HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 440 1941-08-19 :1 I I .< ". .- . .. . RESOLUTION NO. 1j.Ij.0 RESOLUTION or THE OITY OOUNOn. or '!'HE OITY or SEAL BEAOH. OALIFORlIA. STATING '!'HE RESULT or '!'HE OANVASS or ELEOTION RE- TtJRHS or '!'HE SPEOIAL BOND ELEC- TION HELD AUGUST 12. 1941. WHEREAS. the Oity Oounoil of the Oity of Seal Beaoh. Oalifornia. by Ordinanoe No. 255, duly oalled and p~ovided for the holding of a speoial el~otion in Baid oity on August 12. 1941, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified v~ters of said oity the propositions set forth in said ordinanoe and hereinafter stated; and WHEREAS. notioe of said eleotion was duly given in time. form and manner as required by law. and said eleo- tion was duly and regularly held and conduoted and the votes thereat oanvassed and the returns thereof made at the time and in the manner and form provided by law. and all absent voter ballots issued have been reoeived or returned and aooounted.for; and WHlCREAS. on this 18th day of August. 1941. the first Uonday after said eleotion. at the hour of 8:00 ololook, P. M.. said Oity Oounoil has duly assembled in its usual meeting plaoe and has oanvassed the returns of said eleotion and the absent voter ballote oast thereat; and has oontinued the oanvass thereof to and adjourned said meeting until the 19th day of August. 1941. at the hour of 8:00 ololook A. J.t.; NOW. THERErORE, the Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Seal Beaoh. Oalifornia, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AlfD ORDER as follows: - 1 - .""l -. .- ., , I I I ~ .. , ~ Resolution Number' " r. .. , ,~ . Seotion 1. '!'hat said eleotion was held at the time above mentioned and at the polling plaoes designated in said ordinanoe oalling the eleotion. Seotion 2. '!'hat the propositions voted upon at said eleotion are as follows. to wit: PROPOSITIOH I: Shall the Oity of Seal Beaoh incur a bonded indebtedness in the prinoipal amount of 040,000.00 for the acquisition by the Oity of Seal Beaoh, of a oertain munioipal improvement to- wit: The acquisition of land along the ocean front for street and reoreational purposes? PROPOSITION II: Shall the Oi ty of Seal Beaoh inour a bonded indebtedness in the prinoipal SUIII of 355.100.00 for the aoquisition, oonstruction and completion by the Oity of Seal Beaoh of a oertain munioipal improvement; to-wit: '!'he aoquisition. oonstruction and oompletion of a jetty and break- water to proteot the streets. avenues, lanes and other publio places and other property in suoh Oity. from overflow by water, and to promote oommeroe fisheriee and navigation inoluding the acquisitIon of land and rights-of-way and all labor. materials and other property neoessAry therefor? PROPOSITION III: Shall the Oity of Seal Beach incur a bonded indebtedness in the prinoipal SUIII of '103,600.00 for the aoquisition. oonstruotion and oompletion by the Oity of Seal Bsach of a oertain munioipal improvement; to-wit: '!'he aoquisition. oonstruotion and oompletion of groins extending into the Paoifio Ooean and the dredging and deposit of dredged. material to proteot the streets, avenues. lanes and other places and other property in suoh Oity from overflow by water, inoluding the acquisi- tion of all land. rights-of-way, labor, materials and other property neoessary therefor? Seotion 3. '!'hat there were three eleotion pre- oinots established for said eleotion oonsieting of the regular eleotion preoincts ncw established in said oi ty for the holding of state and county eleotions therein and desig- nated Preoinot A, Preoinot B. and Preoinct 0, respeotively. - 2 - .. '~ ,(- " ~ {.# . Resolution Number OJ ~ ~.. , .~ .' I Seo.t,ion 4. '!'hat the total number of votes oast in e~h of the said respeotive eleotion preoincts upon eaoh of said propositions, tbe number of votes for eaoh.of eaid propositions in eaoh of said pre~incts. the nUlllber of votes against'each of said propositions in eaoh of said preofnots, the total number of absentee votes upon e~oh.of " said propositions. the number of absentee votes for each of said propoBi~ions. the number of abSentee votes against eaoh of sa~d propositions. and the total number of votes oast in, said oity upon each of said propoSitions and for and against eaoh of 'said propositions are all as,follows: PROPOSITION I Total !lumber Humber of lumber of of Votes Oast VotinR Preoinct Votes Yes Votes 10 in Preoinct I A 58 62 120 13 84 ~~ 138 a 210 250 'l'otals, ShOWi~ total number 0 votes in oity Yes and No and all votes oast in the oity (e%oe)t absen~ee 156 votes 352 508 Absentee Absentee Total Number of Votes Yes Votes No Absentee Votes 32 0 32 I Totals. showing total number of votes Yes and 10 and all votes cast 384 at eleotion. in- cluding absentee votes 156 540 - 3' - ~ .... ~ Resolution Number" ~. .~, .- . PROPOSITION III Total Number Number of NUlllber of of Votes oast Votlnfl: Preoinct Votes Yes Votes No in Preoinct A ~ 65 119 B 2~9 62 138 0 41 250 Totals. showing total number of votes in oity Yes and No and all votes oast in the oi ty (exoe)t 339 168 507 absentee votes I Absentee Absentee Total lumber of Votee Yes Votes No Absentee Votes 31 1 32 Totals. showing total number of votes Yes and No and all votes cast at eleotion, inoluding 370 169 539 absentee votes - 4 - . Resolution Number "-~ '" " ~ . - \J C . "~1' '" ... "'~ I Seotion 5. '!'hat the votes of more than two- thirds of all of the voters voting at said eleotion were . oast in favor of the adoption of eaoh of said propositions, and eaoh of said propositions is hereby deolared to be oarried. and the Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Seal Beaoh is authorized to issue bonds therefor as provided by laW. ADOPTED. SIGIED ADD APPROV:&:D this 19th day of August, 1941. 14aYO~~~Bee.Oh. Oalifornia. ATTEST: :'..... ~"'s,--.. "" ~';' . ' ~,~" - (SEAL) ~ } - e;:;::, "., ~."... . -:. '..,. ~ .' 9 . ~ ..,.. . . . ~ .' . ..' ~',.... ~. ..;; ~ " - -. ~. ~.. '. ~ .., ... ,. '. I STATE or OALIrORlIA ) OOUITY or ORANGE ) OITY OF SEAL BEAOH ) I, OLLIE B. PADRIOK Oity Clerk of the Oity of Seal Beaoh. Oalifornia, DO HiRiBY OERTIry that t~e fore- going resolution was duly'adopted by the Oity Oounoil of said oity by a vote of more than two-thirds of the members thereof a.nd wa.s a.pproved by the l!ayor of sald' oi ty at a regular adjourned meeting of Bald Oity Oounoil held on the 19th day of August. 19lj.l, and that it was so adopted .by the following vote: ~ , SSe ."YES: NOES: Oounoilmen relts. laller. Kupferle. Hughes. .- Oounoilmen None. ABSENT: Oounoilmen Green. I "'<~'P.. .... '0. ..... , ,,; - . ........ ~...... ... ~-.;:.(. . '..)f .. .....,... ,~~ .f .J >-. ~'t$~ y "'ther 0 e ty of Seal Beach, Oalifornia. ~ ~ (SEAL) "{,'=<; .;~ '" , ~ .... . .' - . ~. ~ .. ' . " " ., - 5 -