HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 43 1921-11-03 1_.;: ,/' 1 ,) ~. . IlESOLUTION A Resolution ~ 1;bB Bo8l'd of TrllBtees of the City of Seal Beach, deollll:'iDg 1;bBir in 1;enUan 1;0 order tbB improveman1; of Eleven 1;h S1;ree1; :fram Ooean Avenue to Eleo1;rio Aveme in 1; be Ci t;y of Seal Beach. lIESOLVED : l:lection 1. !l)ha1; U is 1;he intanUon of tbB Bcnrd of !l)rua1;ees of tba Oi ty of Seal Jleaoh to 01'4er tbe following WClt'k to be dOIlll am illlpl'ovements made in said Oity, to-.i1;: 1st, 41 !l)ba t the ro adwll\Y of EIEVENTH STREE'J! :fram tba ncrtheasterq lille of Ocean Avanue to tba soutlDvesterq lim of Electrio Avenue, includl.J!g all interseotions of streets am alleys, be -graded alii paved with a bituminous base and asphal1; oonarete weariZlg surface. 2m, Tllat a cement curb be construoted along the ncr 1;hwesterq . . a2lli BOutheasterq ourb lines of Eleventh Street at the looations shCllZn on the pillma therefore. '. Section 2. !l)bat all the aforesaid work shall be done to the-offioial grade and in aooordanoe with plen and IrofUe n1lDlbered A-3-4t!. on file in the office of tbB Cit;y Engineer, and in fUrther accordanoe with "Speoifioations No. 4 for the Construction of Pavements, Curbs, Sidewalks and gutters in tba City of Seal Beao~. on tile in the offioe of the City Clerk. Said plan and profile 8114 speoifications are hereby referred to for a more p.rUcular desoription of said work and 81'e made a part breof. . Seotion 3. .A1lll wl:8r48s said oonteJllllated work and 1mprovement is, in tbB opinion of said Board Of Truetees, of more than looal or ordinary public bemfU, said Baard hereby makes tbe oosts end upsnses of said WClt'k or improvements chargeable upon a distriot, whioh district eaid Baal'" bBreby deolares to be tba distriot benefited by said work am improvements, and to be assessed to pa;y 1;he oosts and expenses 1;hereof; whioh distriot is bolU'ded and desoribed ae tallows: All tbat portion of tba City of Seal Beach l1wluded wUhin the following desoribed uterior boundary liIlll. tQ;;ltit: - 1 - . I , I ........"..... I \ Resolution Number ,., ! Beginni:ag at the most narther1.7 oorner of Lot 21 BloOk 110, Beiv C11i~, a subdiVision, as shOWll on map reoorded in Misoellaneous Jrap' Book 11'0. 3, page 19, Reool'ds of Orange Coun1l~; thenoe southeaster1.7 in a direclt I1ne to the most easterly 001'ller of Lot 16 Bloak 111, said subdivision; thenoe soutl8esterly in a direot I1ne to the most souther~ oorner of Lot 12, Blook 11, said subdivision: thfllXle wester~ in It. direot ,11211I jo the most saster:q 001'llllr of Lot 1, laid last I118nticmed blOCk; thenoe soutbnsterly in a direct I1DS to ~ moet soutber~ Dorner of said last menUcmed lot; thenae nartlmlsterly 1n a direot I1ne to the molt wellller~ oorner of La t 10, Blook 10, said subdi v1siOJ1; thenoe northeasterly in a direot I1ne to the most northerly oorner of said last mentioned lot;, thenoe northwester:q in a d1l'eot 11M to the most wester~ Dorner of' Lot 11, said last mentioned bloak; thllDlle narth8aslerly in a direot 11118' to the point of beginning; all! ~n upon _ 11'0. 4"- 3~-I17 approVlld b;v the Board of !rI1stees on the .:....--cJ~ of 1I'oV8lllber, 1921, 8Dd on tile in the off1oe of the Ci1;;y Clark, to which said map refereDlle is hereb;v made for a more complete and dlUa1led dssoription of said distriot, exoepti:ag trom said distriot aa;v portion of ~ street or alle,v w.hich lIII\V be iDllluded thersin. ;"'1 ..... Se01l10n 4. It ill Ilereb;v determl.Ded and DlIUoe is hereby given that serial .bonds to.r.8presen~ unpai!l .sse~sments, end beariJJg interest at the ra~e of seven per oent ;per &mlIlDI, shall be iS8UEld hereuDder in the'i:riBiiiiiio proVided - b;v the "Inqlro Bond Aot of 1916", tbe last installllent of whioh bonds shall mature f een years tran the of J'u~ next succeeding niZ18 months their date. ~ BeoU , 1Ibe ~~ ..~~ 1921, at tbe hour at 8 0'010 of slid d~, ill the d~ aDl hour, SlIld 1Ibe I Counoll Cllamber in the Ci V Halllof ~ Oi 1;;y of Seal Beaoh is 11111 plaoe. fixed by the Board of h'ustees when aDl wbere ~ and all persons haviJJg ~ objeotions to thll proposed work or improV8lllems ~ appear before the Board of Tru.stees IIZId show oause _ said proposed improvellllll1t ehould not be oarried OUt in aooordance with this resolution. SeoUon 6. !I!llat the prooeedinge fDr the aforesaid improvement sllall be had and taken UIlder 8Dd iD aooordance with an aot of the legislature of till state of, Cal1fomia designated end known as tbe "ImprOVemel1t Aot of 1911" a.pproVlld .April 7, 1911, 8Dd amendments thereto, e::r.oept as hereiDbeto1'8 noted. Seotion 7. !l!he Saplrintendent of Streets shall oause 100 be CO>nspicuous~ , pos1lllalong the line of said contemplated work of :lm1u"ovemem end alq ell the qpen streets Wi~tp the distriot liable to be assessed, notioe of the passage of this _~ in the manner end in the form required b;v law. - 2 - 'I" " ,/ , ~ .:, ,I 1- -- " - " . i. Resolution Numbei I"~ Seotion 8. !l!llI!I 01t;v Olerk ahaJi.l oertify to the passage of this resol- ~" . u110n and shaU omse the same to be published twioe ln the Seal lleach POlt, aweekq newspaper publ1shed aDil circulated 121 the \iUy of Seal "', Beaoh and IJ8reb,y des1g.D&te4 fa:- tbat pUlpose b7 t~Baard of 'llJ'UI1ieU, " there be1J:Jg no dally DElllfspaper published 121 said C11oy. I Iareby cerUfy Intention was d~ ElII4' l'8i,Ular Trustees of ~1iy of Se II held on thll ~dB1 of vote. ". y- ../'. ..... . - .. that the faregolJlg RIlsoluUOJ1 of intr04uoed .md adopted by the Board of h at a reglllar melltiJlg of said Board h92l, b,y the followillg - - -- _.- .- _. .........':. . ~.."""), "'ff'i.,"rl;> ~ .a~~~, _ ----:.-.-:---..:.-2~-.. i,.o!~~_r'_ ;~i l> lj;--g ~: ~r;.,,? c:.~3 C"_~ ' "'':.;'I"1~ tt;;~? ~~.~ t:::~#!;J; .-.." " E...~f , ,-S{.rr.;i~ -' /~ f ,.,"".r... . ;...~ 1v _- 18 ,..~,.."", ....... ~ Clty 0 rk. . .: . :",:,y ..:.~......,~ . .,. - 3-