HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 57 1921-12-15
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BESOLll'!IOli 11'0. ~
A Re801u1l10n ot the Board ot Trustee8 ot the OU;V ot Seal Beach,
deolaring their intention to order the iDlPl'O'98lllllJ1t ot ClIntl'e1 Avs2lll.e,
f10em E1Bhth Street 110 'l!weltth Street, in the Oit;v of Seal Beach
880Uon 1. TI:Ia t 1tl is the intention ot the Board 0 t Trustee8 ot 1lbe
Oi t;v . ot Seal Beaoh to o1'\1er tbe .llowi!!@: \Ill rk to be done aIl4 f.D\prove-
mentis to be made 1n Bald C1V, to-wU,
!Ella t the *oa4wa;y at
from the southvasterl3 11ne ot E1ghth Street to a 11ne parallel wUh
and 3,12 teet nortbw8sterl;v f10cm the nort!\w88ter:13 11tie ot Main Streell,
lUId f100III the sOlltb:eaeterq. 11ne ot Bin St:reet to tbe 11Ol'thw.esterl;v
11be of 'renth Street, aD! from the soutnaaterq. l1Jle at !rentl1 St1'e6t
to the 11Ortbrestel":13 Une ot E1evenllh 8u-eell a1l4 f1'OIII 11m soullhfieter:13
line ot Eleventh Sb'88t to the 11Orthwesterl;v line ot 'l'W81tth St1'88t,
111ll1ud11lg aU interseoUolI8 ot . al1ey8, be graded 8JIil paved
Wi th 0. o_nt oOD01'ete pav_nt.
SeoUon 2. !l!bat all the atll1"el81d WOl'k _11 be 40118 to the ott10f.al
Sl.'a4e 8Di 1n aoolZ4aJlDe with p~ aa! protUe ZIUIJ1bere4).\-.3...s", on t11e
in the ottioe ot the OUy EDgf.!l8el', aZl4 1n turlher aooo:rdan08'.With
"Spe01t1oaUOJII lIo. 4, tor tbe oonetruotion of Pav8IIlIlnts, Curbs, 814e-
wa1ka lUId Gutters in tbe OU;V of 8eal Bsaoh"s on tile in tbe ottioe
ot the 01 t;v 01er'k. Sald plan aD! prot11e end llplloltloaUOJII are hsreb,y
reterre4 to tor a more particular desor1ptf.oD of sald woZ'k a:aa are made
a part hereot.
Seotion 3. Arl4 whereas sald o011tem..1ate4 Wlll'k azil lm;proVllll8nt 1s, 1n
the oplnion ot saW Bl&1'\1 ot Trustees, ot more llhaD 100&1 01' ori11l817
publ10 benet1 t, sa14 B0ar4 bsreb;v mall8.. tbe oosts U4 81ljpenses ot eald
wo1'k or Im;provements obar8'88b1e upon a d1llt1'lot, whloh 4hildot 'II&1d
Board hsreb;v deollll'es to be tlo 418tr10t benetited b,y BaSIl 1I1IJ'k aJJ4
1.DqlroV8ll18nts, U4 to be Bssessed to pe,v tbe oosts and a:penses thereot;
Wbioh 44s1lrlo' ~ bounded 8D4 desorlbed as tollowsl
All tlat POI'Uon of tile 01t;v ot seal Beaoh lnoluded Wi thin
the tollowlng desoribed exterlor bomda:r;v Une, t0411;1
Resolution Number
Bes1rm1z1B at tile most l1O:rther~ OllL':Der ot Lot 20, Blook 108,
B~ 01111', a subdivisl0n. as shawn on map filed In Book 3, page 19. of
JI1soellazleous lllaps, leoods ot 0Nap OOUJ1VI thenae southeaster~ In a
dlftot 11218 to tile IIOst easter~ oOr2ler ot 8ald loti tbsme loutheaster~
1n a 41raot 11218 to tbe most IIDrlhorq OOZ'2l81' ot Lot 1'1, sud bloolq tbenoe
southea8ter~ 111 a direot 11ne to 1Ile lfIOet salter~ OO1'218r of ll814 last
lII8J1tloned loti thelloe 8C111theasb:rq 111 a dlreot 11218 to thl IIIGII.t norther17
oomer of Lot 16 Blook 109, 11IlI.4 subilv1s10111 thence 8OU'heasterq ill a
dlreot 11ne to the molt easter17 OOl'!l8r ot sa14 last IIIBl1tioned lot I theme
loutbealter~ 111 a dlreo~ 11ne to the most JI01"therl1 oorner of Lot :1:5,
sald last \lJ811t10ne4 bloakl thenoe BOutheasterlU 1n a 41reot 11218 to the
most eastsrl1 001'I18r of lal4 last IIBI1t1omd loti tbeMe BOutheaster~ 1n
a 411'8Ot 11ne to the mOBt northerl7 oorner ot Lot 12 Blook 110, sa14
subcU.vh1onl t!laJlOe southealterly In a dh-eoll 11m to the molt easterly
oomer at sa14 last mElltt1one4 lot, thsn08 southe&ster~ In a d11'eot 11ne
to thl most JI01'therl1 oomer of Lot 9, sa1d last IIBnt101184 blook, theMe
eoutheaster~ 1n a direot l111e to the most sasterl1 oorner ot sald laet
IIIBnt1om4 lot; thenoe soutbeasterl1 111 a d1reot I1ne to tile most nortberly
oorner of :Lot. B, Blook Ill, sald BIlb41V1B1on; theme southe&ster13 In a
d1reot 11ne to the IllOBt saste~ 001'1181' of sa14 last IIIBntlolllld lot I thenoe
eautheasterly 1n a Ureat 11218 to tile IIllIst nlIL"ther~ Olll'nBr of Lot 6, sll!. 4
last IIIBnUQJl8d block, thenoe southeasterly In a 41reot 11ne to the mout
e&lltfr~ oo:rner of sald la.t I18ntloJl8d lot; tJIBnoe southwesterly 111 a
41reot 11118 to t!Ia 11IO.10 southerl1 comer of La t 31, Blook 11, sai4 SIlb-
IUndonl thenoe I1Ortllrester~ 111 a dlNot 11ne to tJIB mo.t westerly
001"ll8r of :Lot 32, Blook 8, uSA BUbdl vhlon, tJIBnoe l101'tlleaster~ in a
diraot 11118 to t!le point of bes1Z\111118. all a1sbolll1 on ~ered.6 '-3 -d
8pp1'llved 'bJ ,be Baud of ~1'Ustels on the ~ of _. k.... ,1921,
azd on tll1 'in the otUOI of tbe Oi t;v Clem, to v.bioh eaI. d 118P rlterllllOe
1s hereb;v lIIIIIle for a more oomplete 8!14 detailed desoription of sai4 d18trlot,
uoept1ng bom lli4 distriot 8Zr3 portion of 8Zr3 publla street or all8J whioh
'I1Iq be i:aolu4ed tb.ere1l1. .
seotlon 4. It is bereby dete1"lll111B4 azd notioe is bere'bJ given that aerial
bODla to ft:pt"es8J1t uu;pa1d assesBllllnts, 8D1 b.ari. intere8t .t t118 at8eat
BfmlD :per O8nt :per AnmDD, sJulli.l be lBBUed be:reuDl.r 111 tbe .._r provSAed
'bJ the "ImprOVBIIIIJl.t Bom Act Of 1915", tbe last instal1mem of v.hloh bOD!8
BIla1111l&ture tlJ1rteen year. f100m the S8Clond ~ of rJU.4r nex1i BI1ooeed1ng n1Z18
months frOllt their date.
~ -
I :'\\
Resolution Number
iP''l.= 5. ...q/t-,,;-,. ....1;.j>!.... . ~:v
at "311' hoar of 8 a'olook P.M. 'at BaSIl dq Is a!li how, t1l8o OalUlOll
Oll&mber 1m t!lll OU;y:&:all of t!lll 01117 of Seal Be s tbe plaoe. fixed ",
tbe Board of !f1'1lstees wh8ll. aD! wlulre 8.JI,V alll aU pel'BOnS lavillS ~ ob~eo'w1OJlS
to tbe propoll84 woZ'k 01" lmpraV8ll8211l8 IIa1' appear befare 1lb.e Board of !I:}Fstees
8I1d now Gaase _ sald prGpOll,e4 SJDp1'oV8lll821t mould not be oarrle4 out 121
aooordlUlOe wi th 1I1i8 resolutlO1l.
Seation t. That the prooee4lllgS tar the afo1'8sa14 iD\proVlllll8Dt shall be Iud
ard taken lUIder QIl.d in aoeo1'4ance witb an act of tbll Legislature ot Ilhe state
of Oa1ltemia. de81pated a!li knlll'l!l as the "IDIFov8lllll%lt 80t of 1911" appooved
A,pr1~ 7. 1911. and llmemllllD.ts thereto. ezoept ae here1nbefore noted.
SeOU01l 7. ',!l:be Sapel'inteZldent ot Streets sball 0!lI18e to be oonoplouousJ;v
posted alq the 11zle of sald oontellplate4 wo7l'k of 1IIIproV8llllmt 8I1d allDs all
the open ot7l'eets within the 41str1011 liable 110 be assesee4. no1l1ae of tbe
pe.s&age ot this ~. 121 the maJlI1er am in the form raql11J'ed bl ltPr.
.'\"\)1l. r)
5eotiD.II 8. !rile 01117 Olerk shall 08rUt; to the p&.eBf168 at 1I11s resolu1l1D.11
8Zl4 shall OBUSS tbe lIIim8 to b8 publlsl1e4 tw.l.ea in tho Seal Jeaoh Poet. a
we8kq :aswepaper publllbac1 am alroula tee!. in ths OIQ' of seal Beaoh 8114 here-
", deslS218tee!. tar tbat purpose b;y the Ba..4 of h-uIItees. ~re bems 110 4a111
DBIY8pI(l871' publlsl:le4 in sald 0111;'0
1 here", oer1l1t; that 1lhe toregoiDg ResolaUon at l1lt8ll.Uon
'IIe.II,daJ;v am regularJ;v introduced and adopted by tile Baard of T1"UIIteoe of ~
Olt,~of Sefl, Beach at a reBUlar l118e1l111S of Ila14 :Board beld on t!lll I ~
4q ~ ~ . 1921. ", the following votel
~~ ~<~~,,~~ .,' ~4
Abeent ~~
OIV Olerk