HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1963-06-06
'l"3 Seal DaBob P18.Dll1ng Commission me"; in speels.1 808s10n on
Thul"sda'1, June 6, 1963. In the ooUDell ohambe~ 111 01tJ' Halla
Present: Cba1rm8D.1 Rq Boegel>
Uem'bers g James Be274el" p Robsrt GJflswold It 141111am
1%01'1"18_ 8Jli4 EdNQId Tuhing
The rlleet1ag wtas 081164 to o~delO bJ Cha1i>JDaD Boeger at 7=30 P.li:.
~ m1rlutes 01' ths meetlag of lla\v 13" 1963 Tlwe postponed un1;11
the next 1-egula~ nme~lDg 0
IIr 0 Griswold am&0U12304 that he wauld 'be submitting his fts1gnat1oA
from the P1ann1,q CommifiUlIioBn to the Clt7 Council at theil- next
meet1Dgo Oha~D B@egG~ ~PP~88Gd ~e~e~ that the eommism1oD.
would be l@slq h1w m9JnieelilD anel e:teDded best uish8s to Ib'ao
Griswold 111 hisP nt)m p@ait1oD illS a m&be~ of the Seal Beach Clt)"
c Ou.DO 11 0
IIrIl St1Datt~d Iii1toted ~ C0t.U1@11 usa @01I1cemed wexo sfiwal
Items 1n the lW@posed Ztlmlns O~~8a A eeneraJ. diaou881oD
tollouedll i'he tollCMiag aetloD vas takeno
lire Bencl8%' mOV'ed that Peagl'aJi?, 5D Seet10A 11.000 Al-ticle 4D of
proposed ZoD1ng O!t4inanos Doo 628 be dEllete40 The motion was
seconded 'b7 l.rll ~11El1ng and passed UftaDimous17.
lIra Griswold moved tha~ Pe~aph 12 of Seotlon 400D ~tlclo 49
be del.eted from the p&Dopose4 ZODlng Ol"d1nalD.@(8 tro. 6280 Seconded
by Ilr 0 BerulQ'l and pasmGld 1.11lUUllDmusq Cl
A motIon was made bJ lhao Bend. end seGOnded bJ' IJxao (hliswold to
correct Seotion 243 D _tl@le 2, ct the ~oposed ZoDing Ord1n&noe
Iloo 628., to JDesd as follWQ8 Home oecupot1onVl 1IJOa.DS an occupation
conduoted on the P3Pem1ses within the maiD. dwelling unit b7' the
occupant of the d~11iD8 88 a second~ use 1n coanoot1oD with
which therll Is DC d18pl~ ~ ImO stock 1A '\!:i'od@ @r comr.J.od11;J 8014
upon the p.eJdsemo IiO pel'BOIli emplOJ'ed and 1.fll oonneotion. 'tilth which
no mechanical 8q1lipmellt is used ~x~ept suah mehaD.ical equipment
as is cuatomarl1J' used t_ housekeeping pt1:lPposes1 !1'bB motion
vas passed unan1la.ousl,. 0
A motion was mad~ 'bJ I:fJfD. CiDlswlc1 and so@aad bJ' 1&-0 Dond19Jl to
correct the pazok1KDg 8pac~ i'GilquixoeuelrAts in P8FOSl"aph 6., Seotion
1110s ~t16]e 118 of the Px-vpo2lled Zorming Ol'diDQnoe Noo 6286) to
coDtOlDJll vlth th,(!) subdivision mod!nanos 88 follows g
60 Dwellings!
act One tami17
b. Two tGmll1' aDd
I:ul t1ple...tami17
2 to:PP each diDe1l1ng unit
1 tOl? eaGb. dwGlUine l.U11t
The motion was passed unanimousl1.
II:r. Bondar rJoved and Ilro GristJ'old seconded tho;; Section 301 be
inserted in Article .3 of the proposed Zoning Ol"'dinance lro. 620
ns ~ollousg
Secl.. 3010 BO..tndar1es of Distriots and ZoncBo
The Jes1enatlono II looations and bo~d~1es of the districts and
zones described Cnd established 1D SectIon 300 Q~O delineatod
upon the !'laps entItled "City or Soal Bench, OflQQ.CO COUDtJ'D'
Cat11'ol'n1!1 Zoning IInpo Shaet One and Sheeli Tt.,o" D each dated
June 6, l~.3D uhleb mops and all notations and 1nf'0~t10D
thereon are hex-eby' mad6) a port of this oxac11nanoo by x-etSl'ence.
The noti aD vas passed wum1mo'ls17o
There beins no tuFther b'ls1nessD tho neoting ",as od3olJ%Gned at
8 :10 1'.:..
Recording Secret~
Or~4I-< . "- 6',,/,~.a