HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 462 1942-05-07 I .1 I ~.. .. -.... , ., . " ' -' RESOLUTION NO. 462 A RESOLUTION or '!'HE OITY OOtnlOIL or THE OI'l'Y or SEAL BEAOH. OALIrORlIA. DEOLARING NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS WEEDS GROWIHG UPON THE STREETS AND SIDEWALKS OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID OI'l'Y TO BE A PUBLIO NUISANOE. OREATING A LIEN UPON '!'HE PROPERTY FRONTING UPON SAID STREETS OR SIDEWALKS OR UPON WHIOH SAID WISAlfOE EXISTS FOR THE OOST OF ABATEMENT or 'l'HE SAME. WHEREAS. there are growing upon the streets or sidewalks or upon private property within the Oity of Seal Beach, California. weeds whioh bear seeds of windy or downy nature. or attain suoh large growth as to beoome a fire menace when dry or whioh are otherwise ncxious or dangerous upon the streets or sidewalks in front of. or upon the property hereinafter desoribed, Whioh the Oity Oounoil of the Oity of Seal Beaoh do hereby deolare to be a publio nuisanoe; and. RESOLVED. 'l'HEREFORE, that the Oity Oounoil of the Oity of Seal Beach, Oalifornia, does hereby resolve; as follows: Seotion 1. That the Oity Oounoil of said Qity doee hereby declare all weeds growing upon the streets or sidewalks in front of. or uponl the private property upon the following streets within said Oity o~ Seal Beaoh to be a publio nuisanoe. '!'hat the streets within said Oity and the lot and blook'numbers of the property on or in front of whioh suoh nuisanoe exists; are as follows: MAIN S~EET: Blook 8 Lots 10 and 11 to 47 inolusive; Blook 9. Lots 1 and l~ to Ij.g inolusive; Blook 108, Lots 1 to 35 inolusive; Blook 109, Lots 2 to 32 inolusive; Blook 208. Lots 1 to 43 inolusive; Blook 209, Lots 1 and lS to 52 inolusive; EIGHTH STREET: Blook S. lots 1 and 12 to 48 inolusive; Blook 7, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 inolusive; Blook 108. Lots 2 to 40 inolusive; Blook 107. Lots 1 to 43 inolusive; Blook 2081 Lots 6 to Ij.Ij. inolusive; Blook 207, Lots 1 to 35 inolus ve; SEVEHTH STREET: Blook 7 Lots 1 and 12 to 48 ,inclus1vs; Blook 6, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 inclusive; Blook 106. Lots 1 to 49 inclusive; Blook 107, Lots 2 to 48 inolusive; Blook 2061 Lots 1 to 15 inolusive; Blook 207. Lots 6 to J2 inolus ve; SIXTH STREET: Block 5, Lots 10 and 11 to !j.7 inolusive; Blook 6, Lots 1 and 12 to 4s inclusive; Blook 105, Lots 1 to 57 inclusive; Blook 106, Lots 2 to 54 inolusive; FIrTH STREET: Blook 4, Lots 10 and 11 to 33 inolusive; Blook 5. Lots 1 and 12 to 48 inolusive; Blook 104. Lots 1 to 9 and 15 to 65 inolusive; Blook 105. Lots 2 to 58 inolusive; FOURTH STREET: Blook 3. Lots 10 and 11 to 25 inolusive; Blook 4, Lots 1 and 12 to 34 inolusive; Blook 103l Lots 21 and 1 to 9 inolusive; Blook 203. Lots 19 and 20; Blook 104, Lots 1 to 4 and 5 to 21 inolusivs; - 1 - ~\ Resolution NUmber . I THIRD STREET: Blook 3. Lots 1 and 12 to 26 inolusive; Blook 2, Lots 10 and 11 to 25 inolusive; Blook 102, Lots 25 and 1 to 13 inolusive; Blook 103. Lots 2,4.6.8. 10.11 and 12; SEOOND STREET: Blook 1. Lots 10 and 11 to 33 inolusive; Blook 21 Lots 1 and 12 to 26 inclusive; Blook 101, Lots 13 and to 9 inolusive; Blook 102. Lots 15. 16 and 2 to 14 inolusivej rIRST STREET: Blook 1, Lots 1 and 12 to 34 inolusive; Blook 101, Lots 0-1 and 2 to 11 and 12 inolusive; TEN'l'B STREET: Blook 9, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 inolusive; Blook 10, Lots 1 and 12 to 48 inolusive; Blook 109, Lots 1 to 27 inolusive' Blook 110, Lots 2 to 24 inolusive; Blook 209, Lots 10 and 13 to 51 inolusive; Blook 210, Lots 1 and 16 to 58 inolusivej ELEVEN'l'B STREET: Blook 10, Lots 10 and 11 to 47 inclusivej Blook 11, Lots 1 and 12 to Ij.g inolusivej Blook 110, Lots 1 to 21 inolusivej Block 111. Lots 2 to 18 inolusive; Blook 210, Lots 10 and 11 to 57 inolusivej Blook 211, Lots 1 and 16 to 66 inolusive; TWELrTH S'l'REET: Block 11 Lote 10 and 11 to 47 inclusive; Blook 12, Lots 1 and 12 to 62 inolusive; Blook 111. Lots 1 to 13 inclusive; Blook 211t Lots 10 and 11 to 65 inclusivej Blook 212, Lots 1 and 18 to 4 inolusive; THIRTEENTH STREET: Blook 12 Lots 10 and 11 to 59 inclusivej Blook 13, Lots 1 and 12 to 5~ inolusivej Blook 212, Lots 8 and 9 to 69 inolusivej Blook 213. Lots 2 to 36 inolusivej Blook 222. Lots 1 and 12 to 36 inolusive; relJR'l'ZElTH STREET: Blook 13. Lots 10 and 11 to 51 inolusivej Blook 14. Lots 1 and 12 to 48 inolusive; Blook 222, Lots 8 and 9 to 37 inclusive; Blook 221, Lots 1 and 12 to 42 incl- usive; Blook 213. Lots 1 to 35 inolusivej Blook 214. Lots 2 to 36 inolusivej OOEAN AVENUE: Blooks 1,2,3,,8.9,10,11412 and 13, Lots 1 to 10 inolusive in eaoh BloOKj BloOK 1 . Lots 1 uO 5 inolusive; Blook "Ao, Lots 18 19, 20 and 21' Block "0". Lots 17 to 39 inclusive; Blook AD". Lots 1 to 4 inclusivei. Block EP, Lots 1 to 12 inclusive; Blook ora. Lots 1 to l( inolusive; Blook "B"j Blooks 02. 03, 04 05, 06 and 07, Lots 1 to 10 in each Blook inolusive; Blocks ".10 and "0"; Blooks PDO, liED, "r" and "G". Lots 1 to 9 in eaoh Blook inolusive; Block "HO, Lots 1 to 4 inolusivej ~~~ ~~Yio ~~o~~~~:Iv~~t;l~~kt~D~~ t~~;u5i~~j8B~~tu:~~e; DOLPHIN AVENUE: Blook "AD, Lots 1 to 18 inolusivej Blook "BP. Lots 1 to 9 inclusivej Blook "00, Lots 1 and 39; MARINE AVEBtJE: Bloot "BO, Lots 9. 10, 11 and 12; Blook "0", Lote 1 to 16 inclusivej I I - 2 - ... Resolution Number . I ELEO'l'RIO AVENUE: Blook 206. Lots 1 and 2; Blook 207, Lots 1 and 6j Blook 208. Lote 1 and 6; Blooks 209. 210, and 211, Lots 1 to 10 in eaoh Block inolusive; Blooks 212. 222. 220, 219 and 218, Lots 1 to 8 in each Blook inolusivej Blook 105, Lots 57 and 58; Blook 106, Lots 49 and ~; Blook 107, Lots 43 and 48; Blook 108. Lots 35 and ~Oj Blook 109, Lots 27 and 32; Blook 110, Lots 21 and 24; Blook 11, Lots 13 and 18. Blook 12. Lots 59 and 62' Blook 13, Lots 51 and 56; Blook 14. Lot Ij.g. Blook r. AD, Lot 1; Blook nBP, Lots 1 and 10; Blook A a" . Lots 16 and 17 j Block or", Lots 18 and 17;. and. also inoluding the entire right-of-way of the Pacifio Eleotrio Railway aompa~ from its interseotion with the Oalifornla state Highway {East Seoond street from Long Beaoh) on the West at or near rifth street in Seal Beaoh. extended South- easterly 100 feet in width to the bridge over Anaheim Land- ing Bay inlet. rIrTEEHTH STREET: Blook 221, Lots 8 and 9 to 43 inolusive; Blook 220, Lots 1 and 12 to 48 inolusive; Blook 214, Lots 1 to 35 inclusive; Blook 215. Lots 2 to 36 inolusivej SIXTEENTH STREET: Blook 220, Lots 8 and 9 to 49 inolusive; Blook 219, Lots 1 and 12 to 54 inolusivej Block 215, Lots 1 to 35 inolusivej Blook 216. Lots 2 to ,6 inolusivej SEVENTEENTH STREET: Blook 219 Lots 8 and 9 to 55 inolu- sivej Blook 218 Lots 1 and l~ to 60 inolusivej Blook 216, Lots 1 to 35 inolusivej Blook 217. Lots 2 to 36 inolu- sive; BAY BOULEVARD: Blook 2181 Lots 8 and 9 to 61 inolusive; Blook 217, Lots 1 to 36 nolusive; OENTRAL PLAaE: Blook 1. Lots 33 and 34j Blook 101. Lots 1 and 2; Blook 2, Lots 25 and 26' Blook 102. Lots 1 and 2; Blook 3. Lots 25 and 26j Blook lb3. Lots 1 and 2; Blook 4. Lots 33 and 34j Blook 104. Lots 1 and 2; OENTRAL AVENUB:: Blook 101, Lots 0-1 and 13; Blook 102. Lots 16 to 25 inclusive; Blook 103, Lots 12 to 21 inclusive; Blook 203, Lots 1 to 19 inolusivei Blook 104, Lots 4,5. 9 and 15' Blook 5 Lots 47 and 48; ~look 105, Lots 1 and 2L Blook t. Lots 4t and 48j Blook 106. Lots 1 and 2; Blook ,. Lots 47 and 48; Blook 107, Lots 1 and 2i Blook 8~ Lots 47 and 4S; Blook 108, Lots 1 and 2j Blook ~ Lots 4, and 48; Blook 109. Lots 1 and 2; Blook 10, Lots 47 and 48; Blook 110, Lots 1 and 2; Blook 11. Lots 47 and 48j Blooklll, Lots 1 and 2j LANDING AVENUE: Blook 212 Lots 40 and 35 34 and 29j Blook 213. Lots 1 and 2j Blook 214, Lots i and 2j Blook 215, Lots 1 and 2; Blook 216, Lots 1 and 2; Blook 217. Lots 1 and 2; Blook 218; Lots 61 and 60; Blook 219. Lots 55 and 54; Blook 220. Lots 49 and 48; Blook 221. Lots 43 and 42; Blook 222. Lots 37 and 36; NEPTUNE AVENUE: Blook nED, Lots 12 and 13j Blook uro. Lote 1 and 38. I 1.1 - 3 - , I . , " I I I ., Resolution Nnmber . . Seotion 2: '!'hat the Street Superintendent of the Oity of Seal Beaoh. shall oause to be oonspiouously posted in front of the property on whioh or i~ frQnt of whioh such nuisance exists at not more than one hundred {1001 feet in distanoe a part, but not less than three in all. nctioes headed "NOTIOE TO DES'l'ROY WEEDS", such heading to be in words not less than one (1) inoh in height and substantially in the form required by law. '!'hat said notioe shall be posted at least five (5) days prior to the time for hearing objeotions by the Oity Oouncil of said Oity of Seal Beaoh; and, that '!'hursday the ~ day of'ftAv. 1942. at the hour of 8:00 ololook P. H., of said aay;-is the d~ hour and the Oouncil Ohamber in the Oity Hall Building in said Oity is ' the plaoe fixed by the Oity Oouncil when and Where any and all ' persons having any objeotion or protest to the proposed removal of suoh weeds may appear before said Oity Oouncil and show oause why said work should not be oarried out in acoordanoe with this resolu- tion. Seotion 3: '!'hat the prooeedings herein provided for shall be had and taken under and in aooord with an Aot of the Legislature of the State of Oalifornia, entitled: "Aot 5197-Deering-Munioipal Weed Abatement Lawn. an Ao'& authorizing munioipali ties to declare noxious or dangerous weeds growing upon the streets or sidewalks. or upon private property within munioipalities. to be a publio nuisanoe, oreating a lien upon the property fronting upon suoh streets or sidewalks or upon whioh suoh nuisanoe exists for the cost of abating the same. (Stats. 1915. p. 841; ~end. Stats. 1927. p. 345; State. 1937. p. 183) ~ tA1't.I.1."J",,4J d,....a;.) Seotion 4: '!'hat after final aotion has been taken by the legislative body (Oity Oounoil) on the disposition of any protests or objeotions. or in oase nc protests or objections have been.re- oeived. ths Oity Oounoil by motion or resolution, w111 order the Street Superintendent to abate said nuisanoe by having the weeds referred to removed, and he and his assistants or deputies will be expressly authorized to enter upon private property for suoh pur- pose. Any property owner shall have the right to have suoh weeds removed at his own expense providing the same is done prior to the arrival of the Street Superintendent or his representatives to do the same. '!'he Street Superintendent shall keep an aocount of the oost of abating suoh nuisance! and ehall render an itemized report in writing to the Oity Oounci showing the oost of removal of suoh weeds on eaoh separate lot. or in front thereof. or both, whioh amount or amounts shall be added to the respeotiue asseBBments for taxes against the respeotive lots or paroels of land for munioipal purposes and oolleoted at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary munioipal taxes are oolleoted and shall be subjeot to the same penal ties and the same prooedure under foreolosure and sale in oase of delinquenoy as provided for ordinary munioipal taxes. Seotion 5: '!'hat the Oity Olerk shall oertify to the adoption of this resolution by the Oity Oouncil and it shall thereupon take effeot. Adopted, Signed and Approved this 711 day Of~, 1942. - - . " . , Beaoh. Oalifornia. ATTEST: - ~ - - -' '\. .' ," -4- .. . ..... Resolution NUmber < .' " I STATE or OALIFORNIA ~ OOUNTY or ORANGE ss. OITY OF SEAL BEAOH I. Ollie B. Padriok. Oity Clerk of the Oity of Seal Beaoh. in the Oounty of Orange, State of Oalifornia, do hereby oertify that the foregoing Resolution was duly paseed and adopted by the Oity Oounoil of said City at a regular meeting thereof duly held upon the 1 {f day of ~. 1942, and approved by the Mayor of said Oity, by the fOllOWi~ vote of the members thereof, to-wit: AYlCS: HOES: Oouncllmen: ,::/.Jti;~ J ~~ueb::/;l!~ Oounoilmen: ~ Oounoilmen: J?~J , ~~ ;_ ABSENT: . . . . . ' ~ , - I - - - I. '/ ...... "': ~':""... ...-: -:: ~~~~JA~ . 01ty er 0 he 0 y 0 Seal Beaoh. Oalifornia. . .. - -. ~ .. -. (S~:&: A,L.L. . ::: - " ~ ,; ...... I - 5 -