HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 447 1941-11-17 ."' . ':i ~: "':' ~ - I' I, 1- ., 6,~ 1..... , , '. RESOLUTIOIT RO. !1:11' A RESOLUTION OF '!'HE OITY OOUIiOIL OF THli; OITY OF SEAL BEAOH, OALIFORNIA AOOEPTING THE BID OF THE TAVARES OOliSTRUOTION om.pAiY FOR '!'HE rURHISHI17G OF ALL LABOR1 ~TERIALJ. EQUIP~:E~!'l' I 'l'RA1!SPORTATION, AinD OTHER FAoILITIES FuR THE aO~S'l'RUOTION or OER- TAIN TIllBER QROItls IN SAID OITY IIi AflOORDANOE rlITH THE ADVERTISEilEllT FOR BIDS DULY ADVERTISED THEIlEFOR. W~AS. the Oity Olerk of the ai~y of Seal ~eaoh has been authorized by the Oity Oounoil the%eof and has published as required by law. a notioe inviting sealed proposals for the furnish- ing of labor, material, equipment, transportation, and other fao- tlities. ~or the bonstruotion of oertain groins, jetty and bul~- heads for.shoreline proteotion. the dredging of oertain areas in Anaheim Bay, and j,n the Pacific Ocean entranoeway to said Bay, and the disposal of suoh dredged materials along the ooean front easterly of said entranoeway to the easterly Oity Limits of the Oity of Ssal Beaoh, and such other works as are incidental thereto; and ;n1EREAS, oertain bids have been duly reoeived by and filed With said Oity Olerk andJwere publioly opened by the Oity Oounoil of said Oity on the 6th day of November. 1941, in ,the Oounoil Chamber of the Oity Hall at the time and plaoe stated in the above referred to nctioe inviting suoh bids, and the Oity Oounoil have duly oonsidered each of such bids and determined that the bid of the Tavares Oonstruction Oompany for the work of oon- structing oerta.in timber groins in acoordanoe wi th the plans and speoifioations for the doi~ of such work at the unit prioes oon- tained in their bid for Proposal Il'o. 2 therefor subject to any and all reservations oontained in the oontraot Aocuments for such work and improvement, is the lowest acoeptable bid of a responsible bidder for such work; }!O'.~. THEREFORE, the Oi ty OOUnoil of the' Ci ty of Seal Beach, Oalifornia, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. '!'hat the Oity Olerk'has duly published a nctioe inviting sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor, material, equipment, transportation, and other faoilities, for the oonstruction of certain groins. jetty and bulkheads for shoreline proteotion, the dredging of oertain areas :1n.lAnaheim Bay, and the entrance ohannel to such Anaheim Bay, and the disposal of suoh dredged materials along the ooean front easterly of suoh entranoe ohannel to the easterly Oity Limits of the Oity of Seel Beaoh and suoh other works as are incid- ental 'thereto, 1n acoordanoe with the plans and speoifioations there- for now on file in the offioe of said Oity Olerk, and that the bid of the Tavares Oonstruotion Oompany for the work of oonstruoting certain timber groins in aooordanoe with the plans and speoifioations for the doing of sU9h work at the. unit prioes oontained in their bid for Pro- posal No.2 therefor, subjeot to any and all reservations oontained in the oontraot dooUlllents for suoh work and improvement. is the lowest aoceptable bid of a responsible bidder for suoh work, and is hereby aocepted f9r the furnishing of all labor. maohinery and equipment for the doing of suoh work at the unit prioes stipulated therein, and that all other bids for such work or i~rovement referred to in said Pro- posal 110. 2 are hereby rejeoted, and that the Uayor and Oi ty Olerk be, and they are hereby authorized and ,direoted to enter into a oontract - 1 - " . ..; ....~":!.'.., ~I 1 '.1 . , . - .. .' IJ" ,. for the doing of suoh work in acoordanoe \7i th the plans o.nd ,speoifioations, and oontract dooqments on file in said offioe of the City OlerkL suoh oontraot to become eff~otive upon the sale and disposal or generel obligation bonds of said Oity and the receipt of funds for the payment of suoh work. ~oP'ted, Approved and Signed this )7~ day of N'O'Vember, 19!j.l. llB.yO~,/;y {r~ Beaoh. Oalifornia.. ATTEST: ~~~I Y el'. STATE or OALIFOlUJI~} , OOUW'l'Y OF ORANG! ss. OITY OF SEAL BEAOH I. Ollie B. Padrick, Oity Olerk of the Oity of Seal Beaoh Oalifornia,. do hereby oertify that the foregoing is a fUll. true and correot copy of Resolution No. ~ Whioh WaS duly and regularly introduoed and adopted by the O~ounoil of said Oity and approve~ by the Layor of said Oity at a meeting thereof, duly held on the ~ day of November, 1941. and that it WaS so adopted by the following vote, to-wit: , ..:,.,'" ~ ,~ ,... ..' ~- ~~ "l, .! ..' .. ~-.f- ~ '~! AYES: Oounoilmen ITOEB: Oounollmen ABSENT: Oounoilmen "1?,;~~~d . ., . city Cl~1!~~:~e~ Oal1fornia. Beaoh. , , , " :.. -~ .- ;" . ~~~ ~ . ~~ - ";J S Ii: A L ).<i "r,~' ,..;... "'I~'" .. .,' ~ . "." i .' .'~ <::I, "'.. , . - 2 -