HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 92 1923-01-04 2:- ( I ;[4" -:// I I I j 9 8 4 10 11 19 18 14 16 16 17 18 ...~ ,., , .I . Besolution Ho. q t& A resolution amendin~ para~aph .Seoond. of Resolution Ho. 90. of the City of Seal Beach.California. --- 6 6 BBSOLVED: !hat the Board of !rustees of the Oity of Seal Beach. do hereby amend Para~aph .Seoond. of Resolution Ho. 90 of the Oity of Seal Beach. being a Resolution determining unpaid aS8.8sements for the work done and improvement ma4e upon Ileventh Street. and the aggregate amount thereof. eto. to read as follows: 7 8 u 10 -Second: Bonds shall be issued upon the security of the unpaid assessments shown on the list thereof. as hereinabove determined for the aggregate principal of the sUJ!1 of unpaid assessments. to-wit: .8.135.79. and shall be payable in fifteen (16) annual series on the 2nd day of July of eaoh "ear next suoceeding nine mDnths a:f,te:rtheir date until the whole S'\lll of the aggregate prinoipal thereof is paid. S&1d bondS and each of thsm, shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent (7~) per annum from the 15th day of November. 1922. the date of the filing with the Olerk of the Oity of SSlIll Beaoh of the street Superintendent's list of Wlpaid assesements. until the whole S'\lll of the principal and the interest is paid. . !he interest shall be paid sem1- aJmually by ooupons. on the 2nd daY of January and July. respeot- ively. of each year after the date of the bonde. provided tbat the first p&Jlllent of interest shallnot become due until the 2nd day of January. 1924, being six months bsfore the maturity of the first aJmual sert es of the bonds. The bonds and interest shall be paid at the office of the treasurer of the Oi ty of Seal Beach. in said Ci ty. Oounty of Orang State of California. on the presentation of the proper CoupC1D8 and bonds. out of the redEllllpt:llon fund. and under no circumstanoes 20 21 29 98 94 96 26 27 28 90 80 81 82 -1- ,/ I I I 1 II 8 4 6 6 7 8 o 10 11 1lI 18 14 16 16 17 18 19 lIO 21 22 lI8 lI4 26 26 27 28 29 Resolution Number ~? - sball said bonds. or interest thereon. be paid cut of any other fund. ,/ 80 A redemption fund shall be kept by the 'freasurer of the Oi ty of Seal 1Ieach designated Illeventh Street Improvement 1Iond Bedemption l'u.nd" in which the 'freasurer shall place all SUlllS received from the collections of assessments made for the pay- ment of the cost of the work and. improvement upon which the bonda are issued. and the :lnterl!st and penalties thereon. All of the bonds shall be dated the ,"7th day of December. 1922. and shall be nUlllbered conseoutively from one (1) to thirty (30), both in- clus:lve. Each odd numbered bond eball be in the denom1nation. of live Hundred Dollars ($600.00) and eaoh even numbered bond shall be in the denomination of .42.38:~6. !he form of the bond shall be substantially ae provided by Section 6 of the Improvement 1Iond Act of 1916, protided that 'the same shall contain the appropriate words andf1gures to make the said bond and the foXIII t:bereof appl:loable to the denaninat1on, annual eeries, and. p trposes for whioh the bonds are to be issued. a8 herein set forth. !he bondS eball be signed by the 'freasurer and Clerk of the City of 8eal 1Ieaoh. !here ellall be attached to eaoh bond, interest ooupons Tepreeentinjt the payments of semi-annual interest, and made payable upon the principal of the bonds to which they are attached All of eaid bondS sbaU be signed by the 'freasurer of tll8 Oi ty o . of 8eal Beaoh, but the 'freasurer '. signature may be engraved, printed or 1i thC?graphed on the interest coupons ~ place of the 'freasurer's signature by hand. the interest ooupons .hal! be consecutively uumbered .. from one (1) upward on each bond, and the inteTest theTeby TEl- presented, sba1l be paid on the 2nd day of January and JUly, sucoeed1Z1& t.l1e 15th day of lI'ovembeT, 1922, prov:Ld.ed that the coupane representing the first payment of interest sball beoome 81 82 .-8- ~ I I I I g 8 4 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~ ..., Resolution Number . ,. 5 due . the 2nd day of J.nuarr., 1924, being sh: monthl before the maturi tT of the first aJl1'1ual series of the bonda, and shall be for the interest aocruing thereon from the 16th day of November, 1922, to said date. BODdB numbered 1 and 2 shall oonsU tute annual serte. :10. 1 and _sha~l f.al1 due and be payable on the 2nd day of July, 1924, being the 2nd day of July nezt lIl1oceec11ng D:1ne montha from the 7th day of Deoember, 1922, the date of said bonds. Bonds n'Dlllbered 3 and 4. shaH oonstltute a:anual series 6 7 8 9 . No. a and shalJ. fall d'\28 and be payable on the Q:.I d day of iI'l1ly, 1926. Bonds numbered 6 and 8 shall constitute annual series Wo. a and shall fall due and be p...ble on the 2nd dQ' of July, 1926. . . Bonda numbered 7 and 8 shall consti tute annual series Wo. 4. and shall fall due and be payable on the 2nd day of JU11, 192'1 . Bonds numbered 9 and 10 shall const1 tute aJl1'1ual series Wo. 6 and shall fall due and be payable on the 2nd day of July, 1928 . Bonds numbered lla1d 12 shall oonst1tute anmal se:d.es :10. 8 and shalJ. fall due and be payable on the2iu1 day of Jul1, J.929. Bonds numbered 13 and 14 shall constitute annual series No. '1 and shall falJ. due and be payable on the 2nd day of JUly, . 19l5G. Bonds nUllbered 16 and 16 shall constitute annual 'series :10. 8 and shall fall due end be payable .on the 2nd day of JUly, 19311 80 , .- Bonds nUlllbered 1'1 and 18 shall oonlt1 tute annual seri es 81 . - 10. 9 8ZId shalJ. falldue and be payable on the 2nd day of July, 1932 . 82 -3- I I "I Resolution Number ~ ! Bonde numbered 19 and 20 shall oonsti tute annuel serles II '. . . ~ 10. 10 am shall fall due and be payable on the 2nd day of July, 8 . 19153. 4 Bonds numbered 8J. and 22 shall constitute a:nrm.al sEl1'ies . 5 10. 11 and shal.L faU due a Dei be payable on the 2nd day of July, 6 19S4. - ' 7 Bonds numbered 2S and 24 shall constitute annual series 8 No. 12 and shall fall due and be payable on the 2nd day of July, 9 19155. 10 Bonds nmbered 25 and 26 shalJ. cnnst1 tute annual SEl1'1 es . , 11 No. 13 and shall fall due and. be payable on the 2nd day of July, 12 1936. 18 14 15 16 Bonds numbered 27 and 28 lha1.L oonst1tute annual senes Bo . ~~ and lhe.l~ faU due and be p8.'f b1e on the 2nd day of July, 1915'7 . Bonds numbered 29 and SO shail oonst1 tute annua.L sfJ 1es . 17 110. 16 and ehall fal.L due a nd be' payable on the 2nd day of Jii;Ly, 18 19 20 21 22 28 1938. · , . . -' , 24 1 hereby oertify that the foregoing Resolution and Order \ was regularly introduced and. passed by the Board of Trustees of the'01ty of 8ea1 Beaoh at a regu1ar,meeting thereof held . , on the 4th day of January, 1925, by the vote of th~..!olJ:01i1ng ...... .;.0..... ;; .-.k." / ,'; , '-. " Ayes, 'f~j~~~ 10es, !1'ustee~ ?ld"'- 0~~ Absent, !rustees r~'~....... ~ '-----. Attest: b~~?<..--- ~!ty Orer~ of the 01ty of Seal Beach, Oa11forn1a. 25 26 27 28 . 29 80 81 811 · -4- I I I Resolution Number ~ - :t Itate of Cali fornia, Count,. of Oranse. } .1 jl 8 I, B. B. JIROn, the duly elected, qulll1 fied and IlC t1ng Clerk of the Ci t,. of leal Beach, do hereb,. cert1.f,. the foresoins to be a full, true and correot copy of Resolution 110. fr~f the O1t,. of Sial Beach. l' ~ve oueful~ oompared the same with the oriSinal which 18 am r8lllBin8 on fil~1n IIl1 offics i'1 tnels 1111 band and official leal thi8 H" cia,. of - 4 6 6 7 8 o January, 1923. 10 11 ~,~t~. ...... 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 III 20 21 22 28 24 26 26 27 28 211 80 81 82