HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 39 1917-10-11 r .' I I I I -- . .-. . " ORDINANCE NO..::1...f- AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE. UTY Ol!' SEAL BEACH ON~~, THE ~"'!!!J DAY OF~~;''':('I'" 1917, AN SUBMITTIBG TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRIJIIG A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF ~~~~~ ~OR THE ACQUISITION, CON- STRUCTION AND COMPLETION BY THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH OF A CERTAIN REVENUE PRODUCING MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMEJIIT, TO-WIT: WATER VlORKS FOR SUPPLYIJIIG THE CITY AND ITS IJllHABITANTS WITH ~ATER, IN. CLUDING THE ACQUISITION OF LANDS, RIGHTS OF WAY, MACHINERY, PIPES , APPARATUS, \1.ELLS, PIPE LINES, MAINS, LATERALS, METERS AND ATTACHMENTS, AND OTHER VlORKS NECESSARY THEREFOR; AND THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THF SUM OF $45,000 FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONf':TRUCTION AND CO!iiPL?TION BY SAID CUlY QF~ \ ,. .., SEAL B~'ACH OF A CERTAIN lliUNICIPAL IMPROVEli":liT; TO-WIT: A SEWER SYSTEM IN SAID CITY, INCLUDING ALL PIPES, PIPE LIRES, MAINS, LATERALS, CON- NECTIONS, ATTACBM NTS, MAN-HOLES, MACHINERY, SEPTIC TANKS, PROPERTY, APPARATUS, AND APPLI- ANCES NECESSARY OR CONV}:NIENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROPERLY AND SANITARILY DISPOSING OF THE SEWAGE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH; PROVIDIBG FOR TBJ': ISSUE OF BONDS FOR EACH OF SAID PUR- POSES, AND FOR THE LEVYIBG OF A TAX FOR THE PAYMEHT OF SAID BONDS, ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIOJII PRECINCT FOR THE HOLDING OF SUCH F.LECTION, DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACE THEREOF, AND APPOINTING THE BOARD OF ELECTION OFFICERS THEREFOR. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the ;)tJdday of ~~, 1917, by a vote of tW8-thirds of all its members, duly passed and adopted a resolution determining that the publio interest and neoessity demand the aoquisit ion , oonstruction and completion by the City of Seal Beaoh of a oertain revenue pro- duoing munioipal improvement, to-wit: Water works for supplying the oity and its inhabitants with water, including the acquisi- tion of lands, rights of way, machinery, pipes, apparatus, wells, pipe lines, mains, laterals, meters and attachments, and other works neoessary therefor; and that tho estimated oost thereof is $~~O; and said resolution was duly published on the ).../wf, day of#?1;-~~ 1917, in the~ ~~a.vl- a weekly newspaper printed, published and oiroulated,in said City of Seal Beaoh, and designated by,said Board of Trustees : j I -1- Ordinance Number .. <l I for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the estimated oost of said works for supply- ing the oi ty and its inhabitants wi th water is W.(."OOO, and suoh oost is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual inoome and revenue of said oity; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Beaoh at a regular meeting thereof held on the do ~ day Of~~~, 1917, by a vote of two-thirds of 811 its members, duly passed and adopted a resolution determining that the public interest and neoeesity demand the aoquis iti on , oon- struction and oompletion by said City of Seal Beaoh of a oer- tain munioipal improvement, to-wit: A sewer system in said oity, includi~g all pipes, pipe lines, mains, laterals, c onneot ions , attachments, man-holes, machinery, septic tanks, property, apparatus, and applianoes neoessary or oonvenient for the pur- pose of properly and sanitarily disposing of the sewage of the City of Seal Beach; and that the estimated cost thereof is 046,000; and said resolution was duly pU4:~n the ,)-1~ day of;6l-yl~, 1917, in the d-<lt-f?4 -<-15~ a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in said Oity of Seal Beach, and designated by said Board of Trustees for that purpose; and ~HEREAS, the estimated cost of said sewer system is 045,000, and such oost is and will bo too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual inoome and revenue of said oity; BOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Beaoh do ordain as follows: ~j I Section 1. That a special municipal election be, and the same is hereby, called to be held in the City of Seal W Beaoh on /:J1..cnA'~ti'1-, the /2.-- day of .1l~nF'J.?UhA. 1917, for the object a~ purpose of submitting to the qualified -2- Ordinance Number ., I voters of said. city the propositions of inourring debts for the purposes set forth in said resolutions and hereinafter stated. Seotion 2. That the objects and purposes for whioh said debts are proposed to be incurred are as follows, to-wi t: I FIRST: The aoquisition, oonstruotion and oomple- tion by the City of Seal Beaoh of a certain revenue producing municipal improvement, to-wi t: Water works for supplying the city and its inhabitants with water, including the aoqui- sition of lands, rights of way, maohinery, pipes, a~aratus, wells, pipe lines, mains, laterals, meters and at~achments, and other works necessary therefor; SECOND: The acquisition, construotion and oomple- tion by the Oity of Seal Beach of a oertain munioipal improve- ment, to-wit: A sewer s~tem in said city, inoluding all pipes, pipe lines, mains, laterals, conneotions, attachments, man-holes, machinery, septio tanks, property, apparatus, and applianoes neoessary or oonvenient for the purpose of proper- ly and sanitarily disposing of the sewage of the City of Seal Beach. Seotion 3. That the estimated cost of said proposed I pUblic improvement first above desoribe~, to-wit: The water works for supplying said city and its inhabitants with water, hereinb~fore mentioned, is tf~oO; that the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor .is the sum of ~OO, and that the maximum rate of interest to be paid upon said indebtedness is five per oentum per annum, payable semi-annually, whioh rate shall not be exceeded in the issuance of bonds for suoh indebtedness. That if the proposition of inourring the indebtedness -3- } Ordinance Number . I for said proposition so submitted at such eleotion reoeives the re quisi te number of votes, to -wi t: two-thirds of all the votes of the qualified voters voting at such eleotion, bonds of said oity in the amount of ol'/.r.Cioo shall. be issued and sold for the pUrpose of acquiring, oonstruoting and oompleting sai~ publio improvement; said bOllds shall bear interest at a rate not eX"I" llrfg' five per oentum per annum, payable semi-annually, and the prinoipal and interest thereof shall be payable in lawful money of the United States. Seotion 4. That the estimated oost of said publio improvement second above desoribed, to-wit: said sewer system in said city for the purpose of properly and sanitarily dis- posing of the sewage of said city, hereinbefore mentioned, is $46,000; that the amount of the prinoipal of the indebtedness to be inourred therefor is the sum of $46,000. and that the maximum rate ot interest to be paid on said indebtedness is five per oentum per annum, payable semi-annually, whioh rate shall not be exoeeded in the issuanoe of bonds for BUoh in- I debtedness. -- That if the proposition of inourring the indebtedness for said purpose so submitted at such eleotion reoeives the requisite number of votes, to-wit: two-thirds of all the votes of the qualified voters voting at suoh eleotion, bonds of said oity in the amount of 045,000 shall be issued and sold for the pUl'"Qose of aoquiring, oonstruoting and oompleting said munioi- pal improvement; that said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exoeeding five per centum per annum, payable semi- annually, and the prinoipal and interest thereof shall be pay- able in lawful money of the United States. Seotion 6. That for the purpose of paying the prinoipal and interest of said bonds the Board of Tristees of I -4- I . ~.. I I Ordinance Number .. said oity shal,l, at the time of fixing the general tax levy, and in the manner for suoh general tax levy provided, lev;y and oolleot annually eaCh year until such bonds are paid, or until there be a sum in the treasury of said oi ty set apart for that purpose, to meet all sums ooming due :for prinoipal and interest on suoh bonds. a tax suffioient to pq the annual interest on suoh bonds, and also suCh ~art of the prinoipal thereof as shall beoome due before the time for fixing the next general tax levy; provided, however, that if the maturity of the indebtedness created by any of the aforesaid issues of bonds be made to be- g:lnl more than one year after the date of the i&suanoe of suoh bonds, then the tax for the purpose of paying the prinoipal and interest of the bonds, the maturity of whioh is so deferred, shall be levied and colleoted at the time and in the maDDer aforesaid annual17 eaoh year, suffioient to pq the interest on such indebtedness as it falls due and also to oonstitute a sinking fund for the payment of the prinoipal thereof on or be- fore maturity. Said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes levied for municipal purposes, and shall be oolleoted at the same time and in the same manner 8S other munioipal taxes are oollected, and be used for no other purpose than the payment of said bonds and accruing interest. Seotion 6. That the ballots to be used at said speoial munioipal eleotion shall, in addition to other matters required by law, contain the following propositions to be voted on at said eleotion, which shaJ.l be in the words and figures as follows, to-wit: Shall the City of Seal Beaoh incur a bonded debt in the sum of ~~Thousand Dollars ($<1..(,'"000) for the aoqui- sition, oonstruction and completion by the City of Seal Beach of a oertain revenue produoing munioipal improvement, to-wit: -6- Ordinance Number ~ I Water works for sUl)plying the oi ty and its inhabitants with water, inoluding the aoquisi tion of lands, rights of wq, machinery, pipes, apparatus, wells, pipe lines, mains, lat- erals, meters and attaohments, and other works neoessary therefor? ALSO I Sh51l the City of Seal Beach inour a bonded debt in the sum of Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($46,000) for the aOQuisition, oonstruotion and oompletion by the Oity of Seal Beaoh of a oertain munioipal imnrovement, to-wit: A sewer s~tem in said oity, inoluding all pipes, pipe lines, mains, la'l1erals, oonneotions, attaohments, man-holes, machin- ery, septic tanks, pro~erty, apparatus, and applianoes neoessary or convenient for thj! purpose of properly and sanitarily disposing of the sewage of the Cit~ of Seal Beaoh? , That on said ballot opposite eaoh of the above pro~ositions to be voted on, and to the rigat thereof, the words "Yes" and "lio" shall be printed on separate lines, with voting squares. Seotion 7. The pOlls of said eleotion shall be opened at six o'olook in the morning of the day of the eleotion, and shall be kept open until seven o'olook in the afternoon of said day, when the polls shall be olosed. Seotion 8. That for the purpose of holding said I speoial munioipal eleotion the said City of Seal Beaoh shall constitute one special municipal eleotion preoinot to be knOlYll. as "Speoial municipal eleotion preoinot No.1", and said special munioipal eleotion preoinot Ho. 1 shall embrace all of the said City of Seal Beaoh and the exterior boundaries thereof shall be co-extensive with the corporate limits of said Oity of See.l Beaoh. -6- I I I Ordinance Number " That the polling place of said speoial municipal eleotion preoinot shall be a, t the City Hall in said City of Seal Beaoh, which is hereby named and established as the polling plaoe for said eleotion, and the following persons are hereby appointed offioers of eleotion for said precinot, to-wit: Inspectors: ~~~ JUdges: ~ Olerks: ?ffih<~A, ~~...~ That said several persons have been found, and are hereby determined, to be qualified for said respeotive positions as required by law, and they shall be, and are hereby, appointed suoh offioers to oontinue at such eleotion and cons ti tute the Board of Eleotion for said preoinot as by law and this ordinanoe provided for, and to oanvass the vote oast at said eleotion and to make and deliver returns thereof to the Board of Trustees of said oity. Each of said persons serving as a member of said Board of Eleotion shall receive the sum of Four Dollars ($4.00) for his or her servioes as an eleotion officer at said special eleotion. . The City Clerk is hereby direoted to give due notioe ~ Y"-<' to said eleotion offioers of their appointment and duties as req~ired by law. Seotion 9. That in all partioulars not reoited in this ordinance' said eleotion shall be held as provided by -7- Ordinance' Number ,. law for holding munioipal eleotions in oi ties of the Sixth Class. I Seotion 10. !l.'l1e City Clerk sllall oerti:17 to tl1e adoption of this ordinanoe by a tv.o -thirds vote of the Board of Trustees of said oity, and sllall oause the same to be pub- lished for two sucoessive weeks prior to ~ date ~ointed for the holding of said eleotion in th~~ /J~{%.vI- a weekly newspaper 'Printed, pUblished and oirculated in said City of Seal Beaoh; that this ordinanoe shall take effeot immediately, and no other notioe of said eleotion than the aforesaid pUblioation shall be deemed neoessary, and said pub- lication shall be sufficient for all purposes. PASSED AIm ADOl'TED by the Board of Trustees of the I City of Seal Beaoh, and signed and approved thereof, at a regUl~f said Board , ~a;Ymeet1ng c. on the 1/- day of ~ 1917. - by the President of Trustees held ATTEST: ~ih~'Of e s of the City of eal Beaoh. ~ I CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . I.~^ , City Olerk of the City of Seal Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of said oity, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Beaoh is five (5); that the foregoing ordinanoe was introduoed and read at a reg- -8- ~ . I - ,., Ordinance Nuinl:ier ,~ Ji ular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the ~~ d~ of 0 ,~ 1917. and that the same was thereafter . again read and thereupon passed and adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Board of TrustZ/ at a regular adjourned meeting of said Board held on the /I~ day of ~, 1917. by the following vote, to-wit: I AYES: NOES: ABSEliT: ~ \ aff% my name /1 ~ day of IN WITNESS IIHl!lREOF I have hereunto I and the seal of said 01 ty of Seal Beaoh this ()~ ,1917. ," - , I ~ Olerk of the Board of Trustees of the Oity of Seal Beaoh, California. -9-