HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 20 1916-06-22
Ordinanoe lIo. ?, /') .
An Or~ina~oe to .~end Seo~i~n 24 of Orcinanoe
No.7,"An Ordina:'.oe 0:': ~":le Cit~T o,f Seal :Beaoh,
Providing for t~e Licenci~g :':01' the purpo~e of
revenue ani', regula-;ion of the :pursuits, -;rades,
occupa~ions, avocati~ns, enployments ani' b~sineGG
oarriec on in the City ~f Seal ~ench, and ~ixing
tte rates there=or, and ~enalties =01' t~e vi~la-
tion thereof," and aCl,dini; t!1ercto E.ec';ions 49 A,.
50 A, 51 A, a~c 62 _-\., -'; t, ...~.
The Board of 2r~steeE 0= the Cit~ ~f Scal Beach do ordain
as fo1lo'\7s:
Seo~ion l. That Section 24 of Ordi.l!.l!:ce ~iO. 7 of ~he Uit~. of
Seal Beach, Ca1ifo:r.,ia, enti";;led: "An Ordi!:or,ce of the Uit~T of Seal
Beach providinl! for the Licer.sing :::'01' ";;he purpose of revenue und
regnlation of the pursni ta, trades, oooupations, avocations, employ-
men"s and busineG~ oarried on in "he CitY,of Seal Beach, a~c fixing
the ra";;cs therefor, an(\ ;'enalties for ";;:Ie violation thereof, II be
amended to read as fo110TIS:
For every pereon, =irm or oorporation engaged in the business
of oondll,oting an ioe oream cOl'nter or stand, ax lunoh oounter or
stand, or soda counter stand, bazaar, pop-corn or peanut uagon, fruit
stand,sel1~ng tamalcs,lu~ches or sBudpiches,ioe o~ean or oandy from
wagon or handcurts upon publi~streets in saia City, ,
$1.00, per month; for evory ~emporary 1013 cream cOlm~er or ~tand, or
every temporary 1unoh oo~tcr or stand, or every temporary soda oounter
or stand, or every temporary bazaar, or popcorn or peanut TIagon,$5.00,
per day, or $lO.OO, per ueek; for e~ery temporary fruit stand,$5.00,per
day, or $15.00, per nonth; an0 for every person eUf,aged in the business
of selling tamales, l~ohes, or sandwiohes, ice oream, or soda from
~agons or handoarts upon t~e pub1io s";;reets of said C:ty, ~5.00, ~er
day, for evo~y suoh ,"agon or handcurt. Provided, hO'r:ev~r, t IlIlt the
looation on the pub1io streets of the said stand, OOlUi~O_, bazaar,
~agon or handcart in this seotion referred to shall be under ~ae con-
trol of the Superintendent of Streets and set forth in the license.
Ordinance Number
Section 2. 'There ie hereby aeded to Ordinance !To. 7 of the
City of Seal Beach a ne~ section to bc ~ ae Section 49 A. For
every poreon. firm, or corporation engaged in the businecs of selling
real e state in the City of Seal Bcaoh, $1.00, per month.
Section 3. There is hereby added to Ordinance No. 7 of the
City of Seal Be soh a ne~ seotion to be numbered Section 50 A. For
every person. firm. or cor~oration encaged in thJ ~rayage bueiness
in the City of Seal Beach. $12.00, per annum.
Seotion 4. There is hereby added to Ordinance ~o. 7 of the
Oit~ of Seal Beaoh a ne~ seotion to be numbcred section 51 L. For
every person, firm. or corporation engaged in the businesc of
sel1~ng banias in the City of Seal Beach, $10.00, per day.
Section 5. The~ is hel'''lby added to Ordir.ar.ce :~o. 7 of the
sect ion
Ci~y of Seal Beach a ne'"' seotiJn to be numbered/52 A. For every
person. firm, or corporation, not hcving and Daintaini~g a regularly
established p1aoe of business uithin said City, uho solicits and
takes ordors from house to h:Juse :'or the sale 0:' bread. groceries
and vegetables, or for one or nore of said oomnodities. $36.00,
per annum.
Section 6. This Orcinar:ce is urgently required for the i!:lmediate
preservation of the public peace, ~ealth and. safety, the neoeE'sity
for paid urgeuoy being a~ follous: This Orcinanoe is for police
regula~ion and revenue, a"lr it is neceesal'y that t}lere places of
bllsiness have a licence bcf':Jre they can conduo'.; bus inen: in the
City of Seal Beach.
Sco~ion 7. The City Clerk of the Oity of Seal Beach shall cause
this Or~ina=ce to be printed. and ~rin~ed copies thereof to be posted
in three of the most pub1io places in the City of Seal ~each
Ordinance Number
and after the pee ting of coic'. Ord i:::ta~loe, the E: erne shall t aka
e~feot and be in full force.
The foregoing Ordina~ce is signe~J approved and attested by
me this
r ~, .... ,
. .,....-.,..;...--
day of J~e. 1916.
City Clerk.
preside'nt of the
. .
Ordinance Number
state of Ca1ifor~ia,)
County of O}"ange, )
Cit~- of Seal Beaoh. )
I,C.A. Lit~le, Cit:; Clerk ~f the Cjty of Seal 'Beaoh,
do heroby oertify t:J.at t:;.e fore!;oi::g Ordinance \"Tas in-
troduced at a mectinc 0 f the Boo rf ')f Trrs teec of the
Ci~y of Soa1 Beaoh held on'the /e-1- da~T ofL ,1916,
and that the sace '\"IOE: passed una adopted at <? ;ef;u~ar
meetinG of said B08rC of Truetees held on tho" .,.... day of
())1~GI ' 1916, by the follo~ing stated vote:
~~r QAQAM4 7f{fkr A-rj~
~ Cu~ '
City Clerk of the Brerd of
Trustees of the City
of Seal Beach.