HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 26 1916-11-02
ORDInA'!TCE r.O. 7'-~
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An Ordinanoe Establishing a Board of Health and
Authorizing the Appointment of a Health OfPioerin and
for the Oity of seul Beaoh, ilefining the pot'lers and i!.uties
of suoh Board of Hoalth and Hoalth Of"'ioer, forbidding the
koeping o~ nnisanoeo which are prejudicial to health in
tho Oity, and presoribing :t'u1es ani! reGulations for the
s proteotion of tho Hoalth of the pooplo of ~eal Bouoh.
The Board of Trllstoos of the City of ralll Delloh, do cr dain al:' :follows:
Seotion 1. It shall be thc dl'l,ty of t!1e board of trustoel1 of the Oity
of Seal Beach, to appoint a board of health, oonsi}ing of five nembers,
one at leo:,t of whom shall be 0 praotioing physioian and a graduate of
. some reputable sohool of medioine, and one of ~ om if practioable, f' hall
be a civil engineer.
The Boord of Trustoes shall d eoignato ono of
the appointees ac health officor and president of the board of rea1th.
The ~e~bors of Buoh board of health shall hold offioe at tho ploaccre of
the appointing pOt'lor.
Seotion 2. Tho rogulor meotings of the board of lB alth shall be
hold on tho firnt Uonday of onch quarter of the calendar yoar, at 7:30
o'olook P.M. in the trusteo's ro')m, '1r in suoh other plaoe aR r.l1V be
established a3 tho regular pluoe of mootine. Speoial meetings ma~ be
. , oal1ed at any time by the president or three members of tho board,
'.. (",.
written notioe n'!: the time and purpOF e of the mooting beins: sorved upon
osch ~e~bnr at least ono hour before the time for the ~enting, or left
at h:l s relJidollOO or p1aoe 0 f bll p.ineos. A majority of the !IIl9!:lbers flhall
oonatitute a quorum, and any businoss t'lithin the jurisdiction of tho
board of health MY be tranoaoteil at any lawful meoting of suoh board.
The ordinary parliamentary rules, ac laid dOl"n in Robcrt's RuL.es of
Order, shall goverD tho proceeding~ o~ tho board of rea1th.
Sootion 3. Tho board ef health shall have general Guporvio:lon of
all mat:ors pertaining to tho nanitnry oondition of the C:lty of fea[
I Beach, and it shall have pO\78r to make such ruJB s and regulations re-
lative theroto aa may be I1ecessary and proper and aro not 00 ntrury to
lsw. The orders of the board of health, regularly issued and o;'/ithin
the jur:ludiot ion of said boo rd, shall have all tho binding force of
law. It shall be the duty of the board of health, and of every mombcr
thereof, to co-operate ~ith the board of true tees, in every way pos~ible,
Ordinance Number
for the promotion of tho good health of the citip.eno of Seal Beaoh and
for the prevention of the spread of disease in Gaid City.
Seotion 4. The health officer shull be the president and general
exeoutive of the board of hoalth. In a~~ition to the usual preroeatives
of the presiding of~ioer he shall be oharged with tho duty of oarrying
out the rules, regu1at ions and orderr of said board. He shall aF-oist
the city marshal in enforoing the general 1a~s of the otate, the ordinanoes
of the city and the ordero of the board of health for the pr omotJ on of
01ean1inecs and the prevontion of (Iioease in sui. deity.
In oase tl'n t an y
pcrson neglocts or refUGes to oo~ply ~ith tho lawful requirenents of the
health deportment of tho Cit~' of eea1 Benoh, it shall be the duty of the
health offioor to file a oomp1aint in thoracordar's Kf court and oSFist
the marshal in proouring ovidence and prosoouting the ClIit to a sucoessful
Section 5. The health offioer, tho board of health, or any Membor
thoreof, iA eooh, in his ofAicia1 oapaoity, hereby outhori~ed to enter
into any house, or other buil ding, or upon any lot or promises, i n the
day tine, for tho :purpose of examining int 0 tho oause of any c ompllli nt,
rumor, ~r suspioion, of unnanitary oonditions that may exist theroin.
Upon bocoming oognizant of the ,resence of any contagious or infectious
disoar.o within the city, nr adjaoent thereto, onid health of~ioer ?h~ 1
hove power, ancl it ehliL 1 be his duty, to I]uaront ino llny bui1r.i ng or
promiees where suoh disoase exists, or to exolude people from tin 0 it Y
who rosido in or oome from, any infeoted dwalling, or district, outa1de
[laid oity. He shall regulate or prevent all c,omnuniooti on with the
oooupants of any quarantined building or premises, posting oonspicuous
notiaCE, and providing for tho oomfort of those l"Iho are th1tB isolated.
He shall also disinfeot the bui1dint-, remove anr do~trny any bodding or
clothing liable to transmit the dinooAo cno do all othor nets neoersnry
to obato the ovi1 ano protect tho oity.
Seo:1on 6. It sMl1 be tho ruty of each and every physician praotioing
meilioine in the City 0:' Seal Beaoh, to immediately roper t to the hoalth
officer any oase of contagious or infootiouE diseose dioooveran by him
dthin t he 1imitR of p.ai~ city, or ailjooent thereto; to report eVAry
death that may oocur in his praatioe within the Dame limits, Biving the
Ordinance Number
name, aee, sex, and imme~iate caUDO of death: to report ev~ry birth thnt~
may oocur in his practice within the sane limitll, giving name of 18 rents,
data of birt~ cf ohild, and rox of child; and to report any other vital
statistios that may be required by tho board of health.
Seotion 7. Every master or journeyman plumbor oarrying on his trade
in the City of 5001 Beach shall, in addition to paying- tho 1icenne re-
quired of him in ordinanoe number~, regiotor his naMO n~ address
with the health officer, and it cha11 be unlawful for any perllon to carry
on Iluch trade or businesn in eain oity without being 00 reeistered: a
list of tho rogistered plumbers sholl 1 e inc1u.ded in th3 annual mport
of thc board of health, as required by law. Plans for t rn draiooge and
plumbing of all buildings, both pnblio and private, hereafter crec~ed
in the City of 50al Beach, shall be submitted to the boord of health
for ito approval b:}-:'ore carrying sllch plans into effect, and it r.haJ.l be
unlawful for any perron to instal, or have installod, any drainage or
plumbing without tho approval cf raid board.
Seotion 8. Whenever any oesepool, privy, vault or nater-01'l3 et
beoo~es foul and of~ensive, the board of health, or health offioer, shall
deo1are it a nuilanoe an~ ordor the o't"1I1er, agent or ocoupant of the
promises upon whioh it is situated, to abate onch nuisance by clp-aning,
disinfecting or renening, an, in the judgment of tho bOfird or health
offioor, the oase may re~uire, speoifYing in suoh order a reasonable
time within whioh tho ordor must bo obeyed.
Seo~ ion 9. It sholl be un1a'!'1fl11 for III y :r:e roo n to estalllish or mm n-
tain a laundry, employing one or more male perrons to carryon its business,
in the fire distriots
of the Oity: and whore suoh laundries
are maintained outsido said fire diutricts \"1ithin the oity, ample proviDion
murt be modo for disposing of tho waste wator without oroating and main-
taining a nuisanoo.
~ection lO. It sball1:e n.n1/tnful for my pn:::on to eotabl1eh or main-
tain any gas plant, or othor indl~try \"1hich befouls tho air with n~nke
and offensivo waste, in tre firp. districts
: 'Ill keep or
maintain any hogs or pigs in suoh distriotl or to locote or maintain any
slaughter-hollse 1"'ithin tho corporato limits of tho City of Seal Bm oh, or
oarry on the businoso of: slaughtering anima1D anywhere in said oi ty.
Ordinance Number
Seotion ll. It sholl be unlawful :for any J.B 1'800 to spit or expectara'~e
tobacoo juioe or sputum upon any oement floor or \"lIllk; upon tlB floOl' or
walle of any room, hall or outhouse; or in any car, oarriage or other place
where it will disfigure suoh objocts, pollute the gurments t'lith which it
oomeS in oontaot and transmit disease to the oitizens of 'Seal Beneh.
Seotion 12. It shall be unlawful f.or ony por::;on to place or d eposit,or
c~use to be placed or deposited, on any e treot, olley or side\va1k; in any
park, p1a::a, square or lot; in any a itoh, pipe or drain; in any b ulldi ng, or
basement; or in any other p1aoo within t1'El C orpol"ate limits of theCity
of Seal Boaoh, the oaroass of any anirla1, deoaying fruits or vegetables,
and garbage or aocumulat tonG of filth of any k:lnd that j 13 of"ensive to
sight and smell and that endangers the health of the inhabitant~ of the
Section 13. Every act or t~ing done or being ~ir.h1n the 1imitr of the
City of Seal Beaoh, whioh is projudioia1 to the health of itr. inhahitants
and is forbidden by general law or by an ordinanoe of mid oity,is here-
by ~ deolarod to be a nuisanoe, and shall be oonsidered and treated as
suoh in all aotions and 'Pl'ooeodings wm tever; and all remedies, r.hich
are or may be provided in law for the prevention and abatement of
nuisonoes, shall apply thereto.
Seotion 14. It shall he and it is hereby made the duty of the city
marshal, nightwatohmun and a~l regular and speoial po1ioe officers of
said city, to immed:l ately report to the board of health, or to the health
offioer, all nuisanoes and othor couroes of filth detrimental to publio
health as soon ar. the samB may be discovored by Duoh offioers.
Seotion 15. Every person who attempts, by neans of throat or vio1enoe,
to deter or prevent the health offioer, board of health, city marshal,
or any otier
regular or ~pcoia1 pOljco from enforcing tho provioions of this ordinance,
for the' proteotion of the health of the oity, or who kno'171ngly rosists,
by the use of for,oe or violenoe, suoh of~iccr in the porfor~unce of
i1uty, is guilty of II misdemoanor.
Seotion 16. The C:ity Clerk shall furnish tho board 0:" health ''7ith the
neoessary books, blanks and other stationery, all _ _>...18ij-dtffi~~,'1!~
0.fficor;o;'&fi;i1.i.ith~:i:liI'ed-~8~o"':H5tr J.a. r_~ of'.-ord.1[l...nce..u....l."L~ ~
O'~. <>.: oatlP' ~.nala.. The oit y marshal shall sorve all papers and proooflDes
aud post all notices, exoept tho notice of qltsrant1ne, rhiohmust ba pes ted
~ ----~ ~
Ordinance Number
by tho health offioor or by some member of the board of lB alth actinE as
such. Notioes of quarantine and orders :pertaining '1;0 oases of contagious
or infeotious diseases shall enjoin immediate obedienoe; all other notioes
shall state the time within whioh (not le~s than ten days) obodienoe ~ill
be required.
Seotion 17.
It shall be tho duty of t lB board of lB alt!1. in reporting
any unsanitary oonditions to tho board of trustees. as I&~ul~ud 13 b88 __
~.:.1J'rM-lI'B1ioe- -mldmal-
. to i1ola1 e tho a13certa ined or
estimntod oost to t he city. if any. o-f the proposed Moons for their abate-
men't. All expenses necessary to t"te enforoement of the or(1el's of the
board of health. other than those provided for in the city ordi nonces.
must be authorized by the board of trustees before beooning a lawful
oharge against the city.
Seotion 18. Tho board of health shall keep a record of 011 it!' proceed-
ings una of DllCh statistics OB 01'0. arnoy be. required by tho otate board
of health and by the board of trusteos of the Oity of Scn1 Beach. Said
board shall make such reports to the state board of health as ore re-
quired by law.
Scot ion 19. Any porro n violating any 0 f '~hf) II" ov isiono 0 f the fore-
going Bao~ions of Xi this ordinanoe. ~r ~ho oo~itB my of the acts therein
deolared to be Un1a\1flll and prohibited. or '\"lho negleots or refuses t 0 do
and p~rform the rutien therein roquired of him. is guilty of a misde-
meanor. und sholl. upon conviotion thereof by a oourt of oompetent juris-
diotion. bo punished as provided for in seotion
7 uf the Oity of Seal B9uch.
Section 20. This ordinance is urr.ont1y reql1ired far the ir.lT'leil1ate
of ordinsnc e numl)er
preserv'.ltion of tho public peace. health ani! safety.9'.f 111\. ei1;;r rf "';-91
.;.,.~. and the necesr.ity:fbr Daid urgenoy 1.l~ us fOl1o,'1s: Soid City of
Seal Bonoh has no board of health. no health offioor and no ordinanoe
regulating oanitory conditions in Bni~ city. and for lack of said board.
offioer and regulation. the health of the people of soid ci.ty is threatened
and endangered. and the immodiate appointnent of u board of health and a
health officer. and imrnediate rogu1ation of sanitury conditi.ons are neo-
essary for the proteotion of tho health of the people of ~aiil oit y.
Ordinance Number
Sect ion 21.
The Citr Clerk of the City of Soal Beach slB II certify
to thc pllSElae-o of this ordins:::oe, llnd shll11 cause thio or4i nane e to be
forth\"lit h
printed ani! printed copies thereof to beJpos tcd in three 0 f tlB most
pnb1ic places in said city of f,'lal Beach (therc being. lJ~ ne\'7El:poye r of
general o:l,1"ol1lation printer or publishod in
this ordinance shall tnke effect llnd
At':;est: ~.t/
C:I,ty cferk and F.x-Officio Clerk
of the Board of TrusteoD of
the City of Ronl Boach.
state of California,
) SD.
COllnty of Orange,
City of 50al Beach.
_, City Clerk and Ex-Offic i'l C1s rk
of the Board of, Trustees of the City of Beal Boach,Calfrornia,do
hereby ccrtify that tho forel!oing ordinanco No. rt. ,cntitled:
"An Ordinance ootablishing a board of lE alth and authorizi.ng the appoint-
ment of a health offioer in an~ fbr the city of 8ea1 Beach, defining
the pO\"lers Bnd duties of such board of health and health officer, for-
bidding thc keeping of nuisalloes which arc prcJudicial to health in
the city, and proscribing rbles and reglllations for the protection of
tho health of the people of Seal Boaoh." wou intrcduced anI" read at a
regular meoting of the board of truetees of sai 0. City helt", on the 6th
day of October,19l6, and theroaf~er was again read anll adopted by
oaid Board of Trustoes at a re;.ular meeting of caie. board held 0 n the
""V\A.J ~kV'
day of ~, 1916, by the following ctatod vote, to -wit:
Ayes .,', Tr'u'stees:?f'...t_, I3b.,~ ~L ~,- 4...{ ~~
Woos Truoteoe: ~ '
Abnent .a ...J..-o
and I!;x-01':f1c 10 clB rk
the Boo I'd of True toes of the
City of Soa1 Deaeh,Calif~rnia.
Ordinance Number
Affidavit 'of Posting.
state of California, )
County of Orange, ) ss.
Oity of Seal Be~h. )
,~ ~, being first dnly sworn, on oath sa;yB:
I am, and at all times herein mentioned was, City C:Js rk and Ex-Officio
Olerk of the Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Beach, Cacifornia.
On the
day of October,1916, I preted in three publio places in said
this day of ootober, 1916.
:Notary Publio.