HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 41 1921-11-03 II, ..' i , 1 I __~ - .1 '~ t.f Pl--' f' JlESO:LU!eIOll NO.dL A Resolution of tbe Board of Tl'I1stees of t be CUy of Seal lleaoh, deolaring their intention to ol'Cler too impro'VelDent of Thirteenth Street, from Ooem Avenue to Eleotrio Avelllle in the City of Seal Beaoh. RElK> LVED: Seotion 1. That it iB the intention of the Board of T1'WItees of the Uity of Seal Beaclh to order tbe following wlIl'k to be dane and improvements to be DBde in Baid City, to.." it : That tbe road~ of . .- THIltI:I!iI!iffJ:!1 STREET from the northeasterq .Lizre of OOIl8.D Avenue to tbe southwester~ J.im of Eleotrio AvellllB, indLud1llg all interseotiODS of streets am alle;rs, be graded and paved wUh a oement 001lC1'ete baee and asphalt OOllOre\e weariJlg surtaoe. Seotion 2.- That all the aforesaid work shall be dane to tbe offioial grade and in aooordanoe with plan and profile llllIIIbered .A.-3-50 ,on file in the offioe of the City Engimer, and in further aooOl'danoe wi th "Speoifi- oations No.4 :tor the Construotion of Pavements, Curbe, SidewaJka and /!,utters in tbe City of Seal lleaoh", on file in the office of the City Qlerk. fla1dapl.an and prOfile and specifications are hereby referred to for a more partioular desoription of BS1d wm'k md are made a plrt hereof. Seotion 3. And _reas said oClltemplated wlll'k and improvement ie, in the opinion of Baid BOard of Trustees, of more than local or ordimry publio benen t, Baid Board hereb;r I118J1:es tbe 00 Us and expenses of said work or improvemenh chargeable upon a diBtriotf'lhiah distriot said Board bereb;r deolares to be the distriot benlfited b;r sa1d work a%Id imp,povements, ami to be assessed to pay the cosh and expenses thereof; whioh distriot is bounded and desoribed as follows: All that portion of the City of Seal Beaoh included Within the followi:ng described e.zterior boundary line, to-wit: - 1 - .~ 'I" ,,-' ,,' t , Resolution N~mber < J Begiml11lg at tile IIIOlIt easterq c01'llllr of Lot: 56 Blook 13. .' Jle;t',Cit7. a sUbdiVision. as shoirn on Jlap reoorded in ]l18oellaneous ~ .' 'Bo'ok :!lo. 3. page ,19. ReoDr'd8 of ClJ:'agB County; thenae 80utl1l'le8ter~ in -'_ .a..JUfeot 11m to 'lihe most 80u'liher~ OOrJl8r of Lot la. said block; thenas westerq in a direct 11m 'lio 'lihe mo8t easterly corner of Lot 1. said bloak, tllenee southwesterly in a direa'li 11118 to 'de moat eouther1;y 001'llllr of said last man1i1Ol18d Loti thence nwthwesterbr in a direat line 'lio the moe'li westerly 001'llllr of Lo,. 10 Bloak 12 ea1d 8ullcUvision; thenae north- eaeterly in a direat line to 'lihe most northerlY aOMl8r of said last mentioned lot; 'lihenae northwes'lier.iLy in a direot 11m 'lio the IlIOS t we8ter17 oorner of Lot 11. said laet menUomd bloak; 'lihenoe northeas'lierJ;r in a direat line to tbe most nortber1;y OOrJl8r ot Lot 59. said las'li mentiomd bloak; thellOe 80utheas'lierly in a direot lim to the point of beginn1Dg,~k as shown upon Jlap No.A-13-S!approved by the Board of Truetee8 on Ue day of tlravember. 1921. lIZl4 on file in the offioe of 1iIIe C1t7 Qlerk, 'lio whioh 8aid III&p reference i8 hereby made for a DKre oaaplete and detaUed desoription of 8aid dietriot. exoeptillg fram eaid d18'liript IIZl3 portion of lID3' 8'lireet or alley whl.ah IDIiW be inoluded therein. ..... . / . f I , I '. I , . ........i ....- ...J Seotion 4. It is hereb;y deterllll.ned and notioe ie hereby given that serial bond 8 ,to l'Ilpl'lleent ~d aeeesSllllnte. am beari~ interest .at the rate of seVllZl per oent per ammm. 8hall be is8ued hereUJld8r in the ma:rmer provided by the "Im;proV8lll8n'li BoDd Act of 1915". the la8t inetaJJ.lment of which boms 8balllll&ture fourteen year8 from the 8eoom dlW of July _t S1100eeding niJIe month8 from tbeir date'1 d- Seotion 5. !l!ba~~~ . the fj~day of ~. 19a1. at tile hour of B o'oloak P.M. f said day, is the day and hour. lUld tbe Counoil Cbamber in the City Ball of the 01 W of Seal Beach 18 the plsee. fixed b7 ti8 Boll&'ll of 'l:ruetees wben all4 \Ulare IIZl3 atIil all pereona.lbaVing a2V obJeot ions to tbl propo sed work or im,provement8 ~ appear before the Board 111' Trustee8 aDl 8ho1r oau.ee wb;v eaid pl"DPoeed im,provement 8hould not be O81'1"ied out in acoordanoe wi th thi8 l'Ilsolution. I Seotion 6. 'fhat the prooeedin~ fllL" t b& atoresa1d im,provement Bball be had am taJaln uDder and in seoordance with an act of 'libe LegiBlature of tI:& state of Oa.litarnia deeigzlated an4 la1CIIIIU a8 tl& "Impl"ov8!ll8llt Act or .],911" ~PF_Cl~. April 7. 1911. and l""A","ment8 thereto. exoep'li a8 hereinbefore noted. . .~ /; Seotion 7. The Sup81'inte:D4ent of Streets shall cause to be oonspiouously __ ... , ' <. ~;P08ted alo:ag tbe line of said oon'liell!Plated work of improVEllllEII1t and along all - \~ 'li~ open 8tree1;& within the distrio'li liable to be a88e8sed. notiae lit the , \..p8.88ag& 01' thi8 ~..~s in the _er and in 'lihe form requ~ed by 181'1. '",;,/ - 2 - '. I~;, '. , ,c ,. . _,,, t- I '. . ,I r, Resolution Number , SeoUon 8. 'l!he Oi'\;V 01erk /lha11 ll8rUfy to the pa8ll&ge of lOI1i/l resol- ution aad shall Gau/le '\hB /1_ to be published twioe in tlD Seal aeaoh PO/lt. a 1IIIlekq newspaper ;publi/lhBd and circulated in thB OU;V of Seal Beach mlll hBreb;y designated for tbat purpose b;y the Board of 'l!rueteea. there be1Jlg no daily l1/IW/lpqler ;published in sald City. t 4 , I hereby oerUIy tbat the foregolJlg Resolution of Intent ion was duly and regular11 introduoed and adopted b;y the Board of 'l!ruste88 of tbe JJ~ of Seal ~ a re~ DIIIeUDg of said 11081'4 held. oh the ,-~dV cf n~ .1921. oy 1;be followi1l8 v,ote. , . I .q ~ ',' ~ ' /J ", K'~1~..~~~).~~;4ff~_ " I~",(~ /7----~ . ,..:""ft"4> "'~{.>t..~;.~ . , ,.,~~~l .. , ~~ :, . g~ ~r~' ,x :'-' <> ~ --.,,~ . ~~' "~5:."trtl.. , .~~.." ~ --v.- ~.~...~ tf~ -1 ~:; ..: ~;. ~.. .... ~~.:I , . " " ."".' -- ' r I'oe 8 Abe811'\ ( .., ' Attest ~~ CU;v Clark. - -~.-...... -- - -_._-~--- ----" ------- . - -..- I - 3 -