HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 241 1935-04-01 1 -1-- 'I . , ' -" , RlSOLUTIOll BO. 2.~1 A RlSOLU'lIOll or TBI OI'lY OOtDTOIL or fD OIfY 01' BI.lL BIAOH! OALlroR1l1I!i~TA!IlIG fD RlSULT OJ' 'fD gAIVABS or TU ILIOTIOll RI!OR1I1S or 'fD HEAL BOllD ILICfIOll HILD IWUJB 29ft, 1935. ' ~. 1IDRJ:AB. ''(Jae Oit,. OOUDOll of the 01_,. of Seal Beach b,. . OrdiD&JlOe Bo.189 dul,. oalled aDd provlded for the ho1dlq of a speolal e1eotion to be keld In said olt,. of Sea1 B8&O~,Yazo~ 29th, 1935jfor tile P=POse of subll1Ull11 to tJae qualified. voter. of sal4 olt,. tJae proposltlons e.tforth in .ald ordlD&JlOe aDd urelD&fter etated; aDd WBDIASj DOUoe of .aidaeoUon W&8 du1,. liven In UIU,fom aDd ."""U &8 prov1cl8d b,. law aDd sald eleoUon W&8 on sald date held at the preolDOt deslpated lit sald ordlD&JlOe, &lid sald eleot- 10n wa. dul,. aDd lelal1,. held aDd oODduct.d aDd tile votes oast ther.. at oanvaBBed aDd the returns thereof l11114e at tile UII. &Dd In the JI&Dpio nu, provl4ed b,. law; &lid - ,-- - -prADS; on-tJife lst- da,. -of -Apd1j1935,the -llrs{-IIOD4&,. -after- sald eleotlon at 7:30 o'olook P.U.,.al4 01t,. Oounol1 of sald 01t1 of Seal Beach Jaae dUly asselllbl8d In reiUlar ..eUIII at the usual plaoe of ..etll11 of ..1d OOUDel1 1n the 01ty 8&11 1~ sald olt,., aDd baa OAnvassed .ald returns of .ald eleotlon: Icr,~RI,BI If RlSOLVID b,. the 01t,. Oounol1 of .ald 01t,. of S.al Beaola tlaat a speolal eleotion.. for tlae purpoBe of subll1 tUIII to the quallf1ed voters of sald olt,. the .ald proposltlons,h,:relD- after Bet forthj W&lI dul1 oalled aDd ordued held on rrlda,..lIaroh , 29th" 1935,b1 8ald OrdlDaDOe 10.189, aDd tll&t DOUoe of .al4 eleoUon wa. dul,. 11ven in fl._,forll aDd maDDer as pronded by law, &lid tlaat sa1d eleotlon was on Bald 29_h da,. of Ilaroh"1935,dUl,. &Dd lel&111 held aDd ooDd.ucte4 ,aDd the votes out thereat o........ed alld the Hturns. neHof l1114e at the 1;1.. aDd. In tlae forll &lid JIlR"".l' requlred b1 law;&114 " BI If J'OR!BD RlSOL~D, that tile propos 1 tions .et forth In .aid , , OrdlD&DCe 10.189 '&114 voted upon at said eleotlon werea PROPOSITIOll I: Bb11 the 01 t,. of Seal Beach lncur a bollded iD- debteclDesB In ne prlDOlpa1 &II\OUDt of .40"000.00 for the ao- qu1s1tlon,oonstruotlon alld comp1etlon b,. tJae 01ty of S~&1 Seach -. 1. I .-1- _I I, ~ " ,/ Resolution Number .. &114 . ot a'. o.l'tall1 an.mlolpal ill!Pl'OV8mel1t; towlt: !he aOCl111si tiOI1;OODoO st1'UOtion ~ oOll!Pletion ot mall1 and suppl.mentary s..el'S 01' lDBtrumel1t8!lties of .aI11tatlo~tOi.th.1' wlth the DBoes.al'Y ouU.t.,lII&lIholesioatoh baeiDS,uueh t&Dkstdi.p08al plants; pumpil1l plal1tB, OOl1D8oUI1l .".1'8 ,di flOheB ,Cl:ralu, oondui t., 11~ DSl.,ohaI1D81. 01' othel' appurteDal1oe.,aDd the aoqui.itiol1 and iDStallatiOI1 ot III&Ohlury &114 equipmel1t neoe8Bary th81'.fol',&114 lnolud.ll11 the aoqui81tiol1 of 1&Dd' PROPOSU'IOlll II: 8la&11 the Oity of Seal Beaoh inour a boDded. iDeo d.btBdnels ill the pl'inolpal &IIIOUI1t of 162 000.00 for the 800- Clui8iti0I1,OODSt1'UOtlol1 aDd oOll!Pl.tlol1 by llae 01f1y of Seal Beach of a 081'ta1l1 1IIUI1l0ip&1 11lp1'0v.mel1t; towlt: !lae acqul11 tiOI1, om- It1'UOtiOl1 aDd oompletiol1 of bl'e&kw&tel'l;lev.es,bUlkke&dS aDd walls of 1'00k 01' oth'1' III&terlal to proteot the stre.tl,av8uuel,1&D88, al1e78;00urtl,placel;pUbl10 waYI aDd otlae1' property 111 luch olty, frolll ov.rflow by water,lnolud.lq $lIe acqui81tiol1 of 1&114;1'.01.... atiol1 ot lubMrpd l&1148,rlpt...ot....., ,1II&0hlnel',;app.:ratue &114 othel' pl'operty neoeBlary ther.fort PRDPOSI!IOlll III: Slaa1l the 01t, of Seal Beaoh lDOU1' a boDded 1~ debt8CIU.I 111 the p%'1nolpal U01mt of .)0,000.00 for ytlae 800- CluiBltlon,00DSt1'UOtlon and o~letlonrlb, the 01t, of Seal Beach of a oenaln 1IIUI1l01pal lmprovemel1t; flowit: '!'he aoqui81 tion; oo~ It1'UOUon &114 oOlllpletlol1 of a ...ter workl 1,Item 11101udlJ1i .elll, pumpl,damBir.lervoll'l;BtOl'ale t&Dk8;ohaDD81B,tUDDelB,00nd111tB, plpes;hydl'ant.,lIlet.l's 01' other appurtel1&DOe. neoessary there'ol', aDd 11101udlq lIhe aoquisltlon of land tlael'.fol',fol' supp171~ 01' 'dlBtrlbutiDi a dGm8stio ...t.1' supply aDd fol' fir. pl'oteotlol1' BI IT I'URTDR USOLVlD; that fl'olll sald 1'8tU1'ae it app8a1'8 &Dd tlals 01ty Oouncil find. that the-whole DUmb.1' of vote. oaet 111 OODeo sol1d.atle! Votll1l Pr80ibct A 011 8ald P1'opOBltlol1 I. ,.... _.)gO : that the total DaRber of ~tes oast 111 .ald p1'80111Ot &Dd 111 .ald olty for ea1d. Propo.ltion I.,.... :'IFiR :that the total l1um'ber of votes oa.t ill la1d. p1'801not &114 In .a1d. city ..,alDet .ald Propoll tlon I.,. .... 32 . BI IT I'UR!BIR USOLVID, that frolll lald rebrae it app.a1'8 aDd thlB 01ty Oounol1 flD4B that the Whole DUmb.r of vot.s oa.t ill Oo~ sol1datle! VoUq Pr.olDOt A. 011 sald Proposl tion II.,.... ,386.. ; that the total DUmb.r of vot.. oaet 111 sald p1'801DOt aDd ln Bald 01 ty for .ald P:ropo.1Uon II.,.... 346 :that the total JlWIIb81' of votes oaet ln .a1d. p:r.oll1Ot aDd 111 sald olty a;alaet lald P1'opoBltloD II.,. wae 40 . BI I'f I'lJRTBIR USOLVlDithat fl'oll lald l'.tuae 1t apP8&:r1 80114 this 01ty Oounol1 flD4B that the Whol. JlWIIb.:r of vot.s o...t 111 OODeo solidatle! Votll1l P1'.olDOt A,ol1 lald P1'oposlUon IIIiI!,.... 389 ; that the total numb.1' ot vot.. oast 111 sald pl'.olnot &114 111 laid oitJ fol' said Proposlt-.1oa III. ,was :349 ;that the flotal DUlllb81' of vot.s oast 111 Bald p1'801not &114 ln sald oity acalut said Proposltlol1 III.; .... 4n . 2. Resolution Number 'It I r->=;- ~_ - III: iT J'lJRTBD RlSOLVlD, that the votes of IIIOre thaD two-thirds of all of the voters voUDI at sald eleotion on sald ProposUlon 1., .ere out In favor of the adop1l10n thereof, aDd sald proposl tion ls Ii hereb7 deolared to be oarrled, aDd the OU7 Oounoll of sald 01t7 ls autbor18ed to lssue bouds therefor as provlded b7 law. BI: 1'r J'lJRfBD RlSOLIIJ), that the votes of 11I01'1 thaD two-thlrds of ~l of ~e voters votlnl at sald eleotlon on sa~ Proposlt10n 11., were out In favor of tbe adoption thereof,B.D4 sald propoeltion ls klreb7 deolared to be oarrled,aDd tbe 01t7 Oounoll of sald 01t7 ls autho1'ls8d to lssue boDd8 therefor .. provlded b7 law. BJ: 1'1' I'lJRfBD RISOLVJ:D; that tbe votes of IIOre tkaD two-thlrds of all of tke voters votlD1 at sald eleotlon on sald Proposltlon III., were oast In favor of tbe adoptlon thereof, aDd 8&ld prop081tlon ls he1'b7 deolared to be oa1'1'led;aDd the 01t7 00UD011 of said 01t7 18 ..l: ~~"'.. :;~" ~:.-jI,u,~tiorf.At! to 188UI boDds thlrefor as provlded b7 law. . . 0'" . "c ::"9' ~.lti ~~ ~f~ SIG!!D;ADOP'l'1D aDd APPROVlD tb18 let d&7 of Aprl1;19)5. .,- r.:I: .. ..~~_ I-;~ ~S ~jli') -..- - .- - ~~ ":..;.~,,, ~....~/.:::- 11&7 0 7 ~ at"'l Beach, . C7~"1~~~t,(~~ . /) LJ J . _ /) Oal fo1'D1a. ~~-.".....~ _!.&~J -, t7 erk. S'l'A'l'1: or OALlroRBIA~ 00unt7 of OraDIl .s. 01t7 of Sial Beaok 1,01111 B.Padrlok,01t7 Olerk of thl 01t7 of Sial Beaoh,0a11forDt&, do hereb7 oertlf7 tbat the wkoll DUmblr of memb8rs of thl 01t7 Oouncl1 of thl 01t7 of Sial Beack ls flve(5)ithat thl for8101D1 resolutlon was dul7 adopted b7 sald Oouncl1 b7 a vOtl of IIOre tJaaD two-thlrd8 of the IHllblrs thereof,&D4 appro.8d b7 tbl 11&701' of sa~ 01t7 at a rllUl&1' ad- journed /IHeUI&I thereof beld on thl 1st d&7 of Aprl1,19)5,aDd that 1t was eo adopted b7 thl follOW1D1 vote. I ...., ll<6oouuo ~{At"""1t1J~~.~ Boe8: Oounol1IHn ~_') , -fi'~!' ;.J."'~s.nt: Oounol1l11n 7(/.Il'M~J r~.\~~~'~~'i.tr; , to.I~ 6J~~u~ ,'fI/~" '1p~-$ 01t7 Ollrk oftbe 01t7 of Se Blaoh.. , ;:.' r ~ "\~ Vall forma. -...0 L/I" o,u -;..1 I:-J. "C";~ 2':~.". ."" .: I -:-b '~. ....... ~".' e;,"~~" ~ 'I'" ~~ .~"" \' "., c~-"'''.o(..... ....... . .... 'lL," ~.. =-.... ...."... "',.. ~ "''';: ..:"" J . .." ~ ). I I I . ~ . Resolution Number '-;U'rl or OALIl'OlUJIA~ oOUln or' ORAJrGI 88. OI!Y or SIAL BIACB Ii Ollie B.Padr1ot, 01ty 01ert of the 01ty of Seal Beach, Oounty of OraDIe.State of Oal1forD1a, do hereby oerUfy that the for... 101D1 18 a full, t1'l18 lUl4 oorreot oopy of the or1pual b801uUOD lo.~DOW OD flle aDd of reoord 1D 11I1 offioe, with niGh or111D&l I u.,e oarefll1ly BOllpared the ..... , . II I'I!DSS I'BIRBOr i I have hereunto 8et 11I1 hlUld &lid afft.zed the off10181 8e81 of 8a1d 01ty of Seal Beach,th18 18t day of Apr11,1935. ~- ,. ,.. ~ ,:j..4r , , ._ _. ....h ~. _- ~9~.r _ "'C._'S I A L )\~~ .:: ....- -:......... -.- . _...,... --:!~ -:-::-- ....-.... ~ .~ .f' .....~....... 'r ~"".. ..~r~ ~ ,...... ...... 'i;'" ~ ..~-. ~ ...,. ~"".." -... - " ,