HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 127 1924-12-22 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 III II 12 t3 14 .1' IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I: 27 28 29 30 '31 32 ..' ~'~ ~t Ii ,J ~ RESOLUTION OF A'WARD NO. I!f/_ WHEREAS. the Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Beaoh, did in open session at ~n adjourne~ regular meeti~ thereof held on the 22nd day of Deoember, 1924, PUbliOly~ open, ex~ine and deolare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the tollowi~ work under Resolution of Intention No. 120 and ordered to b.. done .~_Resolu_~ion No. 126 o~ the C!ty of Seal Be~gh: : First: That FlFTH STREET in I 'l'hird....--.rJiat BEV EN T -] I' . " .the said City, from the Northeast. STREET In the said City from.the .' FIfth: That EIGHTH STREET 'erly line of Ocean Avenue to the I Northeastcrly line of O~ean Ave- In th~ said City, from a line paret. . Southerly line of North Avenue,' oue to the Southwesterly line of leI WIth and thirty (80) feet dls' including all intersections of Electrio Avenue. Including....lI in. tant Northellllterly from the South.: streets and alleys, be graded, pav.1 tersections of street snd 1llleya. bel ;westerly line of North Avenue to; ed with. live (5) inch Portland ,graded, paved with a live (5) Ineh ; the .Northeasterly line of Electric' Cement Concrete pavement, ex.': PortllP'd Cement Cenereta pave. ,Avanue. be graded. paved with a1 ceptlng however. that certain' por- ment, excepting however, that the I five (5) inch Portland Cement tions of the intersection of the said' intersection of the said street with I Concr~te pavement and have con-' 'street with Central Avenue 'be Central Avenue be graded and .structod atce-rtain places along the I ~!l"aded and paved with a fou; (4) ,paved with a four (4) inch Port- :same. within !?c limits above de. .lneh ..Portland Cement ,Concrete 1.. land Cement Concrete base. anc! B" ,fined. concrete curbs and side- base, and a one and one.half (1 %) ,. one and one.half (1 %) Inch As- i Iwalks. all aa particularlrlndicated f Inch Asphaltic Concrete (Topeka) phaltic Concrete (Topeka) wear. on and in accordanca with Plan wearing surtace, and have con- I Ing,aurtace, and have constructed and Profile No. 8 (New Seriea). I structed at certain places along the I ,along tbp same, within the limits I Sixth: Thst the existing pave. same within the limits above de. I above dellned, concrete l!U1'ba aDd mcpt at tha Intcrsectiona of CEN.\ fined, concrata curbs and sldewslks., sidewalks, all as particularly indl. TRAL ~ VENUE with FlFTPI ~1I as particularly Indicated on and: ..ted on and In accordance with i STREET and SIXTH STREET In accordance with Plan and Pro- Plan and Prollla No. 6 (New shall remain in place and file No.4 (New Series). Series). have constructed on top of said Second: Tliat SIXTH STREET . Fourth: That po-rtions of .cEN- existing pavement a one and one- in the said Clty",from the No-rth. ITRAL AVENUE In the said City I halt (Ph) inch Asphaltic Concrete easterly \lne of Ocesn Avenue to from the Northwastarly \lne of I (Topeka) wearing surface, all as I the Southwasterly Iina of Electric Seventh Street to a line parallal particularly Indicated on and in Avanue. including all intersections with and tan (10) feet Westerly accordance \\<Ith P1sns and Prollles of strects and alleys, b.. graded. from and maasared at right angles iNo. 4 (N~w Scrios) and No. 5 psvee! with a live (5) inch Port-' to said Northwestllllly line; one! 1.(N~w Sencs). . land cement Concrete pevemant, from the Southeaste.ly line of the ,. All of the foregoing deseribed excepting however. that certaili sold SEVENTH STREET to a line work shall be done In accordance portiona of the intersection of .the parallel with and ten (10) feet with Plans and Prolll.. No. 8 (New .aid ~et with Central Avenue. Easterly from and measured at ,Series). No. 4 (New Series), No, be gradsd and paved with a four I right anglaa to said South..sterl)' ! 5 (~ew Saries), one! No. 6 (New I (4) inch Portland Cemelit Con. IIna, be ",a~ed and. paved' with a I S~..es) on file In the office of the crcte base, and a one and one. four (4) Incb, Portland Cament CIty .Englneer of the said . City. half (1 %) inch Asphaltic Con- Concrete base and a ODe and one. and In further sccordance. with crete (Topeka) wearing surf4ce halt (1%) Inch A.phaltic Con. Specifications No. 2 (New Series) and have constructad at certal~ crste (Topaka) wearing surface on 1I1e in the olfice of the City plac.. along tha. same, within tha . all as particularly Indleated on and I Clerk of the said City. Tne ssid limits above dellnad. cqncreta .ID accordance with Plan one!. Pro. Plans, Profiles and Specifi~l.Ions curbs and sldewslks. all as particu. ilia No, 8 (New Beries). are hereby referred to for the full larty Indicated on and In accord- and detailad description of the said ance with Plan and Profile No, 6 j proposed work or Improvement (Now Series). and' arc nfade a part hereof, The grada to which the work herein provided for shall be done and tha improvament made ahall be dlft'erent from the o'lflcial grade which has heretofore bee... form. ally established and such dift'erent I or new grade shall ba that Shown I on ~e Plans and Profiles therefor. hcrelnbetll"" mantloned. on 1I1e in the oft'lee 0: the said City Eng(., neeI', to which said Plans and Pro. \ files l'eference is hereby made for the descrilltion of Bueh grade. .. r I I' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I~ 27 28 29 3D 31 32 ~ry' 2 Whioh ooutraot is by this described as follows, to-wit: --.--- --- -_.~ First: That FIFTH STREET in the Raid CiLy, from the Northeast- erly line of Ocean Avenue to the Southerly line of North Avenue, including all intersections of streets and alleYll. be graded. pav- . ed with a five (6) inch Portland Cement Concrete pavement. ex.. cepting however. that certain por- I tions of the intel'llection of the said .trcot with Central Avenue, bo' ,graded and paved with. fuur (4) I inch Portland Oement Concrete I . ba.e. anI! a one and on'e-half (1 \(,) - inch Asphaltic Concrete (Topeka) wearing surlace, and have eon- structed at certain places along the same within the limits above. de- fined. concrete curbs and sidewalks. all as particularly indlcatod on and in accord.nee with Plan and Pro. I file No. 4 (New Serle.). Second: That SIXTH STREET I in thc said City, fro", the North. easterly line of Oe~an Avenue to tho Southwesterly line of Electric Avenue, including al1 intenectioDs I of .treets and alloYll. be graded, pavel! with a live (6) inch port'l land cement Concrete pavement. excepting however, that cerbdn I portions of tho intersection of the 'said .treet with Ccntral Avenuc, I be graded and paved with a four 1(4) inch Portland Cement Con- crete base, and a Ohe and one.. . half (1 'AI ) inch A.phaltie Con. crete (Topeka) wearing aurface, and have constructed at certain pJacos aJong the same, within the limit. above dellned, concrete curba and sidewalks. all as partlcu. larly indicatdd on and in accord.. anee with Plan and Profile No. 6 (New Serle.). Third: That SEVENTH/ STREET In the .aid City, from the I Northeasterl,\' line of Oc..n AVC" ouo to the Southwesterly line of Electric A venUe. including all in.. tor.ectiona of .tTeet and alleys, be f ...!!:"ded. paved with a lIvc (6) Inch . Portland Ccment Concrete pave. f ment. e"cepting however, that the intersection of tbo said street with Central Avenue be grsded and '\ paved with a four (4) inch Port- land Cemont Concrete base, and a . one and one.halt (1 \(,) Inch A.- 'I phaltlc Concrete (Topeka) wear- ,Inll' surface, and have constructed along the sarna, within the Iimita, above dcllned, concrcte curba aud .Idcwalk.. all as particularly indl- catad on and in accordance with Plan and Profilc No. 6 (New I i Seric.), 3 4 s (, 7 8 9 ((I II 12 13 14 IS 1(, 17 III I" Resolution Number ~ I" " i . Resolution awardsd, 1s briefly r --F~~~ That p~rtio;;;;-;;t CEN-~ TRAL A VENUE,in the .ald City from the Northwe.terly line of ,Seventh Street to a line p~rallol with and ten (10) tcct Wcotorly from and meuurcd at right angl.. to .aid N orthweaterly line; and from the Southeasterly Ii"" of the said SEVENTH STREET to a IIno parallel with and ten (10) faet Ea.tcrly from alld mea.ured at ritrht angl.. to said Southeasterly lino, bo graded and paved with a four (4) Inch Portland Cement Concrete baae and a pne and one. half (I \6 ) lnab Aaphaltlc Con. cretc (Topeka) wearing .uriaee. I all as particularly Indleeted Olt and In accordance with Plan and Pro- file No, 8 (New Series), . I-=--... - __ __w_ ! Filth: That EIGHTH STREET . in thc .aid City. from a line paral- ,Icl with. and thirty (30) feet dis. I tant Northea.terly from the South- I westerly Iinc of North Avenue to I the Northca.tcrly line of Electric Avenue. be graded, pavcd with a I five (6) inch Portland Cement I Concrete pavement and have con- stru.oted at certain places along the I same, within the limits above de~ fined. concrete curbs nnd side- I walk., all a. particularly Indicated on and in accordance with Plan I and Prollle No. 3 -(New Serics). Sixth: That the existing pave- ment at the intersection. of CEN. 'l'IL__....A-v:EN'llE.::'WitF- . ISTREET and'SIXTH STREET I sholl remain in place and I I have con.trueted on top of .aid I existing pavement a one and one-I half (1\6) Inch A.phaltie Concretc (Topcka) wcaring .urfacc, all as I particularly indicated on and in accordance with Plans and Profiles 1 No. 4 (New Series) and No. 6 (New Series). I I 1- Resolution Number .,....4f. "4'.~ " l.~ W. Reference is hereby made to Resolution No. 120 of the 2 City of Seal Beaoh by the Board of Trustees thereof, deolaring its .3 intention to order 8aid work to be done for further partioulars, 4 whioh Resolution of Intention is on file in the Off1oe of the S Clerk of t~e City of Seal Beaoh.and is also made a part hereot. 6 Resolved, that the City of Seal Beaoh hereby rejeots all 7 Jot said proposals or bids exoept thAt hereinafter next mentioned 8 and hereby awards the oontraot tor doing. said work.and improvement 9 to the 10".sll responsible bidder therefor, to-wit: 9~ 10 ~~"""'1 at the prioe named ln his bi~OWS: 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 .. 27 28 29 30 31 32 Two cents per square foot for grading to finiSh grade, Fifteen and eight tenths cents per square foot for Portland Cement Concrete paving. Twenty cents per square foot for Portland Cement con- crete base and Topeka wearing surface, Fifty five cents per linear foot for conerete curb, Nineteen cents.per square foot for concrete sidewalk, Seven cents per square feot for Topeka wearing Burface. . --- I The Clerk of the City of Seal Beaoh is hereby direoted 9f this award . to publish ~ot1oEV.twi os in the Seal Beaoh Poet and Wave, a weekly newspaper published and oiroulated in the City of Seal Beaoh hareby designated for that purpose by the said Board of Trustees. I hereby oertify that the foregoing resolution is a full, ..;,. 2 3 4 5 Resolution Number J'~' '.' (, true and oorreot oopy of the Resolutlon of Award No. 12? duly and regularly int%oduoed and passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Seach at an adjourned regular meeting thereof held on the a~n1 day of December, 1924 by the folloWing vote to-wit: ~tA) Wa.ULv. ~) - I . r ~ Ayes, Trustees: Noe.s, Trustees: Absent, T~stees:~ -;;l.- - . -~~ ...;. ~.... P"A ." . :1.. --: -;'P'. s~ . . ....-f"\~ .'....A' ,4,...r'io~'I. .~"'{,~..,.Jln .".~....,"'i- ~ ......~ ;'.~: . ~ ......... , -: ;., .. ~ . . .- ,....".. ~r:- . !;;::.~ ~..-. ~~':) . ',,;::=::! 00;.:"..., ~- -"P:;:" ~......!, ~~~ . ~=~f~ ~''?'~L'" ,- '-::'?-. ..,. ~.-."\".,""','" ,- ~ ...-:-:-:.-...~'" -,- " .. -__"'_.. ': ~_~.J~__ " ",' . ~...'" ATTEST: ~ fa.@~ I City Clerk of the City of Seal Beaoh