HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 38 1921-09-22 I " I " 1 r . u 2 tt~~ ,."=';,....-...'!tS'~ RESOUl'.l!ION NO.~ '.,r,1 A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the (;i ty of Seal Bench, deolaring their intention to order the ~ovement of Main Street from Ooean Avenue to Eleotrio Avenue and of portions of other streets in the Ci 1;y of Seal Beaoh. RESOLVEI>: Seotion 1. That it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of Seal Beaoh to order the fOllowiDg work to be done and improve- ments to be made in said cit,y, to-wit: 1st, That :MAIN STREEre from the northeaster~ line of Ooean Avenue to the southwesterly line of Electric Avenue; OCE/l.ll' AVENUE between the southwester~ prolongations of the side lines of ~ain Street, from the northeaster~ line of Ooean Avenue to a line parl!,llel with an 67 feet soutbwester~ therefrom; and . CEllTRAL AVENUE from the northwestel'~ line of Main Street to a. 11M parallel wi th and 3.12 feet northwesterly therefrom, inoluding all interseotions of streets and alleys be graded and paved with a cement concrete pa.vement 6 inches thiCk, exoepting such portions of said streets as are already paved with a cement concrete pavement, and excepti:ng suoh portions of said streets within a strip of land 9.0 feet wide, ~inc 4.5 feet each side 01 the fol- lowing described oenter line: Beginning at a point on the northeaster~ line of Ocean A'9'enue, distant thereon 45.14 feet nortilwester~ from the northwester~ line of Main Street, said point of beginning being on a ourve concave to the north and baving a radius of 256.5 feet, a radial line through said point of betinning having a bearing oS: 11 60 42' 46" '.'I; therice northeasterly along said curve 19.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northwest and having a radius of 235 fest; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned ourve 187.66 feet to the end of same; thenoe N 310 17' E 6240.69 feet along the oenter line of Main Street to ths beginning of a curve ooncave to the southeast lIlld having a radi. us of 298.54 feet; thence II I 1 j , . I _ 1 - I I I .1 .' Resolution Number . north.oasterly alotlg said last mentioned ourve 156.32 feet to the beginning 01' a:,curve cancave to the southeast and having a radius of 250 feet; thence _ /" northeasterly along said last mentioned curve1l36.66 to a point on the ;...- ..J southwesterly line of Electric Avenue 100.62 feet southeasterly from the southeasterly line of Main Street. 2JId. ~hat a cellllnt curb be ccnstruoted in the curb return at the northeast oorner cf kin Street and Ocean Avenue a;nd in the curb return at the northwest corner of Main Street and Central Avenue, and aloD6" the ncrth- westerly curb line cf bin Street as shown on the plans therefcr. 3r11, ~hat a corrugated iron and ocnorete oulvert be oonstructed aloDg tho northwesterly curb line 01' Main Street from a point 45 foet ncrth- easterly from the northeasterly line of Ocean Avenue to a point 90 feet ncrtheasterly frcm said northeasterly line; , ~, that a oorrugated iron and concrete oulvert be construoted alOtlg the northwesterly ourb line of 1ID.in Street acroes its interseotion with Central Avenue, together with oOllneoting culverts in Central Avenue} !Aft; and 'that a oorrugated iron and ooncrete oulvert be OOlllltruoted along the southeasterly ourb line of Main Street fram a point 250 feet ncrth- easterly fram the northeasterly line c1' Central Avenue to a point 295 feet ncrtheasterly from said northeasterly line, excepting such porticns of said streets wi thin a s.trip of la%ld 9.0 feet wide, lying 4.5 filet eaoh side of - ...'"_ _.tlI.lL fglJ,\lwing desoribed center line: 'f-. Begilming at a point on the ncrtheasterly line cf Ocean Ave- nue, distant thereon 45.14 feet northwesterly from the nc:rthwester~ line of Main Street, said point of beginning being on a curve concave tc the north a;nd baving a 'radius of 256.5 feet, a radial line through said point cf beginnilll> 'having a bearing cf 111' 80 42' 48" VI; thence ncrtheasterly alcng said curve 19.00 feet to the beginning of a ourve ooncave to the northwest and havitlB' a radius of 235 feet; theme northeasterly along said last men- tioned curve 187.68 feet to the end of same; thenoe 111' 310 17' E 624.69 feet along the center line of Main Street to the beginning 01 a curve ccncave to the southeast and having a radius of 298.54 feet: thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve 156.32 feet to the beginning cf. a curve c cncave . to the southeast and having a radius 01' 250 feet: thence nCl'theasterly along said last mentioued curve 136.66 tc a pcint o~ the southwester~ line of Eleotric Avenue 100.62 feet southeasterly from the southeasterly line of Main Street. 'Said oorl'usa.ted iron culverts, ineiuding manhole frames 'and covers and all appurtenances shall be constracted in aocordance VIi th the plans and profiles hereinafter referred to and in further accordance with "Specifioaticns No.5, for the Construction cf Oorrueated Iron Culverts in the City of Seal Beach, II on file iu the offioe of the Ci ty Clerk. .....- -- - 2 - .J ," 1 " ~I . Resolution Number Seotion '2. !rlla.t all the aforesaid work shall be done to the offioial grade and in aooordanoe with plans and profiles numbered A-3-37 and A-3-3B, on file in the office of the City Engineer, and in further acoord- ance with "SpecU'ioations No.4, for the Construction 01' Pavements, Curbs, Bidewalks and Gutters in the Ci ty of Seal Beach", on file in the offioe of the City CIEll'k, except as otherwise hereinbefore provided. Said plans. profiles and ~eoifioations are hereqy referred to for a more partioular desoription of said \'/ork and are made a part hereof. Section 3. ADd whereas said contem,plated work and improvemont is, in the opinion of said Bbard of Trustees, of more than looal or ordinar,y publio benefit, said Board hereby lta1ll3S the oosts and expenses of said work or im- provemente chargeable upon a di strict, whioh die triot said Board hereby de- clares to be the district benefited by said work and improvements, and to be assessed to p~ the costs and expenses thereof: which district is bounded and described as follows: All that portion of the City of Seal Beach included wi thin the followi~ described exterior boundary line, to-wit: Begizm.ing at the northeast oorner of Lot 32, Block 109, B~ City, a subdivision, as shown on map reoorded in Book No.3, page 19 of Mis- cellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County; thence sCR:lthwesterly in a direct line to the northeast oorner of Lo t 5, Blook 9 said subdivision;' thence southwesterly in a direot line to the'intarsection of the southwesterly pro- lansation of the southeasterly line of said last mentioned lot with a line parallel with and 112 feet southwesterly from tho southwesterly line ot Ooean Avenue: thenoe northwssterlY,along said parallel line to ite interseotion with the southwesterly prolo~~tion of the no~thwesterly line of Lot 6, Blook B of said su.bdivision: .thence northeasterly in a direct line to the northwost oor- ner of said last mentioned lot; thence northeasterly, in a direot line to the most northerly oorner of Lot 35, Block 108, said subdivision: thence southeast- erly in a direot line to the, Wnt of beginning, all as shown on r.;ap Kumbered A-3-39, approved by the Board a~ Trustse!"on~the 1st d~ of September, 1921, and on file in the offioe o~ 1ihri\ Ci ty B' _ ~ r, to whioh said map reference is hereby made for a more oo~\te and detailed deJoripuon of said distriot, exoepting from said district ~'~tion of any public street or alley whioh ma;y be inoluded therein. 0';,., " . ~ f\ \ " Seotion 4. It is hereby dete~ined and notioe is hereby given that serial bonds ~o represent unpaid assessments, and pearing interest at the rate of seven per oent per annum, shall be l:!sU<<'"hereunder in the lII8ml8r provided by the "Improvement Bolld Act of 1915", the last installment of Vlhioh bonds shall mature fourteen years from the seoond dau of July next sucoeeding nine months from tlllir date. f l::\ ' 1) Seotion 5. !rbat ..:; ~~'ii' the /.3a.. day of f1e,t-.t..,. the hour of 8 o'olock P.l\!. of sa' de;v, is the day and hour, and OhamDer in the CiV Hall of tho'6ity of Seal Beach is tlll plaoe, , 1921, at the Council fixed by the '\ ~ - 3 - I -~ \ Resolution Number -~ Board of 'rrustees when and where ~ and all persons having arq objeotions to the proposed wlll'k or im:provEllll8nts may appear before the Board of Trus- tess and sa cause my said proposed improvement should not be carried out in acoordance with this resolution. Section 6. That the prooeedincs for the aforssaid improvement shall be bad 8lld taken U11der 8lld in acoordance with an act of the Legislature of the State of California designated and known as the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved ,j\.prll 7, 1911, and emeJldments thereto, exoept as hereinbefore noted. -, SectiDi1 7. ''rhe SuperinteJldent of Streets shall oause to be oonspicuously J(ostetl. alone, tllt<ll~ ;of ,said oontemplo.ted work of improvement and aloD(J all the open streetli within tl1& distriot liable to be assessed, notice of the '. . t pass8!!;e of this .ordinsp.oe, ~ the mo.nner and in the form reqaired, by law. " , .. ' ;: ,;~ec~~ ~. ~he City p;erk shall certify to the pase8.be'of this resolution ,ad: slraJ.l 08l!Jl8 the s8!D8' ~o' be publ:i.shed tmoe in the Seal Basch i'ost, a weekly nevspa~er publi.sl1ld pnd oir01l.1a~ed in, the Oi ty ,01' 3eal Beach and here- by desicnated 1'01' ~v PlU'Pose by the BOll.l'd of ~rlUltees, theI'e being no daily nS\'1spaper..1ll.l.bli9hedl in'shid City. " \ , , . , ......... I ! I.~: " ~ ' I hereby certify t~t the fbregoinZ Reslll\ltion of Intention rogularly introd?and lIdopted by the Board of ~ru8tees o~ al ac at a regullir. ~-cf said Doard held on the ?" y 1921, by lie follOl7ing vote. 4e lIoes ,'P( ~ Absent ~~ ~~~ "I - .. .---. -.. . ...~"'---;''''.--'.. ...., ,,"-, ,',J 'r, ~~:.. '';:is:~'\~ -,"~.,;~;,.c:r ... Q .;~..~ .., ~~"'l~ .- "" "':\. ;. -~~~ ....~ '~~~ ... Io)'!..... oi:~ ~~ I i~ '~.I"'5,. . . !~ ~_!..-.. . ~~- _- -6r. . ." ,.}' i; ":10'"' ....~.~f].........~"".....,.. ~ ~r .to ,..;: .:,'2",t.)' ......- '" - ,-s-J-:- oJ :;:.-..: ...""t ,...- ... ...:- - . . - ,.... ....."1: Attest City Olerk. " - 4. -