HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 248 1935-06-20 BlSOL1J!Icm 10. A ~.r A BlSOLO!IOH or 'l'BI OIn or SIAL BlWlBJ OALIlOUUi AlOlRfAIlIIl\TG AID DI'1'IIUWlIBG 'I'D GIDJW, PDVAILIBG RAT. or PIR DIBIl WAGD IB SOOB LOOALIU J'Oll OUTAII PBOPOHD PUBLIO IIIPBOVJJID'1' PBOJ:lCTI J'Oll IHIOB BOBS B.AVII BUB VO'l'JIlD AID 1DIDIR '1'BIl r3l.'1!"Au. 1I!1I1I!DIII!1II'aY AI);1o KIl\TISTRATIOB or PUBLIO lORD. ~DlI!"Il;"Il. qua11f1e4 .1801l0:r8 of 1I1l. OU, of SaJ. B..... Oa11torD1a;on 1Ia:r~ 29"Il,1935,bJ tbe neo..8&:rJ no-1lblm8 vote;app '8 .d tb. ,188U&DO. of boD48 of 8ald OU., for tll.. aoq\l181t1on.oou1WCl 10n &lid oOlllPl.Uon of thr.. omdn prppo..d pub110 or am101p&1 1I!1Proy...nll.;tontl A 1....1. 'reat_nt Plant; A Breab&lIez &rJ470r J.t1lJ',aad a ....lI.norD _t..;&II4, WDRlAS, tb. Qeural La'18 of tIl. ftat. of Oa11f01'l\1a 1'''' q\l1r. &rJ4 1111.. Rul.8 &rJ4 bp:La1l10u of tIt.. red.ral lurl.rae., A4Dd.DIl 18traUoJl:. of Publ_ WorD dl1'801l tha1l tla. 8dd OU., a80.r1laln-eM d.1I.atne tb. PDU&1 prevaUl. rate of p.r cU.. .ap8 '&lid _t..~ for 0IP%t188 aDd 1.181 bol1&aJ8;ln 8uch 100&1111., In whIoh th18 wor 1.lIprop08ed for..p oraft or ..."e of wortun 01' ..0haD10 ne.ded to u.oute_ tll.e oontraot8 for the work of oODStnoUon of 8uch prop08ed 1IUDl0lpa1 ll11PrOTeaent8; aDd. BOW,'!BBRIrOBI,th. 01t, OOUDel1 of the 01t., of ...1 Be&cIt.; 0&11fo1'D11a;do.8 ber.b., r.801v.; &8 fOllO'18' S.oUon 11 '1'b&t pur8uant to th. Od-eral La'I8 of tb. State of 0&11f01'l\1a aad/or 100&1 la'18 1Ihereto app11oabl..&rJ4 tb. Rul.8 a lle;u1aUoDS of 1Ih. r.deral "'rlerao., AdUII.1811raUon of Pub110 Works the 0111, of Seal Beaoh,hu uo.%tallled aad de1lerm11l1ld &rJ4 dO.8 her b1 d.t.:nd.De t1l&t the i.ne:r&1 pr.....Ul. rat. of p.r 11.. wq.8;a2Id ra1l.. for ovU'Uu &lid 1.p]. 1I.$11daf8 'In 1111.18 100&1111., &lid in 8a14 OU., In wll.1ob 1111.. work of 1Ib. aoq\l1s11l10njoODS1I:rw:luon aad oOlllPl.. 1I10n of 1;be b.re1Db.for. proposed lllUliolplU. ll11Prov...n1;s,18 110 b. p.:rfol'llll4 for .aola oraft 01' 11". of worJuIeD or ..0"."'10 ueded 110 .zeou1l. 1Ib. oon1l1'&Ot8 lor 8uch oou1l:ra.oUon work; ar. d.1le1'ld.ud u ,fOllO'18; 1Iow'11l: i' M ....V"~- I I I . . O1a.8 of Work Brlolaa,.r ,a....m.r 'OhPt rlD1Ber 001llPr.880r o,.rator 00raere1l. II1z.r Op.1'&1;or 11.01;:r10&1 Work" Gluier Bouse-8m1th)blDtoro.dOoraor.t.) L&bor.r(Bu11dl~) Laborer( O..nt) Palnter 'U8 DrlY81' .~u.r 'lp. O&a1ur (aut Iron) 'lp. L&f.r Plu1l.r.r Plwab.r Boof.r a.et 11I11&1 Work.r ShOY.l &lid Oru.. qpera1;or 'raotor Drlyer ''rUCk D:r1Y81'(J 1Ion 01' oyer) T1'I1Ok D:r1 ver( UDd.r 5 1Ion) -'fU. S.tt.r ..1d.r lleollaD1o Otb.r Sk1l1ed Labo1' cahe1' 00.011 Labo1' ~ - .."...... '.1' 11.. 'trap 18.80_ 8.80 8.80 6.40 6.40 8.80 8.80 8,80 16.60 ,.60 8.80 8.80 4.80 8.80 8.80 8.'0, 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 5.20 8'80 8:80 8.80 8.lIO ,.60 Bates r01' On%t ' 101II1 L.181 BoUda., wl11 b. pa14 a1l t p~.Yal11Di hou:rl., rat.. .. ~.....~.... Resolution' Number . -1'" .. I AD., On.tt 01' elllPloJ'ment DOt epeoif1Ullr ..nUoue! 1n the ONp1DC suedale 01' ate. SUll be pa14 .3.60 per 41...' SeoUon 21 'fhat the foreplDC .cke4ule of prevail1DC rate. ot per 41811 np8; am ot 1'1.118. tor overtlme am lep.l 110114&,...1. ba.ed,tIIl... otherwl.. speolfU4;upon a worklDC 4a,. of 8 boms. In the 81'ent that labore7:8;wortlUllior mecb&D1o. &re "1'10.,84 lees ~ 8 bou%s per 4&,..01' other bas1s epeoif1ed, the per 41.. -aaes shall be 4e.._ to be that f1'&Otlon of the forelOl111 rates that the DUJD;o bel' ot boU1"s of ellploJ'lllen; beare to 8 hove,or oth.r bUl. 8peo1fle4 It slsall be 1lP'ad..tOZ'f upon the OOD:bactol' 01' oontraoto. fol' all IIUClh publio 111p~nt. 1n sach oUy of Seal Seach,&Z14 upon all subooDII'hacto:h 'lUl4er th...to pa, DOt l.ss thu the rat.. of p8Z' 418m wa;,s am rate. for lep1 holi4&,.. Ud. overt1_ work,he:rdDbef . .pe,p1f-te.,W4lP all laborers ;worDen,aDd ..ohu1cs elllplo.,e4 1n the : ~?UoJt;,.o~~~e contract 01' contraot8. .- ~ A4op~~lpe4 &lid. approved thls 20th 4&,. of J.e,1935. " ( '8' I A L ) ~:E __ ,.. -;-;- OZ --- .......... AUesta'" , .....(;.- ". .....-., ,...c... , ~~ (II- . ~~~ Jt~~ ,?,.... ..... . . - '. . y State of Clal1fo1'D1a } ClOUDt., of ora.e S.I Cll t,. of 8e&1 Seach 1,0111e S.PadrlotjOlerk of the Cl1t., of Seal Seaoh,Cla1ifoZDia 40 hel'eb., oertlt:r that the forepill; resolutlon was 4ul,. passed. a40pte4 at a rep1ar ..eUIII of the ClU,. OO\lDOll of 8&14 oU., ,4ul,. held on the 201ih 41.' of J.e.1935,aDd thereupon 4111,. 81ped am ap- proved. b,. the "101' of 81.14 clt"iaDd tut 8&14 l'e86Jutlon ... adopt b,. the follow1D8 ..te. ' !'..fa y".,;!;( Ayes;OOUDCllI118JU GreeD,BWIse'iWa141U'i r... ~.' ~;\- - '~-:t Bulbee. ~: ~~I.1l.." ifli',"\; ", 10es;ClO1UlOlll11nl .....!.1m!.. ': .::l S I A L ~e. Absent;CloWlCl1meili --. I!. _~ . -..:= 00::::....... .- ...~ - S...... - ..... .... _a ~ ~ ,:,O~..e....::.. ..... 1l. ,...., ...,...... nClll"'":"~Jo"~~' a-OJ ~.J -r ... .. . .."... ~-. .. S_&t'~O.~1'aIlfOrD1&~ OOW1t;-of OI'&Dp ssa Cl1t,. of Seal Seach 1;0111e B.PadrlCkiCll_., Cllerk of the Cll_, of Seal Se&Ch;Oo~, of OraDie,8ta_e of Clall~orD1aido hereb., certlfy that the fO..1D1D1 ..........~.~~ 11 a full;,rge aDd correct oop,. of theDDrlilD&1 Re801utlon 10.248,DOW on fl1.~ of reoord 1~., offlceiwlth wb1ch oZ'1pD&l I have car.fun, oOJl,pue4 the same. 11 WITII:8S ~1I!t\'. 1 have herBUDto set IIIJ haDd. &JI4 aft1zed.= the off1oial 8881 of 81.14 Cl1t., of Seal seaoh,th18 20th 4&y of JUDe; ~;}, "\'~ :~/.',.. . ,~ . ~~ S"..I-.A-,)j'Xa:.. , er 0 e , e S.ac. ;;. ~F" "\:,;. Ca11toZD1a. .... -.. ~~;..... -; ~!~ . .-:;a: . ,~~ ..., ~~'"" -:.. ..... ;..c..; '-';' '='.. ('l> _..~ I"'r '::- ........J*......,. "":- 'i'~~:.:~:.:~~ ',. :--,.. ...." \... . . , I 5 I