HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 36 1921-08-11
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u __ n '---~'ileo18.rlDg tiiii intentien of the Boar4
of '1'1'II.stees of the City of Seal Beaoh, O8l1fornla, to ob.lmge aDd sstab-
lish the grade of OOe8Z1 ~SZll18 from F1.1'st Stroe1i to thll n01'1illlvesterly
line of Main Street aDd trClll the southeas1ierl1 line of Main Street to
Eleot1'io Avenue, &ZId of other strsets in ths C11;1 of Seal lleaol1.
e ESOA //E,P:
~ L ~e._l wi ir&t.vs,"'t i~ 8:0.'3 ul S.sai Beaeh '"
is , '~U".' ,
:seotion 1. fhat 1 t 1s the intention of the Board of 'l'1'lI.stees
of the Cl ty of Seal Beach to ohaJlge &ZId establish the grade of
0CEAl'l A VENllE
from First Street to tlls northll8sterly li:ae of Main street, and 'from the
southeasterly line of !lain Street to thrlilott.tbJrelltei.";Q'" roadWlQ7." of meilfrio
AVenue," 1n:.agoora&noii w1j;h tlls f~llow1:ag elevaUons;
At the ln terseotien wi th First Street the grade
shall be 17.00 at the nC1'th'Wes1i 001'Jlll1", and 17.82 at tlls northeast oorner.
.... '
- ,
At the lnterseotlonwlth SeooM Street the grade
sball be 22.1>8 at the northwist OcrDe1', 22.58 at the northeast cOrDer,
23.00 at the southwest oorner, and 23,00 at tlls southeast oorner.
At the intel'seoUon wi th Third Street 1i1ls grade
shall be 22.63 at the north'Wes1i corner, 22,75 at the northeast COJm8l',
23,18 at the soutbJrest corner, and 23.13 at the southeast OOrDer.,_ ,-
At 1ihe interseoUon wi th Fourth, 8trset tlls grade
~11 bs 22.38 at the nortillrest 001"ll8r, 22,40 at tlls northeast cOrDer,
22,88 at the soutl:Dlest COrDer, and 22.80 at the southeast OOrDer.
At the interseot10n with Flfth 8t1'set the grade
shall be 22.31 at the nortl1\Wlst OOmler, 22,51 at the northeast OOrDer,
22.85 at the sOllthwest corner and 22,81 at the soutllsast COrDer,
At the interseotion wi th Sixth 81;l'eet the grade
sball be 22,81 at the no:FthWest oorner, 22.71 at tlls northllast o OrDer ,
22.70 at tlls sout>JW8st oorner and 22,70 at the southeast OOrDer,
'...t the interssoUen with Seventh Street the grade
shall be 22,152 at the northwest COrDer, 22.35 at the northeast oomer,
22.50 at the southwest OOrDer, and 22,57 at the sal.theast oorner.
Resolution Number
At the lntereection wlth Elghth Street the grade
shall be 21.93 at the northwest oornsr. 21.90 at tlle northeast oorner.
22,29 at the southwest oorner. and 22,19 at tlle southeast oorner.
At the lnterseoUon of the nortlleastel'ly li:ae of
OCean Avenue with the nortbwesterly li:ae of JoIaln Street, tlle grade shall
be 21.52. and at a polnt in the soutl:nvesterly 11ne of Ooean Avenue op-
poslte sald lnterseotlon the grade shall be 21.78,
At the interseotion of the northeasterly lim of
Ooean Avenue Wi th the southeasterly line of JoIal.n Street the grade shall
be 20.98" and at a polnt ln the lIOuthwesterly liJIB of Ooel!Z1 Avenue oppo-
slte said lnterseotlon the grade shall be 21.78,
w,~j, .
At the lnterseoUon Sf !l!enth Street the grade
sball be 15.23 at the northwest oorner. 15.12 at the northeast corner.
15.00 at the lIOutl1west oornsr, and 15.00 at the SOll.theast cornsr.
At the lnterseotion With Eleventh Street the grade
slJall be 14..67 at the northwest oornel', 14.57 at the northeast oOmJer,
14.60 ai the souttllll'est oorner and 14.bO a1; tile s Oll.tll8aS1l ccrnsr.
At 1;be lnte1'seC1;lon wlitt !l!wBlf1;h Street the grade
sball be 13.01 at tha nortl:nvest oornsr, 12,82 at the northeast oorner,
13,33 at the soutbwBlllt oorner am 13.30 at the lIOutheast oornsl'.
---- .----
At'the interseotionwlth !l!hirteenth Street the
grade sball be 10.35 at the nortmest cornsr, 10.22 at the northeast
oorner, 10.73 at the lIOuti1west oorner. and 10,50 at the southeast ocrner,
At the lnterseoUon Wi th Fourteenth Street the
grade sllall be 11,30 at the nortl1wut corner, 11.32 at the northeast
cornsr. 11.30 at the southwest cornsI' a:rxl. 1l~00 at the southeast ccr:aer,
At the interseoticn With Dolphin AveDl1e the grade
sba11 be 10.16 a1; the northwest corner, 9.90 at the nortbeast corner,
10,00 a1; the soutblvest ocrnsr and 9.62 at the southeast oorner.
At the :t'lrst angle p01l1t in Ooean Avenue south-
easterly frOlll Dolphin Avenue the grade shall be 9.61 at tbe northeaster-
ly line of Ooean Avenue and 9.16 at the soutbnste1'ly line of Ocean Avenue,
At the intersection with Neptune Avenue the srade
sball be 8.28 at the lIOutl1west cornsr and adS at the southeast cornsr.
At the ln1OBrsection of the northeasterly li:ae of
Ocean AVSDl18 Wi th the nortll8rly pro1oZJgation of the oenter lim of Wep..
t1lJl8 Avenue the grade sball be 8.22,
.~.. .- --..-- ...- ..
Resolution Number
At the first SZlgle polnt :I.D Ooean Avenue Baath-
westerly tram Eleotrlo Avenue the grade shall be ~.?6 at the northerly
lillll of Ooean Avenue and 7.62 at the soatherly 1111ll of Oosan Avenue,
At tile interseotion wUh tile southwesterly r0a4~
of Eleotrio Avenue tile e;L'ade shall be 7.18 at the southllest oorner and
7.12 at the sou~lIeast oorner.
A3ld at all po1Z1ts between Bald designaled points
the e;L'ade shall be establiBhed so as to oonfcl'lll to a stralg.ILt line drawn
between sald designated points,
Elevations refer to ~1Ie top of the ourb at Us
interseotionwith the produced property 11Des of in~erseotiD8 streetB,
are in feet and are abOve City Datum plane,
Seotion 2.
'l!hat it is the intention of the board 01' h'wItees
of the Oity of Seal Beach to obange and estaDl1Bh the e;L'ade of
FIllS'l! S'l!REEm!
from Ooean Avenue to Central Avenue i~ acoor4anoe wl th the followl%1g ele-
vations a
At the interseotion w1 th ~...OOe&l1 Avenue the grade
lball be 17.00 at the nortlllllest oorne:r and 17.79 at :libe-northeast oorner.
At the interseotion wi th Central Avenue the grade
~ sball be 13,51 at the southeast oorner and 14.00 at a polnt in the north-
westerly line of First Street ~osite said southeast oorner,
AII4 at all points between said designated points
the grade shall be established so as to oonform to a straight line 4r&WJ1
between sai4 designated points,
Elevatlons refer to the top of' the ourb at Us in-
tersection wi th tile produced pro!,e:rty l1DeB 01' lnterseoU:ng streets, are
in feet, and are above Clty Datum plane,
SeoUzm 3.
'l!hat it is the intention of the Boarel of 'l!rustees
of the CUy of Seal Beaoh to ollange and establish the grade of'
SIOOOl'lD S'l!llEE'l!
from Ooean Avenue to Central Avenue in acoorelance wi th the followi:ng ele-
Resolution Number -
,U tbe interseoUOI1 wl th Ooelm Avel:llle tbe grade
shall be 22.63 at tbe northwest darner and 22,54 at the northeast oorner,
At a point in the southeaster13 line 96.81 teet
nortllsaste1'13 fram tlls no1'tllsaster13 11ne ot Ocelm Avenue the grade. shall
be 20 .22.
At a polnt 121 the scutbeaster13 l1ne 111.81 teet
northeasterly trom the northeaster13 line ot Ooean Avel:llle the grade shall
be 19,68,
At the interseotion wUh Odntral Avenue(between
Seoond Strest and Flrst Street' the grade shall be 11.98 at-the southwest
At the interseotiOl1 wl th Oent1'al Avenue (between
SeooDd Street and Fourth Street) the grade shall be 14.77 at the soat~
east ocrner,
And at all points between said designated points
the grade sball be eatablhhed ao as to oont01'lll to a atralght lina drawn
between aaid deaignate~ points.
ElevaUCnls reter to the top of the ourb at Us 121-
terseotiOl1 with the produced property 11nes ot lnterseoUng strsets, are
in teet. lmd are above OUy DatUIII pllme.
- -
Seotion 4, !l!hat U is the lntention of the Board of T1'11stees
ot the 01 ty ot Seal Beach to olumge and establish the grade ct
from Ooean Avenue to Oentral Avenue in acoordlmos with the i'ollow11lg ele-
At the interseotion wi th Ooean AVenue, the grade
shall be 22.40 at the nortbwest oorner' and 22,85 at tile northeast oorner,
At the interseotion wlth Oentral Avel:llle. tile grade
shall be 18.33 at the southwest oorner and 18.26 at the southeast oorner.
And at all points between said deslgnated paints
the grade shall be estab11alled so as to oont01'lll to a stralght 11na drawn
between said designated polnts.
ElevatiOl1s rete1' to the top of the ourb at its in-
terseotion With the produoed property lines of interseoti1lg streets, are
in teet and are above OUy Datum plane.
6 r
Resolution Number
Seotion 5. That 1t ls the intentiOJl. of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Seal Beaoh to obazlge and establish 1ihe gra4e of
from Ooean Avenue to Central Avenue ln aoooMaDCe wi th the followlng ele-
At the interseotion with Ooean Avenue the grade
shall be 22.37 a1i 1ihe northwest oorner and 22.41 at the northeast eerner,
A1i the in1ierseotion Wi th Cen1iral Avenue (between
Fourth S1ireet aDd SeooDd S1ireet) the grade snall be 17,90 at 1ihe south-
we st oormr.
A1i the lnterseotion w>>h Oentral Avenue (between
Fourth Street and Fifth 11ireet) the grade snall be 16.45, ~-CL. ~-
~~ ,..
~ And at all polnts between said deslgnated points
1ihe grade shall be estab11shed so as to oonfcrm to a stralght 11118 drawn
between,said designa1ied points.
}.'levations rsfer to the top of the ourb at its in-
teneoUcn wi th the produced property linos of inte1'seotiDg streets, are
in fee1i . and are above City Dattml plane,
._-- ____A - ~__ .__
~ ....-
Resolution Number
88otion 6. ,.,... .
" !l!bat 11 is the intention of tbs Board of Trustees
of tbs Oity of Seal Beaoh to otwlge and establish the grade of
frOlll Ooean Avezme to the soutbiiester~ roadwq of Eleotrio Avenue in &0-
oorilanae 'Ill th tbs fo11owine; elevations a
At tbs lnterseotion with Ooean Avenue tbs grade
sball be 22.34 at tile nortllllest oorner and 22,46 at the nol'theast 001'%181',
At the interseoUon 'Ill tll Oentral Avezme (extending
nortllllester~ frOlll Fifth Street) tbs grade shall be 17,57 at the south-
west oorner and 17,10 at the nortillll8st oornel',
At tbs interseotion wi th Oentral Avenue (exteZl4ing
southeaster~ from Flfth street) the grade shall be 16,09 at tile south- 1/
east oorner, 16.00 at a point in tbs IIOrtnwesterly line opposite thereto, ^'
16.68 at the'northeast oorner, and 15.50 at a point ln the northwesterly
line opp081te thereto.
At a point in tbs soutbsasterly line, 300 feet
IIOrtbsaster~ from tbs IIOrtheasterly lim of Central Avenue (ext8lldiJJg
southeasterly from Flfth street) tlia grade shall be 11,37 and 11.31 at
a point in the IIOrthwesterly line opposite thereto.
-. .~ - -
- _o....~
At a point in the southeasterly line 562.6 feet
northeasterly from tbs IIOrtbsasterly line of Central Avezme (extendiDg
soutbsasterly frOlll Fifth S1;1'eet) tbs grade shall be 9.73 and 9.46 at a
point in tbs northwesterly 11ne opposite there~G.
(jy At tbs first angle point westerly from Eleotrio
Avezme the grade shall be 8.81 at tbs 80utbsasterly line and 8,69 at the
IIOrtbBesterly line,
-IJ~ S'~Q,IJ_*'4""""", uI'
At the lntersecticn wi tb" Electrlc Avenue the grade
shall be 9.03 at tbs southeast corner and 9.00 at the lntersection of the
northerly line of Fifth Street with tbs nortbsasterly line of tbs south-
westerly road~ of Electrlc Avenue,
ADl. at all pOints between said deslgnated pOlnts
the grade shall be established 80 as to confOl'lB to a stralght line drawn
between said designated points,
Elevations refer to tbs top of tbs ourb at its in-
tersection with tha produced property lims of interseoting streets, are
ln feet, and are above Oi ty Datum plane.
88ction 7, That it is the intention of the Bcal'd of Trushee
of tbs Olty ~f Seal Beach tc ohange and establish the graIIe of
Resolution Number
from 0088Z1 Avenue to 1ilul sou thwesterly roadwa;y of Eleotrlo Avenue 111 ac-
oordance With tlul following elevations I
At tlul lnterssotion With Oosan Avenue the grade
shall be 22.84 at 1ihe narthWest oorner am 22,73 at tlul nortbeaat Oorner,
At the interseotion with Uentral Avenue the grade
shall be 16,22 at 1ihe soutawest oorner, 16.12 at the southeast corner,
15,06 at 1ihe nor1ihWsst oorne~ IL1ld 15.13 at the northeas1i cornel',
At the interseotion wi1ih the southwesterly road-
~ of Eleo1irio Avenue tbs grade shall be 8.99 at the southwest eerner
alld 9.07 at ths southeast oo:rner,
And at all points between sald designated points
tbs grade shall be es1iab1ished so as to oonfol'lll to a straight 11ne drawn
between said designated points.
,. Elevations refer to the top of tbs ourb at its in-
tersection wi th the produced property linos of lnterseo~1 s1ireeis, are
in feet and !lo1'e above Clty Datum plane,
8eotion 8, 'rhat 1t 1& the intention of tbs Board of 'rrustsse
of the,_O~,t~..o:... ~eal: ~~:~ ~o ohange alld estabUsh the grade of
--; . ~ - -.-
~B S'l!REm!
from Ooe411 Avenue to the southWesterly roadway of D.eotrlo Avenue and '
from tbs northeasterly roadway of Eleotrlo Avenue to 1Il0rth Avenue ln ac- '
cordanoe with the follOWing e1evaUonsl
At 1i1l8 in1iel'seoUcn wlth OCean Avenue the grade
shall be 22.41 at the narthweet ocrner and 22.29 at the northsast oorner,
At a point ln tbs northwesterly line 235.00 feet
northeasterly from the nartbsas1ierly line of Oce8Z1 Avenue tbs grade shall
be 18.84 &JIll. 18,84 at a poill.t in ths scutbsasterly 11%18 c;wcslte thereto.
At tbs intersection wi th Central Avenue the grade
shall be 15.93 at the scutl1West oor.ner, 15,86 at the southeast o orner ,
15.18 at 1ihe northWsot oorner and 15.31 a1i the northsast corur,
At 1ihe lntereection Wi tl1 the soutllllrsoterly roadway
of Electrlc Avenue the grade sba11 be 9,19 at tbs soutl1West corner a:Dd 9.33
at the. southeast corner.
At the 1n1ierseotlon 1I2:th ths nartheasterly rcadwa;y
of Electric Avenue the grade shall be 7.46 at tbs northwest ocrner a:Dd 7.69
at the northean ocrnsr,
Resolution Number
At the lntel'seoUon with North Avenue the grade~
shall be 7.02 at the southwest oorne1' am 7,15 at the soutbeast corner, '\
AbA at all points between said designated points
tbe grade sllall be establlsned so as to oonform to a straighi 11ne drawn
between sald designated points,
Elevations refer to tbe top of the ourb at its In-
terseoUon wi..a. tile produoed property. 11nes of lnte1'seoUJlg streeh. are
in feet and are above City Da..um pl&llll,
SeoU011 9. ~ha t 1t is tbe intenU011 of tbe Board 06 True ten
of tile City of Seal Beach "0 oha1lge aDd establish the grade of
ElGlI!rll S'J!BEm!
from Ooean Avenue to ..he sou..hwes"erly roadway or Eleotrio Avenue and
trCllll the ncrtlleasterly roadway of Electrio Avenue "0 North Avena, 4.D
acoordanoe Wi..h ..be folllll'liDg elevations I
At}' the interseoUon with Ooean Avenue the grade
shall be 21~90 at tbe ncrthwast oorner and ~l,91 at the northeast oorner,
At the lntel'seoUon with Central Avenue. the
grade shall be Ib.22 at ..be soutbwest oorner. 16.16 at the soutbeast
oorner, 15.61 at the nortJ:lllreS1i oorner. a.nd 15.40 at the northeast oOl'Zlllr.
._-~ . - .. - .---- ---~_..... ...---.... -- ..-:-
At the lnterseoUon wi th the southwesterly 1'084-
~ of Eleotrlo Avenue the grade shall be 10.61 at the southwest Olll'DBr
a1Ill. 10.154 at the southeast oorner,
- ---
At the inte1'seotion with the northeasterly road-
way of Eleot1'lo Avenue tile grade s.tlall be 6.18 at the northwest oorner
aDd 6,61 at ..be nortbean oorner.
At tl1e intersooU011 with North Avena the grade shall
be 1,41 at 'one soutD.W8st oorne1' allli 7.44 at tbe soutlleast aOl'IlBr, '
ADd at all points between said designated polnts
tile grade shall be estab11slled so as to conform to a straight 11ne drawn
between said designated points. '
4 Elevations refer to the top of the ourb at lts 111-
terseoUon with jbe produoed property 11nes of lntBl'880U:ag streets, are
in feet and are above Clty Datum p1&llll.
Seotion 10. ~hat 1'0 is the intention or the Board of' Trustees ,/
or 'one (lity of Seal Beaoh to ohaI:I6'8 and establish tile grade of
~mr.rH S'J!REJ>'l!
trCllll Ooean Avenue to the southWesterly roe.dwa;v or Eleot1"io
Resolution Number
, .
from the,'nllrth8asterq rod4..., of Eleotrio Avenue to North Avenue. 1n
aooordatloe with the follOWing ele'laUcmsl
At the ll1terseoUcm with Ooeatl Avenue the grede \
ehall be 15.27 at the nlll'th'll8st oorner aDil 14,.99 at the northeast oorner,
At a polnt 111 the northwesterq line 300,00 feet
nortbeasterq :from the northeasterq lina of Oceatl Avenue the grade sball
be 11.59 a1lI1 11,05 at a point in the southeasterq line oppoB1te thereto,
At the interseotion with 'Central Avenue the grede
shall be 10.28 at the southwest oorner, 10.00 at the southeast oorner, 9.81
at the north\\'IiJst oorner and 9,81 at the northeast oorner,
At the interseotion with the south1i8sterq roadw~
of Eleot1'lo Avenue the grede shall be 9.13 at the southwest oorner &1111
9.05 at the southeast oorner.
At the interseotion wi th the northeasterq roadway
of 'Eleotrio Avenue the grade shall be 8,85 at the north_st oorner and
8.38 at the northeast oornel',
At the lnterseotion wi th JlTorth Avenue the grade pIl.all
be 7.41 at the southwest oorner and 7.32 at the southeast oorner.
r _ _, _. _ ...
ADd at all points between eald desigaated points
the grade shall be established so as to oonform to a straight line dl'avm
between said deslgnated points,
Elevations refer to the top of the ourb at 1 ts in-
terseoUon with the produoed property 11nes of interseoUJlg streets, are
ln feet and are above City Datwn plane.
Section 11. That :Lt is the lntenUon of the Baal'll of 1'rustees
01' the City of Seal Beaoh to change and establish the grade of
from Ooean Avenue to the soutr,westerq 1'aodway of Eleotric Avenu a1lI1 :from
the nortbeasterq ~oedway of Eleotrlc Avenue to North Avenue, ln aooord-
8D4e with the following elevatlonsl.
At the interseotion with Ooean Avenue the grede
sball be 14.67 at the northwest oorner a1lI1 14.39 at the northeast oorner,
At a point in the nortlmesterq 11118 110.00 feet
northeasterq :fr0lll the northeastel'q lins of Ooean Avenue the grade shall
be 12.11 &1111 12,17 at a point ln the southeasterq 11ns opposite thereto.
At a point in the nortlmesterq line 125.00 feet
. /
- -'
Resolution Number
northeasterq from the northeasterly 111lS of Ooean Avenue the grade shall
be 11.90 aJId 11.87 at a point ln the southeasterq 111lS opposite thel'eto,
4. ;..vvr:;- a polnt in the nortbLvesterq 111lS 356.00 feet
:northeasterly from the northeasterly lillS of Ooean Avenue the grade shall
be 10.38 aJId 10,55 at ,a point in the southeasterly line opposlte thereto.
At "the interseotion with Oentral Avenue the grade
shall be 7.20 at the soutllnst oorner, 7.10 at the southeast oorner, 7.00
at the nortBwest ocrner, and 6.80 at the northeast oorner,
At the intersection with the southwesterly road~
of Eleotrio Avenue the grade sball be 6.74 at the southwest oorner and
6,53 at the southeast OCrDer.
At the interseotion with the northeasterly road~
of Eleotrio Avenue the grade shall be 6.59 at the :northwest oorner aJId
6,44 at the northeast corner.
At the lnterseotion with North Avenue the grade
ehall be 7,01 at the southWest oorner aJId 6.95 at the southeast OOrDer,
ADd at all polnts between said deslgnated points
tb8 grade shall be established so as to conform tc a stralght lillS drawn
betwsen said designated points. '
Elevations refer to the top of the ourb at its In-
terseotion wi th the produced pl'a,perty 11llSs of interseoting streets, are
in feet, aJId are above Oi ty Datum plane.
Section 12. That it is the lntention of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Seal Beaoh to obange and sstablish the grade of
from Ooean Avenue to the soutbLvesterly ro~w~_.8~}.l!,otrio Avenue and from
the northeasterly roadway 01' Electl'ic Avenwf;'In acoPlldance with the fol-
lawiug elevations.
At the intersection wi th Ocean Avenue the grade
shall be 12.92 at the nortblrest corner and 12.76 at the nOl'theast corllSr,
At a point in the ncrthweste1'q line 200 feet nOrth-
easterly trcm the northeasterly line cf Ocean Avenue the grade shall be
11,76 and 11.66 at a point ln the eoutheasterly 111lS opposite thereto,
At the interseotion with Central Avenue the grade
shall be 7.63 at the southwest ccrne1' aDd 7.38 at the northwest corner,
Resolution Number
At the lntersecUon With the southwesterly roadway
of Eleotl'ic Avenue the grade sball be 6,24. at the southwest corner and
5.96 at the southeast corner,
At the intersection with the northeasterly roadway
of Electric Avenue tlle grade sball be 5.94 at the northwsst OO1'Jl8r and
5.94 at the northeast oormr.
At the interseoUon wi th North Avenue the grade
shall be 6.61 at the soutnweBt cormr and 6.51 at the southeast oorner.
And at all points between said designate4 points
the grade sball be established so as to oon:t01'lD to a straight lim drawn
between said designated points,
Elevations refer to the top of tllll curb at its In-
terseotion with the produoed property lines of interseoting streets, are
in feet, and are above Oity Datum plane.
lIecUon 13. That 11; is the lntention of the Board of Trustees
of tne Uity of Seal Beach to CIIaJIgB and establhh the grade of
fl'ClJll Ooean Avenue to the soutllWllsterly rcadway of Elect1'io Avenue and from
the northeasterly roa~. ot Electrio Avenue to North Avenue in accordanoe
wi th tllll following elevations:
At the intersection with Ooean Avenue the grade slla11
be 10.40 at the nortawest oorner and 10.3? at the n01'tneast corner,
At a point in the northwesterly line 110.00 feet
ncrtll8anerly :from the northeasterly line of Ooean Avenue the grade sba11
be 9.3? and 9.34 at a point in the southeasterly liDS oppeslte thereto.
At the intersection wi th the soutnwesterly ros4way
of Electric Avenue the grade sllall oe 5,ez at tlle soutnwest corner and
5.41 at the scutl18ast 1I0rmr,
At tbe intersection wl th the northeasterly roadw~
ox .s:llectric AveDl18 tllEl grade lIlI8.11 be 6.49 at 'lillS northwest corner and 5.48
at the northeast corner.
At the intersection wi th LandlJlg Avenue the grade
sball be 5.83 at the southeast corner and 6,83 at the northeast oorner.
At the lntersecUon w1th North Avenue the grads shall
be 6,31 at the southwest corner and 6.16 at the eoutheast oorner.
And at all points between said deslgnated points
Resolution Number
the grade shall be established so as to oonform to a straight llne drawn
between said designated points, .
Elevations refer to the top of the O1l1'b at tIIs in-
terseotion with the produoed property lines of 1nte1'seoting streets, are
in feet, and are aboVe City Datum plane,
Section 14. !Ilhat 1t is tbe lntention of the Board of !Ilrustees
of tbe City of Seal Beaoh ~c obaI:Ige and establish the grade of
FOllR'J!EEN'.I!lt S'l.':RE:Ill]
from Ooean Avenue to the southwester13 roadway of Electrlc Avenue and :from
the northeaster13 roadw~- of Elect1'io Avenue to North Avenue in acoordance
wi lih the followl11t, elevations:
, At tbe inte1'Section w1 th Ocun Avenue tbe grade sball
be 11,29 at tbe northwest oorner and 11,32 at the northeast corner.
At a point In the nortllwesterly line 110.00 feet
northeasterly from the northeasterly line of Ocean Avenue the grade sball
be 9~94'.and 9.96 at a p01l1t in the soutbeasterly line opposite thereto.
- -
At the interseotlon with the southwesterly roadway
of Electric' AVBJ1ue the grade sball be 5,18 at the soutllwest COl'ner and
4.80 at the southeast corner,
At the lnterseotionwith the northeasterly rood~
of Eleotrio Avenue the grade shall be 6.30 at the northwest oorner and
5.22 at the nCl'theast corner.
At the interseotion wl th Landlng Avenue the grade
shall De 6.57 at the southwest corner, 5,51 at the southeast oorner, 5.58
at the northwest corner and 5,52 at tbe northeast oorner, '
At the interseotion wl th North Avenue the grade shall
be 5.78 at the southwest COl~r and 5,66 at the soutneast oornel',
ADd at all polnts between said desi8Datsd polnts
the grade soall be established so as to 00111'01"11I to a straight line drawn
between sald designated pOints,
JIlevations refer to tbe top of the curb at its In-
terseotion wi lih tbeproduoed property lines of interseotiDg streets, are
in feet, and are above City Datum plane,
Section 15. !Ilbat it ls tbe lntention of the Board of !Ilrustees
of the City of Seal Beaoh to 01wlge and establish the gl'ade of
-. .
Resolution Number
from the northeasterly ~oa4wq of Eleotrio Avenue to North Avenue In eo-
oorda.n.oe with the following elevations:
At the 1I1t.rseotion wi th the northeasterly road-
~ of Eleotrio Avenue the grade sball be 5.13 at the northwest oorner
and 5.01 at the northeast oomsr,
At the lnterseotion with Llmding Avenue the grade
shall be 5.33 at the southwest corner, 5,24 at the southeast oomsr,
5.35 at the northwest oorner, and 5.33 at the northeast corner.
At the intwseotion with North Avenue the grade
shall be 5.47 at the soutllllut oorner and 5.45 at the ocutheast oorner,
And at all points between said designated polnts
the grade shall be established so as to oonform to a straight line drawn
between sald designated points,
Elevations refer to the top of the curb at its in-
tersection with the produoed property lines of interssotlng streets, are
in feet, and are above City Datum plane.
+ Seotion 16. !l!hat it is the intention of the Board of !frustees
of the City of Seal Beach to change and establish the grade of
frOlll the northeasterly roadway 01' Eleotrio Avenue to North Avenue in ac-
cordance wi th the fcllowlng elevations:
At the interseotidn with the northeasterly rca4-
way of Eleotrlo Avenue the grade ehall be 4.95 at the northwest corner
and 4,78 at the northeast oorner,
At the lnterseotion wl th La.IlIline Avenue the grade
shall be 5,32 at the southwest oorner, 5.36 at.,the southeast oorner,
5,37 at the northwest oorner, and 5,47 at the northeast oorner,
At the intenreotion with North Avenue the grade
shall be 7.18 at the southwest oorner and 7,08 at the southeast oorner,
And at all points between said designated points
the grade shall be established so as to oonfcrm to a stralght line drawn
. between said deslgnated points.
Elevations refer to the top of the ourb at its in-
terseotion with the produced property llnes of intersecti~ street8, are
In feet, and are above Clty Datum plane,
. ,
, '
Resolution Number
SeoUc1l 17. .!IIIlat 1t is the 11Itenti01l Of the Board of Trustees
of the Oity of SIal Be80h to ollan8e and establish the grade of
:sllOVJSlll'J:.I!iI5III~H STBEE!
from the noriheasterq roa4way of Eleotrlo AVenue" to North Avenue in ao-
oorianoe wi th the following elevations:
At the lnterseotion with t~ northeasterq roadw~
of Eleotrio AvenUl the grade shall be 4,62 at the nortblll'est oorner and
4.49 at the northeast oorner,
At the interseotion wi th Landing Avenue the grade
shall be 6,79 at the southl1est oorner, 6.69 at the southeast oorner.
6.S7 at the northwest oorner and 6.73 at the northeast oorner.
At the lnterseotion with North Avenue the grade
shall be 6.63 at the soutbrlest corner and 6.49 at the scutbeast '"oorner.
ADd at all points bstween said deslg.aaQd polnts
the grade shall be established so as to oon:torm to a stralght line drawn
between said deslg.aated points,
Ele~ti~~ ~~fer to the --top of'tbe Ciiii-b ai"'"its in.. ' --
tersecti01lwlth the produced property lines of interseotlng streets, are
i1l feet, and are above Oity DatUIII pllms,
~-' -
Seotion 18, That it 18 the intent1Dn of the Board of Trustees
of the Oity of Seal Be80h to ohange and establieh the grade of
from the northeaster~ roa4way' of Electrlo Avenue to North Avenue ln 80-
oordanoe wi th the fOllawiJlg elevations:
At the interseotion wi th the northeaaterly 1'oad-
~ of Eleotl'lc Avenue the grade shall be 4,30 at the north_at corner
and 4,20 at the northeaB'lO corner,
At the intel'section with Landing Avenue the grade
shall be 6.20 at the soutblll'est oorner' 6,20 at a ];IOlnt 111 the southeast-
erly line opposite thereto, 6,32 at the nortillllBet oorner and 6.32 at a point
ln the southeasterly line oppoalte thereto, "
At the lnte1'sootion wi th North AVlnUl the grade
shall be 6,12 at the southwest oorner and 6.12 at a point ln the southeast-
erly line opposite thereto,
ADd at all polnts between sald designated points
", /
-r- _-
~ .....
Resolution Number
the grade shall be established so as to oonform to a straight Une dr~
between said deslgnated points,
Elevations refer to tl1ll top of the ourb at its in-
terseotion with the produced property Unes of interseotillg streets, are
ln feet, and are above City Datum plane.
Seotion 19. That it is the intention of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Seal Deach to ohange and establish the grade of
from !Jlhirteenth Street to Ba;v Boulevard in aooordanoe wi th the follCllliDg
elevations I
At the lnte1'seot1on wi th Thirteenth Street the
grade shall be 5,'14 at the northeast ocrner and 5.83 at the southeast
At the intersection with Fourteenth Street the
grade shall be 5,63 at the northwest OOl"llllr, 1.62 at the southwest oor-
ner, and 5.59 at the northeast cOl"llllr, 5.51 at the southe'ilst Ocl"IlE/l',
\~----.:---__ ~ ..:_.. -.. ~ ...,;.-... "-~" r ':;-; ..-:-:-:; -~ .::-._........~._.
At the interseotion w11ih Fifteenth Street the
grade shall be 5,3'1 at the northwest oorner, 5,29 at the soutlllllrest oor-
nar, 5,31 at the northeast oOl"llllr, and 5,35 at the southeast oorner.
At the lnterseotion wl th Sixteenth Street the
grade shall be 5,34 at the nortlllllrest ool'tlllr, b,23 at the southllllSt oor-
nel', 5,'18 at the northeast oornsr, and 5,a3 at the soutneast corner.
At the inlerseotion with Seventeenth Street the
grade shall be 5,'16 at the norti:Drest ocrner. 5,66 at the southwest oar-
nal', 5.43 at the northeast o orner , and 5.'16 a~ the southeast corner,
At the interseotion with Ba;v Boulevard the grade
shall be 5.37 at the northwest corner and 5,25 at the eouthwest oornel',
ADd at all pOints between said designated points
the grade shall be established so as to ocnform to a straight 11.Jl8 drawn
between said designated points.
. "
Elevations refer to the top of the curb at its ,in-
terseotionwith the produoed property lines of intersecting streets, are
in feet, and are above City Datum plane.
Seotion 20, That it 1e the lntention of the Board of Trustees
of Seal Beach to change and establish tile grade of
Resolution Number
from Ooe&1l. Avenue to the southwesterly roadwa;v ot Electric Avenue i:D
aocol'danoe w1 th the tollowing elevationB I
At the intorseotion wi th Ocean Avenue the grade
she.ll be 10,22 at the nortbMrst corner am 10.01 at the northeast oorner.
At the intersection wi th brine Avenue the grade
8he.ll be 9,09 at the southeast corner and 8,97 at the northeast corner.
At the interseoticn wi th the southwesterly roadwa;v
ot Electrio Avenue the grade shall be 7.71 at the southwest oorner am
7.76 at the southeastedy corner,
A!I4 at all polnts between sald designated pointe
the grade she.ll be established so as to contorm to a straight line drllllm
betwee~BB1d dlelgnated polnts.
Elevations refer to the top ot the ourb at its in-
terseotion wlth the produoed ~operty lines ot lnterseotlng streetB, are
in teet, and are above CUy Dat1lm plane,
rOO ..--:--
-:-=:--~.. .-
....,.....;..... -......;0...-.. -..... . =---.. ..:.-:.
Seotion 21. !l!he.t it 18 the intention ot the BO&l'd ot !rrustees
ot the City ot Seal Beach to obange and establish the grade of
from Dolphin Avenue to the southwesterly roadway ot Eleotric Avenue ln
aco o:rdanae w1 th the following eleva t1 ans I
At the interseotion w1 th Dolphin Avenue the grade
shall be 9.21 at the northeast oorner am 9.20 at the southeast COl'll8r,
At the first angle point easterly from Dolphin Ave-
nue the grade soall be 8,40 at the nort~rly line am 8.22 at the southerly
At the first a:ngle polnt southwesterly from the
southwesterly ro~ of Eleotric Avenue the grade she.ll be 7,80 at the north-
el':Qr line and 7.62 at the southerly line,
At the intersection with the southwesterly roadWB;Y
Of Eleotrlo Avenue the grade sllall be 7,46 at the southwest OOl'Der and
7.38 at the southeast oorner.
And at all points betwesn said designated points
Resolution Number
the grade shall be established so as to oonform to a stl'aight 11ne drawn
between sa14 ~eslgnate4 points.
Elevations refer to the top of the ourb at its in-
terseotionwltn ~he produced property lines of in~ersectiug s~reets, are
ln feet, and are above City Ds.t1llll plane.
Seotion 22, That it is the lntention of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Seal Beaoh to ohange and establish the grade of
from Flrst l:ltreet to E,1ghth Street and from 1I&1n Street to Twelfth Street,
in aooordanoe w1 th the following elevations I
At the inte1'seo~ion with First Street the grade eball
be 13.48 at the sout~ast o orner , /..
At the intereeotion wi th lililoolld Street the grade
shall be 11.85 at the soutbrlest oorner. and 14.'19 at the southeast corner.
At the interseotion with Third Street the grade
. shall be 18.36 at tile scutillrlest oorner and 18.26 at the southeast oorner.
-----:-- ~..--:::::- - ..,;:---:---:-- :::;... :- ",p ..:, .-'. - . - ~
At the intersection wi th FO,urth Stre'ei ihs' gr'Bde "-
sball be 17,92 at the soutbwest corner and 16.48 at the southeast corner,
-. p. - ...
At the interseotion With Fifth Street the grade
shall be 17.63 at the soutillrlest oorner, and 17,05 at tile nortl:lwest oorur,
16.17 at the southeast oorner. aJld 15,77 at the northeast oorner.
At the interseotion wi th Sixth Street the grade
shall be 15,13 at the northwest corner, 16.23 at the southwast oorner.
15.13 at the BortheaSt oorner. aDd 16,42 at the southeast oorner.
At the intersection with Seventh Street ~he grade
shall be 15.15 at the nortbwest oorner, 15.93 at the soutbrlest oorner,
15,3l" at the northeast ocrne1'. and 15.84 at the southeast oorner.'
At the interseotion wl th Eighth Street the grade
shall be 15.67 at the nortl:lllVest OOl'ner am 16.21 at the southwest oorner.
At the lntersection wi th Main Street the grade
sball be 14.69 at the northeast oorner aDd 15,15 at the southeast oomer.
At a point in the northeasterly line 11'1.50 feet
southeasterly frDIII the sOlltheasterly line o:l: 14aln Street the grade shall
be 13.91 and 13.10 at a point ln the southwesterly line opposite thereto,
Resolution Number
At a pOint in the northeasterly 11M 132.50 feet
southeasterly f1'0DI the southeasterly 11M of Main street the grade shall
be 13.69 and 13.70 at a polnt ln the soutbuestel'l1 line opposlte thereto.
At the interseoUon wHh Tenth street the gr~d"",
shall be 9.92 at the ncrtbuest oome" 10.19 at the SogthWBst corner, 9.81
at the northeast Oc1'Mr and 10.06 at the southeast oorner.
At the lnterseotionwith Eleventh street tho grade
shall be 7.02 at the northwest oorner, 7,37 at the soutbuest oorner, 6,80
at the northeast oomer, am 7.00 at the southeast oorner.
At the interseotion with Twelfth street the grade
shall be 7,41 at the northwest oorner and 7,60 at the southwest~oorner,
And at all points between said designated points
the grade shall be sstab11shed so as to oonform to a straight line drawn
between said dsslgnated points.
ElevaUcns rsfel' to the top of the ourb at its in-
terseotion wi th the produoed property liMs Of inte1'seoUng streets, are
in feet, and are abovs 01ty Datum plane.
SeoUcn 23. Tllat 1 t is the lntenUcn of the Board of Trustses
of the Oity of Seal Beach to ohange and estab11sh the grade of the south-
westerl1 road~ of
~..,- . .'
-- . --- ---
from Fifth Street to Seal W~ ln acoordance with the follOWing elevations;
At the lnterseotion of the northeasterl3' 11M wi th
the northerly line of Flfth Street the grade sllall be 9,00,
At the interseoUon with fifth Street the grade
shall be 9.03 at the southeast o01"l1er.
At the lnterseotion with Sixth Street the grads shall
be 9.10 at the southwest oorner, 9.07 at the southeast oorner, and 9.20
at a point in the northeasterly 11M opposite thereto,
At the interseotion wlth Seventh Street the grade
sllall be 9,18 at the southwest oorner, 9,30 at the southeast ocrner. and
9.60 at a point in the northeasterl111ne opposite thereto.
At the interseotion with Elghth Street the grade
sllall be 10.66 at the southwest oorner, 10.20 at a polnt in the northeaet-
erly line opposite thereto, aDd 10.52 at the southeast corner.
Reoslution Number '
At the interseotion wi th lIain street the grade :s.ball
be ;1.0,72 at the soutbmlst oorner, 10.30 at the interseotion of the produoed
ncrtbmlsterly line of lIaln'Street Wi th the northeasterly lillll of sald road-
~. 10,53 at the scut~ast oorner and 10.30 at the lnterseotlon o~ the south
easterly line of Jialn Street wi th the no*thaasterly lim of said road~.
At the interseotlon wlth Tenth Street the grade shall
be 9.14 at tile soutbmlst oorner, 9,03 at the soutbeast ocrner, and 9,20 at
a point in the northeasterly liM opposite thel'eto,
At the lntenecation with Eleventh Street tbe grade
shall be 6,77 at tbe southwest oorner, 7,40 at .. point in the nortbeasterly
line opposite tbereto. and 6.58 at tbe southeast oorner.
At the interseotion with Twelfth Street the grade
shall be &.14 at tile southwest oorner, &,40 at a point in tbe nortbeaster-
ly line opposite thereto, and 5,98 at the southeast oorner.
At tbe interseotion Wi th !l!h1rteenth Street the grade
shall be 6,62 at the southwest oorner'II'5.46 at the southeast OOl'ner,
shall be 5.13 at the
At tbe interseotion with Fourteenth Street the grade
southwest OOl'lle1', and 4.80 at the southeast oorner.
- -- - - .. ~
At the intersectlon of tbe northeaster~ line with
a 11ne parallel with and 20 feet northwesterly from the nortbeasterly pro-
longation,of the center line at Fourteenth Str~et the grade shall be 5.60.
At tbe lnterseotion of the northeasterly line with a
1111II parallel with and 20 feet scutbeasterly from the northeasterly pro-
lo:agation of the oenter line of b'ourteenth Street the grade shall be 5,60,
At tbe lnterseotion wi th Dolphin Avenue the grade
shall be 7,74 at the southwest oorner. 7.40 at a point in the northeast-
erly line opposite thereto, and 7.65 at the southeast corner.
Aii the interseotion with Marine Avenue the grade
shall be 7,41 at the southwest oorner. and 7.41 at the southeast oorllllr,
* At the interseotion wi iih Ooean Avenue the gl'ade shall
be 7.20 at the soutbmlst oorner and &,89 at the souiiheast corner.
At the interseotion wiiih Seal W~ the grade sllall
be 6.76 at the southwest corner and 6,80 at a point in the no1'theastel'ly
line apposlte thereto.
And at all points between said designated pcints
the grade shall be established so as to ooDi:orm to a stralght line drawn
between said designated points.
Resolution Number
, Elevations refer to the
terseotions wi th the produoed property 11nes of
In feet, and are above 01 ty Da'tum plane,
, '
top of the curb at i 'HI-J11-
lnterleoti~ streets, are
Seotion 24, !rbat U is the intsntion of the Board of Trustees
of tile Oity ot Seal Beach to ohange and establbh the grade ot the north-
easterly road~ of
,- ,
from North Avenue to Bay BouleV&l'd 111 acoordanoe with the followiIlJl; ele-
At the interseotion wUh Nor1ih A?BI1ue the grade shall
be 7.40 at the northeast 00l'l1er and 7,60 ,at a pOint in the southwesterly line
opposite thel'eto,
At the intersection with Seventh Street the grade
shall be 7.43 at the nol'thwest corner, 8,00 at a point in the southwesterly
1111S opposUe thereto, and 7.fI1 at the northoast oorner.
At tile intsrsedUon with :&:1ghth Strset the grade
ehall be 8.21 at the northwest oorne1', 8.90 at a point in the southwestel'''
ly 11ne opposite thereto, and 8.63 at the northeaet oo:rner,
. 4t tbe 1ntU'aeot1m7i1UI1 Jl8m street the'sra48 Bl:Iail
be 9.18 at tbe Dortl1wolt aorner, 9.20 at tll8 1I1teraeatian of tll8 Bcmtllnst-
..~ line with the Jrolual4 Dart~st.r~oItDI'ot:"i~~'treet,'8i91,at'the:
2IOrtll8..t aorner, and 9.20 at tbe intersection of the sQuth1'llilsterly I1n8
with the southeasterly 11ne of Main Street.
At the interseotion with Tenth Street tbe grade sball b" '.$'..1
IJe _1';_,1""",",8,88 at the northeast oomer and 8.90 ~U a point ln the southwesterly
11m opposUe thereto,
At the lnterseoUon wi th Eleventh street the grade
shall be 6.60 at the nor1ihwest oo:rner, 7.40 at a point in the southwesterly
line opposite thereto, am 6.35 at the northeast ocrner.
At the interseoUon with Twelfth street tbe grade sball
be 5,93 at tile nortbsvest oomer. 6.30 at a point in the southwesterly line
opposite thereto. and 5.86 at the northeast oorner,
)<. At the lnterseoUon with Thirteenth Street the grade
shall bs 5.49 at tile northwest oorner and 5.42 at the northeast oornsr.
At the lnterseaUcn With Fourteenth Street the grade
shall be b,41 at the northwest oomer and 5,32 at the northeast oorner,
Resolution Number
At tlls lnterseoUon of tlls southwesterly 11ne with
a line parallel with and 20 feet nortlll'lesterly from the northeasterly pror
101lg&Uon of tlls oenter line of Fourteenth Street (soutlnves terly :from Ele'O\.,
trio Avenue) the grade shall be 5,70.c -
At the interseo'Glon of the southwesterly lill8 with
a line parallel with and 20 fset southeasterly from the nD1'tllsastel'ly pro-
lo~tlon of tbe oenter 11118 of Fourteenth Street ( soutlayesterly from
Eleotrlo ~venU8) the grade shall be 5.70,
At the lnterseotlonwith Flfteenth Street the grade
sball be 5,07 at the nortlDrest oorenr am 5.00 at the northeast oorner,
At the lntersection with SiXteenth Street the grade
ehall be 4.91 at the northwest corner and 4.66 at the northeast dorner,
At the lntereection with Seventeenth Street the
grade shall be 4.52 at the nor.thwest corner and 4,46 at tile northeast oorner,
At the lnterseotion wl th Bay Boulevar4 the grade
shall be 4.20 at tbe nOl't!:Jl\Iest corner, 5,00 at a polnt ln the southwesterly
line opposite tlle1'eto, 4.20 at the northeaet corner, and 5,00 at a polnt ln
, the sou thwe s t01'l;y line oppo sl ts there to,
_ _.L... ~._.._ ___ _. -~....__ _. ~ - ~..
Aid at all points between salddlslgoated polnts
the grade ehall be established so as lO com:o~to a straight line drawn
between said deslgnated points.
Elevations refer lO the top of the ourb at 1 ts In-
tersectlon wlth the produoed propdrty lines 01 lnterseotlng streets. are
in feet aI1d are above Oity datum plrm.e.
Seoticn 25. That it is the lntention of the Boal'd of Trustees
of the City of Seal Bsaoh to ohlmge and establ1eh the grade of
from 1ihe nortneasterly rood~ of Eleotrlo Avenue to Bay iloulevard ln 8.0-
cordanoe with ~he following elevations:
A1i the lntersection wlth the northeasterly 1'oadWUW
of Elsotrio Avenue the grade shall be 7,43 at ~he nortbeast oorner,
At the lnterseotlonwlth Seventh Street the grade
sball be '/,02 at lhe sou1il1west corner and 7,15 at the southeast oorner,
At the ~le point between Siventh Street and Eighth
Street the grade shall De '/,35 at tile southwesterly line.
- ~
. Resolution Number
At tile intersection with Eighth Street the grade
shall be 7.47 at the soutnwest corner and 1.44 at the southeast oorner.
At the lntersection with Main Street the grade shall
be 7.72 at the southwest oorner and 'l,65 at the soutneast oorne1'.
.!.t the interssotion with Tenth Strest the grads
1111&11 De 7.41 at the soutill1Pest cornsr am 7.32 at the southeast oornel',
At tile inter seot ion with Eleventh Strset the grade
shall be 7,01 at tile southwest corner and 6,95 at the southeast ocrner,
At tile lnterseotion wi th Twelfth street the grade
shall be 6.61 at the soutill1PestJoorner and 6.51 at the southeast oorner,
At the inte1'eeotion with Thirteenth Street the
grade shall be 6.31 at the southwest oorner and 6.16 at the southeast oor-
At the intersection wlth Fourteenth Street the grade
shall be 5,78 at the soutill1Pest corner and 5.66 at the southeast oorner,
At the interseotlon with Fifteenth Street the grade
shall be 5.47 at the southwest oorner and 5.45 at the southeast oorner.
-- --- - -
At the interseotion wi th Sixteenth Street the grade
..hall be 7.16 at the southwest corner llo1ld 7.08 at the southeast oorner,
At the intersection with Seventeenth Street the grade
shall be 6,53 at the *outbwest.oorner and 6.49 at the southeast oorner.
At the interseotion with Ba,y Boulevard the grade
shall be 6,12 at the southwest oorner.
.And at all points between said designated points the
grade shall be established so as to conform to a straight line dr~ be-
tween said designated polnts.
Elevations rerer to the tcp of the ourb at lts In-
tersecilQ11 wl th the produced property lines of intersecUng streets, are
in :feet and are above Oi ty Datum plane,
Seotion 26, The prooeedlngs for the afo1'esald oilanl!.'8 of grade
ehall be taklln UlIder the"Ohange of Grade Act of 1909" ~~f;=,.street 6Up-
il: 7,,~&:it
erinteIl4ent shall oauee notlioe of the paseage of this cento be
posted in tile manner provided by law. and the said street Superintendent
ehall also oause J1CItioe e1m11ar In substance tc be published ~. _I
In the Seal Beach Pos t. ... ' J,tXe
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