HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1964-05-11 . . ltll1UTES OF PLA!@!IND CVlil1ISSIO!1 I1EETDfG OF1 nAY 111' 1964 Tl~ 3sal Beaoh P18~~i~ Commi&aion mat in regul~ session on Monday, Hay 11, 196h., in tho COUl.\cl:t Cha;nber e.t C1t,' Rallo . Pztessa'ia Ra;y Boege%'. Rudy At 11a, William 1101''r1son. Edwl\19d 'ruining, end Secratn~ John Stratrord Ab::lC:lt: l~one The meeting uas oalled to order at 7:3S p.U. by Cha1:A~ Boegero The mlrmtes at the llleet1ng held on April 13. 1964 were approved as presented.. Publio Hearing - Graham Executive Buildings" Inc." Varinnce fol' building height &; P8%'k1ng requirements. (Contf(l) Clifford C. Graham, President ot Graham Executive I3uUdlnl38g !nCtt, l'oquests val-lances on a parcel described as Lots l).t. and 16, Block 9 Bay Cit7 Tract for" (a) a portion of the bulldlns (penthouse) to exceed the thirt;r-tlve (35) toot building height limitation 'by' four (4) feet, and (b) total on-site parklng spaces to be five (5) because ot thaiX* inclusion 1n the downtown parking distl-let. with neal'by oft-site parking provlded. I. . :No wrItten or oral protosts W6l'1e received and since the pU1"pose ot the nel>1 DoTtmto\<m Parking District is the provision or parking t~ all businaoS9S in the 100 Block ot l!a1n Street, and smcG the proposed buildIng should be an asset to the City, I:IJ:a. li,lning moved that the "equest be granted. IIr", Avila seconded the motion. aDi it passed unanimouslYe II. Public Hearing .... Rus8ell tit) IIangum, Jr.. Setback Va1'lance nl1Gsoll U \I Ilan811m. Jr. ~e~ests vaza1ancGs on a pax-eel descl"'1bod ns Lot )68, Tract 2590 toz- (a) a five .foot side,-al'd setback instoad of six root" and (b) a ten :toot fronty8l'd setback instead of eighteen foot to all~1 a front attaChed side-entry gsPage. no ooJoctions were made b,J persons 01' letters. Since many othev p~ope%'t7 ot1ners 1n the QPsa enjoy s1Ddlar privileges, !-Iro lIor%'1son movod to grant tha request. lho" Avila seconded the motion and it was passed by Q unanimous votee IIId ~ne Secretarr suggested that a study be laBde to conn1de~ atiland1ng the ol'd1nance to porm1t f%'ont attached side....antl'j Gal'Se;e 0 Tha Comm1ss1on ~equested that a public hearing be schedl.:W.ed tor the next regular maetingo Dl e J.~b11c HeS1'ing lID IIen1'7 A. :Cr1cksen~ V orianae f~om max1mum Wlits allowed and sldeyard setbacko Han:-y A. Ex-lcksen l"8quests vaza1anoes on a parcel descr-oibed as Lot 21 unti Souther17 t at Lot 29, Block 5, Bay C1t7 Tract to peram1t (a) a six u.ait building sines the lot is '9!.~ equcu'ts teet OtJ appzaox1mately 2~ cho.vt ot the requlx-ed area, and (b) e d1~tat111ed. built UD area in the sideylU?d. ro':t.' st&1x.s and landi.ngs.. - . \- ,. A discussion was held regarding the building height, garages, and type of facing on raised walkwq8. No objections wex-e J.usde Oil _ received by mail. Approval was voiced by 1ramediate neighbors. IJ,tt. _~orrlson made a motion that the request be granted and it lias econded by IT:r.- _ Twining. l-lot1on vss passed unanimously 0 V. Discussion was continued l'ega1'dlng the proposed amendment of Article 18, Ordinance No. 620 to eliminate tront yard setbacks along Seal tle.,_ A legal public hearlne had been held at the Co:ulss10n's re['JJ.ls:&- meeting of April 1.3. 1963. A letter trom IIl"s. Bessinger rocoived after the hearing was closed was received and filed. Atter additional discussion regarding control ot encroac~nts into the public rlBht~ot- way, lIr. Iiorrlson LlOved that the Co:-Jt11ss1on reoQI;mBnd the tolloulns nr.lendment to Attticle 18, Ordinance rIo. 628 to the City Council. Ilr. Ttlining seconded tho notion. (Addition to Axatic1e 18) Section 1810.1 Front Y~d Requirementso Seal 1iay (Beach Fronta~et (1) Iro tront yard shall be required tor a use on &nJ' lot or parcel fl'on.ting upon that portion 01' the city l'iBht...of'cway knwn as Seal 1la1 located trom Tenth Street southeaster17 to Electric Avenue. (2) Uo int1'Usions ot any kind shall project into the cit,- rie;ht-ot-,V'a7 known as Seal ria." alone; that portion ot Seal 1'1a7 looated trom Tenth Street southeasterly to ~ectric ~enue, regardless at zone or use. The Zoning Schedule shall be 81r18nded by affixing a s)"lUbol to the sub.. he adlng Fx-ont under the heading for I.Iin1mum Yard Dimensions tor YGl'd. .Abutting Street or I1igmltlJ' to refer to the above added section to Article 18 (Section 1810.1). The motion W88 passed unanL"'=lOusly. VI. A letter was received and tiled from the Township of Jefferson, New JGrsq, l'equ8stlng information l'eg8%'dlng senior c1t1zen villages. The City IIenag81' will contact them and t'urrdsh the 1ntanlatlon. VII. 171'. Louts Avrltt made an Informal l'equest 1'01' a conditional use permit to allow conatl'Uction of a plU'king lot. He was advised of the proper p~ooedure to make application. VIII. A discussion was held to cons1du changing the regu.larl;r Scheduled meeting night to avold conflict with otheJt organizations or groups. It was decided to change the regular month17 meeting to the second Wedn8sdq of each month beginning 111 June _ 1961J.. There being no f'ultther business. the meeting was adjourned at 9:2~ Pel-i. until I'Ia7 2S. 1964 at 7:30 teU. ~..~ o s lI'nol - T Recordine Secreta~ . ~ r;~y:/