HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1964-01-13
ilnro~'ID OF !?LlmUE1G CO.j,~l~.k>IOl; LEElTI:ra Oli' JlUfJ1i.RY 13, 1964
Tho 3ea1 3000h Plannlng COL:n1ssion mot in rogular session on 1.ionc1ay"
JUl"'ttO-"Y 13, 1964 in the douncil Ohambers at City Hollo
(>l">e;Se'lt: Ray Boeger, Rud.lf Avila". Jin Dends%3" v11111lt.'".l ilorr1son,
Ed Ttrinlns and Coancilman A1 Leon~d
Absent: l.Tone
The l.1ootIac; THlS called co order at 7:40 P .a. b,. Chairr.le.n Boegor.
The l."\inutcs of tho llGotlncs hold on DocO!.lbe:r 9, 1963, Daoonber 16,
1963 and Uecermsr 30" 1963 \lera approved as presented.
:::'11 Ii. dlsc'lssion 'Una hol(J to tontotl vol,. e::sto.bl1.sh n l1inil"um. lot
Gron pOJ'l dusl11l16 unit to bo pl'ocented at pt.1.blic hearine. :JIl.
TuIning 11ovec1 that a pnbl\c hearing be cal10d ror I"ebr-l.lll'lY 10" 1961~
1;0 (;ol1sidor an ~ulSncJl"lent to Ordinance ITo. 620. Section 1003 and the
"Zoning Schodule" as follous: Tho Liinir.1Ulll Lot /trea per ....\lelllng
Unil:i in square .fec~ as ShOt-Tn on tho Zoning Schedule be changod to
900~ lor tho RM3 Zone in D1st~lct to Ito~ (2) of SGction 100)
be Jl~lCndeJ 'Co ret-.1cJ as follo11s: Exceptions. Lots 1n the n..) ZonE)
of Distirict I u1th i~he dJu13ns10ns of 25' x 100' Nay hove a r.ll1X1mum.
of -ebl'oe (3) un5.ts lots ul'iih the d:1.mens1ons of 50' x 100' may have
0. _la."d.l'll\\.J. ot aix (t) _'nits" lots uith the di.1:1onsions of 75t x 100'
!laY have a 11IlXinr.U11 of nlno (9) units, and lots 11lth the d111ensions
of 100. x 100' -::JD.y have a l~lWdl.1um of tuolve (12) units. 113:>>... Ivilo
tit ~econded tho Botion and it passed unani~ously.
IT. A <1.1aeuss1on to cl:J.r1!'y pOlicy and proeed'lre in rogord to Use
7c.J."1:. .1.oes lla~ held. Hr.. Bonder !loved that tho Plannins COUlJ1ssion
l.lc1op"C t.ho folloulag Resolution of Policy uith I.r..t'. lIorl'ison second...
.J ~. g tho notion.
":.l~..:, 'l~n.l'line: Cornrliaslon of the City of Seal Beach does hereby
ent.:.bllsll tho rollcu1ng policy reco.rd1nc the procedure for nctil"'-3
lJ_ 0:1 ~'eqttost:;s for Use Variances:
1, !TcrLico of nn,. pubJ.lc hocring to consider a Une V~1a.acG ahnll
be elven by at least ono publioation in a neuspapor of general
cil'c'..:~lD.tion in the City of Seal Deach not loss than con (10)
days before the dote of suid public hearing und by mailln8 n
ilri tten notice to the ounors of' property u1thln a radius or
chl"ee hundred (300) feet of tho exterior bounc1sI'Y 01' tho
property to be char~ed.
2~ ~~~cnovcr a Use Variance application has received D. tavor~ble
o.ctlca by ~le Planning CotT1isoion, soid Use Variance ohall
includo a condition stating that the Use Variance will not
take orreet untIl the CIty Council has also gono on record
in :f::J.vor of tho gruntIng of tho Use Vnrinnceo"
ene mo~loA passod unanituouslyo
III. l..:r. .t3ob ~T eal, 1J11 Ocaan, ini'or-.lO.lly requosted infOl'I:Ultion
rGga:r-ding s1deyard setbacks. !Ie tlas advised ot l'equire.l.1onts
neccssl1.;r"tJ to approve setback varlnnces and the pl"oced1.U'e tOl'
fl11ng an application.
Thore beine; no further buslnossfI the neatinB 't-lns adjo'lrned at
'):2.5 l?tI.
llecording ~ocrot~
~ ~.oNy