HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 151 1928-03-19 I _I ....... I. ~ - ~-... -~ .. I . , .. . RESOLU'rION NO. IS-I A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF A SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON 'l'HE TWELFTH DM: OF MARCH, 1928, IN 'ERE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIRlRNIA, SEAL BEACH PRECINC'1!, COIDITY OF Q,RANGE, STA'l!E OF CALIF- ORNIA, SUBMIT'rING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITy CERTAIN PROPOSITIONS FOR THE INCURRING OF BONDED INDEB'rEDNESS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTIQ}I BY SAID CITY OF CER~AIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS, TO WIT: A Clfi HALL AND SITE THERE- FOR AND ALSO AN EX~ENSION OF THE PRESENT SEWER SYSTEM OF SAID CITY. . The City Counoil and Board of Trustees of the Oity of Se!l BeaCh, California, resolve as follows: THAT WHEREAS, a speoial munioipa1 elntion was held and condu.cted in the Oity of leal Beaoh, on Monday, the 12th day of March, 1928, as required by law. and , , WHEREAS, it appears that notice of said election was duly and regu.larly given, that a voting precinct was properly established, that election officers were appointed and slection aupplies furnished, and that in all respects said election was held and condu.cted and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the return thereof made and declared in time, form snd manner as required by the General Laws of the state of California governing elections in cities of the fifth and s1xth classes. and , WHEREAS, the city council and board of truatees of ssid city met at the council chamber on Monday, the 19th day of March, 1928 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., to canvass the return of ssid election and declare the results thereof, and as a result of which the said city coun- cil and board of trustees finds that the number of votes for snd against each proposition so submitted and voted upon and other matters required by law to be as hereinafter ststed. NOW, THEREFORE, be is resolved: That said speoial municipal election was held and . 1. I I I. .. Resolution Number conduoted in the City o~ Seal Beach on Monday, the 12th day o~ Maroh, 1928, in the time, ~o1'D1 and manner required by law. That there was one voting precinot es- tablished ~or the purpose o~ holding said election. . That upon Proposition No.1, the whole num- ber o~ votes cast in said .3~~ City st said special election was . That the number o~ votes given in tovor o~ suoh proposition and the number o~ votes against such proposition at said special eleotion are as follows: Boposition No.1. Shall the City o~ : Total vote cast Seal Beoch incur a bonded indebtedness:: : : of $30,000.00 for the purpose o~ the : acquisition and construction by the city: Yes o~ Seal Beach o~acertsin municipal im- : provement, to wit: the acquisition and: construction o~ a City Hall in said City: including the acquisition o~ all lands : necessary or convenient there~or and the: No. construction thereon o~ a City Hall bu1l- . ding. : ;:lA'~ . . : /~~~ . ber That upon Proposition No.2, the whole num- oast in said City at said special election cf votes c3 ~;(. was . That the number o~ votes given in favor of such proposition and the number o~ votes against such proposition at said special election are as follows: Proposition No.2. Shall the City o~ : Seal Beach inour a bonded indebtedness .: o~ $20,000.00 ~or the purpose of the : acquisition and construction by the City: of Seal Beach, otscertain municipal : improvement, to wit: the extension o~ the present sewer system o~ said city by the: avquisitlon and construction o~ a sewage: pumping plant and the construction o~ : additional oo11ecting sewera, inoluding : lateral sewers, intercepting sewers and : main line sewers in eaid city, and includ- ing the acquisition o~ all materials and: . machinery therefor. . 2. Total vote cast . . Yes .;(~ . . . . No. %:3: . . J . . . . . . I ,I , ~- .., Resolution Number THEREFORE. be it further resolved that at sa1d speo1al mun1cipal elect10n. Proposition No. 1 so subm1tted at such elect10n. fsiled to. receive tbe requ1site number of two-thirds of the votes of the qualified voters voting at suoh election. to 1ncur the 1ndebtedness for the purpose spec1f1ed and the 1ssuance , of bonds thereupon. as by law provided. and thot Proposi- tion No.2, so submitted at such eleotion, rece1ved the requ1site number of two th1rds of the votes of the qua11fied voters vot1ng at such election to authorize the 1ssuance of bonds for such 1\II1n1c1pal improvement and to incur the indebted- ness for the purpose therein spe01fied. as by law provided. The C1ty Clerk shall cert1fy to the passage of this Resolut1on by the city counc1l and board of trustees of the city of Seal Beach, and the same shall thereupon take effect. Adopted. signed and approved th1s 19th day of March, 1928. Mayor a~d ~~~ty Coun- c1l and Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Beach, Californ1a. Attest: /)IL~ J ~ t/ZJ",.;' ,/ C3:ty ~d ~-o~~rk of the C1ty Counc11 and Board of Trus- tees of the C1ty of Seal Beach, Ca11f- ornil.a . STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF SEAL BEACH, ) ) ss. I, 0111e B. Padr1ok. C1ty Clerk of the q1ty of Seal Beach. Ca11fo~nia. do hereby cert1fy that the whole number of members of the City Council and Board of 'rrustees of the C1ty of Seal ~eaoh, is five} ~hat the foregoing Resolution was passed by a vote ofa t least two-thirds of all the members of said 3. I -I I ~.. Resolution Number Oi~y Oouncil and Board of' Trustees at a re~larly adjourned meeting of' s'!:1-d oouncil ani board of' trustees duly held on the 19th day of' March, 1928, and that said Resolution was passed by the following vote, to wit: Absent: 1 .0' .0.....-:- - -.;;.. ~, . - . ..~. "Q. 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