HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1965-07-07
The Seal Beach Plann1ng Comm1ss10n met in regular seSS10n on Wednesday, July 7,
1965, 1n the Counc11 Chamber at C1ty Hall.
Ray Boeger, Tom Crowley, Sutter Kunkel, Henry Steddom, Ed Twin1ng
The meet1ng was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Boeger.
The m1nutes of the meet1ng held on June 16, 1965 were approved as presented.
I. Pub11c Hear1ng - Harvey E. Webb, Jr., Rear Yard Setback and Max1mum Lot
Coverage Var1ance (App11cat1on No. V-10-65)
Var1ance appl1cat1on from Harvey E. Webb, Jr., 701 Taper Dr., Seal Beach, request1ng
a reduet10n of 4 feet 1n the rear yard setback and to increase the maX1mum lot
coverage to 45.7% on the property descr1bed as Lot 41, Tract 2590. No wr1tten
or oral protests were lodged. The request was subm1tted on Applicat10n No. V-IO-65.
A lengthy d1scuss10n was held regard1ng the qual1ficat10ns under the state plann1ng
act. The purpose of th1s request was to allow an add1t10n to the present structure
for more 11ving area. No exceptional cond1t10ns or extraordinary C1rcumstances
were found that d1d not apply to the general area and no property r1ghts were found
to be den1ed to th1s owner that ne1ghbor1ng property had.
Mr. Steddom moved to deny the appl1cat10n because the applicant does not show
suff1c1ent reasons requ1red to qualify. Dr. Kunkel seconded the mot1on. Resolut1on
No. 35.
Kunkel, Steddom, TW1n1ng
Crowley, Boeger
II. Other Bus1ness
Mr. John McGee, 1310 Crystal Cove, made an informal request for plan review to
establ1sh a beauty shop 1n a port10n of the bU1ld1ng at 800 Pac1fic Coast Highway.
He was adv1sed to furn1sh complete 1nformat10n on park1ng arrangements.
Mr. RAlph K1ser, Beach C1t1es Appl1ance Serv1ce Co., 1008 Ocean Ave., presented
a plot plan for reV1ew to estab11sh an app11ance serV1ce bus1ness at 603 Mar1na Dr.
Th1s would be a reta11 operat10n and does meet the requ1rements in the C-l Zone.
Ample park1ng area is available.
Mr. Crowley moved to approve the plan reV1ew (PR-7-65) cond1t10nal on meet1ng all
parking requ1rements (surfac1ng) and that 1S be ma1ntained as a reta11 establ1shment.
Mr. TW1n1ng seconded the motion and 1t passed unan1mously. Resolution No. 36.
The members were reminded of the C1t1zens' Comm1ttee meet1ng for the Master Plan.
No further bus1ness, the meeting was adJourned at 9:25 P.M.
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Record1ng Secretary