HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1965-06-02 ~ I .. . . e e MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 2, 1965 The Seal Beach Plann1ng Comm1ss10n met 1n regular adjourned seSS10n on Wednesday, June 2, 1965, 1n the council chamber at City naIl. Present. Absent. Ray Boeger, Tom Crowley, Henry Steddom and Ed TW1n1ng Sutter Kunkel The meet1ng was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Boeger. I. Pub11c Hear1ng - Brady Shute, Lot Area & S1deyard Setback Var1ance (V-7-65) Var1ance app11cat~on from Mr. & Mrs. Brady L. Shute, 1000 Ocean Ave., Seal Beach, request~ng e1ght apartment un1ts on a lot 62.5' x 110' and a 3' and 4' s1deyard setback 1n the garage area at the rear of the lot.' Legal descr1pt10n: Lots 3, 4 & Wly ~ of 5, Block 10, Bay C1ty Tract. General d~scuss10n followed. Mrs. Boyd of 1101 Ocean protested that other property owners d1d not have the same pr~v1lege. Other comments requested informat10n only. Mr. Crowley moved that the var1ance be granted as presented. the mot10n and 1t passed unan1mously by the members present. Mr. Steddom seconded Resolut10n No. 31. II. Pub11c Hear1ng - Humble 011 & Ref1n1ng Company and Texaco, Inc. - Use Var1ance Standard 011 Co. of Ca11f. as the author1zed agent for Humble 011 & Ref1n~ng Co. and Texaco, Inc. requested a Use Variance (Appl~cation UV-1-65) to construct and operate an 011 & gas hand11ng, treat1ng and sh1pp1ng fac~11ty on a one acre parcel adJacent to the SW edge of the eX1sting Humble fac1l~ty. Mr. Stelzner, representat1ve of Standard 011 Co., expla1ned that th1s would be a separation p01nt with 011, gas & water sh1pped from th1s 10cat10n by p1pe. The area would be fenced and landscaped. Dr. Forney protested further 1ndustr1al development 1n the area. Mr. Steddom moved that the plann1ng Comm~ss10n approve the Use Var1ance with the cond1t10n that the n01se and odor factors be controlled and subJect to the approval of the C1ty Counc11. Mr. TW1ning seconded the mot10n. Resolut10n No. 32. AYES. NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT. Crowley, Steddom, TW1n1ng None Boeger Kunkel III. Public Hear1ng - Ed1th R. Desadeleer, Park1ng Variance (V-8-65) Ed1th R. DeSadeleer, 519 Ocean Ave., Seal Beach, requests approval to make an add1t10n to an eX1st1ng build1ng located on Lot 19, Block 8, Bay C~ty Tract, (119 Ma1n St.) W1th less than requ1red number of park1ng spaces. Owner is a partic1pant 1n the offstreet park1ng d1str1ct lot located d1rectly across the street from th1s bU1ld1ng. No protests made, one written commun1cat10n approv1ng the request. Mr. TW1n1ug moved to approve the Variance based on the three park1ng spaces on the owner's lot and space in the lot across the street. Mr. Crowley seconded the motion and 1t passed unan1mously by the members present. Resolut10n No. 33 , . I . , . . . IV. Other BUS1ness The secretary rem1nded the Comm1ssioners of the J01nt meet1ng w1th the C1ty Counc1l and Plann1ng Consultants on June 3rd at 6.00 P.M. . The Comm1ss10n was advised that the C1ly Counc1l had d1sapproved the rev1sed Tentat1ve Tract Map for Tract 5723 and returned to the. developer. The subject of scheduling two regular monthly meet1ngs was d1scussed. The Commission agreed to schedule meetings on the f1rst and th1rd Wednesdays of each month. Th1s w111 e11m1nate the necessity of call1ng extra meet1ngs to prevent unusually long delays 1n act1ng upon appl1cat10ns f1led. There be1ng no further bus1ness,.the meet1ng was adjourned at 9.00 P.M. ~~ (:a."".'L~ ~ L01S Arnold, Record1ng Secretary . .