HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 353 1938-03-17 l I ~I ~ l, ." Ow i):.r to' 'V --..0- \,.9 . l. :e ,- , (... r . , . R.::laOLUTIOH ir~. :JJ3. ~ . , , A RESOLU'i'IOii OF TH": CITY COU;'CIL OF TH3 CITY OF S:3AL B~OH, CALlli'01iN!A, ADOP'l)ING PLANS AND SPECIFIOATIONS PR'5P~ED BY VICTOn \1. HAY:i:S, OOHSUL'fiNO ::J.lGIj'JEli:R, FOR THE' ACqUISITION, CONSTRUCTIM AND COMPL.E'rION OF A VlHAllF, OR WHICIPAL PIER IN SAID' CITY. .' . flR1REAS, thO' City 01' Soal Boaoh, Oaltforn1a, hilS heretofore ,.n ,mployed the servicos or Victor IT, Hayes, OonsQlti~ 3ngineer, for tho preparation of Plans and Spec1tic~tions 1'01' the aoqQisition, oonstruction and completion by said City of Seal ~each of a cortain municipal improvemont, tow1~: The aoquisitioDt construotion snd oom- pletion 01' a Wharf, or munioipa1 pier, including ornamental lights, ' v~ter, rest ro~s, boat lnndi~~ faoilities, the aoquisition of lQnd, reclamaticln of submerged lllnds., right at ,/ay, ltUlchinG1'Y, equipment, apparatus 01' other appurtenances and property necessary thorefor,to be locatod at 1;he Southerly cnd of ;iain Street at its intersection with Ocean Avenue, nnd to be projected Southerly into the Pacific Ooean a ~i~tance of 1800 foot, ~o~ or loss; and, lJHJro:AS, tho. said V;1ctor '.I, Hayes, Conoultil18 .Jngineer, has pre- . ", pared such Plans and Sp~c1f'icat1ons and i'lubm1tted the flllm8 to the Ci~y Oouncll of the City of Seal Beach for its consideration and ap. 'provlll! 0 nd sa1d C1ty Oouncil have so condd\'lr(ld auch Plllns and Spec if cations; NOH, THEREFORE, 'be it resolved by the. City Council ot the City of Seal Beach, Celifornia; os tollows: . . Soction 1: ThPt the Plans and Speciticlltions prepared by Viutor l/. HOY(ls, Consultil18 Zngineor, a~d submitted herewith, for the acquis- ition, construction and completion of a oertain municipal improvement by said C.ity;. tow1t:.T}le ac4uisition, construction and completion of a wbO~, or 9unicipol pier, inC1Qding ornamental lights, water, reat 1"I70ms, boat landing facilities, the acquisition of lont'l, roclsmation of submerged landa, right of WllY, II\Bcbinery, equipment, apparatus or other appurtenances and pro~erty nec~asary therefor, at the lo~a- I tion herein above dosignated, vlhich asid Plans consisting Of~~rl.jj p~gos~ botb inclusive, ann which SQid Specificatiobs consist ng 0 N' Hagee, an~ each ontitled: PlAns sUd/or Specifications, II , with the approval of said ~ngin~e~ siGned thereto, be, and the sG~e ,Are hereby ~pproved, . Sootion 2; ~bat the originals of s$id Plllns and Spec1fio~tions shall be filed in the Office of the City Clark of seid City, end aeid ~ineer shall aubmi~.~d~itional copies.there9t as .ond when re~uired. Adopte4. $l'Id approved thia !!th day of March, 1938.... ' '.' _ . &~ jA-_ !.:oyor Ox: 'G118 u"j,f,I'oi: ~~\ ~oh,c3i:J.forniQ. Attast::Ut~~.1J ~c.t~~. \}~!>, .- - .'- ,. y ~ .,,~ .~: ~..,.. . ',if. ~..~,.~~ ,..~"..~- J.... ",f' "~"(.?> ~ ~~ :...'" .~.~ _ '.a.;r,~. ...":i ~ e::. 0'" II'; E ... ~ "':I~. , Co' :Ae.... -, .:..' ..... ... ~ '''~4{'':rt. ( P, "J ""d!l....;.,..p , ":~'. (' _ .~C' -P. ...~ ~ _ '..... . ~. .....t;- t:.} to', . . " . . ,