HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 150 1928-02-16 I I I ~ - - ",. . ., .., , I . RESOLUTION NO. / SO A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE :MAYOR AND UI1'Y CLERK TO J!:NTER INTO A CON~C'l, OR CONTRACTS, IN WRITING" OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ADVERTISING FOR BIDS, FOR THb: lOOllRGl!NCY WORK OF PURCHAS- ING CERTAIN MATERIALS AIlD SUPPLIES FOR THE ,n "1_....J- WATER SYSTEM OF THE SEAL BEACH . ~~7WVI. SISTING OF THIR'n IX INCH U T IRON TE 1- PIPE AND CONNECT S THEREFOR, AND '!'BE PAY- MENT THEREFOR, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED TWO .7 THOUSAND AND TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS tID26.00), The C1t7 Council and Board of Troateea of the 01t7 ot Seal BeaCh, Californ1a, does hereb7 determine and re- solve, as tollows: Section 1. !I.'he Jlayo:r and 01t7 Clerk are hereby authorlted to enter lnto a Oontraot 01' contracts, in ~rlting, 01" othe1"W1se, wlthout advertising tor blds tor the emerseno7 , work ot purohaslns oertaln materials snd supplles tor the , . wate1' system at the 01t7 at Seal Beach, oonsistlng of thi:t't.,.. six hundred (3600) teet, more. or less, at oe1'tain six (6) inoh cast l1'on wster plpe and connections there tor, and the payment there tor, at a cost ot not to exceed Two 1'hou- sand and Twent7-tlve Dollars (02025.00) Seotion 2. !hls Resolutlon ls for aotual emergen07 work, to wit: to enable the Water Superintendent ot the 01t7 ot Seal Beach to purchase at the dooks at,Wilminston, Oalitor- nla, the atoresald materlals and supplies and in order to replace immedlate17 oertain worn out and detectlve water pipe trom Seobnd to Fourteenth Streets between Ooean Avenue snd Seal Wa7 ln aaid 01t7 at Seal Beach, and being a part ot the main water a7stem ot said Oit7 conneoted wlth the booster plant and pressure system tor use in case of fire, and which the 01t7 Oounoil and Board of Trustees have by thls Resolutlon declared and determlned that the publlc interest. and neoesslt7 demand the lmmediate expenditure at public monies tor the 1m- 1. I I I Resolution Number :, . . 2. .., stees ot' Calitol'nia. I I I " , Resolution Number 'STATE 011' CALIlI'ORNIA, COUNT:'! OF OBAliGE; CIft' 011' SEAL BEACH, ) ) ) 8S. . I, r!2./~~' ~&~.U~4 O~~y Ole%'k of the city of Seal BeaOh, California, do he%'eby oertif1 that the whole number of members of the Board of TrQsteel , - , and City Council of the oity of Seal Beach, is five; that the fo~going Resolution was passed by 8 vote of at least two-th1rds 'of all the members of 1'1d Boa%'d of 'lrQsteea and Oity Oounoil at a regular meet1ng of sa1d Board and Counoil duly held on the 16th day of Peb:ruary, 1928, and that add Resolution was passed by the following vote, to-wita A7es, I')/JIJPA( '$ea..~~ d.A(:an..I!.~ ~_ Noeu ':1IhLll. V' . -- - -,. Absent: ":11.-.11 _ Not Votingl 7{.d'\;I (I . -~ ~- ...- _""' ~l- ~-.r .;,.. ":1"'.,-.. ~ ._~~ :"'.......,.;.:::;?"',l~,~ ... ~...~.. '4-~). .A. i.....'~..~~. "'" ".. -"- ..~ ( SEAL) ,.;.::. ~:..... ,;...~-:::'" -:.;t: ~::::. ....,~ ~:~. ':S''- . .~" ....:O~ ~~ ~.:,..,....; _~"\.t; eo. ..~,: ~~C~ , :~ ~ ~~J'11'O__ ,...~.. ~~ : ..::t"'!......~.._~: ~ I"'l(".............s\~. ~::...- ~.. ". \~ a...~..-: ". .........aa... ci~~C~e81 ti8ach, Oal1fornia -- ~.