor noro tlmn tAn rooms , for tho uso of patrone or guoctB for hiro, providod that any perRon rentine not to e~o&ed five rooms to patrons or guo~t9 Rhall be e~E1npt fro~ the rrovirions of ~his taotion. -6- . Ordinance Number I Seotion 16. For Ov~r.1 rope or ~'iz~ dancer, DOgio or theatrioal entortainrnent or conoort, other than 0 ~ovin~ pioture shan, menagerie m' oirous, or D1doshon oOnductoD in oonjunoti~n thore~ith, or nndor the'ooMe wDn3gomont, $3.00, ~sr day; provido~ tlmt if the onmo is Givon by or under the direotion of loonl mnnlllJA1"lOnt, the rnte ()i' lioonoo &holl be ~ :L,a;!. , pOl' day; provide", fnrther tlult if tho saco is given oxolUE.:ivoly by ond under tho diroot10n of looal tnlont, for the ~onefit or aavantoGo o~ any organization, eocicty, ohurch or loe~o ~ithin the Cit7 o~ ~en' ~cAch; no oharge for 1ioo:11"0 ~'he:ll 1: e condo. Scotion 17. For ovo~J novi~ picturo exhibition, ~ha~o the ~rice of udciesicl1 doosllot e7.Qood twenty aont::; $2.00, por l:!olr:'h; T"hore th!l rrice of adr.l1so1.:>n ~ exceeds 't"Oll~y OO;lt~l. t,'3 rato ~:f lico!1flo RhlIll he the 13!1"Je ns provic'le5 in f:oo";ion 1.6 of,,:;l1~r Ord-:.r.lmoe; 'P'!'r:'vi.d!.'d, hl),,;,'ovo:r, that if any 10wd, obsoonlJ or ila'P1'O)lor .ili:l~or(; ::-'1011 bo showT.l 0:,- exhibited in un;v- suoh oxhibition, 'the r~ur:lhal <Jf r',;iil City u:mll ~roct:lpt~r:11y 'l"OVOkB the l1c:>enAEl for '1'u"h ozh:l oitioIl, a}j.~ the r.:ntloy t11o'-'':1to:::o c pili,,! 'for fmid lioe~to Oh311 be forfoite~ to said C~ty, 1 Seotion 1(), For eV(1r~ streot o::hibHor, for NlY OT to !)ttrul'lt oustomero, ent for overy vonilor 0" "h!"OEl t<r.il l:;crclofmdiflo, T:ilo:r .Jhnl1 sell .01' offor .'Ot" f'ulFl suoh Tmror. OJ:' Clcro'hanili["o b;v- 'Pl"blic outcry 0:.1 nny nubIio street in Mid O:lty, exoept fie rrovidod in ~1actiol1 It __of th:ia Ol"cinnnoe, $10.00, per day. For ovary voraOo ~ho conduots doll raoke, chooting gnIlories, ring boards or o'!;hor {1'.lvicec for cortcl?ts of 81>111, 01" for the 3.()_O ~ to~~inl! of chol1cet', ~ . }lor e-ay, fot' oVAr~ l:'llch ,1011 rllcJ:,Ghoot:lnB' guller;;, 1'-1;18 bonrd or other dovioe. :::,ec~:lon 19. For evory opon air cntor1;ain1:lon~, ~lr thore oonducted in tonta, ElirdoTdOs or trm:1flient o:lolol.lnrea, 0:1::::0]1":: us ot~I(lX'l7i('\c T,,"cviiled in eeotion " o _, und (9"" , of this Ordiuunoa, TIher. the objeot 1 is auvert~r"oI:l~:lt ('It" aninC,.,het,ler th::l r.ain i~ 'lori.'lo': thJ.'"Oll[;h :.t!,l'rif's~on foos, oOlloc-:';ionr:, oontribu~1onD, for"';unc tolling, 'lr any other moons,) having -II , fJ a scatin!" oopeoitj of"~ more t~1!ln ono thouc:one.,e flu -~ ,per day; and '" ".-:uu having n s~Dting oapaoity of leu~ t~n one thou~and, w ~~ . rer day. r:eotior. 20.' For ovory :i:a: trnvol:lnt or traneiont physioian or 1,onon ~ho o~varti~eG or 1 vends r.ledicine cn tho c:troeto, ,r on open lotr, or in tonts 0:::'- . $ jb!JQ transient onclOStlrec, or from plntforr.1O or .....agone, "IT in hollo, , par day. -6- \, . "- Ordinance Number Seotion 21. For overy oirouD or - ob not loos than one thousand. $ .tj. - ""^"" oapacity of 3:'et!s ~han one thou:-and, ~ menagorie having a oeatinG capacity of , per day; and hDving II fleating '" ,11,_" 'JV- ,per day. For every siClo-show conc1'lctod in 00:'1,1nnotil)n 1,'''it'h a circmc or menaGerio, or under roO the Dome m!ll:!.!1,:\,emeut,@ v-=- ,y.or d::lY. I Seo';ion rr.. For ov~r~r orcrr:n .ffrini!c:' ..ith 01:" "i~J,O'l+' anir.lal exhibits; for ov~ry travclinF or transiont ~urio1an, acrobat or entertainer, exhibjting upon the publio streets of ('aill. City, ot'hot" thnn I' ,I) '" I,o.!, .. _snd_...i..l-_ ~r ':;'h:!(" Or~inn~lce, Ii 0" :proviI!.B'l.. ill f' _1ctions , l,e c..a:/. eeotio~ ~3. 2vcry person, I)n~r-any, ~irn or eorrCTution felli~~ or offering for cnl~, trnQ~ or exc~nn~c nny ~~rn~, ~cod~ or merohD.ndi~n, advertiser] 01' do::>i{;:lated :.IC clnori':'f'f3, nCl1i[)uoo'r" or(,<'it(.':;:'6, conoi{,'nco's, bankrupt' c, trul,tu& 'Il, re.)o~ v;::r' n (I:;:" ("peoial calor. or l:l:'~oahl l'crgain E tiles otookf; of of ,1amagec1/b'oo(lc, 'b.Y :&:,j1'0, '-n-:or 07." o"t"f'1\"': ce, rho.~ 1 r)~.Y n :!.ico:1GEl tax thor-:lfor in t]~e sum cf ~ 6-0,!! , ]:01' qt:.nrtEll', l,rovice" -;"c.t t'l";a seotiou chnll apply 1;0 HJ 1 :-to(l];:P 0-:' ~ ,:)')IlEt, .:urar: U 1!<'I rlO1"ChE:JJe.ifle in the C'" J.Y 01" f:O(\1. BOlich thut IIr!' !\ot r,rl'"e~f cd 01' .f,;ll;-O(! : n fw:in City; prov~ded, I that this ~ect iOIl 5hall not FT-r1y ";1) reodf', "'arOll 0:- nt:lj:cr.r.n( ~ I:'e JCi:tx iV~~ioh are nctuBlly cne: ill ,crood faiJ.;h un"!'):r '.1'0 COnl;l'ol 0:1' the :'llcr:i:.~f or any , oEsignee, -::rul?tee 'in bllu:crt1ptoy, or rocp.::'v'Jr ".1'" " 3~i;- ~~c~t of ~~e Vr.~'s~ Gtatos, or Oral1go County, or nuy oth~r CO{'l,:Jtr OJ~ :1111 H'orniu; or '!;o /?,oods, Vlllr"'!c, or MorchanG.ise \"lhioh hr.':,c 'be~ltl 'lu"'J~r;od '1""; '.1':in 'l;l1e Ci'~y of ~5a" !\o!loh ClUG 11h10h aro bOlD;: dicpor:eil oJ' i'1. ro~d f.ait!':, t,) C10f'') ol;,t '.;ho ::-a~e. f.ootiou 24. Por every tempQrllry ico CTon~ oounter 01" otand, every tor.tporllry lunoh oounter or ..toni!, or tCnJ'':lrnr;r . iii. Ut.fM. ... ~ ,.."t>-'P'" tomporary bllzar',~ $ ~-..II}!. , :.cc:" any, or 0 IO.!.-!: 1\ J-:! .!:.- For every tecporary fruit stan~, ~ noc1a ccuntor stond :md every , I_Oi. \:001'::. i!t -0 u day, OJ:' ''J loS- . pnr , psr month; 1'01" every :pr:rnon entn~ed i::J, th~ l:uoino:':; of <Jell ~ ng tomaloE:, lunoneo or saDd~iohoG, ioe c~oo~ nr -II/} fublic streets in cnid City, $ j,- O'l!111;,; ~t"')m t',uGon 01' Innd otlrts upon "~e o{~ ' , -tier !., ~h, ::'ot" OV01:y ,lIlcn '-uc;on ,I or cart. Provide~, hO;:'')7or, t:lat thE) 10 out:! Oil on the !Jllhl ic f" rcatr. of the ooid rtond, oount.:;r, bazar, "1l8or~ '.,T hcmCl-oart :n thin oOl)tion rc::'e:'rod to shall be under the oontrol of tho SuporiutcnGont of stroots, en~~et forth in the lioeuse. Scott"X1 25. Fer ovory photograph gallery or studio estabiished \'i',;hin tho City of eeol Beaoh, $3.00, per r:uorter; for every traveling or -7- . Ordinance Number transiont pho~ogrQphOr, not having nn oatablishod pluce of bUDinoD~ uithin eo~d oity, $2.60, pOl' day. Sootion 26. For every artist, aront or canvassor solioiting painting, I retouching, o:::ll::rgil1g, or l'urnir.hiUI; viotures or portraits of <loy doserip-tion, ~5.00, por dr,y. f:.ect:lon 27. For OV01-:T roztntlro11t, otho1; ti~ao 0 tam,torary ~uuch counter, stand Or onrt or n8gon, hUVJ.Dg a s~uu:lng uUJJuu.i.~eY uZ 1i,.Gu:"df-:rlVO j1(lti~ULt~ or 199B. ~:.C:. ;5:: ,!uurter; l;:;vl..l.)' .L.,;...~UU~tI;l'" nUVl.l1E U BOU"iUt:" UU'j1I'O]1iY r:r"om tn'eBty .P:iVA tn -f'1 ~':Y. .,,. .4}v, }'Jor qUit.r~u.L, ", er:t :::e'taa.:rent :"lQV':~g n aeatinB' )'1,(/O)L ~, Qf':,.,~-:t;; e~ ~#;.6E f1:r'J .!.J~L.vuB. ~fd6.eG, ; U,I. (!uurtor. I( , Soo~ion 20. For ollar:,- 5';:rflol' colici tine; for bU:l:l;JOr.ll honsOf~, reJ"f'ons, firmD or corporations, hnving 110 :pIneo 0::.' bu&i:ICH::.:' r"i:;,:.n soi'~ City UpOD uhich a Jioen:Jo ~::lO bo;);; '\1Ui,l., Elr. l:t'ovi'l.jj, b;r thic Ordinallce, ~lO.OO, por r.lonthi provicl,'jd t:1i::: t::Jot"j,on <'1:n',1 1I.)~ apf1;r ii~ por~:lllf: t'o11citine from 9l'tnblisllOO bl1ninol'D hOnGOD nit",ill :-a i.l City. SOotiOD 29. ror overy :;>o:'"::-o'~, '?irm, ('I:::' corj.lIJra';:l?l1, mllune;iI!j:: or con- dlloting a t't;0]"JhO!:'E13 OJ" 71f.l:"ah:ll:' " for gr01.11 or :lc..'ohu!ldi!lo, for hiro, I 01.25, por r.lo~th. 3oc"~ioIl 30. For av:r:7 bn"~er~' tl~: ;a"llic;lOcl Qn~ ,:lO:ltIW';Od. in :J'.lii City, $1.00, l"lcr con'~h; for c,,;-cry ,flrct)n, .ftrm c-: O:'lrl\Ol'n~:;'on co.llil~t7 "~lr3Et or solioitiu(:' nw'l C: ty, orclerl'1 for any llol:or I]:" l:u'-ery tr~ $24.00, per Ilnnum, O:-:::'lJpt 10:;'11:'. II not oDtablished or located ~ ~ine bwe~o~s, c~rr7inB ~nQ V'" thin products of any cuc~ b!llr.el'y. 0::- a j:l:!r"; nf' thoh" E,;;ooJk 0:1' r..orc,nr,di.se. neoti::m 31. For oV~r;r pr.rf.Oll, fir.n or 'lorj.o:'o.t:::Ll Oll&!lgod 1.n ~:le businerltl 0::.' !lI';1nu:rootll:"i71g /]:'.." ~I?ll.i:::: CI),l.l.'oc'.;icDflry, ioo c.'oam, ices /]r l:'hor- bots \".'1 :;',io f")in ait;;, ~l.CO, !lor T'Ior.th; fm.l ro" O"'I":Y j;o::::-on, ":'i::i or corl1orotion, f'ol:iuff'l70:':OO, or I'loliciting ordors for any cC';.j'I1..'ll'.;ion OlJgoC,'d in (::].oh llt'~i:'\o<":' ::ot es:tablir:hod or lo.cuto.l ,",it~'il: eni,l o~ty, ~24.00, 1'01' annum. Soot ion 32. For ovary llorrcn, fir!!! o~. ~or;ornt ion, ('Inr~r.;::ci" j n the I 'bUCh103B ,," ilintrib::t1ng a::;:cnlnrc Or l:'acrples, navor'~i:::inf, OT rr:lr.Ioti!le' goodll, '\".nres or oorohandino or at'IOI cO!:',r.1oditioll 0'" '1rt:lclao of COTJ"ercial vnJ.t'e for or CD behalf of n~. percol}, firm or oorr;orntion, not coni'l1.otine, a regularly er.tobliDhod place fr-~a.4 ~ ~ of busiuea!" uithin :-aia City,$50.00,:r:er an,!um. :l.. ,~IJ ~ ol..v..- -8- Soot ion 3.3. . For every porson, firm or norporQt~on enragod in the bucinea~ Ordinance Number of Qlaaninrr, dyeing or ronovatinIT Qrtiola~ o~ ~ersonQl apparel and huving o llormanontlY Elotob1ioheCl. plMe r)'f bUll mee:' '1"'1 thin naid City, $1.00, pe~' month; and fOr every pors~n, fire or oorporat10n oOlici1oine or taking Ornara for oleoninf',', i.'tyein1:; or renovnting euoh artinlos of par3C':l:l1 apparel, and 110t having ~O~(, a pomanently eGtabJ.1r~,ed :pIneo ')f bua:i!lcsn r'itJ1in !"a id City, , per mcn-th. ~ 1$ For ovOry laundry e:i.tuntod l1;,th:in rl1id City, $1.00, ror nonth; and for pereon, avery/firn, or OO~')'lorv.t~on oOlic:!t;inr, Imr' d31ivcring fo:..' any laul1~,::;r 13i tU::l'~ed olttsi.:'!o of' E'nid City. $ J!!-u ,per r:lonth; and for ov'ry 't':l:>l)O!.l, uutonlobilc 0:' o~her oonvc;;nnoo unoi'. ill ~(lk1I10 !!t1ch do1ivl'lrios; fOr evel"y stand or aconc;? '?or a!::;r leunilr7 lcc:.;telt ol,tntae of the Cjt;! of' :::eol Bonch, $2.00. per month, ff}" r:v"ry euch st::ln" or (l[;ermy. ~oction 54. ]':n" El":'T~' ~~:rro n. firm (IT co:-p"ration ~n.snged iu tho brlainess 0-::' ,;elling ::il'O-T'orko, i'lol;t1. banr.aro. ~01"!lS nne' novp.ltioo /;fut'. I having (I T\JgD::'urly !)stob'ichoil plnoo '! f buoinoC'D '-;1 thin 61li(l, Oi ty, ~l.OO. per month; !lod for O....Oi';;.' :i).:lrson., :"i :t'r. ')r cor!'orlltOl1.. u<)t l}t\vir.g or "Ia1n- taiuil1g a !'ogulnrly e:::'~!J'hlic'ho\1 )'If.lof' T)~ bill:' i.;lec::; ....j101:in sniCl O:ity, or l>1hO sholl be E'luQ'ugei'. in colline or vendiTli: any ol'ch fh'EltTo~"ka, 'flq;'f", 11orna, banners or 110vultieo upon tho !Ju"..:lio ~treote of' soB C::. ty, or iror! any 2I~' S:':!!- oart. Btand~, or temporary ntruo~ore, ~lG.OU, per Month, or oa.&o, ~er aay. Cect ion 35. roI' ovni'Y 1'ol-oon, :'"irrn or oorporation engaged i:1 the businOflS of l:elling K!dI:im,1Il! Oll,tomobiles or other notor vtlhiolofJ 0]' uooeef'or1es thoreto, anCl :~or oVT'!ry E;fiTo.r,e, ~~l.OC, :per r.:Ollt11. l:.oo-:; ion 3&. 1'0::' ovo"!:"J r~~'r.on, fi1.'I:l or oOl'j'loroton enragod in the bllllinol':El of colline llU;r or grain, .Ice, l'Tooi!, 000.1 or :lther :fuol nr either or any 0:1' t11,1m nnll !1mr:ing and rnaintr.i.u'111(i' Ii r~r:'n:~u1'1;, Of\tnl(I,if;h(~ll ,.),:oe of bUBinoer: r'ithin f.'{I:id City,f.'ll.OO, pOl" I:lonth. Coc-:;j')!1 37. For every ~il"t~ It'~7-'ot, :)~. --[Sto'D.. ~l.OO, "00:-"- n:Q~t'h. soction IbuSiness of per month. 38. For every percon, :!:'i~;'/l or co;:"p::ration er.['f.l."'ed in tho or selling oil or gasoline or eithor,mb:1Joth o:!' taom , $1.00, Gec'~io~l Z9. For I)V01.Y pl\ll!l11or having n rClGult:rly ef"';;tlh1 ~flhea. pl[lce of business within saia City, 01.00, 1)Or T.1onth; for evoj'y plnmDor 110t - ~.Ac8 of buaine13B, $~.uO, per month. hoving a regularly established plaoe Soot ion 40. For ovory bona fido cecond hand store having a rocrular1y es~1ioheCl pl:lce of bUllinOfJB within raid City, 81.00, par month. -9- Saotion 41. . For evory nndertaker, embalmer, :11' Ordinance Number funoral r1roctor, $1.00, I per mO'ith. :;OO~iOD 42. Par o.;Jry vonding ranohino, i)l.OO, por I'lleubh. ~ Section 43. For O~~l~ pereon, firm or oorporation on@agod in the bueiness of nelling or BEta instulling Gloatric&l ~irine, appliances or (1)1'arotu8 nnd 'hnvine; a regularly ostnblisiled place of b!:rina~r. vT1thin ':lGid City, ~~l.OO, J~er month; ana for av!)~'y :'01'1:>011, firm Or corporution so engsced, 'iOt11!!Vi:lg !l rognlorly ontabl:ishoe1 :pl(1 ce 01' l:ms inaC's ,.jt.hin pl:l:!d '-.!t-' City, ~O par ~outh. ~ootiOIl 44. Fo,' O'V(')l"y pe" sOl:!' firm or OOl"1'OJ ntion aD: n[:e(1, in the bueino!lr: of ceIling lumber ,p.Mln~ oement, n'lrl bnildin,'"1J P.lllterials, und huvir..g u J'p.&,ulurly 0:'"'::0';)1 h"L.l(~ !')10(\:1 ')-!" hluliness '\'T~thdn !'l; ir' C~ty, $1.00, per Llonthi [\1)(' :'."o:r <J,"ry '!"Ol'C:'l!I, f:! r'r.J 07" corporation 30 E'Ilf-'Ill)'3d, not ,I~o.lic.r; n !'cp;l:lp:,,':;y ')0.,:'1,} if'1"1il. 111:>'00 :If buoiuoso ~ithin ~'flia City, $se'.UtJ, :'or a:u.4~~' ~ SCc;jCln 45. ~;:01' o'..~ry :."'ly1Xte--'lo:;.'re, or <'0 o::lllcd merry-eo-round, <:'5 00 r o.....h :r l\", "0 ., ':r Any 't(. . 'i\G m ';'CJ. f n 'r.,.t.:;.c.), J)v lq..,. r:'!Cn ~ha liceLcc shnll bC' iReuod :fOr any :poriod I,HE' t:I':In nllO !'lont'!. I r!..,O Saotion 46. Fnr overy ckatin~ rin~,0 J_ " 1101' month, .~ ~ J'!.- or 'r~ '" , per day, \"hSD tho 1 ~Cl)lJI!:O shnll po iSl'Ined fo:.: any period Ieee tlL':'11 OLe month. Ceo:j ion 47. ;,'tI)r ()vD'!.'Y ilruB etol'o lOl}a'.;ail. in ::aid City.Ol.OO 'PElI' month. ~eotion 48. For e..1'.1.'Y por:':ln, .firm 0;- corporation eugogoCl i:: the buoiuees oi' fHJ11iIig g1.'ooo1.'ioI'J 121lc1 hovi:J[,' a reeu10rly el:l~llbJ.i(:].:o~ l,lnoo of bUllin9f1C within soia City, 01.00, roI' nonthi ond for av'ry "OIron, :firm Or ..,orporati on co on~'Rgod, :let h(lv"lrJf': u regll} !irly ectal)m:ishei:l plaoe o~ bllSinef:s in satd City, $36.00, 1,Ell' 1111:"ULl. GeGtion 49. roI' every T'cl'p:Jr, fi: r" 01' "'Ol'l;(::t!.\tiOll ('!).1=l!lG"ll ~r. t;10 I bur.:i llOE~ of ee:,ling dry goot1c: 01:'6. hllv:i!lg' II l'08'lt1c:rl;r established pIp-ce of bUl'ino:=.::s T1j thin Sl.~ 11 City, 01.00, ;lor mOl:th; an" -:"01' ovory :JGrsor., fLm or ;lol'l"oration :30 oncagod, not hllving a J'ogllla::'ly actnb~_in"hoa "flaM of bUf>illGSE in said Ci ty, ~36.00, :par a-aUUlJl. h,. ~ i ,A.....djfb: :dDxII.:nx~:kimm~:p=a:UD r,ootion 60. For every perr 0:1, fiJ-m or ,orpornt i on ongllgo(l in tl1e 1.:usinooe of oe11ini' otationery, antl havine; u rogu.lnrly oGtablj shod pl~lce 0:1 bUrliness ~ithiu ouie1 City, ~n.oo, per r.lOnth; and :for ovary rarson, -10- ~ . Ordinance Number firm Or oorporation DO engaged, not having a regularly ~stablished rlace of bulliness u1thin rJaid oity, 036.00, }lor annum. 51. For overy percon, firm or oorporaton condnoting, ourr~ing :lutombbilos fo::' hire for the oar::iat::o of 'N1BsongerF., or any .. ~"!:. - J..-~ l:lne '!;o, frO!!! or t1'"ro"~h :'lIiil City, 0':' .CO, pOl' seat, per /' ~or ~ire the ~oQting oapacity of s~ d oar to be " detormineil by tho Ci ;'Jr llarahali provideil, ho'~ever, that tho c~ty iIarshal befo;:e isoui113 E!ftiCl lioence ohnll d')f'!1::nlite the routo to be tr!).vr;;tl"sed by Goid traDRj,:ortH'u:i"Il lino, ~m(, [lJr,oj ';0 d~Bif"lllit.e t.ho te~'::IinuQ anc' stopping privilef;OEt of oaie. uutot.loil::.le for hii'et coru. ~ - -.... Soo"!;i on 52.' !Jar eVOT;r 1 <VtJry or rone'! stabl!), ::11' hor;Jo I1llrkot conduoted "'ithin CHid Oity, iXfix ,;;11.00, 1101' month. SOClt:lon 53. All liol):lsOS r,ranto,1 nnclo.: '.;hi3 Or:!iuu::IoG or av cootion thoroof, n1'(I gruo';eil <1.:1d (looo1'tol1 iJ:r /Ill no.r.tivs raooiviDG liC':l~H"el3 ,"ith the oxprosu und 1ro-:;andill/; that the BOlu:(1 0::'- r't"lI::t.)OS r.:9~T rDvo~:o tl"o (' nmo at (!II;)' timG if :lotisfied that IIny 01:' Jim ooudit:,J1J1l of tho l:1,oam;o or terYns of '~'li2 ardino!:co hove been viola;od, or t~1::l~ t':1E1 lioem:1.I \"'1\(, obtnir.ed I by frauoulen'~ !"er'I'''!:~c~,.f;~jtinr<E, 1)1' t:;nt t'l1,> ':,)11'11.11' of l:i~ur.cl) :1f.' Q::l unfit poreon ~t) 1)'3 truttf;c(. T"'i L}l th'3 .:.r~viJo.:--c~ ~rn~.toc' "'.J,l c.,)j.' lica=.:.."c; :r')v~dod, ho\":ever, '.;h.>1'f; r10 l.icel'1sC' ::-"111111 be rovo",{etl ....i :;h"l'lt ,.:1"l'i:1B tlH 'holder thereof au oppor'.iunit;: to opj;'aer before t;lEl D:>3ra of Trustees on hi;- cun behalf. {- On tlte rev"p.[lt:i,on of th.:> lio(mr.e, uo ]Jort 01" tho rnOl~ay in the hands ( ,~ of the C.t:r Treasuror shall be l'0"'.;llr:1od, bllt E:uoh lioonso fee r:1:011 be iorfeitnd to t~o City of ~onl Bnaoh. floct:ion 54. ':7ho::oevor the \"ord "T-oroon" in r.scd ~D tt.:io OrC:inunoe, roferrilJ!~ to t;l"!."O liable t.0 -:-.f1ii li(llHlee teA:, tho f,t.!.,o ~o intended and h .0 ' ~ t s all be oonet::"l<crli'5U ..,~ Decn anf i:r,o~t:Co a :..irm, "'lucc'in :iOll '.!:: '.o:;:y.oration oarry'jnf.' on thE> 'hnri!'eeo -f"or \"'hi ch lioEl.1PE1 muot fi.r("t 1;& r,..'oo"ron, '1nd 'Phen ';;ha terr.;,e 111'01'1 in ';;1\:1(" 01'(: l1:rl:cc f' ,~f' '1 Cru",Fld tho 'l,rinoij;lal, tho flflme shall be oODotruod '';0 monn the olorl:I1, ,G{!ents, Elorvlll'-:;O, rOj;::-el;9,.:;r,t:ivos I a~d emplo;:oeo of ~:;<}h j~l'int):ip!llr.. It lJcing the ilr",1n'~5 on n.orop.y to liconse tho "ouainee:;s" and no'.; 8')l,[ernte 01' :Jnr''iv:i<luul fl<3;;S. Scotian 55. If aDj" ~~otion, ~uccoction, aeutenoe, olanna or rhrore of thir Or~i~Qnoe ie, fo~ any reo~on, 'half t, be nnoonotitu~ionol, ~uoh i1oo:lsion ~hnl1 not effeot the validit;; of tho ramaininr. portions of this f I ~ I act. The Bourd of Trusteeo of tho City o~ Senl Dellch horeby doclareD that it -11- J would hovo paosed thia Ordinance . UIl~, cuoh Ordinance Number ' sootion, subseotion. sentenoe, clauoe or phrase ther,,01'i h'rEollpective of tho fllot that llny one o~ more other ",eotione, subooctious, rentc:J.coE, Olallf'OO or I-hra! OD bo doolared unoonstitutional. I Seotion 56. Thill OrdinaIICo is urgently l'oquirod tor tho irl!10eliute presarvntion of tho pu~lio ponce, health ani Eof~ty, tha neoolls1ty for soiel urgenoy peinB (\1:' follo'\7s: This Ordin'lDOC T for pOlioe rermlnt10n . I , and rov0311ue, nnll. it i13 nOOep':lBry that '~hOS9 pl::oen of bueine::t'! :In'''o II 1ioeilf;O U'3i'oro ';~lOY u::m (!"l::.:'llUt '1::l'rine!'l::' in the c~tJ of :-:o:.tl r,o;,oil. -4l eootion 57. The Oity Clerk o~ thu City of rool TloQoh :-:~.&1l cau:'), , tilis Or('inCUClG ,to 00 pri'1~(JI1, ann printeC 00):'100 ti1OI'not to liE) ,'oal;e'a-------..... in three of i;"~o m":s"~ j It'hl~o :..lq."':l?Ir; i"",l ~!l~) City of ~~(l~ :!1~.'1cb., lln1 after tho ."osting of ~r.jd Or~li'l1a~.(le, ";":1 ll&l:ie Sll..11 t".ll~G AffO-:Jt oTld be 'il: f\111 :o!'ce. ~he forogOi:l€; O:rdir.an()d i!'l r'lC" ')~, Lprrc. 'cd. u::;('. ottr:lJt~il r.~. :::to this ~r:k ~) Oay of Uay, l~le. '1- Attest~ ~(1~ I'l"\) '1 ic. ':!1'~ 0 r '.;he :D'HlZ'" 0:: ~l':le t:lflS 0-:0 't;11'J Cit:." .,~ ~11~1 TIor.:oh. - .. "\' ....... I......,.r.. oF' "h" ... '..._ l.J V 6-'WI J.L Ir ..u "001 I3n:lOh. C"~~. of State of C&lifornia, Couut;)" of. Or..:;.J,3c. ) ( ) ( ) E'1l. OJ t;l 0 -; f" enl :!leach. I, C.4.Little, City Clerl~ of tile C1t~T o:!! f"enl Boech, do her'Joy oortifY that tho fOJ'oe;oing Ordinanoe '"'DC" :'n'.;ro(1l1oad ut t o9ct::nr cf' tlla D:JcrCl 0 f Truotoec of tho Cit~. o~ Coal TIct:oh en tl e ](,t~l Q.&y c":: Docc..;1Jer,191l5, and ~ that -:;1'>9 o:mo mu.l pOI'fi1oCl Rnc' [lCloI,te(l at n ro[;'ulc.r Y:loc't1nE' of r.u1(; 1?"a 1'(1 t)f I TrusteoQ ilOld OIl tho 25th tluy ot ::oy, 1!l16, b;r '.;ho follol"ir.,- :::~'G'';oe. 'lote: p..',r'n ~lrt([1tC.3C':~~~ "ht.a.~ ?~ -~'r ----- --------. Noes l'rnatoes: ~ __,_____. Absent Trt;~t~a3: ~___.____ (9\~ , - Oity Cl~rk of ~ho Do~rd of ~ruct ~s of the Oi t~ 01 };eul ilelioh. -12- ~