HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1963-09-10 . . ~. I~!IDTr.s or PL.iUnrnIG COIiIIB3I0l1 T. :!~I:TG OF OEPTI:!J3:cR 10, 1963 The Seal Deach Planning CoF1Ilisslon Det 10. recu1aX' s08s1011 on TuosdaylP Septer~eX' 10, 196), in the Council ChaMbers at City Hall. Pl'Gson~: Roy D06cer" JSl"1.e8 Dender, 11111Iam II01'rison. John Stratford and CIty Iianafter John Uillions and Councilr.1on Leonard Absent: Rudy Avila and Ddtfed ~r1n1ng Tho l.leetlng l,as cnlled to order at 7 g30 P .lio by Cha11'mt1n Bo0301'. The n.1nutes of the l!JCet1ng 01' J\ueust 12.. 196,3, UGre approvod as pres ented 0 Item 1. coodlt1onal Use remit l'ub11c lIearlng. A 1"'equest tor a conditional use pel'nit to alloti' te~ora1'7 use of tll0 trailers for medical facilities a~ Leisure tlorld until AUGust. 1964 nas nade. Tho stater:1snt vas mado that the present building 1s too snall and lareer qUt.11'tOl"S 8re planned. A mot10n was r1nde by 111' It I1oI'I'ison and secondod by 111-. Bender to grant tho condl tional use porm1 t fO'r! a p01'iod 01' one yoar. Unan1r1ously passed by those members prosent. Item 2. Discussion of proceduI'oso Discussion held recording applicatIons at varIances and conditional uso pe1'r.11Gs according to the neu O1'dinanco. Presont 0-1 Qod 0-2 zones 1101'e studied. The B~11dlng Dopartnent officials l'e~estod clarification of set-back l'og~lQtlons. I;r. Dander movod that Septer.1bel' 231"d be set as a date foX" a pUblic heal'in.c to consider the chango of zone from "0_1" to "C-2" on the proporty abuttlnc tho south side or Coast II1ghuay. At the sane t1r.w an amonc1:"lOnt to Soction 1021, P01'l1ittod Intrusions in noq~irod Yards in District I (Const DIDtr1ct) bo considoI'ed. Hr. :!orrison soconded the rJ.otion and it passed unanimously by the members presont. 14' . Bel1deI' uas excused at 9 L) .H. A conoral discussion folJ~led on interpretation of various soctions of tho nou zoning o'1"uinance. ~he~o being no furthor business, tho ~otine was adjourned to Scp'Col,mOl' 23. 196), at 9:45 t .A~. ~-~ It- ~ _ J L.lO S ~no d Rocord1ng JOCl'ot~ ~ fIu).J-