HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 239 1935-02-21 l' 'I 1- ..l-"'"...... ro.. Ri:SOLUTIOH 110.. 239 A R~'SOLU'.rIOH OF TIi3 CITY C om;c IL OF TJ:!Z CITY OF S~ B3ACH., 0RUIG:i: C0UlITY,..CALIFORIIIA.APPROVI1~G 0F TH;s tlITH- DRA~IAL @F TH:.J: SU~1B3T n,J:ACH SAI!'ITARY DISTRIC'l' FROH THE JOIUT APP!.ICATIOH FO:.'l FA:DERAL Z,EHGEi.iCY ADHI1USTRATIOlf 0F PUBLIC :10RKS FU1'DS AND Tlf& JI.BROGA'l'IOH OF THB JOIlff l1lll)l1rl'~lAC~ FOR Tn:;:: C0HSTRUC~I01~ @F S2l.1ERS AIID A SZ.'IAGE ~RJ:.i.'r: Z1:2 PLANT III SAID DISTRle'l' 11.:;]) SAID CITY.AlID A-e-~HOrl.I~'l.n(iHJ FGrl. TI!.5 S3AL B.MCH SKlIER PR0J:::DT TO P ROO Ei:I1,. . -U~~s~t~e 01~~ of' se~1-B8adh;0alifOrn&a,and the Sunset Beach Sand:ta'ry Jaj:st'I'ic,t 'of OranGe County."Qalif'ornia.filed a Joint Applicat- :l.pn \'lith the Stat'e Adv,i,so.ry ;:3oard of the Federal Emergency Administra. tion of Fu1!llic :lorks.Los Angeles,Elalifornlha,on or about I1arch 29th, l~M..,.pursuant to an Agreement ex-ecuted Iiarch 28th,1934,betYleen said Citlf al'ld s'arid District.for the application of Federal FInancial Aid and,f,oir tJil~. cGI\s\truct:l:o,n jointly of a Se\lage Treatment Plsnt and Hain a.nd su.pp(Uementall SeV/&rs,respecrti.vely in said CIty and said District; AlJ) ',lII3RSAS,..sa.td Su:nset Besch Sanita,r.y DistrIct en or about the , l~th day of Feillruaryt.,19S5",threugh a'c,tion of its Board of D:trectors dUlly aOlt:ified saId Federal anergency Adninist-ration of Public Uorks. of the \litladrawal from suc'h Joil'lt Ap]lllcation and the Abrogation and cancellation of' such Jein't AgreQment.; and sa,ici. City desires to pro- ceed independently of suc'h \/ithdrawa-l; ~rO:l/~II~rlEFOR::!J.the City Council of 'bhe City of Seal Beach,County of Orange,State of California. does hereby resolve;as follows: 1. That said City of Seal Deach hereby approves of the withdrawal of said ~unset Beach Sanitary District from the Joint Application ____ filed on or about -the-29th day of March,1934:.\'/lth the- Federal--mnel'- Bency Administration of Public :!orks.and accepts an abrogation and cancellatIon of such Joint Contract executed Uarch 28th.1934.by and between said City and said Sanitary District for the construction,use and operation jointly of p a Sewage Treatment Plant and Main and Sup- plementary Sewers.respectively. in saId City and District.and that sai contract or aGree~ent be considered of no further force and effect. ; '. 2.~hat further said CIty elects to proceed independently of such Sunset Beach Sanitary District.\lith the construction of said Sey/age Treatment Plant within the City of Seal Beach and within the allot- ment of ~52.000.00 mado to said City by the Federal Government by virtue of the City's Application therefor.Fedaral Public ~orks Docket Iro.8859-9598.ond under the terms of the Loan and Grant Agree- ment entered Into by and between the United States of America and said City of Seal Beach,california. 3.~hat the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of thi~ Reso- lution and fo~vard four(4)cert1f1ed co~ies thereof to the State En- gineer.Federal 3mergency AdD1nistration of PublIc ITorks.005 :fushine- ton Build1ng.3~1 S.Sprint Street.Los Ange1es.California.and also noti- fy said Subset Beach Sanitary District of the action of the City. Adopted th:S ~l~dBY of February.1935. Attest ~fi;'~AJlerk- AMroved ~"!Iayor City 0 t:a1 eac . a!1f'. C ty of' Sea Besch, 11 ornia. State of' California.OranBe County,City of Seal Beach.ss. I.Ollie B.Padrick.City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach.Californis. do hereby certify that the whole nUMber of members of the Oity OounciJ ot,~~d olty;is fivejthat the foregoing Resolution ~ss duly adopted .~~?~~~a~e~tine thereof held upon the 21st day of February.1935.by the *,"~;foll4''1!.~ vdlte,to\'llt: ~yes:C ounc llmen: :~ #...~..t<.b;~~ __'~ '_"~ __.oes.Coul1ci1men '__~ __ _____ ~'iZ '~~.~ Absent:Councilcen: ;i.,; and tha1t~ foregoing is a true and corr t cop 0 s:l:d rlesolution. i (SEl\L) "':"- ~~ ~ ~a.:."""- ~ i'., ." -- ~"".;~. cl t~T Clerk of Sea ornia.. .,-1 "l~' ...~ 1'. fI .