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CC Ord 09 1916-01-20
'I I I ! ......... ~ - . ~ 0,,', [OT "e" "0 a .:.tl'. .l..'..J. r. .I.: . -,.. _'in Or:=1inAnce Ra6111ut~:..:.B tj,:> Uf~O 'll j?ir,] .\rme 'Jithin tl1n Oi<,y 0:1: ~oHl ~~Anch,CI.li.r.,rn:in. The BOtlrd or Truf'tflofi of the Cit~. of :"el\1. Banoh lio nr(lnin tiP folloT'>'13: i:ootion 1. 1'1; i~ hereby ~(~ol,'lr(ld ':0 bl' unl.."ft:.l fl'lY" m:y JJfO;:r' on, othe;: ~;:..'n Rn Of~1.~~Ln','~ '~h:tl' OU '1r.,;, ',0 (,1['- cl,'u'ee Rl'l:\. l'iflo "t'!"~)it:LolJ''1i '!in t~rHt() limi;I' of 1;'10 Cjt~r I ,'- of ~'enl FeP..lJh, ~Ixoe!'t :in target f'ho., ~ing in I) f'hootine ~','1]leJ'Y - -". regularly licenpet'l. by 'the Pn'i{l city. :oc:;ion 2. Any r'er"on violci;inB nny prov'ls10n of thil~ oI",'irJIll1ce f'hn 11 1)0 del':lmFld guilty o:r !l mi I'(lemoul:l.or, /.lut: U::?Oll com' iet 10:. i; 'lorf.lof. (;h1l11 bo puni? hoil llY a fine tn 11 nU:1 '10: ~ f) exc'leu Threo ,{:1 !'l!~r"{l Dollars ($300.00), or l)~r irfiprif.'onroeIl'li :ror n torm no ~ '') e::o.,orl t'1roe (3) JIlonthF., or by ben;!! puch fir::u ,'.:).(1 im:rri<:onmcnt, i!l tho .1 if .'JrAtil'ln of t110 (\o\lrt. ~ flction 3. 'i'he (11 t~," OJ or'!! f-"hal1 'H'HU t'lir Ortl:!n:l:1cl) ";C" 't.) pl'::'nteds 1\'1(1 pr1'rt.-;(1 c:')pirH t~loJ'oof .':1:~l,ei:!. in :.hro"! ~)Hl\li0 ~'i.aUeE: in I;:~e 0 i'lid of ~enl Bench, U11,1 thirty aa~Tf' t}l!~~"H<pon flnn t'lO~''1!!-!:tcr it 1'118":.1 bn in ,\1111 force an,l eJ~fe(lt. The nbove 01'11 inUllOO \;'111' pal>f'f)c1 011.1 ni:'''ptt;d thif' an;' I'lf JantllU'Y, 1916, 1Jy ~ho foll::lT1ng rtl.ltrlu VI'l'.u, to-,:,:i :;: :!ytlE No,~s rrnc-t '01,': I'rlu...tl)\)f": ,:.bf'ont l~rllf'teFJr. : -Pi'()~ 'If 00' f!?.~ lll't f-rr;p . !.on' ~\fJft.ah, " 11 fc rnia. i':~tef"t: I hnL"q'oy 111~rtify :jl1aL th'} foroC'~1:1B' O;'ij:1'1.uoe ~'.L~ .: ~l'" .d ~nj! i1(1optail b~/ ~jhe B":~rn of 1'1.'t! "bI1A!:' of ~ftn Ci ~;: )f (9~1 !jl~,.loh, 1111.1 f'ienod 'lnr'l Ilppr~'lTod l);y i~F T'r:'!f'inp.nt at it;, meeting hGF 0;1 the day of Jnnuar~, 1916. Oi~.i Clor': Mif'h:X:'Of~'ioio Clar~! of the Bonra o.f ~~{v.t; !f' of ~ Ie City of ~'o.,l BeHlan, Ca Ii fOllDia. ..., (' "