HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1964-03-23 UnTLJTES OF PLJUUTnrG COUIISSIOU Im:wrnrG OF lJARCH 23, 1964 The Seal Deach Planning COD1!'1ission mot in regulnr adjourned seBson on Iiondny, lIareh 23. 1964 in the Council Chember at City Hall. · Pl>esent: Ray Doeger, 111111nm llo1'l'1son, Edu81'd Tw'1n1ng and 3ocnoetory John Stratfo.rc" Absent: i1udy Avila and Jira. Bender The 1.1Oetin3 uae callod to or~'er at 7:10 P .II. by Cha11'man Doeaor. I" .Public nearing (Continuod) - David J. Stan3aland, Use Vl11'lance and other exceptions The pUblic henz-ing was continued to consider the request of li1'. Stane;elond. The request 'uas l'1ead aBs1n by the Socrotary for the bonefit ot all those precento lIr. IIarquis, l'epresentQtive ot lIr. Stangeland, presentod a re- vised P01'kir13 plnn ltlhich tho cor:m1ssion met1bors felt to be more satisfactory in arrangol.!ent, safety, and traffic flotl. This revised parking arraoee- nent made tho request tor a variance froe alley barricade and access require- ments unnecessary and this request was deleted. Tho point was brought up that the tuo parcelS ot land should have deed 1"ostrictions to prevent the sale ot either parcel (restaurant or pQ1"klng lot) Independently ot the other. No additional protasts were made In person o~ by letter. The pUblic hearing was closed. IJxtG ~1inlne moved and U't'. lio1-rison seconded tho motion that the use vllriance be g~anted sub30ct to conflrmation by the City Councll, and the variancos trom parking requirements. o1"f'ostroet loading requirements and lot 1.lepth .rGqU1rGl~nts be granted on the condition that proper deed restrictions be made to prevent sale ot ei theI- parcel 1ndipendently ot the other. :Liotlon passed unan1laously by thoso members prosento A petition of protost b;y property ~lnel'S tfOS prosented by Hr. Shufelt. The chairman advised that the hearing had been closed. ~e petition was read b7 all meDber8 present and the Secratar;y uaa 1nstructed to t oNard it to the City Counc11 for their inrormat~on. II., Sidoyarod Setback.. Zone Rol, D1st:r:alct II The Commisolon was prosented uith copies oE Q SumIi1QXDy on side7Qrd setback rsquiFements in neighboring c1 ties \I The rogular moeting to be held on April 13, 1964 uas set as the dato ot Q public hearing to consider an &.~ndment to Section 1817 and the ZoninB Schedule of Ordinance No. 628 in regard to slde7ard setbacks in Zone R-l, District II. IIIo Alam1tos Borrior Project A letter from Los ^ngeles Co'mty Flood Control tlns pl'esentod x-equesting approval ot the location and oxtent ot right of WQ7 on the portion loentod in the City of Seal Beach tor the construction of the Alamitos Barrier Project, Unit !lo. 1. The members present unan1mousl'1 expressed approval as I"equested. Thel'o being no further business, the I'leetlng tlas adjourned at 7:40 ?Ii. ~~~-L ~. -ro~ JUtnold - Raco~d1ng Secretary