HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1966-05-04
The Seal Beach Plann1ng Comm1ss10n met in regular session on Wednesday, May 4,
1966, in the Counc11 Chamber at C1ty Hall.
Boeger, Crowley, Jones, Murphy
Meet1ng was called to order by Chairman Boeger at 7:40 P.M.
Mrs. Lanning was excused because of illness.
New members were 1ntroduced.
M1nutes of the meet1ng of April 20, 1966 were approved as presented.
I. Plan Review - Seal Beach Center - PR-4-66 - Landscaping
Mr. Jerry Moss, developer of the Seal Beach Center, gave a br1ef descript10n of
the landscap1ng throughout the parking area. General discuss10n followed.
Mr. Crowley moved to approve the landscaping as presented. Seconded by Mr.
Murphy and passed unanimously by the members present. Resolution No. 60.
II. Plan Review Continuation - Wooden Shoe Restaurant - PR-3-66 - S1gn
Mr. Boeger again stated the Commission's concept of signs in the Shopp1ng Center.
Mr. Jerry Moss, developer of the Seal Beach Center, presented a photograph of a
s1m1lar sign for the same restaurant chain in another shopp1ng center and adv1sed
that a sign can be artist1c, blend w1th the architecture and complement the bU11ding
rather than appear as Just a free stand1ng s1gn. Mrs. R1ta Herron, 1305 Seal
Way, asked for overall d1mensions and exact location planned for the s1gn. Mr.
Glenn Jones, 632 Sea_Breeze, stated that this sign seemed to be in confl1ct w1th
the orig1nal concept of the shopp1ng center signs. D1scuss1on followed regard1ng
s1gns 1n general for the center, re1at10nship to the Seal Beach city sign at
Bolsa and Pacific Coast H1ghway, and whether the location of the restaurant should
have separate cons1deration from the 1nter10r s1gns.
Mr. Crowley moved to approve Wooden Shoe sign on the bas1s of its highway frontage
w1th the condition that no d1rect10nal arrows be 1ncluded. Mr. Jones seconded the
mot10n and 1t was passed unan1mous1y by the members present. Resolution No. 61.
III. First Public Hear1ng - Proposed Comprehens1ve General Plan.
Mr. Boeger adv1sed that this was the first hear1ng after many hours spent by the
citizen's comm1ttee, the comm1SS10n, ci~y off1cials, as well as the consultants
towards adopting a General Plan by the City. He then requested Mr. ~ordon Hall
of Des1gn Assoc1ates to take charge of the hear1ng.
Mr. Hall explained the purpose of th1s type of plann1ng, control by state authorit1es
and the legal regu1rements pr10r to adopt10n. He gave a br1ef synopsis of the
proposed plan based on the proJected populat10n growth of the C1ty in the next 20
years. This included the dens1ty projection by areas, traffic flow, commerc1al
areas and cap1ta1izat10n of the maJor asset of the City - the beachfront. He
further stated that a plan 1S only a general concept for future development and
not an immediate realizat10n. The Zon1ng Ord1nance follow1ng the plan becomes
more preC1se by uS1ng the plan as a gU1de.
In add1tion, Mr. Hall ment10ned that the1r concept of the c1vic center should be
reassessed. Th1s should be a symbol of the city and it had developed that the
consultant's recommendation could be very costly. He suggested the alternat1ve of
further development at the present locat1on and citizens ~n attendance overwhelm1ngly
expressed the desire to ma1ntain the current city hall location wh1ch is close
to the business center of the city.
A general discuss10n followed regarding future, use or development of the Pac1f1c
Electric right of way; parks, park1ng and resident1al use. DeS1re for park, but
price of land and comp11cations of ownership would be very prohib1t1ve. Mr. Hall
mentioned that more emphas1s should be placed on attractive entrances to the city
and park areas of more usefulness for all c1tizens. The quest10n was brought up
about what can be done in the next 1 to 3 years rather than in 20 years. Mr. Hall
explained again that a general plan is of long range. Unt11 a general concept or
direction has been established, no 1mmed1ate spec1fic plans can be developed. As
soon as a 20 year (+ or -) plan is adopted, proper and accelerated programs can
Mr. Hall exp1a1ned 1n answer to a question from the floor the extent of Design
Associates contract: A general plan for the entire city and rev1sed zoning
ordinance to conform with it. Specific stud1es for the bus1ness d1str1ct and
waterfront were not included. These could be undertaken, if desired, following
the adoption of a general plan.
Queries about proposed Jetty land fill for high rise use were made as to the length
and cost. Mr. Hall advised that 1t was only a suggestion of approximately 2500
feet and that this was not necessarily a civic expense but could be done by
private developers as a spectacular spot of the C1ty. It need not be a sol1d
block, but should be a high quality area of beautiful bU1ldings and landscaping
that would add to the C1ty'S image and V1ew rather than detract from it. It was
added that Long Beach is now planning a breakwater development.
Mr. Hall requested comments on interest in an Urban Renewal Program w1th the
understanding that greater strides can be made 1n accomp11shing the obJectives of
the general plan. All persons present disapproved of th1s method.
No further comments or quest1ons, the hearing was closed.
All persons were advised that the second public hear1ng by tpe Planning Commission
would be held on Wednesday, June I.
No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. until Wednesday,
May II, 1966, at 7:30 P.M.
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Lo~s Arnold, Record1ng Secretary