HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1963-11-18
I:mtJTES OF PLANl~niQ COIllII3SIO~1 ~mmTnlG OF 110VEl3ER lap 1963
The Seal Beach Planning COLnlss1on mat 1n regular ad30urned sossion on
lIonda1'D lTovombol' 18, 1963, In the Audltorlum at Cl1;J llall.
Presont: Ra1' Boeeer~ nu~ Avila, 1ill11am 1101'%'180n and Ed Ttl1ning
Absent: J:1n Bender
The meet1n311l1s called to orde1' at 7:20 l' .II. by Cha1rma.n Doeger.
OontlnustlCe of ?ub11c lIearlng ... RossJDOOl' Co:r.-P. request for
Conditional Use PelUlt
lIr. Jerome 8mit, 13930 O1nlrch Pl., stated his objeotions to arant1n8
of the pettdt, 1.e. reflootion, m1ce, d~~r of tire from butane tnnka.
Lettor of objection from n. L. IIcI{oe, 13741 Annondale n.t-.. 118S read
by the secl'ets1'1o
1&1'0 Bandel' G1'l'1ved at 7125 P.I1.
Item I.
lIro Spielbel'B81', 13741 Thtmdel'bl1'd, President ot the Lelsul'c tTol'ld
Trailer Club, statod he checJced sovera1 t1r.1es GBch week for trash and
rubbish to prevent attractiDg zaodents.
Lettors ot opposition were read b7 the secret017 from the following:
I~ J. Sladeo Ilrs. L. Oram, and Ah-S. GeX'trude O. Gilbert. General
dlscusslon followed.
Izx.. Donder mewed that the request by the nossmoor Oorporatlon. tor a
conditional use permit be denied end a nlnetw (90) dSJ period be
established f~ all. 1llega11J' parked boats, trailers and travel housee
to be removed. 11r. I~rison seconded tho aotion and it passed tman1mousl7o
Sovoral persons thanked the COl.u1ssion fol' thoir consideration and
fall' tl'oatnent. Ill's. LBlU11ng presented a COW ot a lettOl- that had
been seot to the Golden Baln Fo~mdQtion on .August 2, 1963" calling
attention to trailers parked at the shopp1ng center.
Ilx-. Avlla was excused at 8:10 p .ti. and a ten-minute recess ''las oalled.
The meeting reconvened at 8:20 ?U.
Item II. Contlnuanoe of Public lIearing ... F. J. Zoolle request fo~
V &1' lanoe.
A eenel'al discussion was held. Hr. loe1le clarif1ed SOmB points fO%'
cOlll111ss1on f.1embel'B. S1deJard setback was discussed. 1l1'. Uow1s01'1
made a motion to srant the val'tlance to 11%t. Zoelle with tho excopt1on.
that the five toot (5') slde,.ard set-back requu-emant be ma1ntainede
14-. 'l'tr1nlng seconded the motion and lt passed unanblousl\r bJ' thos e
members present.
Item III. DiscusslQn at garare spaoe l'equlrewents.
IIr. Kniehton pointed out to the Cor1r'l1ss1on that it was ph:3'slcaU,.
impossible to build a tvo...CSl" gSl'age l'eq'.1h-od tor a singlecof8r.11l7
J.-eaidenoe on some ot the clt'1's smaU lots.
The CotUission set the next regular mooting far a pUblic hearing
to consider amend1ng Ordinance trot! 628, Seotion 11131> Item (1)8
SuboItem (b) to allow parking spaoes of not loss than nlne (9)
feot tl1de by tuontJ (20) teet lo~ on lots uhere it 10 irlpossiblo
to construct parkiM spaces ten (10) teot by tuentJ (20) foet
(lee. 2S toot lots).
IV. Goneral discusslon of Zoning Ordinance and its application.
Thero bolne no further business&) the meotll'16 was adjouX'n~d at 9:00 PoI~o
Rocol'dine 3ecl'etnrr