HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 21 1916-08-03 . I -,..., , ,1-,' I' t ' I I ~. I ,-' /-.." ,/' ,,' ,'-"oJ Ordinance 1fo. 21. r I .~~ Orni~a~ce o~ t~e C:t; of ~acl Beach SE:tablishing a Dntum Pla;:::c fro:'! \~h:k! h to com- pute the relative crneeE: of the Avenues and Streets o~ the Ci~~' of S~al :Beach, fixing the grodeS,of E:uch ~vcn~eE: a:; Streets, anc fixjng the ':'iCith of ~he siCe\"'alks therein. The B')arc. of Trl'stees ':If the Cit:' of Seal Bel:.ch ordai n as ~ol~ O":""E: : Section 1. The dntm plane or. \"'hich all elevations in this Ordinance are baE:ed, is that ueed by the Uniten ~~atef: Coalt and Geodetic Survey Depart~~nt. The top of a oopper bolt in a ceme~t I:lonre::ent at the Southf.')E:t oorr.er of :,:aill strect and Cen~ra1 Avenue in t~e City of Seal Beach is hereby fixed as a ~erI:lanent benoh nark and such bolt is deolarei\ to be 15.075 feet obove the datum plane. Sectio!l 2. Far the ~~rDoses of deE:cri~tion in this Ordinance all streetc and nvenues in the Cit~ of Seal Beach extending approx- ioately parn11e1 to the coact line of the Pacific Ocean are referred I to a~ e::rte!ld.ing :::ast a!:.r ""eet. 10.11 other streete and ave!lues are trea ~cd ao e::'.:-:endinB' Porth ann South. Grades fixed by ~his OrCi nsnoe, 'I7'lcn not ot:herl7ise d:lsignated, are reclared to be the elevations of the curb at the respective ctreet an~ avenue corners reierred to bet"een t:he intersections of the produced lineD of the t\"'o streets ... or avenues I"'ith raid curb line. Section 3. The side '~a11:::s 0-:' -'.;he City of !"ea1 Beach are hereby teclll.~ed to be that ,ortion of t~e stree;c an~ aven~es adj~inir.f, the C1::~erjor lines thereof. ODD...... edse o! 17Jliah shall be t1'1e oxterior linea of E:aid streets u::ld avem:es, lll:::d t:le o.;11er edge of ....~l::.ch s;lB1l lie o~e-sixth of the \"'idth of raid E~rcotE and av'nues dis~ant fr~m said I exterior lines, except ~'heIl o~he:::'\!ise desiB'nated by r)rdi!ll'~ce and except at street cor~ers I"'her~ the t-~ produced lines shall be con- nected by a curD of eiGht foot radius. The face of t~e curbs uearect the center of s~rectc and avenEes ac ~s fi=ed Of: beinB' ,n t:he same line aD the edGe of the side ,a1k ret:loved iartheres!lf~om the streets and avenues exte~ior bOl~~cries. -1- I I I .. Ordinance Number Secti In 4. The grace ~f Ocea!l Avenue is hereby ectablis'led as ~ollo\"s: At the ~ortheast corner of Firct street, at 17.88 feet above the datl~ plane; at the ITort:hrert corner of,Seco~ btreet, at 22.60 feet above the ratun ~lane; at the ~orthear-t corner of Secon~ street, at 22.55 feet above the datum plane; at the Southrest cor~er of Second Street, at 23.20 fe3t above the datun plane; at t~e Southeaet corner of Second Streat, at 22.95 feet above t~; datun plane; at the ITorthrest corner of ~hird S~reot, at 22.63 feet Qbove t2e ~atQ~ plane; at the ~ortheast corner of Third street, at 22.79 ~eet above t~e ~aturr. plane; at the Southeact cor:iJ.er of Third streot, at 23.20::feet above t:le catum plane; at the Southue~t corner of Third street, at 23.20 feet above tbe [aturn plane; at the ~orthrest corner of Fourt~ Street, at 22.38 ~eet above the datuD plane; at the ~ortheart corner of r~t1rt~ Etreet~ at 22.43 feet above the datum ,lane; at the ~~ntheart cor~er of Fourth street, at 22.86 :reet above t~e datumr1ane; , . . Rt the,Southuest corner . . . . , of F~urth Street, at 23 feet above thc datun plane; at the'~orth~est .- cor:ier of Fifth S~reet, at 22.36 feet above the datum plane; at the lTortheast corner of Fifth Street, at 22.50 ::e.:lt above the daturJ I]a r.e; at ~:he S~utheart corner of Pift~ Street, at 2?f.7 feet above the datum plane; at ~~le South'crest corr:er of rifth Etreet, at 23 feet above t1-'.e at datun planeL!the ITorthwest corner of Sixth Etreeo, at 22.85 feet above the datum plane; the :~ar ~he'8st corner of Si::~'.:;h street, at 22.70 feet at above t~el6.atum }?lane;..Jthe Southeaet co,::'er of Sixt~l Street, at 22.78 feet above th4aatum plane;the Southrest corner of Sj~~~ P~re')t, at 22.80 at feet above ~;le datum }?lane ;.Jthe ~Torth\.ect corner of Seve:!th Street, . at at 22.S9 fe~t auove the datum ~lallellthe northeast co:~er of Seventh ~tre"t, at 22. 35 feet ab~ve the datum plane; at the Southeast cor~er of Seventh Streot, at 22.62 feet above tue datum rlane; at t~e Southuest corner of Seventh street, at 22.78 feet Ilbove t1:e datum plane; at the TIorthrest corner '~Eighth Stre:t, at 22 feet above the datum plane; at t~e Northeast corner of ~ighth street. at 21.94 feet above t~ datum plane; at t~e Southeast corner of Eighth Street at 22.30 feet above the datum plane; at the ~outhvreBt corner of :!:l:ght street, at 22.39 feet above the catum }?lane; at the ITorthrest corner of ~sin street at 21.52 feet above the datum plane; at the ~ortheast corner of !lain Street, at -2- I I I . U.07 feet abovo the datum pJane iat the lJorthWllst comer of Tenth Street, at 15.31 Ordinance Number feet above the datum planeiat the HoJ'thGast corner of '1'enth Street,at 15.09 fest above the datum planeiat the Southsast corner of Tenth Strset,at 14.42 feet above the datum planeiat the @Rtthwst corner of tenth Street,at 14.50 feet above the datum ~"""-" plane iat the 1I0J'thml st c orner of Eleventh Street, at 14. 69 feet above the datum (plane i , - at the Northeast corner of Eleventh Street,at 14.53 feet above the datum planeiat the Southeast corner of ~evonth Street,at 14.15 feet above the datum planeiat the Southwest corner of Eleventh Street, at 14.30 feet above the datum planeiat the B'oJ'thwst corner of fwlfth Street ,at 13.01 feot above the- datum planeiat the Uorth- eaat corner of Twelftli Streot, at 12.80 feet above tho datum plane;at the Southeast com3l" of ~1fth Stroet, at 13.30 feet above the datum planeiat the Southwst corner of Twltth Street, at 13.33 feet abovo the datum plane;at the IiToJ'thwest corner of Thirteenth Street, at 10.39 feet above the datum plane;at Uhe llortheaet corner of Yhirte3nth street, at 10.33 feet above the datum planeiat the Southeast corner of ,. Thirteenth Street, at 10.50 feet above the datum plall8iat the Southwest corner of i'hirtGenth street, at 10.73 feet above the datum plane;at the Borthwest comer of Fourteenth Stroet, at 11.40 feet above the datum plane;at the BorthOll.at corner of Fourteenth Stroot, at 11.36 feet lJ.bove the dat1.1ll pJ.8neiCLt the liToJ'thwest corner of Dolphin A1OlIUe, lit 10.27 teet above the datum planeiat the WoJ'theast corner of \l Dolphin lvenue , at 10.02 feet above the datum plane; at the Southeast corner of Dolphin Avenue, at 9.67 feet above the datum plam;at the Southwst corner of Dolphin Awme, at 10.00 feet above the dat'lI!I plane;at the Southeaot corner of Heptune Avenue, at 8.10 feet above the datum;;lAne ;at ths Southwest corner of 1iJeptune Avenue, at 8.31 feet above the datum planeiProduced center line of Wep- tune Avenue and noJ'th curb of Ocean Avenue 8.24 feet abovo the datum plane; pro- duced south line of Lot Wine (9) ,Block ara, 'lract 10. l,and East curb line of Ocean Avenue ,at 7.63 feet above the datum plane iproduced south :1i:lae of Lot T-.enty- four (24) ,Block ao. ,Tract Ro. l,and West curb line of Ocean Avenue, at 7.80 feet above the datum plane. Section 5. The grade of l.:ar1ne Avenue is hereby estab11&h8d as follows: At ~he liTortheast corner of Dolphin Avenue, at 9.13 feet above the dat- um planeiat the Southeast corner of Dolphin AvellUe,at 9.20 feet above the datum plane;produced Uest line of Lot Beven (7) ,Block l:Qa,'l'ract Ho.1,and the South curb line of l!ar1ne Avenue, at 8.26 feet above the datu:n planeiproduced Uest line of Lot Seven (7) ,illock aoa,Tract Ho. 1, and North curb 11ne of Marine Avenue, at 8.43 feet above the datum plane ;produced south 11m of Lot Eleven (11) ,Block non ,'l'ract No. l,and East curb ,11%10 of Ocean Avenue,at 7.62 feot above the datum plane; . Ordinance Number produced south line of Lot Elnen,Block DOD, Tract NO.l,and West curb line of llan.ne Avenue,at 7.84 feet above the datlllll plane. Section 6. The grade of Oentral Avenue ie hereby established as folJ.ows: At the Southeast corner of First street, at 13.53 feet above the .', datum plane;at the South.st corner of Second Street, at 11.91 feet above the datum plane;at the Southeast corner of Second street, at 14.83 het abo1r'll the datum plane;at the Southwest corner of Third street, at 18.40 feet above the datum plane;at the Southeast corner of Third street, at 18.27 feet above the datUJ:l plane;at the Southwest corner of Fourth streot, at.17.96 Uet above the datum p1ane;at the Southeast corner of Fourth street, at 16.49 feet above the datum p1ane;at the Northwest corner of Fifth Street,at 17.11 feet above the datum p1ane;at the Southwest corner of rUth street, at 17.61 feet aboVE! the datum plane;at the 1I0rtheast corner of Fifth street, at 15.72 feat above the datu::! p1ane;at the Southeast corner of Fifth street,at 16.09 feet above the datum p1ane;at the Northwest corner of Sixth street, at 15.10 feet above the datum I p1ane;i!.t 'file Northeast corner of Sixth atrest, at 15.14 feet above the datum p1ane;at the Southeast coner of Sixth street, at 16.15 feet above the dat\llll p1ane;at the~uthwest corner of Sixth street, at 16.25 feet above tpe datum plane; at tgNOrthwest corner of Seventh street, at 15.~1 feet aboVE! the datUJ:l plane; at the Northeast corner of SeVE!llth street,at 15.36 het above the datum plane; I I at the Southeast corner of Seventh street, at 15.90 feet above the datui:n plane; at the Southwest corner of Seventh etreet,at 15.95 feet abovelthe datum plane; at the Jlorthwest corner of Eighth street, at 15.66 het abo1r'll the datum plane; at the Jlortheast corner of Eighth Str80t, at 15.44 feet above the datum plane; at the Southeast corner of (4) I I I . Ordinance Number Eiehth Street, at 16.18nfeet above the (I,atumr;:lane; at the SOl'_thrrest co:ner of ~ighth S~reet, at l6.23 ~e~t above the ~atum plane; at the ~orthuest cO"ner of Main street, at l4.8D ~e~t above the datun pla~e; at the IIortheact corner of :~in Stre~t, at 14.76 feet above the datum plane; at the Southeast corner of ~ain ~treet, at 15.27 fe~t above t]~ datum plane; at t~e Southrest corner of l~in street, at 15.60 feet above tho aatun plane; at the ~orth"eet co:ner of Tenth street, a~ 9.75 fe,t above the datun plane; at the IIortheast co',ner of ~e:1th Stroet, at 9.81 feet above the (Iatum plane; at t:;,e Southe~st co:~er of ~ent~ Street, at 10.10 feet above the datv,m plane; at the South"est corner of Tel1th Street, at 10.24 feeG above the datum plane; at the ~orthrrest corner of ~leventh Street, a~ 7 feet above the ~atum plane; a~ ~he ~ortheast co~~er o~ Bleve~th street, at 6.75 feet above the rotum plane; at the Southeast cor~er of ~levecth street, at 7.10 ~eet above the datun plane; at the Southuest corner of Eleve~th street, at 7.2Z feet above the datum plane; at the r.orthwest corner o~ ~e1fth Street, a~ 7.39 fe~t above the datum plane; at the South"est c~rr-er of Tue1fth Street, at 7.56 fe::>t above the a atum plane. , Section 7. The grade of Electric ~venue is hereby esoab1ished ac follo'l"s: At ';he Southeaet corner of Sinh Street, at ,9.02 feat aco'fe th~ ~atum plane; at the Southuest corner of Sixth street, a~ 9 feet above t~e datum plane; at the Eoutheact corner o~ Seventh street at 9.29 feet a~ove the datun plane; at the [outhuest corner of Seve~th streat, at 9.16 feet above the aatum plane; at the Southeart cor~er of TI:g~th Stre ,t, at 10.48 ~eot obove t~e 'a~ltm plane; at t~a ~opthi'est cor:1er 0::: '~i5'hth street, at 10.40 feet above tb.e "atnm plane ;"- at the Southea~t cor~er of !lain street, at 10.51 ~eet above the futlTIa plane; at ~he Sou.thi1eEt cor::er 0:" l~ainSbreet, at 10.60 feet above tlJ,e datum p1a:J.e; a't t~e S~utheast corl::er of ~enth street, at 9.01 fe'3t above thJ ~a~um plane; at the Southrreet cor~er of ~enth street, at 9.05 feet above tlw datum plane; at the Southeart corner of ~leven~h street, at 6.5G feet above the il.atUT.1 p1ane; at tb.e Southr:est eorner of ~leve:1th S~reet, at 6.73 feet above the datum plane; at the Southea~t corner of ~....'e1fth street, at 5.96 feet above the e.atUT.1 plane; at the Sonth'l"est -5- I I I . Ordinance Number of ~~elfth ~tre1t, at 6.20 ~eet above the datum plane; a~ the Sorrtheaet oorner 0::' 1hirteont': etroet, at 5.45 feat above the datum plane; at t;~e S~uthwest oorner of ~hirteenth Street, at 5.60 fevt aboy) t~e datum plane; at t~le SoutheaE't cor!ler 0-:' ::'onrtee:lt;: Street, a ~ 5 fe Jt arove the ~a~Ul:I ::)lane; at the S...t1~h""est oorner o~ !,.,urteent~ S~reet, at EiIIml 5.19 foet a'love the c.'!itum' p11:me; at ~he fOlltheart oo::'ner ~~ !lolphin ~venue, at 7.74 feet above the datum plane; at the ~outh~e~t corner of Dolphin ~vonue, at 7.74 feot above tho datUl:l plane; a. t~o ~outheaet cor::;er of KJctx llarine :,venue, at 7.40 feet above t~le 0. atum plane; at the' Sou.th~est oo:t'ner of 'Uarine Avenue, at 7. GO fe~t above t'lzo e atUl:l rlane; .. '. at tile SoutheaE't corner of Ocean Avenue, at 7 feot above the a. atum !ilane; at t:le South\"est; oorner 0::' Ooean .1venue, at 7.12 feet above the datum plane; the South~est cor~er of Seal Uay, at 6.71 feet above the datum plane; the "est corner of Block 206 "Stanton and Lothins rirst J.ddi',; ion" at 7.42 feet above the datum plane; at the ~orth\"est corner of Seventh Street, at 7 .42 feet above the .fatum plane; a~ the :rortheast oor!ler of Seventh street, at 7.55 feet above ~he da~l~ plane; the ~m'th~est eor~er ~ of Eighth Streot, at 8.16 feet above ~he datUl:l plane; at t~e TIortheact corner of Eighth street, II t 8.48 feot above the datum plane; at the ~orth\"est oo::'ner of llain street, at 9.18 feet above xm& the datum plane; at ~he ~or~hoaet corner of I~in street, at 8.91 feet above the datum plane; a~ ~:le :rorth\"est eoro;er of :e:-:th Street, at 8.70 :"eet above t 1B datUl:l plane; at the Y.orthea~t corner of 2enth Streot, at 8.Z0 feot Above tle da~um plane; at t~e ITorth\"est corner of :leventh ~trect, at ~ 6.54 foet ab~ve the datuc plane; at the ~orthaast eor~er of ~leveJt:h Street, at 6.2C ::eet abo'7o' t'10 datuc l'lene; at ;':e :;orth\"'est corl,or 0:: ~\"elfth e~re<Jt, at G.90 feot 'above :tE: ~he datum p1a!le; a~ t::e :'orthoast eo:;:uer 0:: ~\"el~t:l St~'o.;t, at 5.CO feJt a'i;ove tl:e datt:r:1 plane; at '~:le ::orthr-est oorner o~ ~:lirteenth street, at 5.60 feet above t::te datum p1ane;&t t;le ::orth-east OOl"uer of ~11irtetlntil Street, at 5.50 feet above tl)a datum p1aneJJat' the North'\7est cor::er of ::':>urtoenth street, ,at 5.40 feet cbove t:1S datum plane; at the ~;ortheast corner of :::'ourteenth street, at 5.30 feet above the da~ltm plane; at the ~orth\"est corner of F:~oe~th Street at 5.11 feot above the t:.atuI:l r1ane; at t'le :Tortheact corner of Fifteeth S'~reet, at 5 feet abo're tIle (I,atum plane; at ~l:e :;orthr.est eor~er or ~i::::tee::lt:l S~reot, at 4.90 feet above t'lo c.ctl'l:l plane; at t::e ::ortheast -6- I I I . Ordinance Number corner o~ Six~eenth Stre~t, at 4.80 ~eet above the datu~ plane; at ~he ITorthTIest corner of Seventee~th Stro:t, a~ 4.60 fe~t above the fatum plane; at ~~e ITorthcast cor~er of Seventeenth Street, at 4.50 feeu above the datum plane; at the rorthi'est cor:'er of Bay Boulevard, at 4.30 feet above the da~um plane; at the l!ortheaot corner 0 f Bay B01l1evard, at 4.20 feet above the datun plane; Section 8. ~he grade of Landing llvenue is hereby established os II fol~.oTIs: At the ITm"theast corner of ~hirteenth street, at 5.75 feet above the datum plane; at ~he Southeart corner of ~nirteenth Stre"t, at 5.70 feet above tre 0. atum plane; at the ::Jorth,'eet corner of Fourteer.th Street, at 5.60 feet above the datum plane; at the Rort~east corDer of Pourteenth street, at 5.50 fect above the datum plane; at the Southeast corner of Fourteenth Stx'eet, at 5.45 fect above the 0. atum plane; at the SouthTIest corner of Fourteenth Street, at 5.55 feet above the datum pla:le; a': the ITortht"est corner of Fifteent'l Street, at 5.34 feet above the datum plane; at the ~ortheast corner o~ Fifteenth ctreet, at 5.30 feet above the ,fu tlUn plane; at the Southeast corner of Pi::teenth Street, at 5.25 feet above tt-e datum plane; at ~he Zouth\"est corner of Fifteenth Str~, at 5.27 feet above the datltm plane; at the EorthTIest corner of Sixtee~th street, at 5.34 feet above the catum plane; at the ~orthea~t corner of Sixteenth street, at 5.50 feet above the ratum plane; at the Southeast corner of Sixteenth Street, at 5.45 fect above th~ datum plane; at t~e S~uthTIest corner of ~ixteenth street, at 5.25 feet above the datnm ~lane; at the TIorthTIest corner of Seventeenth Stre:t, at * 5.70 feet above t:::te datum p:.ane; at the !!ort'loaot corne l' 0 f Seve::teenth E1teet at 5.60 feot above t'l-tG datum :!,Jlane; at the S?nt'l-teast COrt!er of Seventeenth street, at 5.55 feet above the datun plane; at the Southi'est cor~er of Seventeenth S~reet, at 5.65 feet above the iatum plane; at the ?orthTIest corner of Bay Boulevard, at 5.30 feot,above the eatuo plane; at the South- lest oorne~ of Bay Boulevard, at 5.23 feet above ~he c.atuo plane; at the " "stanton aIi' Lothin's First Addi~ion" ~ ~ortheast corner 'of Block 206 of at 6.90 feet auove the datum plane; at the TIorthi'est cor~er of Block 207 of "stanton aIlE. Loth(U's P:lIl::t .addition" at 7 feet el10ve the datum plane; ^ l/ -7- I I I . Ordinance Number at the ITartheaf't corner of Bloak 207, "sta:lton aile. Lot:hin' c Firrt .1Mition" at 7.50 fect above t~e da~uc plane; aX Section 9. TlD Grade of l!ortlJ. Avenue is hereb~' established as follo....s: .At ~he Southeast cornor of I:ighth street, at 7.40 fe:Jt above the datuc plane; at tne South,~st co~~er of =i~ht~ street, at 7.~OEfeet above t~'le datUI:! plane; at '"he Soutileact oor;ler of :1ain street, at 7.65 feet above the datum plane; at the f'0uthi'!est corner of ~!a1n street, at 7.67 feet above the fatUI:! plane; a~ t~e Southvast cor:ler of ~e~~h S~re€t, " at 7.50 feet' above t:le datum plane; at the South\lest cor:~er of Tel~th , co.... t '";'l.Iree , ~ 7.60 feet above the da~um plane; a~ the So~theast corr,er of :lleventh Street, at 6.90 ::ect above the datum plane; at the Southi'!est corner of ~leventh Stre~t, at 7 ::eet above, the datum plene; at the S0utheast cor~er of ~~e1fth Street, at 6.40 feet above the datUI:! ~lane; at the ~outh\"est cor~er of rue1fth Street, at 6.60 feet above the datum plane; at the SOlt~':eaf::t co:;,':-or of ~'l-tirteJ:::.tr..retreet,~ 6 fe:: a' ove tho datum plane. at the SontlJ.i'!est cor:::.er of ~hirteenth ~t::'eet,~ at 6.10 . ~ fe ,t above t:."e datam plane; at t'rJ.e Sout:'lea:'t cor::Jer of ::'oll;:tee;:;,th Stre t at 5.7€t a~love t::e datUI:! plane; at t:le South"es~ cor.:er ~:: :'or..rteenth , stree~, a~ 5.70 feut above t~e da~um plane; at the Sou~~ea[t COrLeI' of Fifteelltll stre /';, at ;}. 90 feet above tho c.atue plane; at ~he Southreet aor::lor of Fifteenth Stret at 5.75 feet above the (l,atum plane; at :tmv: tho S ~utheact CO:-l,er of sixtee:Jth~t, at 7.10 fe:lt above the c a'tuc plane; at the Souti'!eet co~~er of Si Rth S~:-eet, at 7 feet above the datl1r.l ~lane; at t:J.o Sor..~heart co:-;,er ~::' Seventeenth street, a~ 6.60 feet s.bo,.,e ~.~; ea~~..J:l :;lon3; tl~ '.;::e b,=r.~:l~-OC~ cor "er 0:' f:eve~ ~eont.l S~re ..t, .:!t 6.55 -:!e t aco,'e 'j':n. datrll:J :plane; at the e'l".t'rrest co:' er 0-: :Bay :S~t',levare, a~ 6.l; feet a1jove t'le c.atuc ;,lar.eJtj o , ' . -8- . 1 i 1 Ordinance Number SEOTION lO. The City Olerk of the City of Seal Bench shall I oaune this Or6inanoo to be printed a~ printed oopieo theroof to be posted in threo of the moe~ publio plaoes in tho City of Soa1 Beaoh. a;:)(l ~hirt:r i!nys theroafter the !l:lme !'\hal1 take effect and be in :rnll foroe. -- ~ The foregoing Ordinanc~ is Gi.~nod, APproved and ntto~tod this Prcoident of the Trllsteeo. . : v 'n~y o~ July, 1916. !.ttoct:-.if c{; ~ City Clerk. stato of California, ) ( Covnty of Orange, ) sa. I ( City of Sea1 Bosoh. ) I, O. A. Little, City Clerk of the'Board of ~l.udtoes of the Oity of Seal Beaoh, do horoby oortify that the foregoing Ordinanoe ~ad introduced at a meoting of tho Boara of Trustees of the City of Soa1 Beaoh held on the 4 rt r'la~r of July, 1916, and toot the oarne nor. passed ana adopted at a[regu1nr meeting of san Boara of '( Trustooe hold on tho j 'lU r,8:T oF~ l!l16~ by the follo\'7ing t'to'jod vote: ~OOfl Trusteeo: ~ I [UI/Mu 'J1-r.A.r-' 7f~/72~ TrufiltoC's: ~ ~rllf'tOGs: ~ J\"Jes !.1.mont I ~ a ,tAt(-; -, ' City Olerk of tho BOBrd of Trncteos or the Oity of 5eal Beaoh. .. " . ~