HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 15 1916-02-17 <;llUiIT1AF.Cg ITO. /2--v, / 0-- k:....... ~-v?-I:; Ir 2r~. /I ~.4-'; Ll_ 1.3- ""' 'F . ~ ". I An Ordinf.lllCe Providing for Hol!!:ine !l General Mtmip.1pal 'E1ecl;ion in the City of S(lal Beach., Olllifo~ni6. on th.; lOth day 0 f April. l!JlG. for -:;l1e F.lec'i;ioT.l of City O:~-l'iCElrl'l in fJc,i,l c~,ty. Giving Notio~ of said E1ectian,teRignatino th~ polling Pl!:lCl9. the EOIl:c'IJ nurine Whioh 1;he l'o11!'{ r.iUlJ 1 be open! ,~la Of~ioer8 ~o be glectGd!_a~~ Ap~ointin8 Elec.jJ..o~ Off'1cers tv ~el"Ye Ilt B~ln .;f..Leo"tJ.on. " Thi') E~ur(t of :l:rllS~oeD of thu City of SOlll Bauch do o~'(jain FoB :i'Q l10\'.!=: ~ E('Iotion 1. .'\. genernl ml111icip.':lJ. election shnll 'ba 110111 in the City of Soal Boach. cali fo mis., Oil th" f:lel)onoi Ilol'l'1 r>y iu A!Jril.1916. ~):e f::1ll":l6 1)0 'l!ll; tho lGth aay of 111Jril, 1n6. by the qnsl i.i'led eloctor;; at c.:;i,j Ci'ty. fo!' ~hl~ election of tho folJ.l'lw:i.r!B !lfwil,~il ---. or:Cioera of su j,d Cit,Y. to-vii t: 1. Five: memberF.l of the BOs:\l'il of Trnsti'J9S, whot'(' tt'lrr.!F.1 of O:ff1Ci) ~11::l.11 be (letArmtu,",d Ilr: fo11oVii": T~VlO r;ersonf' ~11Elctal1 b~r the h:1ITh~f't I, num1,,,;r of VO'~E';f3 shall ho1il offioe r four yearn. HUll tho thraLl pEl'!:'sons c1ectei! by tllt} lowo:;t nUlohel' of vot@~ :;:hn n ];,old oZfioe two yo~,<rs. III th(" event two 01' ,niOl'a .I)('lr.-.ons ~r'1 eluctell h~ the Bl-l!fO nnrr,b<'lZ' of voteD. the tl~l.m of eaoh fJhaJl be fixoit by lot. ~ Oity Clerk for the term of two ye o::.'f;. .:.. " A. Ci ty 1!rsP-fmr,n' fOT t:le tore of two yeurB. ". Snc<;iOl; 2. ~8id City of 3e;>.1 Beach shall OOnf'lt:itl1ta one eloctio:i prf!cinct. for the purpose ,)f sa'lt~ election, an'} the po1l:lne; 111t1C>B foretdll '31ec"l,ion f'r,c:"l be the City Hall of" ti'!e Ci'ty of Eaa1 ]j~[\Gil. dtulIted Oll Main.; f:treet in na'id Ci.ty. ~~f:lction 3. The :f.'ollo"\"iine nn:"1o~""fJersonA arft hp.r~by tlPI;{'"in't'1d oW tl B'),:\l"f1 of 1-nect:ioll to l.o1f', oonilnet t1.;'lll'I:l::ll:e returnr.: of rJaid I e10o;;ioO, - <;'F: ri!quired bv 16\7, to-wi :;:- .. ___ ,_Hnn ~~ ~ 19.~.,~ Jncl..se;.1 : Cl arks: . , } I .'.. i. Ordinance Number Eaoh of' said eleotion orf:l,nol'~ shall reaAive n () omponr;a'tion of $ .j-fDtf) ........... , f.or his sorvioes~ I t -- ~eatiofi 4. Said elec~icn S~&ll n~ neld ano connncte~ in > <:oonTi1,nU,}f, v,ith the eene!'al e1eutio!l It\\"1o 'of.' the "-I;nt'1 0f California, ;.'0 -rUT A.f.': thl~ r:cun 7Il~Y be a'ppl~~onb10 thereto. Th,~ polIn :"hflll -p., ollp.l1e!l ;1:, i'lX 0'010<;1: .A.~~. 01] tho (J,F.Y of (lId d Elleo';1.on, an,~ chnll '.:\J ".i:;:}..J ()11on ur:til. :~nv;.)n o'cloelt P,i;l.. ofe u.hl L~ny. ut ."hi (Ii: ;;:l.l'lC ~1~~ polle 1~^fll1 110) a1or:Qlt, flXG€lpt (Ill provided by Sec1;ion 1164 of th~ :;'01 i.ticnl Coda of Cu1:tfornia. ;'(l,}ti'J;) 5. Noti'!El of r'ai.ll elention I1nQ, of tho nr:ll1i'lsof the ot"f1c.;s ~o bo f:l,lJ.e,l ;;'hf'rAo.t. al;rl of the n/lr.les of the affinal's OOiwt:ltlltine; thu !30:l,;,'U of ;aea~:lon. and of the time nf tnu openine; (',ni! cl::l:>ing of t~e PQlle, a 0(1 of tho looation of tile pollinr :place shull bn s:!von by the City Clerk by puulica~ion of sai<< notice fit leH"lt o!:n woak pr i or to 't1-lE! ,lay of. Aalt1 eletltion in thrfJq f1noce~s- I i"VH is(,'!te!! Q:!~ .Iuhl!' TIU1:t;'j"'lS.t(":t1 TIjl:,;~~ch .~rewfl. c \Vi~:)kl~! r~01:1RrhJior pn.bl1shed :'.:1<1 c:i.rou2:J.tod in iihn County of Ornnee, nurl l)y the poetil18 py the Ci'f;:r C11~y:J: oi a 11!''lr.ri;;,(1 copy of l-lIio. l1otioe in Po prominent 1'180e :In hi s office in 1.'0 i<l City of Seal :~oaoh, and by }'lost ing }'lrbtad O"':~ er\ ,:~ f'ili<l not ioe in 3t, J.eEls'~ thr:'io !Jrominant -pleaef,\ in tho Oi t1 fl.l ':0[:1 1'\o"oh 'l)y t~,1 C'i.ty o'Jlork, nnd the O:i L-y Clerk ehnl1,1eliver on0 ::'.o1..y 01' r<a'ic1 lloi;1ne t'o tho imipeotor for 1)01:' ting Ht the -(Jo11ine 1'Gl' l,aii) Ol<l(l~ion, at; l')u"~ .2:; 5.nyc ho:t'o.l:'o the tinn n:;;>:no1.!ltciJ for tl1~ h01(";I1[:: c,f f:.~ii'l, ul()(1ti.on. :J.'hn'; th9" aforeSiLit1 pon'~ir.g l'tlfel'!'ed i:o 1\olie ut lr:il,..t :~5 ,::a3:-c 110ff)rH the f; tmo .'l-Pl)oit.lt~(\ fOl~ thr:l holdtnB o:f' ['.r::irl F!l(:ct" :on b9 .1';~le ot 1;,)' Cle~..k. , r l)el;iOl~ 6. '::h" City Cl('rk F:'halJ. ]'l:'epn1'6. fll1(i OHlt:'O to lJEl I printed. IIp.m[lle bullol;S l;n1itinf.:' forth '~ho l:la-:; of r.ominatione fo'" o~fice i'1l,)~ wi~h him arrnne;ed oe thp.y "~ll be nr:t">1neell l>n :;?ic !'czul2<"' HlE~o~ion tall?tq fll1'l he eta:;,l, \~ithin thll ',:imp. uni!. in the m:1!1)',or pl'ovi,'i.eii 'by lrm, senil ono of sail! s!lDlJ:llo bol1otl' t" onoh of th'l 'llu\lif:'ler1 91001;01'1' of the City of Senl Beaoh. ~he City 01er1t !1',hall prl:>IJI'lTe, Ilna CntlGO to b,'J printed, official baI.10ts in th€, .forl'!! ani!. number required hy la'\"1, undo ahLlll prooure all -2. ';.;...... - . Ordinance Number th~ oth~r r,upplies naaennary for the holding of ~aid election, os recll1iretl by law. Seotion 7. The City Clerk :;flAl1 oerti1'y 1;0 tito I'IJ~SIlSA of this Ordinanoe, a~d prior to tnA ~ay of ~aid eleotion sntu1 ca~~e 'I tlli., OI'tl. inano6 to be pri!1;ted, nn(l Sf-lid -'o,,"-eo.. ...." "'h- /'1i+..,... O'e ~1r in th',.n" I:" ... 1.1 ~JtI 'J _ 'IJ ^'J..Ju _. ON _.. ~. \_ . . at lCl1~t thi.rty nays r!.'ic.:r 1:0 lih,o ~rintad 9opi~~ thereof Dh~11 be ~mbli.c placee 1n tho') sn:!il City itav o~ ~8i~ eleotion. . " 1I:1i3 Ol.uinQ];ce boine f!..::! I~rri il:ance cnlliUf" ant) provi(ll.r.g :CO~~ a. B'.....nol.ol. !:!IEl:lciI,nl ale01;io!l in r:flit". Cil;y, :it f'hfl1l tah"C <3ffotrt :L'ltl bfJ in fn~oo ir.:!'.1sd ia~nly 1;'!JuJ1 i'~f: l)e 1AG printed ulil j.'cGted l1S horein l'()'..lrlrad. J'rcF:i den '.; of the of tM City 0:1: :ii;';t::p'li: C:ity CIA):k P- ml w,x-Oi'f1o:I,Q C16rl~ of the Board of Trllsteos of the City 0f S~al Benoh. I State of CUlifornia, ) { i sa. ( ) C,nmty 0 f Qranga. C ifoy of :Sea 1 Bonch. I. ,fl. L.Hllvens. City Cl03rk Hnu E~-Oi':fi'J,iO CloJ.'k oi' the Jlon:rd of 'i'rllstees of the City of f.eal Beach, do hereb;:r c;ort:i.:r;y tl1!:rt the forogoing Or,1i ~al1cfJ ,,,as in~l'oil.lloed !',nt'i read at r. i.',;Su.}.~u' :mee ~i.,'g of' -:;h,) Board of TrlletEld8 of ~h() Ci1;y of ceal. Beaah,(;C:]"i';:ornia. held on ~:!1o 17th day of 1i'ebuuw.'y, 1916, nnti ViOf', !lga ');:1 '["13:,,1 31; ,.... reBltlor r:.!eot ing of lllliit B0111'd 0 f 'Cn~flteEH: l'lll '~hQ tla;j 0 f 1916, und ':;her[llllJOll \1a~, dIlly pa: l-'ed :I!:lrl lldo:pi"ed 'k:;,- tho folJ,tming I Aye~ .r"'t."fjf~ ~~~-./ T'I"llOt0013: ~ T~~- - Oity ClerJ. an'!. Ex-Offici': Clerk of th(~ Bourd of ~rusteef' oi' tho Ci t'<J of 1:enJ. BAllch. ntn:te(l vo fj9: Noaa Absont