HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 33 1921-06-16
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GRADING: Use S'Gandard Seal Beaoh Speoi!'1oatioJls. ~_
SUB-GRADING: Use S'Gandard Seal Beaoh SpeoirioatiollS, ~ ""-'"
WILLITE PAVEMENT: The pavemen'& shall be that knOwn as Wnii'Ge and
shall De Willi'&e Plastic CompositioJl properly placed and oonsolidated.
The Willit e pavement shall De laid UpO.l1 a suo-grade prepared as h erein-
before descriued and shall De rour inches in thickness, unless o'Gher-
wise Bhown on plans. The p a;vemen 1; Shall oe lald ill IiWO courses;
the lower course or uase shall be two aud olle-half inches (2t") in
thicJtness, and the upper course, or wearing surface, shall De one
and one-nalf inches (It") in thiCkness a!'Ger receiving its fi'~l com-
pressioLl, unless o'Gherwise snown on plans.
WILLITE PLASTIC C auPOS ITION - BASE: The lower course, 01: oase,
Shall consist OJ: ~spnal t cemen;;;-Copper sulpha'&e, sand aud gravel
or urO.ll:en stone ill the :t ollow ing proporti ons oy weight;:
(a) Asphal'Gic Cemellt, soluble ill Caruon Bisulpnide, oetween
iour and one-haIr per cent (4,5%) aud seven and one-half per cen'G
(7.0%) ,
(b) Copper Sulphate (CommerCial~ two and sixty-six one~
hundredths per cent (;::.66%) OJ: the 'Gooal asphalt con'Wllts. The
Copper Sulphate to be used in the illanurac'GUre or the Willite Plastio
Composi~ion shall con'Gain at least ninety-eight per oent (9ti%) pure
Copper Sulphate.
(c) Sand and Gravel or Bro.ll:en Stone:
Passing tiO me eh screen lU%. to 20%.
" 50 " " aId retained on tJO mesh screen 12% to 1l0~
" 30 " " " " " bO " " 15%. to 25%.
" 10 " " 11 " " 30 II " 20% to 40%.
" 1/4 inoh " " " " 10 II " 6%. to 2U%.
II l/i. " " " II " 1/4 inoh II 4% to 10%
or wearing su r:tace , shall cons1St or aspnal'& cemeLl'&, copper sulphate,
eand filler, sand and gravel or oroken stone in the :rollOWing
proporti ons oy weight;:
(a) ASphalt Cement, soluole in Carbon Bisulphide, oetween seven
an done-half pe r cent (7,0%) an.d nine and one-haJJ: per cell'G (9,0%).
(b) Copper SUlfhate (oommerc1al) two and si~y-s1x one-
hundredths per oent ;::.66%) of the total as:phal'& oonwnts, The
Copper Sulphate to De used in the manurao'Gure or th e Willi te Plastio
Composition shall oOlltain at least ninety-eight per oent (98%) pure
Copper Sulphate,
(c) Sand Filler, Sand and Gravel or Broken Stone and other in-
organio ingredients 'Co COl1!'orm 'Co the rollowing propor'&ions by weight:
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Resolution Number
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Passing J::OO IOOsh screen 5%. 'to 8%
It tiO It It am re'tained on J::OO IOOsh screen I2%. to 20%.
It 50 " It It It It 80 It It lo%. to l::O%
It 30 It It It It It 00 It It lo%. 'to 2o%.
I It 20 It It It It It 30 It It ~%. 'to 16%
It 10 It It It " It 20 It It 15% 'to 25%
It 1/4 inch It It It It 10 It " 4% 'to 10%
1, AS~l'tum: The Aspnal'tum used Ulmer 'these specifica'tions shall
be Grade It Asphal ~ and 1IlUS't oe prepared :rrom the prOdD.cts or Cali:rornia
Crude Aaphal't ic Petr oleum and mus't De :tree rrom admix'(;uxe with any
residues oo'tained by the artificial dis'tilla'tion o:r coal, coal .ar or
paraffine 011.
(a) Pene'tra'tion - l'ts pene'tra'tion or cousis'teaoy de'termined
by the use OI a No,2 needle in a .New YorK Tes'ting Labol'a'tory 1Bene't-
romater shall De be'tWeen 40 and ob degrees, under a weight of one
hUDdred (lOO) grams applied IOF :rive (0) seconds, a't a 'temI2rature
ot seven'ty-seven (77) degrees Fahrennei't,
(b) Solubil1'ty - A't leas't niLle'ty-eigh't and oLle-halt per
oen't (9ti.5%) 01' 'the aSpbal'tum shall De soluble in cold carDon 'tetra-
chloride (COl~( and nine'ty-nine per cen't (99%) in cold carbon bi-
sulphide (CS2); on igni'tion i't shall show no't more 'than fifteen per
cen't (10%) ot fiXed carbon; no't less 'than eighty per cen't (80%) nor
more 'than nine'ty-roux per cen't (94%) shall be soluble in eighty-six
(86) degrees naph'tha.
(0) Duc'tili'ty - This tes't shall be made upon a sample
brique't'te one 'square oen'tlmeter (1 sq, om.) in ~ross-seo'tion-and a't a
'tempe:ra'tllr e Of sevent y-seven (7'1) de grees Fahre.n.nei't, The spe cimen
shall ShOW when elongated a't the rate ot :rive oen't1meters (b om.) per
minute an elongation of no't less than seven'ty-five oen't1me'ters (75 cm.).
(d) Evapora'tion - The evapOl'a'tion :rrom ri:rty (50) grams
in five (5) hours at 'three hundred and 'tWen'ty-iive (32b) degrees
Fahrenhei't in a cylindrioal dish :rive and five-'tenths cen'time'ters
(5,5icms,) two and one-eix'th inohes (2-1/6") in diameter, and three
and five-'ten'ths centime'tere (3.5 cms,) one and one-third inohes
(1_1/31t) deep, in a standard oven, Shall no't De over three per oent
(3%) .
(e) Penetration - after evapora'tion snall not De less
thaa :riIty per cen't (00%) of the original penetra'tion.
2. Sand, Gravel and Broken Stone: The Sand, Gravel and.
Broken Stone-for 'the wTIIi'te Plas'tic Composi'tion shall be hard-grained
and free :trom o11e and snaJ.l con'tain no't more than :tive per oent (5%)
oy weign.'t 0 I loam, o1a;v or o't her earthy impuri tlee.
3, Sand Filler or Stone Dust: The Sand Filler or ~tone Duet
may oe pOWdered s'toneor Portlii:ii'doewnll; as the con'tl'ao'tor eleo'ts
and sJJall be o:r such :rl,Ueness tha't all or i't will pass a fi:rty mesh
to the inch soreen am a't least eeventy per cant (70%) wll1 pass a
two hunared (200) IOOsh 'to tne lnoh eoreen,
4, Copper Sulphate: The Copper Sulphate 'to be used in the
IDanu:taoture oX I'/ll11'te Flas'tlc Composi'tlon snaIl oon'tain nine'ty-eigilt
per oent (98%) or pure Copper Sulpha'te,'
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Resolution Number
DEFINITIONS: The soreens larger than 1/4 llmoh hereiu speoi:tied shall
De held 'to l).ave round openings Slld. all soreens 1/4 inoh and smeller
shall be he ld 'to have square openings, as:
2 inoh a.ud 1/2 !noh soreens or rings shell have respeotively,
2 inoh and 1/2 inoh diame'ter rOQnd openings, and 10 mesh, 40 mesh,
80 mesh and 200 mesh, eto., soreens shall nave, respeo'!;ively, 10, 40,
80 and 200 square meshes per linear inch, tha't is, respe'ctively, 100,
1600, 6400 a..u.d 40,000 square openings per square inoh.
Stoue snaIl De nea.'ted in sui'!;aole dryers '!;o a '!;empera'ture beween
'!;nree hundred (300) and 'three hundred aLd seventy-five (370) degrees
Fahre.uheit, The ho'!; sand, 1:1am J:iller Or s'!;one dUs'!;, and gravel OJ: ,
broken stone Shall 'then ue thoroughly miXed ,!;OgB'!;her in a sui'!;a'ule
m1xer, The neoessary quan'tity oi aspnal'CUJU (previously nea'ted to
beweell '!;hree hu.ai'1red aud thr ee hundred aLIi fiJ:ty de grees Fahrenheit)
and the oopper sulpha'te shall 'then oe added am the whol e IDa.SS shall
then be m1xed not less than forty-five seoonds IOr iJase and uo'!; lesa
than sU'!;y seoo:ud.s 101' wearing surfaoe, or un'til every partiole oi
sand, sana filler or stone dust am gravel or urokeu stone J.B lhor_
oughly ooated wi'!;n a 'thin layer or asphaltio oementi. In no oase,
af'!;er refining, shall tile asphaluio oemellt oe heated above 'three
hundred aud fifty (350) degrees Fahrenheit. The ma'terial so prownced
mueu leave uhe mixer a'!; a '!;empera'!;ure of oe.weeu .'WO nundred and ,
s1%'!;y (260) a.lJd 1;hree hUllored aud twen '&y-f1ve (326) degrees Fahrenneit,
and mua't be fine-gra1ued aud oapaole of produoing a compact pavement,
LA.YING PAVEMENT MATERIALS: All mauerial.s used in tne pavemeL1l?, botih
:1:01' une lJase am .op wearing oourse, e.,,,d sJ.ng.le oour se pavemellt,
shall COld:O.rm bo 1;he percenliage b.ereillauove speoiIied Ior preparing
1;he Willl'\;e Plasuic Composiio1on. All con'oe.ct surfaoe or ,curbs,
naunoles a.u.d all oola. pavemell'L j01n1;s shall De pawlied w1uh h01;
aspne.lu ceID311,t; ueforewearing sur1'ace is laid. When preparing W1llire
base IiO receive I.(l].e top oourse of W1l1i te wearing eur:face, the sur-
faoe at '(;he base Eihall De swept of ell dusti or ro.bb1sh, and aSphalt
paint binder OI the aspball; oemen~ herein speoified under "Materials"
shall be unirormly sprinkled over 'the enl;ire surface OJ: the base,
e1.her by a epraying machine or broans, and ai'ter 1;he pain'!; binder
has been appli ed 'the street shall 0 e oarricaded un'til 1h e wearing
surfaoe is laid, To preventi radiaUon, a heavy duok tar!6ul1n Ehell
cover 'the Willite material j:'rom the .!me i'L leaves the mixing plant
until it is depos 1 'tad upon the work. The Willi'tEl Plastio CompOSl. Liou,
prepared as above speoiJ:ied, shall be brough1; 1;0 the work and sMll
nOl; be colder th!lLl '!.'WO hundred ani :Lifty (250) degrees Fahrenheit,
nor ho:t;ter 'than 'Cl1I'ee hundred and ;;wenty (320) degrees Fahrenheit,
when 1't reaohes the place of the improvemen," Where i'C will De de-
posit ed,
When the Willi'te material arrives at the job, it shall at
once be uniformly spread wi'!;h ho," shovelS and ho't rakes 'to eneb. a
depth thau, a1'ter receiving i'Cs ul'Cimate compression, each layer of
the liillil;B p avemen. will be OI a thi o.ltOe sa nOl; leas than that shown
on oross-sec't ion adop'Led :Lor the work. Rakes used 1'01' '!his purpose
shall nave strong 1;eeth and of a length sufficient 1;0 penel;rate through
l;he enti:re 1;hickness o:n. each layer OJ: 'Che pavemen't. Af'ter spreading
each layer or the pavement. i't shall De thoroughly rolled by a s'team
or gasoline roller having a weigh'!; of nOli leas than 1;WO hundred and
ten (210) pounds per linear inoh width of uire. Diagonal or crOSB-
rolling shall De done wherever possible. All rolling shall be done
in a IDa.llller -co give a urue, uhiform surfaoe 'to 'Che finished pavemeIJ:~
and UJ:lt il no rur'th er compression is snown uhder the wheels of th e
Resolution Number
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roller and tne roll1ng 6Ilall oe carried on co.ut1nually Ulltil tili
Willi lie p svemen 1; 113 so compressed, All plaoes .ala '\; are inacoess-
ible ,,0 tne roller must oe tamped with no'\; iron tampers. The result-
ing pavement must be shOwn a cloee-grained, even and smooth surtace,
true 1;0 grade aId cross-seotion and free ir om all nollows aui1 in-
e qIlali ties.
TRAFFIC: No "raffio shall oe allowed on tn e street until tne pavemell'\;
is thoroughay cooled and set. All oold joiU1;sahall De painted with
hot asph.a.ltio. o'emen 1;. - -, -- ' - ~--
(9 k'/
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